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Darkwind October 12th, 2008 10:04 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Originally Posted by Xietor (Post 644648)
lol @ Darkwind.

Be careful what you ask for.:D:D:D

Very interesting turn on many fronts.

I asked to keep my capital. As my upkeep is currently much more than my gold income (sadly), I also need my capital. I'd like to think Helheim is in for quite the fight, even against my meager troops.

Foodstamp October 12th, 2008 11:16 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
We would have respected that request had we any diplomatic relations with you. I look forward to the fun that is sure to follow :).

Xietor October 12th, 2008 11:27 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Ulm's troops are like leaves on a tree when summer turns to fall, and then to winter.

You just saved me the trouble of reducing that Rock those idiots worship to gravel. Good luck.

I think the entire World is always glad to see one less Monolith on the Earth.

Darkwind October 12th, 2008 11:44 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Here's a hint for those of you somewhat overconfident in Helheim's abilities:

EA Helheim uses sacred troops. Iron Darts and Guardians. Even if Helheim wins, it will be a hard-fought victory. Very hard-fought, considering they'll be walking through large amounts of fiery (and non-fiery) death.

Or so I'd like to think. :)

atul October 12th, 2008 04:34 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
So, three Niefel Jarls sent to their deaths again. We can do this all day long, with this pace it's only on turn 80 when that guy stops having those uglies. Basically most of the eastern continent is allied with Niefelheim, and what do the powers in west do? Harass MA Ulm? C'moon, pick on someone larger than you, size 1 markatas demand it!

In other news, second-hand items for sale! Flesh Eaters! Skullfaces! Fire Plates! Just swipe off the giant blood and they're good as new! Bargain prices! Ask and you shall be delivered!

Xietor October 12th, 2008 04:49 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Monkeys are basically are fighting the giants 1 on 1 now to my knowledge. Much easier fight then what i had. Though we are technically still at war, your ally is storming our southern forts and has our full attention.

Though Ruin again made a personal appearance and personally defeated a grand host of LA marignon. The slaughter stopped only when the time limit ran out(: But before it did hundreds of dead Marignon troops, devils and various demons lay dead on the field of battle.

Fortunately Ruin is only one province away and can mop up the rest of Marignon's army next turn!:D:D:D Of course, maybe marignon wants to fly some angels in and let them try their hand at fighting Ruin Muhahahhahahahah.

As an aside, LA Arcos. would like to thank the many nations who have contributed unselfishly to increase our pool of thugs by sending their thugs blindly into our enslave mind traps.

We wait with baited breath to enslave an entire army. However, we made the decision to kill rather than enslave the pitiful army of LA Marignon, though we do intend to have a few of those angels before it is all said and done!

Bananadine October 12th, 2008 05:26 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Hey people, temporary LA Marignon here. As you can see things are becoming rather interesting for my temporary nation, but sadly I only signed up for a turn or two--I really don't have time to deal with this old mister Ruin (as much as I would like to destroy him for good)! So I think I won't take another turn in this game, and I hope y'all can find a new substitute or SOMETHING because it's a fine nation in many regards and it should have the chance to live again.

Xietor October 12th, 2008 05:44 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Thank you for subbing the 2 turns that you did Banandine. Admiralzhao fared no better with Ruin. And he should be back since his week has passed. And if nothing else you got his blood slave situation sorted out.

Blood economies require micromanagement to some degree and had you not done 2 turns for him, that empire would have had a lot of waste.

I will pm Admiralzhao about retaking control of his empire. Revenge is not nearly as sweet on a temp sub as the original invader.

Come out come out wherever you are Admiralzhao!:smirk::smirk::smirk:

BTW I have to give credit where credit is due, Darkwind had a great victory over Helheim. Though he is not long for the world, at least he got to enjoy one last victorious battle.

Darkwind October 12th, 2008 06:28 PM

TftF: Charge of the Hel Brigade
I shouldn't be doing this but I'm obsessive-compulsive about AARs and this, if anything MA Ulm has ever done, deserves an AAR.
Helheim scouts that night noted that the usually-cowering peasants were nowhere to be found. They simply assumed that the Ulmish peasants had finally died of overheating in their bulky and almost useless armor. Unfortunately for them, it was not to be so. Monny's entire force--minus the immovable statue itself--met them on the field of battle early that morning, in the cold weather of wintertime Ulm. The flying Valkyriesrecieved the customary blessings hurriedly before battle, as the Ulmish prepared to give Helheim the fight of its life, still carrying usually fortress-only items such as the skulls of dead magi sold to them by EA C'tis. The Ulmish magi were unfortunately not close enough to begin their barrage immediately, and spent some time Invulnerable-ising themselves.

