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RibbonBlue June 4th, 2005 03:56 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Great, so I get your email, got here to respond and now gmail has a server error!. Arg

En Forcer June 4th, 2005 05:40 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Okay, it seems I am caught up turn-wise. You should have also received my latest turn.

Molog June 4th, 2005 07:53 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Did you recieve statusmail?

RibbonBlue June 4th, 2005 11:41 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Okay, gmail started working again. I sent my turn.

sushiboat June 5th, 2005 11:33 AM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
In case the gmail users are still having problems, here is Alneyan's latest status mail:



I didn't get Man's turn on either of my addresses. The file turn should
be uploaded to Shrapnel if possible, in case the next mails with that
file do not make it to my address (I believe the problem was on Gmail's


I am not sure what Alneyan has in mind when asking people to upload turn files to Shrapnel. As far as I know, you can't send attachments by PM.

I suppose that someone could use encryption to post a file publicly, and only the intended recipient (Alneyan) would have the decryption key. However, using encryption would be extra work and a possible source of kinks.

Alneyan June 5th, 2005 11:50 AM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
It just means that Man should upload their turn file publicly here (or on another FTP). The .2h file might be used to get information on them, but that would require quite a knowledge of how the game works (I guess you could figure out the master password on your own if you have such knowledge).

RibbonBlue June 5th, 2005 12:26 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Ill email it again but how do I attach a file?

Alneyan June 5th, 2005 12:39 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
When posting a message, tick "I want to preview my post and/or attach a file". Then you will have the option to attach a file. It won't be needed this time around though, as the turn has run fine.

I did get the turns for Arcoscephale and Man; those were on the Gawab mail I had to use to send some turns (Yahoo's SMTP is becoming awful). I don't know why the reply-to fields didn't work as expected though (no mail should go to my Gawab address). I also got a delivery failure there, which explains why Arcoscephale didn't get turn 18 the first time around. As the Mailer Deamon puts it, "CNAME lookup failed temporarily. (#4.4.3) I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long". Now perhaps he could warn me earlier when there is a problem? The message stayed in the queue for roughly... four days before I got that mail.

In other words, those mail problems should be solved, more or less. I hope so.

Molog June 5th, 2005 07:00 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Turn 19

Everything going its merry way.

My sitesearching still isn't finding any sites.

sushiboat June 5th, 2005 07:37 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)
Turn 19

The province tally is: Machaka 19, Ermor 19, Marignon 13, Arcosephale 10, Pythium 10, Jotunheim 10, Man 10, and Pangaea 8. Pythium, Arco, Ermor, and Marignon found gems. Ermor passed Pangaea in research to hold third place solo. Ermor rehired Dagan, and Marignon now employs Victor's Villains. Marignon now has four living celebrities in the Hall of Fame.

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