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Burnsaber September 26th, 2007 02:04 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken

Szumo said:
1. It was your inititiave to attack Caelum together and split their lands. Then, after i started the war with them, you decided to wait a few turns, then swoop in from the other side and take Caelum's land while they're busy with me. Nicely played! End result - you take all their provinces but two. Wondering why i'm not happy about that result?

Yeah, I suggested that. You responded "Perhaps I'm intrested" -> that is not a "yes", without confiramtion from both sides, there is no deal. Besides, I said to you that I won't be ready immediately, I had to forge equipment for my Dai Onisī. The end result might have been poor from your perspective, but we are not to be held responsible for the actions Atlantis, who delayed you greatly. If they hadn't interfened, you'd probably have already busted the Caelum gates open.


Szumo said:
2. On your way to the grab as much Caelum as you could, you even sent a group of stealth troops through my lands, without telling me about it all. Those troops were detected by PD, and then defeated it. If conquering my province without provocation, need or warning is not a violation of NAP 5 we used to have, i don't know what would be.

Yeah, I did that too. But the item I gave you as a apology is worth more than one meagre poor income province.


Szumo said:
3. You say you won race to Caelum's capitol fair and square? The truth is quite different. Our armies got there on the same turn, and it was mine who was there first and got to fight Caelum's defense, while your forces fought with mine later. That definitely makes "the right" to conquer that province contested.

The order on how the battles are resolved is ramdom. Random /= fair. At the start of the turn it was Caelums, we bot attacked it at the same time and in the end it was ours. You can't get more fairer than that.


Szumo said:
4. Your unwillingness to resolve this issue diplomatically to my satisfaction, and the rumours i hear about you asking our common neighbours to ally with you and attack me, made me convinced you're not to be trusted. I believe the truth is simple, it is the Yomi who got fat and lazy after devouring Caelum, and it is my duty to kill em all while they're too weak to defend their fresh conquests.

If you ask us, you lacked the will to resolve this issue diplomically. I also heard rumours that you eat babies, all attack the baby-eating Agartha!

Szumo September 26th, 2007 04:33 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Lazy_Pefectionists: Obsuro having those items is the result of my battles against Atlantis during our short war. He was in my employ at the time and grabbed the loot quite efficiently, even if he has no immediate use for it himself.

Burnsaber: Ah, but that is an obvious lie! Everyone knows true Agarthians do not eat at all.

Cor2 September 26th, 2007 05:19 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
News from Caelum:

The powerful Eagle Kings set around and play cards and drink most of the day. The 'god' Ourboros has returned and it has become a favorite passtime of the mages to get sloshed and strike it with lighting bolts. Our walls are sturdy and it will be a while before Yomi can get in. Who knows by that time Argathia may have destroyed them.

Hadrian_II September 26th, 2007 06:03 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
On the southern Front, kailasa is struggeling against the evil empire of sauromantia, we just put together our final army to try to repel them or else we will be defeated.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 27th, 2007 03:09 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
2/3s of the way through my turn.

First third was deciding, strategically, what to do.
Second third was deciding, tactically, what to do, and setting the orders.
Third third will be the rest of my empire.

I finally paid attention to Sun-Tzu, and cracked open that book again to check a couple passages. It would have been better if I'd paid attention to it from the beginning (good generals pick fight only after victory has been assured, bad generals fight first, and only later look for victory).

Still, I think I'll come out victorious, unless Abysia has an ace up their sleeve. I'm not certain what their pretender has on hand, but I can guess from their nation page, chassis, and titles.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 28th, 2007 01:25 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Oh *bleep* *bleep* *bleeping* *bleep.

For ... I will inform Janlm that my Sauromancer was not scripted to retreat on the second turn. And while flare wiped out quite a few undead, it was nowhere near the autoretreat precentage as I'm aware of it. As well, he didn't take any direct damage.

ARRRRGGGGGHHH!!!! I'll have to review this *bleeping* *bleeping* battle until I figure out why this *bleeping* happened. As well as triple check the autoretreat amount, and each spell used.

I'm looking at Hellbind heart as a likely culprit, at this moment.

As well, my commander carryign spare death gems to the battle was ASSASSINATED! Argh!

Szumo September 28th, 2007 01:51 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
My scout saw that battle. I think it was 5 point hit from Blade Wind that made your Sauromancer flee.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 28th, 2007 02:58 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Except that abysia didn't cast any earth magic. I'm ctis.

Hellbind Heart- they likely got my twiceborn S1D4N1 mage. I'm pissed. And when I'm pissed, I get even.

Now, I haven't heard anything from Arcosephale. But around 130 units, containing Clockwork Horrors, Myrmidions, Peltasts, Slingers, Chariots, Oreiads sends a pretty clear message. You have one turn to back away from my border.

Szumo September 28th, 2007 03:06 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
You must have watched another combat replay http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Abyssia's pretender is casting Blade Wind, and one missile hits your D4 twiceborn mage for 5 points reducing him to 7 after which he flees in the battle i'm watching.

duke_commando September 28th, 2007 03:30 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
aw nuts...kinnaras get air magic?
that is so not fair.

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