Ulmish Sappers fired round after round into Helheim's midst, achieving very little. The Ulmish Pikemen were ambushed by the fast-flying Valkyries and nearly destroyed--but this led them too close to Ulm. The Ulmish cast great spells to make the earth envelope the Valkyries' feet and strand them defenseless on the ground and then incited the very land into a rage against Helheim, nearly destroying the 100+ group (and Ulm's surviving soldiers) in a massive volcanic blast that lasted near thirty minutes and would darken the skies around Ulm for weeks to come. The surviving valkyries put up a feeble attempt on the lives of the sappers before fleeing in fear. Their masters followed shortly after.

A heroes' cremation was arranged for those seemingly so few, but for Ulms' army so many, who died in defense of Ulm. The few reasonably intact bodies that survived the Ulmish fury unleashed that day currently adorn the front of Monny's citadel, as a warning to all those who would try to take Ulm from its resident god.

I told you it was a bad idea to attack my capital. But you didn't listen, did you? Now no one wins.

Tichy October 13th, 2008 10:25 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
That sure was a lot of magma.

Foodstamp October 13th, 2008 05:57 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Hot molten magma ;).

atul October 14th, 2008 04:34 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
And let it be known that Fall of the 6th year of Ascension Wars was the time when a group of Markatas, part of Monkey PD, killed a fully equipped Niefelheim Jarl.

And thus end all the jokes about Monkey PD being bad, since which other nation has such a feat to boast?

Zeldor October 14th, 2008 04:47 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Nice battle at Uliathum, Xietor.

DonCorazon October 14th, 2008 04:53 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Damn, those Niefels seem to be dropping like flies these days. They are losing their mystique...

Xietor October 14th, 2008 05:47 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
In what military tacticians will someday refer to as the battle of Uliathum, an excerpt from the Sleeper who was the Battle Commander of the forces inside the castle. With the stout castle defenses beaten down, a hard decision faced the Sleeper.

To stay inside the walls and let LA Marignon's superior forces attack at their leisure, or carry the battle to the enemy. Though greatly outnumbered, and having about 40 fewer mages at his command, the Sleeper, who had previously slain a Harbinger in hand to hand combat, decided to sally forth and meet the host on the field of Battle at a time of the Sleeper's choosing.

With mundane troops like militia and short bows comprising the bulk of his army, only superior tactics could carry the day. The Sleeper did have 15 elephants, and he hoped to use these units as a decoy, drawing most of the enemy fire, while a knot of seasoned trolls, lions, and a banelord carried the real attack on the other flank.

To harrass the enemy, flaming arrows were cast, turning the short bows into something a bit more useful against the heavily armored foes. But to prevent the enemy angels, devils, and imps from taking out the few mages the Sleeper had, the difficult choice was made to put up storm in battle, even though it would hurt the effectiveness of the flaming arrows.

The Sleeper's plan worked, though the banelord was lost when enemy angels also chose to advance down that side of the battlefield. Though the Banelord fell to an Angel of Fury and an Air Elemental, the Sleeper soon avenged him, taking out the Angel of Fury. When the Angels fell, and the knot of trolls fought through the devils and and men at arms, the forces of LA Marignon routed.

But they had nowhere to run. Rocky the Gargoyle had flown to an adjacent province and taken it cutting off the retreat.

The Siege was lifted. The Host of LA Margignon destroyed to the last man(or devil).
Dead on the field of battle, or killed retreating into enemy lands by hostile border guards were a staggering 46 commanders, 3 of which were Angels, many with many gems,
386 men, and 4 fire snakes.

In other news, Ruin successfully broke the siege of his other castle, though there were not many troops remaining there to kill. Most fled before the battle. Those that remained met a gristly fate.

Ruin is now entertaining, for a short period only, peace offers from nations who wantonly attacked him with no justification. Such offers should include recompense for harm done to the peoples of LA Arcoscephele.

