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jimkehn May 24th, 2007 11:38 AM

Re: Kailasa has disappeared
I think we should. Maybe even stale him this turn, and see what his answer is. Maybe we can get another turn in before thejeff goes outta town.

(oops....meant that for game Whyte)

vfb May 24th, 2007 10:58 PM

Re: Kailasa has disappeared
Good news! BandarLover played his turn in Perpetuality. So hopefully he will get caught up in these other games too. Please disregard my question about setting him to AI, thanks.

BandarLover May 25th, 2007 12:14 AM

Re: Kailasa has disappeared
Sorry for holding everything up. Total PC meltdown and I had to wipe and reinstall. YAY!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Foodstamp May 25th, 2007 01:45 PM

Tien Chi will put a knife in your back next
Be warned peoples of this world. Many months ago Tien Chi wished to forge a NAP with the nation of R'lyeh. Our people suggested a three month NAP with Tien Chi. This NAP was not adequate for the army of Tien Chi, they wanted a NAP with a six month warning.

We reluctantly agreed to the six month NAP requested by Tien Chi. Yesterday we receive a message from Tien Chi telling us the NAP is over and we can begin aggressive actions in six months. A mere one month later, Tien Chi has begun attacks upon our people.

We ask anyone who is willing, to join in the wholesale slaughter of these people who have no honor. The people of Tien Chi shall become our slaves, feeding on their own filth as they fuel our war machine. Die well scum.

jutetrea May 25th, 2007 02:16 PM

Re: Tien Chi will put a knife in your back next
Eh Wot?

The people of Tien Chi have ever been honest and forthright.

Yes we desired a 6 month notification of hostilities as the proximity of our nations would make a 3 month notification relatively useless.

Our messengers must have been misunderstood, the dissolution of the 6 month NAP was due to our perception that our options were limited in respect to the turmoil facing the rest of the world. We have offered to re-negotiate at the end of that 6 month time frame if the case so warrants. There were no declarations of war, no attacks planned or ordered, and above all no knives.

Attacks! What attacks? Tien Chi has never broken their word and hopefully never will. Our troops have not even moved towards your territory. As I'm sure you have spies available to you, you will notice no troop movements towards adjacent provinces - I have even moved groups of troops AWAY from our borders.

Tien Chi does admit to a bit of spell casting in your direction, namely 6 astral windows to seek knowledge about your empire. We noticed Ry'leh flags popping up in random places and sought further knowledge as to your expansion. We have noticed you expanding to the far west, the far south, and significantly in the former domain of Ermor. Would you begrudge us seeking to better ourselves with knowledge? On top of that, we fail to see how this calls for breaking a pact and being called oathbreaker?

Nations of the world, ask yourselves this - in all of your dealings with the territory of Tien Chi, have you had reason to question our word? If anything, we could be accused of being too forthright with the amount of information we share.

In closing, any breaking of our Non Aggression Pact until turn 59 will be met with great vengeance and furious anger.

edit: The overcast of Well of Misery was far from an act of war, it was an effort by many to share the wealth of such a useful spell. We were just deemed the most available to do so. Benefits from the well are to be had by all in the form of tax breaks and it is still not too late to be involved with the monthly dispersement of gems. Please enquire at the Magicka resource allocation department and fill out forms 2843a, 48578b, and be sure to sign forms 2945L and F.

Foodstamp May 25th, 2007 02:50 PM

Re: Tien Chi will put a knife in your back next
All the other nation leaders have to do is look at the graphs to understand what is going on. You say someone else casted the province targetted spells? Then it was at your request for we are at peace with all nations currently. Let's see if they come out to hold hands with your nation, or hide in fear as you people are devoured, their blood is used to fertilize our new lands.

You dug your grave, prepare to inhabit it.

jutetrea May 25th, 2007 03:29 PM

Re: Tien Chi will put a knife in your back next

We had no part in whatever caused your income to drop so drastically, we believed you were more upset over the loss of the well. If map spells were cast, as we mentioned via PM, we'd have no part in it. I'm a firm believer in not wasting gems for temporary affects. For the most part anyway, flames from the sky/murdering winter are useful in and of themselves if extremely flush with gems.

It is unfortunate that you feel so strongly about this, as I'm sure its just a case of bad luck or mistaken identity. As I said, I have no plans to break our pact. As of turn 59 we can re-negotiate if needed or if you still feel this way and continue with the unfounded complaints we may meet on the field of battle.

Eressil3 May 25th, 2007 04:46 PM

Re: Tien Chi will put a knife in your back next

Foodstamp said:
Something deleted because of the rules...

Edit : Ok let's follow the rules and not make copy/paste
R'lyeh said in his message, he was breaking our three months NAP because of Tien'chi putting things on my shoulders http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

So here is my public answer (that anyone can copy and paste)

Duh ? Why it should be Tien'chi related ??? [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img]
That's sounds very odd !!!
If you just want your part of the cake, just ask for it ! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Yomi's demons love to eat and understand the hunger of others... We currently feed the giants and they seems to have a huge appetite. We're ready to feed the treacherous nation who mind hunted us during our truce... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Foodstamp May 25th, 2007 05:01 PM

Re: Tien Chi will put a knife in your back next
We didn't mindhunt you during our truce. I take NAPs very seriously and abide by them.

Appearantly, for the rest of you, a NAP means that you are allowed to cast offensive spells at enemies and they are not allowed to fight back. Do you really believe that a NAP means that you are only forbidden to take provinces from the person you have a truce with?

One more thing Eressil, I would appreciate that you do not share private messages with the rest of the forum, thanks. It is against the forum rules and you can be banned. Here is the rules concerning private messages you agreed to when you registered to this forum:



Private Messages received on these forums are to be considered private and are not to be posted publicly or forwarded to other users unless the sender of the private message agrees. If you have a problem with a PM and need to involve moderators or administrators, please do so in a private manner such as PMs or email. We reserve the right to read any PMs, if necessary, to determine if a violation of the rules have occured.

Users shall not post messages containing personal phone numbers or addresses. If you need to give someone your personal information do it in a way that is safe (PMs or email). It’s simply not smart to put that information out in the open on the Internet for public consumption. Do not give out another user’s private information with out their prior consent.

Please edit your post and delete my private message.

Foodstamp May 25th, 2007 05:27 PM

Re: Tien Chi will put a knife in your back next

In response to your accusation. R'lyeh did not say we were breaking our NAP. We said that we are ending the NAP and will abide by the three month agreement before we start smashing your face.

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