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Re: Bug
Underwater Province Defense of EA Agartha
EA Agartha gets the same UW PD as land PD. According to manual, they should get Wet Ones instead. I suspect this is very simple to fix with modding, but would be nice if it was fixed in unmodded games too. |
Re: Bug
I've used multiple casts of Voice of Tiamat successfully. Did they all target the caster's province? Were there any valid targets? (Remember that VoT won't target provinces that have been searched in any of the elemental paths.)
Re: Bug
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Units can't retreat to underwater provinces, even when equipped with water breathing items.
I was storming a castle on an island. Most of my armies came by the sea, at least the 2 commanders had water breathing items (Sea King's Goblet, Barrel of Air). My army was rather weak, so they were defeated and the commanders retreated. The sea province where they could flee were occupied by troops of mine and no enemy attacked it. But they didn't retreat into that province ant I got the message "CommanderName died when retreating into enemy territory." I can send the turn by mail. |
Re: Bug
Re: Bug
I can confirm VoT auto-targeting doesn't work. Multiple casters during the same turn targeted the same province.
There were other provinces available and when I left one caster on auto search he happily worked his way through them. |
Re: Bug
Death curse blessed units being trampled upon do not give any curse or horror marks.
Re: Minor Bug
1 Attachment(s)
This is from the death of a mind enslaved guru and no I didn't rename him.
Re: Minor Bug
> This is from the death of a mind enslaved guru and no I didn't rename him.
I think the guru transmigration works as per 3.10 |
Re: Minor Bug
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Serpent Cult hydras lose their holiness with form change.
After the first form change, the hydras lose their holy status, which causes a huge drop in their combat performance if they're blessed. They don't even get it back when they regenerate the heads after combat, they remain mundane units forever after the loss of their first head. |
Re: Minor Bug
Re: Minor Bug
My Hydra & Hydra Hatchlings claim to have only 6 and 3 hp respectively.
Re: Minor Bug
its their heads that have that many hps. Try them in battle and you can watch the awesomeness that is hydra decapitation.
Re: Minor Bug
Each hydra has 9 different forms and so long as it survives in any form, it reverts back to the first form afterward. The things are absolutely goddamn brutal. That's what makes it such a shame that the SC hydras have wrong secondshapes and firstshapes, because give them a F9/W9 bless and they will wipe the floor with practically anything. Doesn't matter if it's a Niefel or Fomorian Giant with N10 bless (20% regen), they WILL go down.
The hatchlings only have 3 forms, so they die much more easily. |
Re: Minor Bug
Do the hydras stay true to legend, they don't grow new heads if confronted with fire?
Re: Minor Bug
Unfortunately not http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Minor Bug
I installed the patch - windows version.
After the first turn I get "Negot gick cel! ConrArmyNbr: Error!" and the game crashes. I reinstalled Dominions but it didn't help. |
Re: Bug
I don't know if these are needed unitfixes or WAD, but:
The pretenders Lady of Fortune and Lord of Plenty (TC) are described as bringing good fortune, but they do not have the "Fortune Teller" icon. Is that just meant to be meaningless flavor text, or do they do other things (e.g. spread Luck dominion)? |
Re: Bug
Lady of Fortune and Lord of Plenty increase the luck scale of he province instead of preventing bad eventes through the fortune teller ability. That is what their description seems to suggest. Much like Siddhas increse magic scale.
Re: Bug
will do more testing and report back later |
Re: Bug
Re: Bug
*whack* Quiet, you! Nobody is allowed to poke holes in the illusion of my omniscience! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
UI improvements
Let's address something that isn't a bug per se but rather a feature request regarding the interface which has always bugged me:
The game should treat "errors" less severe. At the moment, if an error occurs, you crash down to the command line. Even if it is minor stuff like "game version too old". I'd like to suggest that the game should rather become aware of exceptions instead of bailing out. It would be better if you get the error message as ingame window and after hitting "ok" the game just cancels/ignores your last action, or backtracks. So if the exception involved generating a new turn, the game will stop processing the turn and drop back to the game window. Same for joining a network game. In the worst case, the game may drop back to the main menu, but not kill the whole process. There's no reason for it to have effects that are this drastic, and I think it scares users. Further improvements of the UI: Always give a user the choice to cancel a menu. Most of the times, you can get out of a menu by pressing the "Escape" button. Sometimes the menu window has a tiny "X" on the top right to do that, too. But there are still times when you can't cancel an action, no matter what, for example when you have chosen to create a new game and are prompted for the game name. Until you enter something that works, you are not allow to do anything else. I really think that it's important to make the UI more user-friendly to gain their acceptance, don't disregard it. |
Re: UI improvements
That's a very good point. Especially the part about game creation. There was some way to cancel it after that, by selecting exit at the game options screen, but it's not intuitive.
Re: UI improvements
Yes, you can cancel it afterwards, but it will still create the game directory first.