Ruin will also say that despite the tenacity of his resistance thus far, his greatest threats remain unleashed. Had LA marignon won the day and stormed the castle, inside they would have met their Fate. But for now they will have to wonder what could be worse than Ruin? There are worse things. There are.

Zeldor October 14th, 2008 05:49 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
To be honest it looked just like a bad scripting on Marignons side :)

Xietor October 14th, 2008 06:04 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
The Ai will typically cast paralyze at elephants after the script runs out. I was counting on that. BTW the elephants are fine. A few have afflictions, but we can heal them right up!

What spells would you have cast? Fire spells are not as effective with storm up. But he did cast a lot of the fire staples. Summon imps is a staple but likewise useless in a storm. Summon air elemental was a good spell to cast, and he did cast it. But I did have an army, I was not going to lose to air elementals

I also know for a fact his research is way down the conj and blood lines. So that leaves out many of the high level alteration and enchantment spells. And his research is not that high.

JimMorrison October 14th, 2008 06:21 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
A Gath scout managed to see this battle ensue, and it was indeed carnage.

However, our account seems to show a Water Elemental getting the final strike in on that Angel of Fury. Perhaps your Sleeper is a bit boastful, and after praising him for the victory, you may wish to chastise him for his pride. ;)

Xietor October 14th, 2008 07:13 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
The sleeper killed the Angel of Fury. The water elemental got the last hit on the Harbinger.
Sleeper also had the harbinger down to 15 hps and a heart on him when the water elemental polished it off.

In effect, you could say the Sleeper killed 2 angels, making his tally for the game 3. You may want to examine closely the Sleeper's weapon!

In the 1st fight with a harbinger, he won with a fire brand in hand to hand combat. In this battle, he used a different tactic.

Darkwind October 14th, 2008 07:30 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I patrolled with my Smiths and found 7(!) scouts in MA Ulm, including Bandar Log and EA R'lyeh scouts. I'm touched to know Ulm is such a hotspot nations probably halfway across the world want to know what's going on in Ulm. :)

In other news, my income is back on track and is currently higher than my upkeep. Finally. Who knows; perhaps reascendance to a minor power, instead of a one-province well province, is in store for MA Ulm. It's doubtful, but one can hope. :)

LoloMo October 14th, 2008 08:48 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
We were just sitting up in the bleachers having popcorn and hotdogs :D

Darkwind October 14th, 2008 09:05 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I'm just glad someone came to the game :) Or that anyone bothered to set up bleachers, really. I don't think I'm being modest when I say Ulm has never been very important other than miraculously surviving war with at least two major powers (four if you count Mictlan in the early game and that little spat with Helheim, five if you count EA C'tis). And that's really because I'm the underdog who seems to be protected by the top dogs everywhere he goes :) Although I think the top dogs might be eyeing me a little hungrily. :(

Edit: I just realized EA C'tis has at least one bane Lord next to me. I fear for my survival :(

Xietor October 14th, 2008 09:19 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
There are only 6 MA Races left alive on turn 67 in Kingmaker, and despite Ulm's recent successful battle, it will soon be five.

EA Kailasa departed Kingmaker this past turn. I wish to thank Hadrian for playing. He is a great Dominions player in all respects. Not only as a player who always runs his Empire competently, he also rarely stales, and when he is MIA for whatever reason makes a great effort to find a sub for himself while he is away.

He has been willing to sub, set races to ai, and always help out. Thanks for playing Hadrian!

AdmiralZhao October 14th, 2008 10:30 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
The Council of Marignon has returned, having finished its conference on how Blood Magic can be used to produce a step change in enterprise class corporate IT synergies. Of particular interest was the new technique of "swarm" development, where hordes of imps design, code, and test new software applications 3 seconds before their release date. Also notable was the talk on how automated phone systems can be designed and implemented at lower cost by outsourcing them to Kurgi and his associates.

We would like to thank Bananadine, or B((an)*)adine as we like to call him, for his able leadership of Marignon in our absence. To be honest, we were expecting the nation to be a smoking desolation at this point, and were pleasantly surprised to find the homeland and much of the north intact. Also, thanks to Xietor for finding a sub on such short notice, and our apologies to our allies for absconding during this war.

