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Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I wouldn't think about starting another until more than half of these players in this one are eliminated. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
It looks to me as if about a quarter of the players in this game have already been eliminated, set to computer control, or are well on their way to defeat. So maybe in another month or two it would make sense to start up another one as more and more people are eliminated from this one.
Evilhomer seems to be the runaway leader, but certainly not the runaway winner at this point. It will be interesting to see how this one plays out. I think we have some of the very best Dominions 3 players in the world in this one. No points for second place. because... There can be only one! SR |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Open hostilities have commenced between LA Caelum and the evil alliance of LA Ermor and LA Pangea.
So far LA Caelum has lost two provinces and a few hundred LA Ermorian chaff troops have been ground to dust (an almost negligible loss from LA Ermor's perspective unfortunately). Any of LA Ermor's current neighbors are encouraged to join in the festivities while the opportunity is ripe. On the anti-Undead side of course http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif --Serenity, High Priestess of LA Caelum |
Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame
Thats a hassle but for a game like this one it gets crazy. It means running 3 seperate network connections for uploading gods (early, mid, late era) and then creating a local game where the host sits and logs in as each player to locally upload the god. For the game I want to do it means running 4 servers and STILL having to accept emailed pretenders for any modded nations. But yes, its a JK thing. Not one that will bother you as a player though. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Yeah, just at a guess, but with this many good players in the game being a solid 1st place at this point may not be the best position to be in. It will indeed be interesting to see how it plays out.
Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame
Something I do not understand is why I cant create a game directory, put the pretender files in it, then tell it to create that game. That would not only help in these modded situations (if fixing the menu is too much to do) but it would also be a big help in setting up PbEM games. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame
I will be out of town from 7/11-7/18. My replacement will be briefed as to my current diplomatic situation before i depart.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Well since the only real object was withdrawn here is the score.html file for everyone to browse. People not in the game should find it even more interesting...
http:\\\dominions3\Perpetuality_Scores .html It should hopefully be automatically updated every turn. If anyone wants to convert the saved score files I have to do some automatic html graphs let me know! |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
The monstrous EA Abysian Dragon Fulgor is no more, destroyed by horrors from beyond.
We take this moment to rejoice in the liberated former capital of the Fiery Serpent God. There is still much work to be done to cleanse the world of the legacy of Fulgor, but on this night, the destiny of the MA Ermorian nation have never been brighter. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I couldn't let the MegaGame drop off the front page.
MA Vanheim mas maliciously attacked LA Pan (me) without warning, apparently coming to the aid of the sniveling Caelum nation. So be it. We shall turn their vaunted Vans into manikins and grind the remainder into fertlizer. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
And fun facts about browsers. Apparently Firefox doesn't mind if you use backslashes in place of slashes in URL, but Safari does. Did take me some wondering why it doesn't work for me. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Gotta tip my hat to FoodStamp, after a knock-down, drag out fight I had to pay for every inch in his last stand is quite the doozy. You just don't expect a 285 hp kitted immortal SC at this stage of the game! Hmmm, this is gonna take some thinking with my stymied research. Don't suppose I could entice you to come fight outside your (10!) dominion?
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
(apologies to everyone else for the off-topicness)
Gandalf and lch - I came up with an improved method for starting mod games. There's a thread about it in the main forum somewhere. Essentially it goes: - Put all the pretenders in the game directory - Open up the Dominions GUI - Make sure the mod(s) are enabled - Click "Create New Game" - Click "Cancel" - "Network"->"Host a game" - Type in the name of the game (the same as the directory where the pretenders are). - All of the mod nation pretenders will already be present. (haven't got the game here, so the details may be slightly off) The non-obvious and weird bit is the "Create New Game", "Cancel" bit. I think that makes it read the mod files. The outstanding issue, then, is that we can't do it at all in text-only mode. This means I can't run mod nation games on the LlamaServer without a big faff, which is a pity - particularly because in future I hope to allow people to start games on the server entirely without my involvement, though some kind of "Create game" interface on the website. It would be nice if they could play with mod nations. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Plus, that there isn't a seperate binary for textmode servers, which does not depend on all the GL libraries. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
In other news, the last remains of the Utgårdian army have met their end after a valiant fight. Since only divine intervention can save them now, we count our blessings for the fact is that the old god is truly dead and unable to affect the world of living anymore. |
All is not quiet on the western front...
After many turns of a quiet, if a vaguely cold-waresque existence between MA R'Lyeh and EA Abysia, things have just gotten interesting. Part of the problem of what just happened here is that he and I have only communicated via ingame messages rather than the faster IRC chat or PMs on the forums here. We ended up attacking the same neutral province (it was formerly Abysian, but I had made it known that MA R'Lyeh had designs on the 2 province island in question in the near future) on the same turn and it was not pretty for either side, although MA R'Lyeh did emerge as the victor, Ia! Shubburath Ftagn!
