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Reay January 23rd, 2009 07:52 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
In the same game you can see an assassination attempt where the assassin manages to poison the mage in melee without even damaging him. So poison secondary effects seem to be activated even in melee if you hit but don't damage.

Strange that air shield does not protect against blowpipes. That technically should stop the hit occurring depending on how much percentage air shield it is.

vfb January 23rd, 2009 08:04 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by zzcat (Post 669052)
According to the manual, there is only 11% chance to hit for 12 vs MR18. So I'm somewhat unlucky...

I just did some test. Air shield provides no protection vs the blowpipe, but poison resist 100% works.

Oh, sorry ... there were many more MR checks your guy passed in the debug data, I just didn't copy them all. :o

It was something around 1 in 10 failure though. But at 50 dam & 25 protection, you only need to fail 4 times to go unconscious.

Sombre January 23rd, 2009 09:02 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Reay (Post 669053)
In the same game you can see an assassination attempt where the assassin manages to poison the mage in melee without even damaging him. So poison secondary effects seem to be activated even in melee if you hit but don't damage.

I tested this a while ago and units with poison secondaryeffect weapons couldn't poison a load of ulmish heavy infantry without shields. So I'm not sure what's going on here.

Oh and yeah poison immunity definitely works vs blowpipe poison. It has dt stun and dt poison. Dt poison is just there for immunity checks, it doesn't actually cause the slow poisoning effect seen if you use the special poison weapons.

vfb January 23rd, 2009 09:28 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Reay (Post 669053)
In the same game you can see an assassination attempt where the assassin manages to poison the mage in melee without even damaging him. So poison secondary effects seem to be activated even in melee if you hit but don't damage....

Here's what happened in the assassination:

The assassin missed with his Short Sword.

Then he hit the Adon with his Poison Dagger, doing 11 points of damage, but the Body Ethereal check succeeded, so no physical damage was taken. However, the secondary effect does trigger in this case, so poison damage was done.

Body Ethereal does not protect you from the secondary effects of weapons that hit you, even if it saves you from the initial physical damage. Only if the melee weapon does no damage because it's stopped by armour (or just misses) then the secondary effect does not trigger (like Sombre says).

Debug output:

19573 striking with weapon Short Sword. att21 def25
19573 striking with weapon Poison Dagger. att28 def22
hitloc Assassin strikes Adon wl0 diff3 -> 4
hitunit 19573 15643 dmg2 spec2097153 ba4
damage 11 on Adon, spec0x200001 ba4
Ethereal negated 11 pnts of dmg
hitloc Assassin strikes Adon wl0 diff3 -> 4
hitunit 19573 15643 dmg15 spec8320 ba4

BesucherXia January 23rd, 2009 02:28 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
A new minor bug I just met in ComfortZone:

Normally you can not raise a new prophet from a castle under siege, but the AI can.

I guess this is so obvious that someone should have reported it, yet found no clue in the pinned thread.

chrispedersen January 23rd, 2009 02:38 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The ai can also raise troops and mages in provinces it would be unable to.

lch January 23rd, 2009 03:02 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I wouldn't call those bugs, but AI advantages. Same as the AI can receive more gem, gold, etc. income.

Psycho January 24th, 2009 07:24 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Rudra has D3, but 0 undead leadership. So when he raises undead they just stand there and dissolve. Normally that's not a problem as you will probably trust your rudra into melee. But once in a while you want him to stay in the back line and cast spells. And since raise skeletons/undead obviously has a high priority he does it a lot unfortunately.

chrispedersen January 24th, 2009 08:39 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
This game is *so* freaking buggy.

I move from B-->A, fighting and successfully taking A. In the process about 50 troops start to route.

The combat ends with about 40 of the 50 off map. The only square to retreat to is B.

Even worse, the units that were routing, and yet were still on the map are ALSO gone.

In direct contradiction of the manual, p 81:

"units in a victorious army.....If the battle ends before the routing units exit the map, at they end of the battle they remain with the victorious army."

archaeolept January 24th, 2009 09:01 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
my reply from the other thread you posted this in:

"etreats are resolved after combats and, as such, the units had no legitimate province left to retreat to. That is not a bug, but how the game works.

If there were units in your army which are not in the province afterwards, two possibilities exist: 1) that they were under the effect of poison or decay or somesuch, and so died, or 2) that the battle result you saw was not the actual battle, due to some incompatibility of OS or versions.

Routed units from a magical phase battle will appear in the retreated to province in time for the normal battle there, I believe."

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