Zoshan October 15th, 2008 05:06 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Dont mind us we were just there for the show, and to steal some popcorn form LoloMo. Pls let us know when its safe to move in another scout for round 2!


Xietor October 15th, 2008 12:08 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I am in the process of getting a Permanent Sub. for Formoria. A temp sub is in place, so those at war with Formoria should not count on another stale turn next turn, and can expect a competent player to take over that nation shortly.

DonCorazon October 15th, 2008 12:34 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Name of temp sub?

Xietor October 15th, 2008 12:42 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Zeldor:To be honest it looked just like a bad scripting on Marignons side :)

Once again, I think you are quick to criticize someone without having all the facts. Or looking carefully at a large battle.

I think LA marignon's scripting was actually pretty good.

remember you only get to script the 1st 5 rounds.

LA marignon cast antimagic, mass protection, wind guide, several hellbound hearts, communion master/slaves, thunderstrikes, magic duels, incinerate, fireball, frozen heart, pain transfer, falling fires.as well as many buffs, pheonix fix, summon storm, aim etc.

The more I look at the battle the more that I see that Banandine carefully scripted his 40 plus mages which actually took a fair amount of time.

The reasons Ruin prevailed in this battle are many, some which will remain undisclosed.
But two of the more obvious ones are these. LA Marignon's army had been hit with 2 high level penetration leprosies. Many of the troops and some of the mages were diseased and had afflictions before the battle began.

Secondly, and just as important, the player who counterstrikes always has the advantage of knowing what he is facing, while the attacker never knows for sure what he may face. The advantage of being the attacker in a war is you get the early lead in gold/gems by taking lots of provinces.

The bad thing about being the attacker, is if your foe is smart, he has a lot gold saved up and is not worried about payroll expenses, and he gets to see what he is facing.
And your thugs, sc's and armies are exposed. Exposed to all manners of spells that can be safely cast from afar.

LA marignon got a lot of provinces and extra gems from those provinces from his early blitz. But how many dead angels? 5? 6? 7? Those are not free and the gear they wear is not free. And all those seeking arrows and disease demons that you shoot blindly.

Some work, especially at 1st when you have the suprise factor, but then not so much. And after the initial suprise round, you end up spending 8 air gems to kill a scout or a 30 gold commander while all the mages with good stuff wear missile robes that cost 3 air gems to make with a hammer.

So really the advantage lies with the defender. And Zeldor owes banandine an apology for saying his army lost due to bad scripting. That is not why it lost. It lost for several reasons, another of which is Xietor has played dominions for many years and knows what the ai is going to do in certain situations and can set up units accordingly.

That just comes with time.

Zeldor October 15th, 2008 03:34 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I'd be interested in information about new Fomoria sub too. Actually all subbing etc should be public, especially when it is sub found by game admin playing the game. Just to be sure everything is clear.

Xietor October 15th, 2008 04:42 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
When a perm. sub is found, his/her name will be posted. The state of Formoria is in flux.
When it is out of flux, I will post facts. Formoria was friendly to LA Arcos. You can rest assured the sub will be as well.

Though if KO wants the job, he can always step in and take it and play the race however he pleases. KO? Or any other Game designer? Otherwise you impatient people will have to wait until i get responses to my pms.

I already got a no from Llamabeast. Everyone I have asked are "known" players. None are personal friends, children, or relatives. So sleep easily.

Llamabeast is a friend, but we have never met in real life.:) But any player i get is going to be smart. and one look at the score graphs and he is going to want to know how he can attack la agartha!:D:D:D

Subbing is not public. Everyone finds their own subs ideally. I doi not question any player when he asks me to sub someone in for his race, even when that sub sits atop the Hall of Fame. I just do it. And when a sub is needed for an ally, i always give the ally 1st choice. Only if he fails to find a sub will i step in.

In this case, I am the ally. And no I am not making the process public. you all can campaign for KO though. That would be fun. You will just have to be satisfied that the sub is a known player and not sonofxietor.

SonofXietor: should I really move these guys here Dad?

Xietor: Yes Son.

SonofXietor: What will happen?

Xietor: you will get to see some Werewolves get electrocuted!

Sonofxietor: What if I do not want to? I like Werewolves.

Xietor: Then you will not get an allowance.

