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Colonel November 5th, 2004 07:47 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The AI doesnt know how to use engines\warp drives\warpna cells. All the Ai in a new game have ships with one or two impulse engines but no warp drive or warp necells. They are stuck at their homeworld with no movement. It did something similiar to this before this 1.8.8 patch but not as bad. They do it even on the most advanced tech start

Aiken November 5th, 2004 08:01 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Some semi-random thoughts about mid-start.

Those techs which are taken from stock game without any changes (space yards, applied research, etc) can use values for meduim start from stock techs.

Sabotage, Espionage - level 1.

All techs from Theoretical Science group (Chemistry, Physics, etc) start with level 1 at least.

Warships - biggest ship tonnage/2, find ship size closest to this number and use it for medium start. Generally level 4-5 of race ship construction looks good.

Carriers: start with Light Carrier => Adv Ship Construction 1.

Troops, Sats, WPs, Bases, Drones - same as stock ones.

Mines - start with medium mine.

Shuttles - start with level 1-2.

Ship Construction (which gives access to Structural Integrity Field) start with level 2-3.

You need to have access to basic sensors (hyperoptics, grav sensors) from start.

ECM\CS\SA - level 1.

Computers\Computer control - level 1.

Warp Technology - start with level 4-5. With Meduim sized ship it gives moderate speed.

Race_Name Energy Weapons - start with level 7-8 => Beam Weapons - max and Adv Physics lvl 1.

Torpedo Weapons - level 6.

Racial Torps - greatly varies, some decent ones.

Complain about Mines tech. Now this tech includes 10 lvls. With starting cost of 50000 it's unreal to research special damage type mines in early or medium stages of the game. By the time you have sufficient research capabilies, mines become useless because of massive use of minesweepers. So there is no point to research Mines tech further than lvl 5 (to get minesweeper 5).
It'd be better to move special mines back to Explosive Warheads tech, but add 3 or 6 more levels to research to this tech.

Aiken November 5th, 2004 08:14 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
stm 1.8.8

Errors in Borg_AI_Research file: it uses Energy Weapons/Enhanced Energy Weapons instead of Borg Energy Weapons/Borg Enhanced Energy Weapons.


The AI doesnt know how to use engines\warp drives\warpna cells. All the Ai in a new game have ships with one or two impulse engines but no warp drive or warp necells. They are stuck at their homeworld with no movement. It did something similiar to this before this 1.8.8 patch but not as bad. They do it even on the most advanced tech start

I don't have such problem. 5 AIs, I'm playing with, are ok (8472, Borg, Breen, Orion, Tholian).
I have to check others, though.

Atrocities November 5th, 2004 10:06 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Colonel said:
The AI doesnt know how to use engines\warp drives\warpna cells. All the Ai in a new game have ships with one or two impulse engines but no warp drive or warp necells. They are stuck at their homeworld with no movement. It did something similiar to this before this 1.8.8 patch but not as bad. They do it even on the most advanced tech start

Did you download the full beta Version of the mod? Version 1.8.5 then apply the update?

Atrocities November 5th, 2004 10:10 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Errors in Borg_AI_Research file: it uses Energy Weapons/Enhanced Energy Weapons instead of Borg Energy Weapons/Borg Enhanced Energy Weapons.

There are no entries in the Borg AI Research file for Energy Weapons / Enhanced Energy Weapons. They are all named after their race. How did you make this determination?

Colonel November 5th, 2004 10:39 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:

Colonel said:
The AI doesnt know how to use engines\warp drives\warpna cells. All the Ai in a new game have ships with one or two impulse engines but no warp drive or warp necells. They are stuck at their homeworld with no movement. It did something similiar to this before this 1.8.8 patch but not as bad. They do it even on the most advanced tech start

Did you download the full beta Version of the mod? Version 1.8.5 then apply the update?

Yes, i think i had what you sent out orginally then the 1.8.6 patch then the 1.8.8 then I started another game. the Ferengi, Cardassians, Romulans, and Klingons made designs with engines but not enough to get movement.

Aiken November 6th, 2004 06:41 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:

Errors in Borg_AI_Research file: it uses Energy Weapons/Enhanced Energy Weapons instead of Borg Energy Weapons/Borg Enhanced Energy Weapons.

There are no entries in the Borg AI Research file for Energy Weapons / Enhanced Energy Weapons. They are all named after their race. How did you make this determination?

Latest patch (stmbeta188.zip) contains 2 files for Borg AI - Research and DesignCreation. And there are entries for Energy Weapons and Enhanced Energy Weapons techs. They're the legacy of unified AI_Research file, I guess.

edit: errors are popping up during turn computation about Borg_AI_Research.txt and unknown values of Energy Weapons and Enhanced Energy Weapons techs.

Atrocities November 6th, 2004 06:48 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Turn 54, Klingons are landing troops on my planets! I lost my entire fleet of 40 ships trying to take their home world. This is no joke! We were good friends so I moved a fleet of 44 ships to their home world. This up set them greatly so they declared war upon me. Great, my fleets in place so I figure I will just attack. This is when I run into the Fleet Leader issue. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif That MUST be fixed for SE V. We definately need a way to know what ship is the fleet leader. See heres what happened. I moved all my ships into position to start the trek to their HW and the Last GD MFing ship I click on turns out to be the GD MFing fleet ship. Guess what happened? Yup, my ships all went hinky on me. Then after this, the next turn I had no fricking clue what ship was the lead ship. So it was hit or miss again. Mean time the Klingons are launching shuttles and moving their ships into position. By the time I get thing organized, turn 15, I have lost 2/3 rds of my fleet to shuttles and attach ships. The planet finished the rest off in short order. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Several turns later the klingons come through my heavily defended warp point. I had 50 ships there, and when the Klingons came, all of my ships split for the four corners of the map and were hunted down and obliterated. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif

Ok, so I go to the design window and check. Sure as hell both designs were set to "Don't get hurt." WTF!

A few turns later they land troops on one of my worlds. They take it. In the mean time I am running a crash course on construction to pump out enough ships to defend my home system from attack.

The klingons take another planet. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif

Atrocities November 6th, 2004 06:57 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The SOB's just mined my warp point! I lost six ships to them! GD IT! WTF! I am so screwed! Its only turn 65 and I am beaten! By the GD AI no less! THEY MINED MY WARP POINT and are dropping droops on my planets. My fleet of 24 ships lost to a fleet of 8!!!!!!!! My captains are retards!

Colonel November 6th, 2004 02:19 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:
The SOB's just mined my warp point! I lost six ships to them! GD IT! WTF! I am so screwed! Its only turn 65 and I am beaten! By the GD AI no less! THEY MINED MY WARP POINT and are dropping droops on my planets. My fleet of 24 ships lost to a fleet of 8!!!!!!!! My captains are retards!

Atrocities needs some happy beans and remember the Klingons are your friends. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif So put a similie on your face. Or not and be evil and obliterate the evil bastards the next game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

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