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Edi October 18th, 2007 04:00 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
That one's already in the shortlist.

The DarkOne October 18th, 2007 06:52 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Demonbred's have become old.
They used to get old at 500 the new ones at 240. This results in about half of them starting with oldage.
Makes research even harder than it used to be, especially early on.
Not sure if this is a bug but i assume so.

Endoperez October 18th, 2007 07:00 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
They aren't demons any more. Demons live longer than mortals. Probably not intended. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Professor_Chaos October 19th, 2007 01:36 AM

Two Serpent Cult bugs
- Call Sirrush doesn't work. Message reports spell was cast, but no Sirrush appears

EDIT: Whoops - ignore that one. Call Sirrush does work; I was confusing it with Call Coatl

- Theurgs appear to have female gender rather than male. Then again, they are wearing pink...

Edi October 19th, 2007 02:05 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

The DarkOne said:
Demonbred's have become old.
They used to get old at 500 the new ones at 240. This results in about half of them starting with oldage.
Makes research even harder than it used to be, especially early on.
Not sure if this is a bug but i assume so.

That's a bug. It stems from the way Dominions 3 autocalculates maxage based on certain factors. Undead have a base maxage of 500, demons 1000 and inanimate units 2400 (mixed units, as in being more than one type at the same time) may have something or other, I've not checked priorities. It seems that demonbreds should have a hardcoded maxage to remove this problem. Will be added.

Beren, I'll add those as well.

Ewierl October 22nd, 2007 03:31 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I don't know if this is old, or due to MA changes in the 3.10 patch, but I only just noticed it now while testing some things.

LA Tien Chi's Ceremonial Master is missing all abilities.

Description says he should be a Priest and a Fortune Teller, but he is neither, only Sacred.

Loren October 22nd, 2007 03:55 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
3.10, got one, I don't know if it's new or not:

Flying creatures can't fly in or over the water. I've got a flier with a move of 3 I had given a ring of water breathing to go build underwater temples. I should get my move 3 regardless of the terrain, especially since Thetis' Blessing is now up.

Edi October 22nd, 2007 04:36 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Actually, you should not. That's WAD, in sea provinces you move 1 province per turn no matter what your start move is. Unless you are amphibian or flying and can move through adjacent land provinces in order to get where you're going. Always been that way.

Ewierl, the fortune teller thingy is in the shortlist, I'll add the holy too.

Loren October 23rd, 2007 12:57 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Edi said:
Actually, you should not. That's WAD, in sea provinces you move 1 province per turn no matter what your start move is. Unless you are amphibian or flying and can move through adjacent land provinces in order to get where you're going. Always been that way.

Ewierl, the fortune teller thingy is in the shortlist, I'll add the holy too.

I have no problem with units that actually move through the water being restricted to 1 province per turn. Why in the world should that apply to fliers, though?? They aren't in the water to be slowed down!

Edi October 23rd, 2007 01:39 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The distinction is not based on movement type but on terrain. Moving IN sea provinces, as opposed to OVER them (e.g. via sailing) assumes the creature is in the sea, in the water. Flyers are unable to cross water provinces like sailors in Dom3.

Kristoffer O October 24th, 2007 05:29 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
> Why in the world should that apply to fliers, though?? They aren't in the water to be slowed down!

Quite few birds cross oceans. They need to land and eat. Imagine a turkey crossing the Atlantic http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
In earlier iterations of dominions seas were generally larger as well. So it is also a survival from these primal oceans that makes them uncrossable and restricts movement. With the deep seas added some movement restrictions should perhaps be removed, particulary regarding sailing.

EricM October 24th, 2007 06:33 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Hide Shield (armor 105) has an armor type of 5 (body), when it should be 4 (shield).

EricM October 24th, 2007 06:45 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
From the manual (pg 124) EA Oceania should have providence defence at 20+ of Turtle Warriors and Mermen. It doesn't get the Mermen.

This is because the nation UW providence defence lists Mermen twice in the data files. One of this double listing should be renamed to land providence defence.

Edit: Corrected manual page number.

Loren October 24th, 2007 02:20 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
You could make a reasonable case for fliers not being able to cross water because of that. When Thestis' Blessing is up, though, that's not an issue. It should remove the movement restriction on flying across water.

Loren October 24th, 2007 02:22 PM

Missing messages
3.10 still, SP game. The messages of spells cast and items forged are quite deficient. I'm not even getting half of them, turn after turn.