Zeldor October 15th, 2008 04:54 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Then I file an official request to remove you from game admin position. Can we do a voting? I have reasons to believe you are abusing your position to gain benefits as a player, thus you should choose to be either a player or game admin.

Xietor October 15th, 2008 05:19 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
You have no sense of humor Zeldor. That is your problem.

No one named sonofxietor is going to be named a sub. As I said, it will be a well known player on the forums.

I have pms to several people. All have end game experience. Until i get responses there is nothing to report. However, your previous post does give me an idea now that hadrian is out of the game. I have tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to remove myself from game admin of this game.

Mission was accomplished for awhie with jazzepi until he got too busy. But I do trust hadrian. And maybe he would be willing to take over the game admin. duties. I would certainly rather focus on just one aspect. And the game only has 23 players left, so it should be as easy to manage as any other large game at this point.

But the sub difficulties are not created by the game admin. They are created by players, who, for whatever reason, stale turn excessively, or go on vacation etc., and do not find their own subs. I am not pointing any fingers of blame because real life does take priority over a game.

Xietor October 15th, 2008 05:22 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
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<hr style="color: rgb(236, 236, 236); background-color: rgb(236, 236, 236);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Hi,

Thanks, I'm flattered you asked me! But I'm already in 4 games, and I just started a 5th. So, one more would be too much, especially since it's a giant huge map.

I'm really sorry, I won't be able to do it.


0-3. VFB is not really a friend at all. just a good player who i happened to ask. It just takes up space and is rather pointless to make a list of who i ask and who says no.

And this will be the end of it. Just know I am trying my best to get a good sub for a good race. And have spent about 2 hours of my day doing so.

Zeldor October 15th, 2008 05:31 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Yeah, I don't really get that "SonOfXietor" posts at all.

It looked liked you have already found a sub for Fomoria. Well, I will be happy to hear his personality when you find him :) I agree that it's sad that people just disappear, especially when they have really decent nation in good position. And after all he got into a war. And then disappeared like tha? huh

konming October 15th, 2008 05:40 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
If you guys need an admin, maybe I can help. Look like I frequent the board several times a day at least. :)

Xietor October 15th, 2008 05:50 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
i am mainly looking for a game admin. I have known a long time. I have asked llamabeast to reconsider his prior no, and i will ask hadrian. Thanks for the offer.

But I am not leaving on account of Zeldor's suggestion. I have been trying to leave this job for some time, and his post just reminded me how much time i waste doing it when someone stale turns.

I may need a sub for formoria though konming, though I do not know what your endgame experience is. I know you did a few turns as ctis in fallacy. And I also need to hear back from a few more people first before i open it up to the world at large. But if you are interested in Formoria pm me.

DonCorazon October 15th, 2008 05:59 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Let me just say publicly that what bothers me is letting a single person characterize the diplomatic situation in a manner that suits their purposes. For example, Utgard was attacked by Fomoria, not the other way around. Utgard made minor retaliatory strikes while PMing the Fomoria player for a peaceful resolution. While Utgard could wipe out the Fomorian oppressors, Utgard avoided major clashes waiting to hear from Fomoria. I did not even know Fomoria had staled til after my turn - so Fomoria's stales had zero impact on Utgard. So hopefully that is conveyed to the mysterious sub.

Xietor October 15th, 2008 06:07 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
the mysterious temp sub is hadrian, but he is not the perm sub. He has already declined that position.

I do see your point Don C. But you are at War with Formoria and you are attacking him. Those are facts. He will see how minor when he takes over the position.

Again, Hadrian should only be doing 1 turn. It is my intent, hope, fervent desire to have a perm sub in place for turn 69. hadrian's deals will not bind the perm sub. Nor will mine.

A perm. sub is free to renounce all former ties and cut new deals. That is the difference between a perm sub and a temp. As a temp Sub Hadrian is not free to renounce treaties etc.

That is why I cautioned it would be prudent to wait one turn and deal with the perm sub-whoever that may be.

In fact, if Tyrant attacked you, then as a temp sub, that is exactly what Hadrian should do to follow what the main player has done. The perm. sub will be free to make peace etc if that is his desire.

Personally I think he should barbeque the werewolves. They taste yummy!

DonCorazon October 15th, 2008 06:48 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Almost as good as Bane Lords, eh X?

Xietor October 15th, 2008 06:51 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
undead are dried and gooey.