Another thing, regarding the current patch: At the moment, the game errors out as soon as a client receives a *.trn file with a newer version than it has itself from the server, or if a server receives a *.2h file with a newer version than it has itself from a client. This leads to what we all know as "omg, don't connect to my server when you have updated your game, or you will crash it!". Since the protocol to authenticate a nation and store/retrieve game data from a network server hasn't changed at all, apparently, since the error only fires upon inspection of the version tag inside the files, I'd recommend to make the error appear in-game for clients, like suggested above, and to let the server just refuse to host the turn (or crash) if a newer version *.2h file is present, but accept the files before that without any problems at all. |
Re: UI improvements
I'll bring this to Johan's attention. It's deep into his territory and even though it might sometimes seem so to some people, I'm not one of the developers. So I can't do anything else about that. I'm also up the creek without a paddle in a leaky canoe when it comes to the server side stuff (you for example have probably forgotten more about it than I know), so all I can do is pass it on.
Re: UI improvements
Lady of fortune has a chance of adding an extra event that is dependent on terain and stuff, but is automatically good.
Re: UI improvements
Re: UI improvements
Grand. I wonder if there are more of these unit related events. I remember reading about them a while back.
Re: UI improvements
She doesn't bring unique events, just one mor event, that is good.
OTOH there are new events that are unit related. Skögu and some other heroes got some, as did a couple of other units. |
Re: UI improvements
Aha, my misunderstanding.
(Skögu and other heroes got unique events! *runs off testing*) |
Re: UI improvements
Re: UI improvements
Another tip: You won't necessarily like the results...
Modding: descriptions
Re: Modding: descriptions
Thanks. I'll amend the shortlist entry. It's sometimes difficult to keep it all straight, especially if I need to go from memory.
EDIT: Fixed |
1 Attachment(s)
To try out the new nations, I designed a crappy pretender and played a few turns in a new game. In this, my god entered the death match tournament (just for giggles). He was quickly afflicted with Blindness by his opponent, but seemed virtually unaffected by it, killing his opponent soon afterwards. Now, what I know is that he could still make an attack in case he tried and got lucky with the DRN, but from experience I know that units that went blind usually stopped fighting at once. Furthermore, he still would need to get by the defense value of the opponent. It seems, however, like he does two successful attacks in a row, with little to no trouble. Bug?
Re: Blindness
Perhaps. The Arena sometimes does strange things to the normal combat sequence. I've had several blind Fomorian giants (they only need one eyeloss hit to become blind) and they just stood around doing nothing in combat.
Re: Blindness
Another issue addressed by the savegame is how shapechanging units and the Champion's trident should work together. It's awfully easy for them to lose it. I have no preference though.
Re: Blindness
Hama Dryad (monster number 932) states in description that "They never leave the province they are summoned to". Apparently they can move out of their home proivnce if they flee from a battle in that province.
Re: Blindness
Re: Odd mummy assignment
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Bug Shortlist updated with v 3.10 statfix issues for units, magic sites and weapons as well as Mictlan pretenders. Other reported bugs will be edited into appropriate posts when my eyes stop bleeding from working on the DB update.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The 3.10 patch seems to have added some 250 sprites or something, at least that's the sprnbr difference that the game gives if somebody wants to use some extensive mods. One of our MP games have become unusable because of this. It seems, however, that this is purely a GUI design problem, because there is no problem if nations are given to the AI or if turns are hosted with a text-only server. See http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...996#Post555819
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I think I have found a bug.
I am trying to load a pretender for LA pythium to lamaserver for BAG. Every pretender I design is saved as pythium_0.2h Should the pretender be late_pythium_0.2h ? I tried renaming the file but it still gets rejected. Works fine single player as pythium_0.2h Can someone try creating a pretender for LA pythium and see if it saves the same way? Thanks Aristander |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Yes, it does. The middle era Pythium gods are saved as mid_pythium_0.2h, so there is a difference. This is a problem if the game expects the SC pretender to be named late_pythium_0.2h. I'll add that to the shortlist.
Notes to self, add the following:
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Roundup of various bugs that have not been gathered up along the way:
The Permanently dead prophet has been added to the Vanishing Scales & Immortality section since it seems t a a casual glance to be related. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
One of the Hydra's damaged shapes doesn't revert to healthy (missing firstshape?). Monster number 1837.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
CRAP! Well, that's just going to get added too then. Looks like all of the secondshape/firstshape pairs for all hydras must be checked for the next patch. I suppose I'll have to make a new shape table for regular hydras in addition to the SC ones.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Lanka's Rakhasi (both forms) don't have gluttony, but rather supply (2). I suppose its due to the nature magic, I suppose that's why the supply is 10, not 2. Now that I think about it, it isn't a bug at all, just combined icons?
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It's not exactly a bug... but LA Pythium is a bit troublesome for PBEM because its the only nation that follows the format name.2h - the order/turn files are pythium.2h while even yomi and maverni are early_nation.2h and MA pythium is mid_pythium
For more on this, you can check out the BAG thread. It's linked to in the Halls of Valhalla. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
LA Mictlan Sun Priests lack forest survival.
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