Zeppelin17 October 25th, 2007 12:01 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I don't know if it is a game bug or something on my pc, but the fact is that I can't use any mods. I enable it, start the game and all, but as soon as i hit "end turn" for the 1st time, the game freezes on the middle of the next turn calculations ("research", "resolving battle", etc) or craches with the message "ConvArmyNbr: error!".
At first I thought it was an error on my mods, but then I tested other mods that should work, and the same happens.
Any ideas?

Edi October 25th, 2007 03:19 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Yes. Did you make sure you entered the CD-key that came with your manual correctly?

Taqwus October 25th, 2007 05:35 AM

Post-siege recruitment bug -- previous queue
1 Attachment(s)
Twice now in a 3.10 game, after sieging and capturing an undefended enemy fort, the enemy's recruitment queue (which had been unable to make progress because I'd driven the unrest high with Imperial Consorts) remained. This was particularly glaring because these were national troops (Ulmish) that I couldn't recruit normally...

Once the unrest is driven down below 100, recruitment of those Ulmish troops has continued, even though I'm T'ien Ch'i.

I have not yet seen this in the case of captured forts that involved a siege battle, or pre-3.10, or with forts that had unrest below 100 (although the latter may not be strictly necessary as I've been spamming spies, and undefended forts have been extremely rare).

(Edit -- attached save file. See Dershid, prov. 116.

SP game, w/ Ulm Reborn (irrelevant as an LA nation), Blinking Monkey (only disables some spells), and Streamers/Standards mod. MS Windows XP.)

Edi October 25th, 2007 06:21 AM

Re: Post-siege recruitment bug -- previous queue
Known issue and already in the shortlist as item BHV Recruitment Queue 2. This has appeared as early as 3.04 or 3.06, I don't remember exactly.

Edi October 26th, 2007 05:39 PM

Re: Post-siege recruitment bug -- previous queue
Shortlist roundup:
  • <font color="red">U 87 Demonbred</font> Maxage should be increased to 500, since removing demon attribute makes them old and they no longer get maxage increase from blood magic
  • <font color="red">U 121 Demonbred</font> Maxage should be increased to 500, since removing demon attribute makes them old and they no longer get maxage increase from blood magic. This unit needs the demon tag removed.
  • U 1537 Demonbred (EA, assassin) Maxage should be increased to 500, for the sake of consistency.
  • A 105 Hide Shield Should be type 4, shield, but it is type 5, body armor instead as far as the game engine is concerned.
  • SPELL Sea of Ice does not affect AI at all. In fact, AI seems to be somewhat immune to movement restrictions that completely prohibit movement. Discussion thread
  • SPELL Dance of the Morrigans does not work. Broken in several ways. Discussion thread

void October 27th, 2007 05:37 AM

Re: Post-siege recruitment bug -- previous queue
BUG - ITEM - Armor of Virtue

TAG: Item, Important, *Behaviour?

The Armor of Virtue no longer casts Ritual of Returning at the beginning of combat. It now casts the spell at the end of first turn, meaning that if you got struck heavily on the first turn the armor cannot save you from your ghastly fate.
In additional to that, if your commander is ATTACKING at the first turn - that is, any action that involved a unit movement - the Ritual of Returning spell will never be casted.

Reproduce the bug:

Forge the Armor of Virtue.
Equip it to a commander.
Script commander to "Attack".
Use that commander to attack some province. View him in the combat; Note that he will NEVER gains the blue icon of Ritual of Returning.

Additional Info:

In the logfile you could still seeing the following lines:

item Armor of Virtue casting autospell cast returning (cr0)
Autospell is cast returning
castspell: cnr148 spl54 (cast returning) vis0 x14 y14 spldmg8388608

But this spell will fail to take effect. Could be caused by the reason that the item tried to cast the spell at "original" place which that commander no longer stands at.


Make the Armor casts that spell at the beginning of combat.

Related possible bugs:
I DID NOT tested, but the same thing could applies to other item spells like the charge body armor.

Edi October 27th, 2007 05:50 AM

Re: Post-siege recruitment bug -- previous queue
People, THAT there is a detailed, readable, good bug report. I'll add that after I manage to condense it to a suitable shortlist entry and link to the post.

Edi October 28th, 2007 03:04 PM

Re: Post-siege recruitment bug -- previous queue
Added magic site locmask issues to the shortlist.

lch October 28th, 2007 03:46 PM

Re: Post-siege recruitment bug -- previous queue
Wait, that's an issue in the game, not just the DB?

Edi October 28th, 2007 04:03 PM

Re: Post-siege recruitment bug -- previous queue
The locmask issues in the shortlist are game issues.

