![]() |
Re: Hmmm...
Are you sure it's safe for an unarmored person to step through a warppoint? Some warppoints have been known to give a bumpy ride.
Re: The.... other place
Heh, I don't drink alcohol so on a personal level I don't care what happens to the Brewskis. On a Professional Level I know that if the Brewskis are messed with or run out I know I then have a cantina full of very miffed customers, and me being the bartender....well.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: The.... other place
Indeed a cantina full of miffed customes who are heavily armed and have their own personal armies of beastly creatures. Well running out of Brewskis could be interesting. Briefly. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: The.... other place
Hey, I know! Since Puke is currently confined to the glass, why don't we just put him in the fridge?
Renegade proceeds to do exactly that, sliding the still blinking Puke into the fridge, and closing the door. Chilled Puke! |
My food processor cleaning robots are probally still around. Hmmm...
How about putting the glass in the freezer to make a nice frozen treat?
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Barkeep! I'll have a Puke & Tonic on the rocks please! Shaken and stirred!
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
RD Quickly delegates this responsibility to one of the 'Bar-Rats' who, unaware of the danger, dutifully carries out this request. "If anyone needs me, I'll just be getting changed into Kevlar http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif" |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Across the bar clicks and low whispers are heard as the patrons prepare for the unpcoming events.
Weapons checked, legions of beasts on standby and spacecraft at red alert the cantina is ready and waiting. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
the bar rat measures out some tonic into the puke-in-a-glass, and closes a tumbler down over the top. he attempts to give it a vigerous shake, but the viscosity of puke is such that he remains solidly in the glass.
puke blinks, irritatedly. when the bar rat removes the tumbler and puts the glass down on the counter, puke reaches up out of it and seizes the creature by the neck. maintaining a solid grip, puke slams the poor bugger into the ground, and then swings him over his head to slam into the ground on the other side. still seated in his glass, puke hurls the would-be drink-mixer over the bar and into Stratigan, whom is knocked onto the ground by the airborne bar rat. Expanding rapidly to a more comfortable size, puke shatters the glass he was in, spraying shrapnel about the room. Shuffling accross the room, puke flags down a FBW to bring a plate of tribble wings. |
Re: The.... other place
Sure am glad he didn't mind me sticking him in the freezer!
Re: The.... other place
RD returns rather hurriedly to the front of the bar sporting body armour, his traditonal polished six shooter which mysteriously fires 7 times and a large cast iron frying pan. He looks around at the rather nervous patrons and afixes his traditional bar-tender western moustache.
"Now folks, he was just being neighbourly" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: The.... other place
Summoned from the cliche ether a piano and player appear in the corner of the cantina. The pianist starts playing but is ready to stop the moment a stranger walks in through the door.
Re: Topic changing!
Why did I get an image of Schlock when I thought of Puke?
Re: Topic changing!
Re: The.... other place
"AAAAAAAAARRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH*gurgle*splortch* Help! Puke's attacking! Somebody HEEEEEE*glaargh*....."
Re: The.... other place
The pianist has not stopped playing.
"I'm sorry Strategia, unless the piano stops it's not serious. This is just 'Local colour' or 'Harmless high jinks' perhaps. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: The.... other place
NullAshton secretly slips the pianist some money for him to keep playing. Whistling, he procedes over to an empty table, to plot defense of the Bar and Grill.
Peace in our part time.
[i]Phil smashes Strategia around the head until the promises to stop being silly.[i]
"My good friends, for the first time in the history of our board, a crazy British First Lieutenant has returned from Holland bringing peace with honour. And concusion. I believe it is peace for our time." Fateful words. |
Re: The.... other place
Then suddenly the tanks come rolling in. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
The two inch high replicas come charging through the door, attacking any remaining cows they encounter and skittering over the floor around people's feet, trying to climb up their trouser legs. |
Re: The.... other place
Ashton takes a magnifying glass, and an artificial sun. The tanks around him are quickly melted into a little puddle of plastic. He leaves the tanks around the cows alone, that'll teach them to mess with his dog.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
You actually think 2 inch replica's can take on a 6 inch cow? No way.