Yummy? Only to a werewolf.:)

Xietor October 15th, 2008 07:20 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
A no from Lingchih btw.

I still have 3 more pms outstanding(one to KO). if they are all negative, I will open it to the public.

vfb October 15th, 2008 07:21 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Hey, I resent being called a good player! :)

For what it's worth, I consider Xietor to be one of the most honorable people I've played this game with. Also the most verbose, but that's beside the point. :)

In the game we played together, in which we were two of the top nations, Xietor and I were initially friendly, then I attacked him and he soundly defeated all my attacks. For all he knows, I could be looking for revenge, if I was some kind of person who carried grudges over from game to game. (Which I don't, but he doesn't know that, right?)

Accusations of unfairness are just going to make this game look unfun, and it'll be even harder to get a sub.

Zeldor October 15th, 2008 07:24 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Well, it makes the situation clear. Player getting a temp sub for him would usually leave contact info to the person taking over, just in case someone wants to do some diplomacy. I doubt Hadrian would have anything against it either [but if he is taking over just for 1 turn no one can blame him for ignoring any diplomatic messages as he is in no position to sign anything].

I will admin also not so small game soon, so I will have a taste of that too :)

Xietor October 15th, 2008 09:10 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
To show I did not play favorites the perm sub is K.

My only contact with K is from the last Big Game where we were bitter enemies and I killed off his race. Other than the last Big Game I have no other gaming expereince with K, and before the last Big Game had never heard of him.

So if you want to open diplomacy with Formoria, K is your new guy.

Let me be the 1st to say welcome to Kingmaker K, and we pray(wipe sweat from forehead), that you will honor our 6 turn nap that currently exists between our nations. We have had a long and historical peace. A paved road exists between our capitals to facilitate trade.

We have werewolf repellent if you need it. And we will gladly point out where your former boundaries used to be(before you were brutally savaged by utgard!).:angel

DonCorazon October 15th, 2008 09:17 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Did you forget to tell him that old Fomoria ignored your defense pact, and failed to heed your calls for help? I mean since you are providing such an objective and fair portrayal of the diplomatic situation I just assumed that was part of your briefing...

Since that treaty was clearly broken, a savvy player might use this opportunity to gain some new ground in Arcos, who is fighting many battles at once. And what Arcos considers a "war", we in Utgard just consider good-natured roughhousing.


Lingchih October 15th, 2008 09:21 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Sorry for bowing out. I am in too many games as it is, and I don't even like Fomoria. Hopefully K will do a good job.

Xietor October 15th, 2008 09:28 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
LA Arcos is, as you say, fighting many battles at once. Why is it that Utgard is afraid to fight one fair one? Just curious. Do you really want to see Ruin add Utgard and Formoria as well? Then if Ruin is defeated, will you be able to clang your mugs in your halls and celebrate a war well won?

But LA Arcos only has 2 capitals in Formoria's area. And I doubt anyone wants to pay the price to dig Ruin out of LA Arcos capital. And are you promising those 2 capitals to Formoria should he take them?

Utgard owns 5 capitals. Seems like a much bigger prize awaits the race that takes down Utgard.

Zeldor October 15th, 2008 09:37 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
But isn't it Xietor and his allies going for world domination and using Fomoria to fight his wars? :) Can Ruin guarantee that he won't be next targets of his friends Niefelheim and Man?

I must admit there is really more action in the east :)

Foodstamp October 15th, 2008 09:44 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Xietor October 15th, 2008 09:49 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
LA Arcos is a small peaceful nation who was brutally and without provocation attacked, 1st by ulm, then by Bandar Log and LA Marignon. Ulm attacked Ruin while he was still at war with LA Tien Chi, then Bandar Log and La marignon piled on while LA Arcos sought to punish Ulm for its ruthless assault.

The small peaceful nation of LA Arcoscephale has not known peace since year one. We have no allies. True, Bandar Log overextended itself and niefelheim attacked it. But that hardly makes LA Arcos allies of the Giants. As Bandar Log can attest LA Arcos attacked niefelheim as well as bandar Log when they were in my domain.

All LA Arcoscephale ever desired was peace. Like the hobbits, to be left alone to raise our crops, drink our beer, and sing our songs. Ever has war been forced upon us. When has our peaceful nation ever sought it out?

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