The locmask issue in the DB is that I had them screwed up before, so the 3.10 RC1 DB is unreliable in that regard. I have fixed the DB to correctly show the current locmasks, rarities etc, but that does not patch the game, obviously. The fixed DB will be made available after I've checked the status of heroes and uniques.

Chris_Byler October 28th, 2007 04:03 PM

Re: Post-siege recruitment bug -- previous queue
Regarding the locmask post to the shortlist: The Sunless Sea is probably intended to be cave only, based on Coleridge's poem "Kubla Khan".


In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree :
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.

Edi October 28th, 2007 04:08 PM

Re: Post-siege recruitment bug -- previous queue
That could be. I do not claim to be nearly as widely read in mythology and poetry as KO, so I would obviously miss things like that. Hence the list entry. I expect Kristoffer will tell me where I've gone wrong.

lch October 31st, 2007 06:32 PM

Mighty Pak-ur

Pak-ur doesn't command any men but is quite huge himself. and demands 72 pounds of gold for employment.

Chris_Byler October 31st, 2007 07:13 PM

Re: Mighty Pak-ur
Oh boy, that's an old one. I think it dates back to Dom:PPP.

The period should probably just be changed to a comma.

lch November 1st, 2007 10:08 AM

Magic site locmasks
"The Citadel of Pyriphlegton" appeared for me in a province which is flagged as Sea and Border Mountains. I couldn't find this in the latest bug thread entry, so I think it should be added? Wizards recruited in the province will instantly drown. In case it should have given a Citadel as the name suggests, that didn't happen underwater, too.

Edi November 1st, 2007 12:19 PM

Re: Magic site locmasks
That's WAD, though with a twist. Citadel of Pyriphlegeton has a terrain mask that says "Any land, except caves" (223=1+2+4+8+16+64+128). Border mountains are counted as mountains for site locmask purposes, so the mask for that is 4. Since border mountains are eligible terrain, the site may appear.

Therefore this is not a site locmask bug, but a map error, though there may be a different bug there. Sea and Deep Sea terrain should never be combined with anything else to avoid strange behavior, but I need to look into the locmask issue some more when I get home. If the Citadel of Pyriphlegeton has some problems in the locmask, I'll add it to the list, but if not, then it's a map problem and a problem with mixing sea and land provinces.

Zeppelin17 November 1st, 2007 10:56 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Just solved it. I used system recover and then reinstalled the game. Now it is back to normal.

Zeldor November 2nd, 2007 01:09 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I used by mistake Ankh and an Ark in one battle. Ankh made everyone who died because of Ark into soulless, except for Ankh carrier. Should it be like that?

Edi November 2nd, 2007 06:57 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Zeldor, yes, that's correct.

Ich, I checked the Citadel of Pyriphlegeton locmask and it's correct. 16607 is an all-terrain-but-caves mask for a unique site, so your problem stems from the mapmaker mixing land and sea terrains in the same province, which should not be done.

I also just noticed your post about giving forts and no, it doesn't do that either in land or sea.

lch November 2nd, 2007 08:06 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I can sympathize with the map creator that he didn't knew that "border mountains" was reserved for land provinces. Is this documented anywhere? Are caves automatically land provinces, too? Personally I'd be fine if there were underwater farm lands (algae farms), so the game should check if a site can be applied to a province or not depending on sea/deep sea flags.

Edi November 2nd, 2007 11:11 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Yes, caves are automatically land provinces. You'd probably need new terrain masks for sea farms, forests, mountains and underwater caves, which is going to get unwieldy in a hurry. You would then need to go through the sites and see which ones could have the corresponding locmask adjustment (which is further complicated that site locmasks and map file terrain masks do not match, so you need to recalculate them).

Taqwus November 3rd, 2007 07:00 PM

Patala and Blood
Is Patala really supposed to have access to the Lanka blood summons --

Summon Rakshasas, Feast of Flesh, Summon Asrapas, Summon Rakshasha Warriors, Summmon Sandhyabalas, Summon Dakini, Summon Samanishada, Summon Mandaha and Summon Davanas


Not that they have any recruitable blood mages or summonable national blood mages (although Lamia Queens can get there), but just wondering whether it's (a) WAD -- Patala's inheritance, perhaps inconvenient to access put a possible path, or (b) an oversight of some sort.


Edi November 3rd, 2007 07:52 PM

Re: Patala and Blood
Sounds like a bug, but needs confirmation from Illwinter. They should probably have some sort of naga summons instead, if anything, but such units are currently not in the game.

lch November 3rd, 2007 08:45 PM

Re: Patala and Blood
I think the question came up before and the answer was WAD.