I had interpeted your force as either a retreated army from one of your many battles with MA Ermor, or a flanking force against him, not as a force for the re-conquest of the NW island province. After this bloody miscommuncation, I strongly recommend to other players in any of these MP games to try faster communication channels (E-Mail, PM, or the IRC rooms) for fast and responsive diplomacy. |
Re: All is not quiet on the western front...
I strongly recommend despair!
A mere IRC channel will not be able to contain the depths of your wailing and lamentations as I crush you under my righteous heel. To really express the crushing despair that you will feel, you'll need to gather on the streets for bondage-themed performance art, with much wailing and lamentation and gnashing of teeth! Once you have been purified by scourging yourselves to public derision, you'll be able to effectively coordinate your mass surrender to my magnificence. |
Re: All is not quiet on the western front...
We are much relieved.
At first, the globals erected by Man were something to be wary of, for we knew not their purposes. But now all is clear - apparently the witches of Man, possibly one named aannn, aaann or aannnn even, realized to their horror the creeping insanity gripping the mind of their respected leader, and did cast Gift of Health just to cure him of his feeblemindedness that takes very sordid forms indeed. We are hoping success in their endeavour, for since Man turned on their previous ally Marverni and Marverni turned AI, not much has been heard from the Continent of Drama Queens. |
Re: All is not quiet on the western front...
Re: All is not quiet on the western front...
To clarify, we did not turn on Marverni.
We asked Marverni to stay in the game, he said that now he was revenged on *LA* (oops) Vanheim he didn't want to keep playing, he sent me all of his gold and gems (some may have went to other coalition members) and then skedaddled. |
Re: All is not quiet on the western front...
I'm glad no-one took my poor post too seriously. After all, it was LA Vanheim that got beaten.
Anyway, I don't think anyone who had been following the situation thought Marverni was in condition to continue for long. Except as your vassal. |
Re: All is not quiet on the western front...
Greetings from the ghost of Marverni.
Having accomplished our goal of seeing to the destruction of the Midgard werewolves, we have achieved transcendence and now reside in spirit form in the trees of the forest. Of course, we were far too weak to destroy Midgard ourselves, being outnumbered approximately 2000 to 1, so we enlisted the aid of several of our neighbors. It was a miracle that we survived at all, actually. Only divine intervention at the last possible moment, when we were down to zero provinces and 6 units, allowed us to fight in the battle against the werewolf menace. Once Midgard was destroyed, we had no desire to become embroiled in the conflicts between our former allies, so we jumped on our sacrificial knives, and that was it. The end. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
With a deep intesity General Aithwyav's sharp eyes peered Southeast towards the highlands of Farseer Mountains. Already the leaves there darkened, gaining a brittleness unseen since the Seraphim Wars when the ancestors of the Raptor Clan were disovered practicing the blasphemous ways of the Dark Arts and were forced from the Kingdom. Even after the return of the Raptors and their now-limited knowledge of Death Majiks, the delicate balance between Growth and Death had been maintained to the benefit of the lush lands ruled by the Seraphs. Now once again the blight of Death spread, this time from a source wholly out of the realm and understanding of the Raptors.
Suddenly Aithwyav broke out of his fierce concentration, startled by the presence that seemingly materialized next to him. "I feel it, Lord Aithwyav. And I cannot lie when I say it feels like it infuses me with pure, raw power. It is the force of Inevitability, of Oblivion, of Death. It excites me yet repulses me." Zbaurvant the Caretaker stood beside Aithwyav, his eyes glowing a strange purplish hue. "Control yourself Caretaker, lest I decide in your disfavor to which side you truly belong." Aithwyav's eyes glared at Zbaurvant. "No fear General. You know where my loyalties lie. I may have sworn the Way of Harab but what true family I cannot have now exists within the heart of our kin. And what we spy approaching does not bode well for us." Zbaurvant sighed and Aithwyav detected a note of regret in that loose of air. "Yes, you are correct about your ill tidings. But know that if the time draws near, your heart will feel my Ice Blade before I allow you to taste the power you seemingly desire." Aithwyav ran his blade along his palm to increase the effect of his threat. "Heh, no worries M'Lord. I expect you await news from our Soveriegn, Lady Serenity?" Zbaurvant inquired. "Yes, and it worries me that we haven't yet received word from her. It was over two months ago that she and High Marshall Caelos left with the Army. I am now quite concerned." