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Edi February 25th, 2009 02:08 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
That's the army movement bug, where you move an army to attack but it doesn't. But since you're in a province where you siege, instead of the defend province command, the commanders defalut to maintain siege.

Send the files if you want, but I don't know if it will help at all. It's not been reliably repeatable before, which is required for it to be solved unless it is discovered while fixing something else. See recent spate of fixed immortality bugs, they all have different times of addition to the list, but seem to have been linked and were taken care of at once.

chrispedersen February 25th, 2009 05:54 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Hey cool! A bunch of the immortality bugs I sent in were fixed.
YAY! Thanks EDI, Johan, KO!

Endoperez February 26th, 2009 03:41 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
LA Patala Nagarajas (1320) don't revert correctly into their second shape. When they fight in Gandharva shape and are almost dead, they turn into a Naga shape at 1 hp.

The other Naga mages (Nagarishi and Nagini) suffer the same fate when their Yaksha and Human shapes are near death. When I tested this, the nagas ALWAYS got hit for 1 point less than their total hp. E.g. Nagini in human shape has 12 hp, is hit for 11 hp of damage, and is now at 1 hp but naga-shaped. And then she dies.

They should have the full hps in their both shapes, just like other shape-changers.

Conceptual Balance was on during the most comprehensive test, but I noticed this without it.

rdonj February 26th, 2009 12:07 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
In a mp game on the llamaserver I have a battle replay that crashes partway in when I try to watch it. It goes probably 15+ turns before crashing, and I don't even get a crash error report.

lch February 26th, 2009 12:26 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
rdonj, check Illwinter's changelog. There have been a couple of bugfixes for problems that sound exactly like what you're having, and they will be fixed in the next patch.

rdonj February 26th, 2009 01:32 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

* Crash during turn generation bug fixed.
* Global enchantments could incorrectly stay up if its immortal caster was permanently banished, fixed.
* Immortals could die permanently from disease, fixed.
* You could get permanently unable to appoint a new prophet in some circustances, fixed.
This is the only set of changes I see that talks about a crash, and I don't see anything about issues with battle replays. Am I missing something?

rdonj February 26th, 2009 03:01 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Huh, another bug? I was just playing around with the Destroyer of Worlds as an SC chassis and I gave it a black steel hat, but the protection from it isn't showing up. He keeps the same (3) head prot he normally has.

lch February 26th, 2009 09:06 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
rdonj, I believe that the first fix addresses the battle replay problem. I may be wrong about it, but I have been inspecting turn files from the llamaserver from somebody, I think it was FungalReason, and confirmed that they led to crashes. The turn files were then sent to Illwinter, so I assumed that they are what the first fix is about. We'll see.

Regarding the head prot, it does change for me when I try to reproduce your problem. The protection values are only approximate numbers, though, as the protection mechanics are more nuanced than just head and body prot. JK or KO explained a little how they work, somewhere. Basically, every limb has it's own protection value, AFAIK.

rdonj February 27th, 2009 12:58 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
That would be very nice, thanks.

I was checking the specific number for the head. He had 14 or so body prot with the plate armor I gave him, but only 3 on the head with a 23 prot helmet. Maybe it has something to do with his afflictions? He has 3, lost a limb, never healing wound and reduced strength. I'll take a screenshot later when my computer is out of danger.

Micah February 27th, 2009 01:32 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
missing limbs mess up helmets, that one has been around for a while.

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