Endoperez November 3rd, 2007 09:21 PM

Re: Patala and Blood
That was about Kailasa/Bandar Log IIRC. Patala doesn't have access to the old "good" side of the summons. No Apsaras, Gandharvas, Siddhas... In that light, removing the blood would be understandable.

lch November 3rd, 2007 10:33 PM

Re: Patala and Blood

Endoperez said:
Patala doesn't have access to the old "good" side of the summons. No Apsaras, Gandharvas, Siddhas...


Lord_Bob November 3rd, 2007 10:55 PM

Re: Patala and Blood
I'd like to say two things:

1-Monkeys were taught how to summon these things, and they still remember how.

2-Patala doesn't need "rebalancing" in the direction of making it even weaker. It's bad enough all thier "good" summons can be killed by any race with Astral-1. Lookee, you spent 25 Astral summoning a Kinnari. Lookee, two 90 gold Astral-1 Wizards just cast "Magic Duel" and now he is is dead. Great. Of course there is no other reason they would be casting that, except to kill your 450 gold Astral-1 Nagarashi's. In fact, that is why Patala sucks. Right there. That is it. Move a point out of Earth, and put a point in Astral, and suddenly Nagarashi can't be killed super-easy by things that cost a fifth as much. That would be a big help for them. It basically makes me build Nagini's unless I am ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN no "astral" race is going to attack me. "Astral" being defined as having a reasonably cheap Astral-1 caster. Like a very large number of races. Basically your "change" takes away the only non-capital non-Astral mages I have access to. Unless I want to watch Guru's cast "Touch Of Madness" on my longbowmen. Or maybe I can communion so he can enlarge some dragon flies.

Endoperez November 4th, 2007 06:47 AM

Re: Patala and Blood

Endoperez said:
Patala doesn't have access to the old "good" side of the summons. No Apsaras, Gandharvas, Siddhas...

It seems I misremembered - Patala DOES have access to Apsaras etc. I'm sure that when I tried the nation, I wondered why they were missing spells that they had in an earlier age... It was a long time ago. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif Sorry about that.

Loren November 10th, 2007 02:26 PM

Re: Patala and Blood
Got a couple things to add:

1) Curse of Blood monthly casting doesn't work. It casts once but does not repeat.

2) The manual lists a couple of summoning spells that are apparently national only. I was trying to find a summonable preacher--both of the ones listed aren't available.

Edi November 11th, 2007 03:07 PM

Re: Patala and Blood
1) Enough blood slaves in the lab at start of turn?
2) Which spells?

Loren November 11th, 2007 04:31 PM

Re: Patala and Blood

Edi said:
1) Enough blood slaves in the lab at start of turn?



2) Which spells?

I forget which off the top of my head. They are the ones that summon something holy.

I just found another that doesn't work right monthly: Gift of Reason. It did cast but it had no effect. It must have been targeted on a specific unit instead of a type of unit. (I've also had trouble casting multiple Gift of Reason's in the same province on the same unit type.)

lch November 11th, 2007 04:38 PM

Re: Patala and Blood
There are no "types of units", it ALWAYS targets a specific unit. If there's more than one unit of the same type, then both are in the list, too. Choosing the same one twice isn't a smart thing to do and it's why it can't be done monthly, too.

lch November 11th, 2007 04:41 PM

Re: Patala and Blood

Loren said:
1) Curse of Blood monthly casting doesn't work. It casts once but does not repeat.

Assuming that you did the same error of targetting a specific province when you set it to monthly, try NOT setting a specific one when casting it, but use the default one (which will directly depend on the province number). It should work.

Loren November 11th, 2007 10:23 PM

Re: Patala and Blood

lch said:
There are no "types of units", it ALWAYS targets a specific unit. If there's more than one unit of the same type, then both are in the list, too. Choosing the same one twice isn't a smart thing to do and it's why it can't be done monthly, too.

But when you pick the target for it you are only given the types of units in the province, not all the units.

Loren November 11th, 2007 10:23 PM

Re: Patala and Blood

lch said:

Loren said:
1) Curse of Blood monthly casting doesn't work. It casts once but does not repeat.

Assuming that you did the same error of targetting a specific province when you set it to monthly, try NOT setting a specific one when casting it, but use the default one (which will directly depend on the province number). It should work.

Curse of Blood is a summoning spell, it doesn't have a province target!

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