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Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
We have never made any claims of goodness, while you have - and you would even lie to keep up appearances. Sad. Quote:
Does this mean that you see that it is only the so called "alliance of good" which is allowed to use the dead in warfare? If you had defeated Abysia, would you have picked up blood sacrifice as well? |
Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
Sensori's posts always make me laugh =)))
Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
Sure sure. There are no defections. There is no army of giant angels at your doorstep. You aren't mind controlling everyone. And you spew no propaganda.
There is an important difference between these undead and Ermor's. Ermor's were evil. Many of these undead are defections from your tartarian gate who rejected your evil ways. Some of them are former minions of Ermor who have gone through extensive rehabilitation. So you see, Ermor had evil undead. These are pure, kindhearted, good undead. They're really big sweeties actually. Which all right-thinking, freedom-loving people can see. Not so hard to understand. Although they are angry with their former brainwashers. |
Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
Again you spew your lies. Never did we say that we do not control the minds of some. That is something you came up with on your own. Maybe your mind would need to be controlled by a mind which is much more organized than yours, one which is not quite as deep in insanity as yours? And yes, you are quite right, there IS no army of giant angels at our doorstep. Instead, there is a giant army of devils and assorted creatures on yours. And I would not call the Caelians "angelic". No, you are just men with wings.
Nothing changes the fact that you reanimate the dead while claiming them to be "defectants". Sure, of course. Too bad the Longdead are MINDLESS. DO you know what that means? Oh right, maybe not, since you are without a mind yourself. You claim your dead to be "good", while claiming other people's dead to be "evil". How in the name of all that is holy does that work? They are the same longdead we are using. The same gods from the very same Tartarus that we are using. There's no difference. Well, except the fact that you are... "Rehabilitating" your troops. If that does not mean brainwashing, then nothing does. And obviously we are much nicer than you, since a number of Arcoscephalean troops defected to OUR side when they found out about your usage of evil in the name of good! |
Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
Really? I haven't seen any Arco troops in your armies. I expect if we ever do, they will be accompanied by large head scars and drool.
Good vs. Evil isn't that complicated. Just take a look. Big feathery wings - good. Devils - evil. Horrible tentacle aliens - evil. This isn't rocket science. And by the way, please continue insulting our poor, misunderstood undead friends. I'm sure calling them brainless will do a wonderful job of winning them over. |
Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
It seems that sanity is truly something which has been lost in the lands of Caelum. They do not see the fact that their evil is just as evil as that of anyone else. Your wings do not make you "good". It is the actions of the creature which make it so. And yours... Your actions have been just as bad as ours.
Your "alliance of good" is a joke. Your undead "friends" are just as much evil as those that were used by Ermor. Or by us. Or by any other nation, such as the Ulmish horde which was eradicated after its war against us. Your "big feathery wings" mean nothing. You are not celestial beings. You are not angelic. You are simply men with bird-like wings, nothing more, nothing less. We have seen this. We know. And of "angels", you are closer to the Fallen ones whom are imprisoned in Inferno than the uncorrupted ones. All you have shown us with your insane babbling is that you believe in your own "goodness" while being just as evil as anyone else. Your mind has been corrupted by your own twisted views on "good" and "evil". The fact that you defined all undead evil when you destroyed Ermor does not change with the fact that you have later, somehow, changed your mind and see SOME as "good"... AS LONG AS they follow YOUR commands. That only shows that your mind has been corrupted. We grow tired of this retarded debate. You have fallen just as low as Ermor was, with the only difference that at least the Ermorians knew where they were. You are just continuing to run down this path to self-destruction. |
Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
Keep it up. As you can see, the people are listening. And your people are turning on you and beginning to worship me.
Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
Do you not realise that I, WonderLlama, am the Guardian of the Dead? It is my sacred responsibility to protect these poor dead souls from abuse by those such as you and the vanquished god of Ermor. It is only natural and right that they would fight for this cause, for I am their father, just as I am the father of all good gods.
But I would not expect you to understand the difference between good and evil. For you are the Hunger Without Thought. You are incapable of seeing that your actions lead to your own destruction, as you mindlessly devour all that stands in your way. Especially brains. They represent the knowledge of good and evil, and you hate them, since they represent something you are incapable of. You have spawned the evil gods, but in mindlessness, without purpose. I have forseen that one of your children will be your undoing. |
Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
No, what you have foreseen your own destruction, and for that you have turned from your position as the "Guardian" of the Dead into just what everyone else is - an abuser of the dead. A true Guardian would not use the dead for his own dark ends, while claiming to have "good" intentions. No, a true Guardian would let the dead rest. That is quite exactly the opposite you have done. You are not protecting those "poor souls". You are bringing them to this world to fight in wars which do not concern them.
Just like everyone else. You are no better than us, no better than the Abysians. Indeed, you are worse. We never claimed to be good nor evil. Nor did the Abysians. You are the warmongerer. You brought war to the East, and now it is coming to the West. Remember that it was you who started all this, and it is you who is paying the consequences of his very own rash actions. Not us. We are simply reacting. Responding to the gravest form of hostility. Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. Note that our God is also called the God of Invincible Power... How could anything be the undoing of a being which is invincible? And our God surely does not hate brains. That is, again, your own strange form of prejudice. Brains, and the usage of such, represent the destruction of retarded creatures such as yourself, whom start wars for the sake of ideals which they are prepared to throw out of the window at the first time they start seeming to slow down one's progress. All you have shown us is that once your lands have been conquered, your people's genepool must be cleansed of this kind of... Insanity. And, as you might know, becoming hungry rarely requires a lot of thought! That is a survival mechanism of us biological organisms. Or have you not noticed this yet? But what should one expect of such a young pretender? Of such a young people? You seem to have not yet realized that there is more to the world than just "good" and "evil". There is no such thing as "true evil" nor "true good". There are only shades of grey. Only different views of the world. Brains represent the knowledge of simple issues like this one. Lack of higher brain functions, however, represents your dualist view. Claiming that the usage of undead by one nation is "evil" and by yourself is "good" is hypocritical, especially if you claim to be the "guardian" of the dead. As for your claims of our people worshipping you, you must be losing your mind. The fact that people in only a few provinces of our seas worship a god which is not ours is no cause for alarm. In fact it is to be expected in provinces which are surrounded by many hostile dominions, and if you'd pay any attention, the levels of your faith in said provinces has been diminishing for the most part. Surely you should be aware of this? Now that Arcoscephale is gone, our religion will spread from other locations to that place as well. That is how things work in this world. |
Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
I have also forseen my own destruction. We went over that. I have more recently forseen yours. I am not surprised you don't see how the God of Invincible Power could destroy himself. Let me explain it very simply for you. Your power is invincible. Not you. Your own power to create other evil gods is what will destroy you. And as it is invicible, you can not stop it. It is already done.
Yes, my faith in your lands did once diminish. Back when I was overcome with grief for what you did to poor Slither. Not lately. Lately it has done nothing but grow. Ever since I exposed your lies, and they were so evident that the people could not help but believe. |
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