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Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I definitely don't own 40 provinces, but I too own 3 capitols.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
When touring the capital, why not visit the capitol? Capital and capitol are terms that are often confused, mainly because they refer to things that are in some ways related. The term for a town or city that serves as a seat of government is spelled capital. The term for the building in which a legislative assembly meets is spelled capitol.
In Dominions, I think the proper use is capitals. The walled town that you must capture that contains the capitol. Who says you cannot learn stuff on a gaming forum? |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
You can also spot who is native speaker :) I guess that goes for one of the most common mistakes [like loosing instead of losing].
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Kailasa owns zero capitals :(
We owned 3 once, but they are now owned all by lanka. The rule over the Kailasan empire has shattered, and set to local governors. Good game btw. sometimes i wonder if baalz would have been able to defeat the lankan horde. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
It looks like LA MArignon really needs a sub. Staling 2nd turn now? And in a war against X, where he can take huge advantage of that... not really a fair position, especially with X as game admin [not accusing anything, but I'd rather see game postponed by 24h to find a sub then see big nation like that going down because of that, or set to AI either].
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
The game will not be postponed. I received a pm from admiralzhao shortly after he staled, thanking me for giving him a list of potential subs, all of whom have hostile feelings towards me.
Admiralzhao is only gone 1 week, and he has not lost anything of value. Admiralzhao i have to assume could have sent in a turn as well as sending me a pm. If he stales again i will see if hadrian or someone else can temp sub for him until he returns. But he has not lost anything of value to date. It does look as if he has staled 2 turns consecutively. I will see if Hadrian can do some kind of turn for him. He is Bandar Log's ally, so Atul can name a sub if he desires. Atul and Utgard actually have 1st choice of naming a temp sub. Since admiralzhao said he was only gone for a week, and he has not lost any forts, or anything of value, i do not think he requires a perm sub. My main attack was launched on admiralzhao BEFORE his announcement that he was leaving town for a week. That came after I launched my assault. So I am certainly not delaying it out of chivalry. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Ea Mictlan owns 2 capitals and in 20 turns time will probably still own 2 capitals. However, alot of blood will have been shed defending those 2 capitals in the meantime! Which is good, because Ea Mictlan just can't get enough blood flowing...
As to wether Baalz would have defeated Lanka, I think you will know eventually, depending on wether or not he defeats me! If he does defeat me, than he might just possibly have defeated Lanka too, but Lanka is an entire order of magnitude more powerful than Ea Mictlan. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Oh oh, wierd **** going on!
Anyone noticed anything unusal with there turns? I have just had a quick look and for some reason one of my hidden dudes gained 1W gem, totally inexplicable, why?!? Perhaps more serious is I got a completely free Onaqui, it appeared like a national hero would but I really don't think it is a national hero. Has not got a unique description or anything. There may be more going on, that I have not picked up on yet. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Huh, I know that situations. But afaik only 3 times they may appear are: - reroll causing messed up .2h files [not possible] - cheating [someone would have to make commanders ids go wrong] - commander limit [but that is 9000, so rather not possible] I think llamabeast should inspect that. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
That is not a llamabeast issue. Bugs should be sent to Edi or someone from illwinter.
Lllamabeast actually told me: "The onaqui probably is a national hero. Some heroes are just standard units/summons. As for the water gem - odd, but not too serious. If more stuff turns up let me know. Not that there's anything I can do, but hey, it's nice to have someone to tell!" |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
He can check if there is something serious. Nothing odd at my turn though, checked all new commanders to be sure.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
The water gem is just plain freaky but of no importance at all. I will wait and see if anything else happens before I touble Edi. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
If getting a free water gem bothers you, send it to ma man.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I am still looking for capital counts from some nations. If I have to get them from llamabeast, much more than the number of capitals you own is going to be posted.
There will be detailed information on what capitals you own, and what province they are located for starters. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
High Circle of Lanka rules over six capitals.
__ Good game Hadrian. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
You didn't happen to equip that guy with that artifact fire booster eye thingy did you? That one occasionally generates W gems. (though 2 at a time if I remember correctly. )
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Bananadine has taken over as a temp sub for LA marignon. Since I killed him off as EA Abysia, I am sure he will do his best to cause my nation harm.
I told him his ally is Atul, and that he should contact Atul for any of the finer points of diplomacy. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Utgard has 5 capitals.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Here's my LA Abysia AAR, I've tried to trim it down to a few useful nuggets of information.
Good stuff that happened
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Oooooh, so many items! Markatas jump with joy, endlessly.
But they've been touched by those filthy giants, never know where they've been. Probably better not think too much about it. Bandar Log still has two capitals, despite Niefelheim's, LA Man's and Fomoria's invasion. Given the circumstances, the little bout with LA Arco is on hold. I hope Powers That Be understand. Two Niefel Jarls were killed today, five had to flee for their lives. Cowards. Now that the small have shown how vulnerable the big are, it would be within reason for other little people to find their courage to oppose the all-too-big giants. (UtgƄrdians are reasonably-sized and therefore a-okay) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Good Game Baruk!