The remaining 6" cows walk all over (literally!) the 2" replica's, not without casualties, but easily routs the 2" replica army. After slaughtering the puny army, the 6" cows feel their time has been served, and retreat to Renegade's table in the corner to wait until he can find a way to get them to greener pastures. Attacking the cows there would not be recommended. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
An army of enraged butchers from the Sofa King Tasty Burger Bar burst in through the swing doors. They grab the cows and drag them away. A vauge, yet miniturarised mooing is briefly heard then the butchers return bearing plates of 1/2pdr beef burgers in buns.
"I love the smell of fresh bar snacks in the morning." |
Re: The.... other place
"I love the smell of molten plastic in the morning. Smells like..... victory."
With these words Strategia enters the Cantina, followed by three full-sized Konigstiger battle tanks - steel ones, mind you. |
Re: The.... other place
Whilst they are steel, they are also steel. As in solid steel.
"Nice statues Strat. I Particularly like the small wheels you put on the bottom to tow them around." |
Re: The.... other place
You bastard! You killed my cows!
Oh well, hamburgers are good too! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: The.... other place
Suddenly three thousand mutated Edam cheeses jump out of the Trojan tanks, brandishing B*******r spray cannons and using old CDs as shields.
Needless to day Phil had to be carried away to a mental hospital after having been subjected to a severe hosing-down with the Unnamable Brewski..... |
Ashton's food-processing robots next to him go crazy from the food on the floor. They swarm the nearest cheese. Once their processing blades start to get clogged, they call for reinforcments, and cardboard drop pods break in from the roof, deploying thousands of processing robots, ready to wreak some havok on cheese. Ashton takes out a camera.
Say cheese, this is going on the front door. |
The ambulance carrying Phil shakes violently, as if there is some immense struggle going on. The shaking stops and the craft turns round heading back for the Cantina.
A shiver goes down Strategias spine as someone walks over his grave. He then starts gibbering as his grave is then nuked from orbit. He has underestimated Phil many times before, perhaps he has done it again? |
Raging Deadstar pops up behind the bar and grabs himself some drink and food.
Just Celebrating my 19th Birthday and my Promotion to Brigadier General http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif RD starts taking potshots at the legions of little machines of war that many of the patrons have released. |
Hey, these bots won't harm a fly! Unless the fly happens to be smeared upon a surface...
Happy Promotion day to me (and RD)! Happy promotion day to me (and RD)! Etc, ad nauseum. |
Re: No Yes No Maybe
Congratulations on your promotions! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: No Yes No Maybe
A bug walks into a bar...
Re: No Yes No Maybe
...and is promptly rushed to the hospital for a head concussion.
Sorry, you walked into that joke http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: No Yes No Maybe
A bug walks into a hospital...
Re: No Yes No Maybe
...and is promptly jabbed with a big needle and sent on it's way.
Enjoy your drinks! Don't drink and fly! |
Re: No Yes No Maybe
lordy, he's back!
the pile of bile orders Taera a pint on his tab, and offers him some spicy tribble wings. |
Re: No Yes No Maybe
A bug walks inside the cantina http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif and starts flapping his wings, sipping on orange potato juice.
"Why wouldn't I fly?" |
Re: The.... other place
Hey, haven't seen you around here for a long time! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif Welcome back!
Re: The.... other place
puke puzzles at why the potato juice is orange, and makes a mental note not to ingest any of it.
Re: The.... other place
The wize one sitting in his usual cornor, notices a somewhat infestation of bugs walking around the cantina. hmmmmm, he mutters, whats drawing these here critters ... he looks around and locates some strange looking orange juice.. or is it???????????/
Pull out the RAID! (tm)
Raid's expired by a couple hundred years, ya know...
Oh well, tried. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Use neurotoxins, it's the same thing as RAID.
Napalm! Quick get the cleansing napalm!
Re: No Yes No Maybe
Napalm is easy, gas and styrofoam.
Re: No Yes No Maybe
and it smells like victory.
Re: No Yes No Maybe
But only in the morning.
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