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Re: Sol - CBM EA Game on Llamaserver: Running
If there is nothing that can be done about the problems then lets end the game. I can't play with my golems and boars randomly disappearing. I vote we end it and declare Mictlan the winner, he's the only who deserves it. He has been fighting everyone else for a big part of the game.
Re: Sol - CBM EA Game on Llamaserver: Running
I have to agree, Mictlan deserves it in my opinion
Re: Sol - CBM EA Game on Llamaserver: Running
Up until the point that Star dropped out which was *one* turn ago, I had put together a functioning coalition that had 70% of the terrain in the game. Individually, I control around the same number of Territories, perhaps more. We'd have to count to see.
I have almost all of the artifacts in the game, I have the best astral mage in the game, I have the best communions in the game, the best information in the game and I have an immortal God that can beat almost anything thrown at it. All my important mages are twiceborned. I outnumber Mictlan in forts more than 2:1, likewise in temples and my income exceeds his by far. I have the only tartarian factory, (two of them) and I additionally have a tarrasque factory going, with a special summoning site that reduces the cost. And I have had gift of health the entire game to remove their afflictions. Moreover, we had (and have) and agreement several turns ago that continues to this day declaring a joint victory. The only reason it didn't end previously was Psycho's opposition. After the last turn, when Psycho opposed the joint victory, Mictlan and I entered into an agreement: We were going to destroy Psycho's nation and then declare a joint victory. I have never known Executor to break an agreement. If Executor as the strongest player agreed that its a joint victory, why would you oppose it? Ie, had the game continued, withing 3-4 turns, Marverni would have been destroyed and then the game declared with a joint victory. Per your previous statement Psycho, the game cannot be declared won or lost without complete consensus by all the players. I agree that Mictlan is individually the strongest player, however, essentially the game was decided by factors outside the game (ie., real life). At the time that occurred, the alliance was gaining territories, gems and items *much* faster than Mictlan was. We were winning. Regardless: per the previous statements from executor and psycho the game cannot be decided except by consensus and I will not vote for anything except a joint win. And Frankly, I think any objective examination of the game supports that. |
Re: Sol - CBM EA Game on Llamaserver: Running
If executor is happy with it that's fine, I really don't care at this point.
Re: Sol - CBM EA Game on Llamaserver: Running
Err, I had a lot more going on that you folks thought. Chris, you didn't have the only tart factory, here's a little insight on my Empire.
Almost all the ERoy were in my possession. I had over 20 civatateos which were raising an army of undead, and on standby for sending as thugs against anyone. (my favorite unit in Dom) I had about 25 onaquies and was summoning an additional 2 every turn and hence an army of beast bats, over 600 of them. I had several golems, which were unfortunately waiting for some items before being sent off. I had some SC spectral mages that are now in TNN's lands waiting to strike. I had a very large army of mind hunters and horror senders to eliminate any underequiped army. Was blood hunting in over 20 province and needed gold for nothing other than to buy a capital mage, but I did have a large stash of money to buy troops when needed. I had some less important artifacts since someone kept forging them the same turn as I, eg. scepter, the chalice, unquenched which got me really mad! But I did menage to get the Aegis doe. I also had a very large stash of gems and was about to overcast GoH with about 350 nature gems before attacking and cast AC with about 500 slaves. I planned to cast AN somehow since I had a lot of pearls but didn't quite have the mage for it, so I started summoning Arch devils to get the astal one, and would have given him robe of the magi, astral cap, coin and a ring, and a single empowerment to cast it, and so on... Oh and my personal favorite pretender so far, Super strong moloch with many artifacts, awe, fear, regen, all immunities, absurdly high att, def, prot, MR and HP. All in all this is one of my best played games, next to Beer, which was a very similar situation. I do want this game over, I said I'm good with a shared victory and I honer my word, there are several reasons I wanted this over, numerous bugs in the game, onaquis becoming beast bats, lack of time, losing interest due to fighting everybody in the game, and I did actually fight every single player in the game, but it was mostly lack of interest. I'd like to congratulate Chris on forming the biggest alliance against me I ever saw. I felt like Hitler for a while, a stellar start, but than a very slow downfall. Well, glad it's over, go head and write it in if you wish Chris. |
Re: Sol - CBM EA Game on Llamaserver: Running
If Executor is fine with it, then I won't object any more. But I am certain of one thing - had this game continued normally, Chris, you would have never won it. If you want to get your half-victory this way, then go ahead, but I wouldn't be too proud of it.
Re: Sol - CBM EA Game on Llamaserver: Running
As always, you are an incredible opponent. Next time, I'd rather team with you. There were quite a few things I'd love to boast about my nation - that I can't reveal since I'm saving them for the next time we fight. As usual I learned quite a few things, both about tactics, Mictlan, and EA-Ermor. I learned quite a bit about map size vis-a-vis each nation. For example: Large maps favor air/astral nations. Large maps diminish importance of dominion. Large maps increase the importance of favorable scales. I actually love EA-Ermor as a nation. I do not pretend that it is a powerhouse nation - but it is definitly top quarter. And once again I believe that Mictlan, Sauromatia, Ashdod, and maybe niefle are in a category all by them selves. I'd like to thank Dragar, Star, Cerlin and Licker (who I haven't heard from since) for being great and faithful teammates. Keeping an alliance together is hard work and always subject to constant fear, jockeying for position - but everybody brought a lot to the table. I'd like to thank Cerlin and Psycho for being good sports and picking up positions; even when I didn't see eye to eye with Psycho. Best wishes to all, And thanks to star for arranging the game. |
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