Glad you played and hope you had fun. Sorry you got one of those erroneous battle recordings. Reay can tell you sad stories about those from Fallacy, the last game we were in together.I think we have all been on the short end of those at one time or the other(: MR makes no difference with Drain Life. The only thing that may have helped your banelord with that is luck, if he got lucky. Sorry about the "bad" starting spot. Some spots are much better than others. I think the worse spots were those next to aggressive bless nations though, and had little to do with lakes etc. Good luck in future games!:) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
In fact, communion slave only don't get to cast if they come after a casting master in the turn order. If they act before all masters in the communion they do cast normally. For you or anyone else that wants to learn more about communions, there's an absolutely excellent guide by Baalz telling you everything you would ever want to know about how to use them. It helped me a lot on my first serious attempt to rely on massive communions in battle. (Though I still managed to burn through quite a lot of slaves of course :doh: ) You can get to it through the strategy index sticky. (Or Baalz signature) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Yeah, erroneous battle reports are being noticed by more people now. Keep an eye out for them. It happened to me several times in Fallacy.
Tir Na N'og has 3 capitals. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Nations with over 40 provinces that have not reported capitals:
LA Marignon EA Ryleh Helheim LA Man tick tock. tick tock. tick tock. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Yeah, I had huge differences between real results and battle replays in KM. Real battle and report was me annihilating enemy army, battle replay showing death of mine without inflicting many losses to the enemy.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
With Zeldor it is likely due to karma. Evil follows evil they say.:smirk:
Seriously, I do know we had battle replay bugs in Fallacy and there were virtually no mods used in that game at all. velusion hosted it at the start and he is not a big mod guy. Manatee also had battle replay bugs and it used no mods at all. I did not play in that game, but i noticed there were posts in the thread about battle replay issues and I took notice of them since we were having them in Fallacy. In Fallacy they were not game determinative. And there were not many of them. I think there were 2 or 3 and they were between myself and Reay mostly. Not sure any other nations reported the bug and it was a 22 player game that went 108 turns. So that is a lot of turns and a lot of battles to only have a handful of replay bug errors. That said, the goal is obviously to eliminate bugs completely. One thing I do know, the battle replay bug is not caused by mods. Whether mods make it worse, who knows? But it exists independently of mods. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Yeah, you can get guaranteed incorrect replays by using an incorrect version of a mod. But this seems to be a genuine bug that has nothing to do with mods. I will see if I can find a nice example and give the files to JK so he can take a look.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
hopefully Zeldor updated the Kingmaker mod when you started this thread and made an attachment with the new bells and whistles. maybe he is using the older version?
If so, maybe some self inflicted wounds? |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I was informed by LA Man that he owns 3 capitals.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Does the prize for winning that game include picking a nation in next mega game? :)
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
you got your 1st choice this game. I am not sure what you have to complain about? When you get your 1st selection, presumably you are playing the race you wanted to play. And the fact that you are still alive shows that they are a pretty good race for you.
Of course you did not start next to me. You likely would have been a much more tempting expansion target than e9n4 EA Abysia with their heatshield pd and and firespell casting pd mage. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I am just asking if winner of that game gets to choose nation before others [like DrP for making the map]. I think that LA Agartha was my choice number 4 or 5 [but I decided to go with them as 1st instead of trying luck with my main picks]. But as we all know, your neighbours and early diplomacy is more important.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I either will not play in next year's big game or will not host it(likely the latter). Hopefully we can get Llamabeast to host it. Or Gandalf. It will be much less work. We already have the mod and map.
So really no one should get any preference on race selection next year in my opinion, which likely will not count for much. Maybe the mod can be tweaked so Throne of Heroes can be used with WH 1.8. That should not be hard. Just means making sure no monster numbers are used twice. But the groundwork really has been laid. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I am really glad La Agartha is doing so well in this megagame. La Agartha was the 1st nation I won a MP game with and as such I have always had a soft spot for the nation. It had a very sad game in the 1st megagame, sieged by indie knights early on and never recovered. I think its often overlooked in MP but it is a mid - late game powerhouse.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I must admit that I really like them now. If they had better early game they would be probably my favourite nation. Even with awake SC I got it was very lucky to survive, especially with Lanka so close.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I think LA Agartha's profile has been on the rise, and now more than ever has a big "Rush Me" post-it stuck to the back of its head. Its early game is truly horrific.
I just tried them for the first time and faced an immediate hydra rush (no diplomatic messages returned), followed by extortion attempts/war threats from my 3 other neighbors. Diplomacy doesn't seem to be as effective as people consider LA Agartha a late game threat. Of course, I lack Zeldor's silver tongue :) I expect nations that I don't even border will start sending me death threats. Hell, people not even in the game might start telling me to give them stuff. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
For the record, on turn 64, if someone takes a week off, and has not staled before, they are not going to be put on ai or a perm. sub found like at the start of the game. Especially when someone gives notice that they are leaving town for a week. That is not an unexplained absence. Nor will the game be delayed for a week while they are away.
And it is not the game admin.'s job to find temp sub for people that go on vacation, or get called out of town for a week for work. While I was able to find a sub in the case of LA marignon, I do want to make certain that it is not to be expected. And I could just as easily, and just as properly, let him stale for the week he was gone. He has allies. And it is in their interest far more than mine to see that he has a sub. So if I have the time to find someone a sub in the future, I will happily do so. But it is not my job. Had Jazzepi remained game admin., it would not have been his job. Now had Admiralzhao not said a word and just had unexplained stales, then that is more of a cause for alarm. But no one at this stage of the game is going to be replaced when they say they are going out of town for a week and stale turn for a week. /cheers. :):):) I |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Tell em how it is, daddy.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
"It looks like LA MArignon really needs a sub. Staling 2nd turn now? And in a war against X, where he can take huge advantage of that... not really a fair position, especially with X as game admin [not accusing anything, but I'd rather see game postponed by 24h to find a sub then see big nation like that going down because of that, or set to AI either]."
I had meant to respond to this post by Zeldor earlier but got sidetracked with the capital posting. About 2 posts before this post by Zeldor, Admiralzhao said he was going to be traveling for a week and asked if anyone knew of a sub. He did not even make a sub needed separate post. Shrug. But he may not have had the time. But in the future, if anyone, Zeldor, the staling nation's allies, or any other player wants to try and find a temporary sub, they have my blessing. But it is always the player himself who has the primary duty to find his own sub. The game admin, whether he is at war with a staling nation or not, has no greater duty then anyone else to find a player a temporary sub. Now if the situation calls for a permanent sub., then the game admin may have to get involved. But again, I would think that the player himself, or his allies would prefer to find a perm. sub who is aligned with them, rather than have me or someone else find a sub who is not. If no one else can find a perm. sub and sonofxietor(no relation of course) takes over la marignon and seems to switch sides in the war, i do not want to hear any complaints. Now that is an obvious exageration but in perpetuality when evilhomer suggested his best freind(folket) take over a large nation i recall velusion's sarcastic remark like "i should have got twinofvelusion to take them over." In short, who takes over a large nation in the endgame may determine who wins the game. I would prefer it is not me that has to find a perm sub for anyone at this stage. Because I do not want to be accused of bias or taking sides. It may be in your best interest to ask around and see if someone who does not hate your guts is interested in perm subbing in this game. It is getting to the late game. And as some players come to the realization that they are not going to win the game(as typically happens when said nation attacks xietor:D), their interest in continuing a late game war where battles take hours to scrpit(if you want to win them) wanes. And real life may just prevent players from being able to properly devote the time it takes to fight a late game dominions war. So it is never too early to start asking around to see if anyone may be interested in subbing into this game and helping you out. It is not needed yet, but it is likely going to be needed over the next 10-20 turns. Or it may be needed with LA marignon. We shall see. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Ulm is essentially a living corpse of a nation now, dead but not quite dead. So that the dying shambles of Ulm aren't eaten up solely by Ulm's enemies, all NAPs, alliances, or anything of the sort with Ulm are declared void. Current non-capital provinces are 684 and 650. Take your fill, not that what's left is very filling. It would be much more so if you happened to take some lands from EA C'tis, EA Atlantis, or LA Arcoscephale, all of whom are rather rude neighbors of Ulm. You should probably prepare for quite a fight, though.
By the way, I plan on keeping my capital. Just so you know. My ~60-strong force of smiths shall be waiting for whoever decides to come a-knockin'. With fire. Hot, burning fire. :) I'll keep my farewells for the real end. Which will likely be soon. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Rude neighbor? Me? you attack me and call me a rude neighbor?
Where were you raised? And ea Atlantis has attacked me too. But you do not see me crying. you are just going to see me killing them. That is the difference. Acta non verba! deeds not words. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Darkwind? are you still alive? Last I saw of you your armies were being trounced by the demons of LA Marignon! :):):)
I did send him a thank you card for crushing your army. Saved me the bother. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
EA Ryleh 3 caps
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
2 Capitals for Helheim
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
MA Acro has two capitals, though we consider the two EA Mictlan is holding ours as well. If Meglobob would just be so kind as to come out from behind the walls manned by thousands of slaves and engage in a nice gentlemanly war where we line up all our troops and see who's communion can throw down the biggest hurt. Come out and face the redcoats sir!
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Some small update: LA Agartha has 3 capitols, EA Caelum and MA Caelum. We are nagotiating ownership rights over some more.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
lol @ Darkwind.
Be careful what you ask for.:D:D:D Very interesting turn on many fronts. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Oh, as there are some people that like big games here, I am starting a new big team game. More details here:
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40839 |
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