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-   -   Andean Zorro - MA/diff_research/VPs - game started (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39275)

DonCorazon October 25th, 2008 06:30 PM

Re: Andean Zorro - MA/diff_research/VPs - game started
Janim, I forgot i could send emails through llamaserver but assumed everyone was reading the forums and gave it a few days to make sure. Sent Calahan a PM too. But with Calahan vanished, BDA playing just to be a good guy, and Dragar ready to call it, didn't seem to be enough momentum to keep going. Just when I got my elemental royalty, well of misery and gate stone too. Damn. Anyway, good game everyone and see you around.

Calahan April 11th, 2009 03:34 PM

Re: Andean Zorro - MA/diff_research/VPs - game started
I've resurrected this old thread since I want to say sorry to everyone in this game for suddenly disappearing and dropping out of it like I did. Wish it was an exciting tale to tell you all, but sadly it's not, although it is as good as reasons get. I've re-told this so many times in recent weeks that I'll keep it short and stick to the highlights, or in this case, lowlights.

I got sent to Greece due to my job last October, where I promptly got hit by a truck. Literally! Said I'd keep it short :smirk: Luckily I was in a car when I got hit (it didn't feel lucky at the time though!) although I still ended up spending the best part of a month walled up in a Greek hospital as a result :hurt: On top of that I had to spend an extra two months in Greece looking out for a close relative who was also in the car during the accident. When it rains it pours as they say. Every one and thing is ok now, although it's no surprise at all how disruptive such an event can be. It's taken me the whole of 2009 so far to get things even remotely back to some sort of normality.

But enough of my adventures. It's a shame to see that this game got called without a winner not long after my disappearance. Although maybe that was always going to be the end result since the wars I was involved in were taking ages to see any progress made (although that could chiefly have been due to either my lack of ability, and/or my opponents stern defence :-)) and it's more than likely the game would still have been going on now (although that doesn't mean it wouldn't have been fun to play :)). I enjoyed this game a lot though, and can't believe just how much I learned from a single game. I'd happily play MA Pangaea again, despite the micro-management of all those Maenad hordes being the mother of all time consumers. Although next time I wouldn't make such a mess of my Pretender design.

Finally I'd also like to say a big thanks to everyone who played in this game and helped make it what it was. Be thy friend or foe :-) More than happy to play in future games with any of you. I'd also like to add an extra +1 thanks to Ossa for arranging the game. This was the first MP game I'd ever played in and I'm so annoyed with myself that it took me so long to take the plunge into playing MP games (had Dominions 3 for over a year before deciding to join the MP party :doh:).

I'm sure I'll catch you all again soon now that I'm back. And it certainly feels good to be back :D

DonCorazon April 11th, 2009 03:47 PM

Re: Andean Zorro - MA/diff_research/VPs - game started
Calahan, good to hear you are alright - what a story! I have to say I wondered if something might have happened to you since I recall you were going on a trip right before you vanished and you certainly didn't seem like the type to just bail, not to mention you made some great contributions to the community like the Merc index that I still use. Glad to hear you've recovered!

The game actually got called with Pyth as a winner but it wasn't with a ton of joy - my last turn file is up there somewhere.

Welcome back!

Calahan April 11th, 2009 08:30 PM

Re: Andean Zorro - MA/diff_research/VPs - game started
Hi Don

Thanks for the welcome back message. Currently enjoying myself immensely by picking through some of the main forum threads. Man I've missed loads, but it's great to see that everyone who makes this place so great is still around :)

Congrats on winning this game as well. I'm sure it's not how you would have wanted to win, but it doesn't seem you had any choice after I disappeared and with 'Drager' having to go as well. Looks like my central position and 'competitive spirit' (read aggressive warmongering) held a key part to keeping this game interesting. Think the difficult research actually helped make the game different as well. I haven't got much MP experience yet, but it seems that a lot of players get into a comfort zone of having certain spells researched by a certain time, and go into semi-autopilot. But difficult research makes you think just that little bit more about what you are doing (not that I didn't completely mess my research goals up in this game :))

Now that I'm back I'm also looking to add some more stuff to the community when I get chance. And finish off the things I started too!

Dragar April 11th, 2009 09:42 PM

Re: Andean Zorro - MA/diff_research/VPs - game started
Glad you're ok calahan, look forward to playing with you soon

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