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lch December 14th, 2007 08:55 PM

Re: oh nose???

Cor2 said:
Something I wanted to ask, how come everyone on these forums form Switzerland speaks english so well?

I think you can extend that to most of Europe (minus France http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif). Like Finland, Sweden, Germany etc. (I'm german). You learn english in school. Most of the internet is english. At least half of the software you use is in english. The newest movies on the net (*cough cough*) are in english. So since the language is always around you, you never stop learning. For the english speaking community the situation is reversed, I guess. Hence I learn to articulate myself in the other language and can speak english fluently after some days of getting accustomed to it, being in a foreign country, while you'll struggle to come up with something comprehensible in the language you learned at school, i.e. a long time ago. And the French, well, I don't want to make bad jokes, seem to be preoccupied with French.

Cor2 December 15th, 2007 06:50 AM

Re: oh nose???
OH Nose! You killed mr. Harold! You bastard! (your not really, just a southpark joke)

cupido2 December 15th, 2007 07:26 PM

Re: oh nose???
I killed someone? Haven't killed a commander of yours for around 10 turns.

Cor2 December 16th, 2007 12:37 AM

Re: oh nose???
Harold, rest his soul, was an indy commander who was attacked by a succubus after having the fortitude of will to resist her temptations. He had a summer sword and a wine bag. Normally that wouldn't be such a loss but with the Astral corruption magic items are much harder to forge. so it was quite a loss for our nation. very sad.

I just thought it was funny , I mean his name is Harold. What a stupid name.

cupido2 December 16th, 2007 10:20 AM

Re: oh nose???
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif Hey my real name is Harold! (no, it isn't)

It's time to say good bye. In 2 turns Huakar the Horrormarked will have lost his last worshippers.

Cor2 December 16th, 2007 02:26 PM

Faithful departing
Truely? I just checked the live graph again I didn't think your dominion was so low. Those 200 gp temples pay off. Kind of anticlimatic though.

new link because its so far away now

cupido2 December 16th, 2007 06:33 PM

Look at them. And you thought my dominion wasn't so low? Do you have any stealthy priests? In the last couple of turns your dominion spread at an alarming pace and from the beginning, when you conquered a province it turned almost immidetaly to your faith. Horrible.

Yeah, but I couldn't afford an epic end-battle at my homecastle anyway. It would be an anticlimax too.

Let me be the first to congratulate you for your victory in the Tartarian wars. Well fought. I had no chance. But I think you could have had this victory in October. I never was able to fight those Tartarian (not to talk of your air queen... why didn't you send here after me?) and was behind 10 to 20 turns since you entered the game. But it was big fun. The first game I made it in the finals. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Cor2 December 17th, 2007 01:32 AM

wished for nastiness
Ouch, you cast wish for armageddon I assume.

I have stealthy preists but I was not using them to preach covertly. I just make sure I have a temple in every one of my provinces. Even if it was razed I could afford it because i was not investing in troops. I couldn't put together normal armies because they would just get mass enslaved so I have tons of gold.

The Elemental Queens of Air were my emergency strike force. I would only use them if I could think of no other way out of a situation. If i had used them frequently and predictably you would have been able to counter them with anti- lightning or kill them (I already lost one to enslavement). If you had scripted a defensive force with lots of oppositions (or enslavements) and some penetration items it would have worked. But that never came up.

I didn't feel like I could have won in October. Maybe I overestimated your strength, but I think you over estimated mine. I had about 20 badass tartarians but you had the Arcane Nexus and had stolen my chalice which is key to any tartarian factory. You had me locked down. I could not produce magical troops without giving you gems and I could not feild normal armies because they would be enslaved. To make matters worse my highest astral caster was a level 3. The turn after you cast arcane nexus I tried to dispel it with all my astral gems, over 300 and failed. I assumed you were using those gems to crank out your own super combatants or at least counters to mine.

So went on the defensive for many rounds as you took my lands. I was slowly accumulating the gems I needed to empower someone high enough to cast arcane nexus, then i alchemized many of my gems to cast it and hoped. If you had cast it with 999 gems I was screwed. When I got the Nexus, that was the turning point from my point of view.

cupido2 December 17th, 2007 02:23 PM

Re: wished for nastiness
Cthugul, the Marshall of Huakar, the Monolith Lord, went to the forbidden chambers of the Void Gate in the deepest bowels of the sunken city with their cyclopic basalt pillars and the blashempic angles, knowing that all hope is lost for the Mindlords. There he stood and cast the most powerful spell to seal the gate for no human beeing shall lay hand on it. The biggest earthquake this world has known and will ever know let the sunken city crumble and meteors hailed in the water. Hundredthousands died as Cthugul did. No one heard the last words Cthugul said: "Oh nose! Ftaghn"

One month later, Waldi is the one and only god. Little to rejoice have the people of the world as it is easier to open the doors to the Tartarus than to lock it shut. A new dark age will fall over the world terrorized by the fiends Waldi called tohis aid.

lch December 17th, 2007 03:18 PM

Game over
The graphs look pretty boring now... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Congratulations on winning the game to Horst F. JENS and Cor and thanks all for playing.

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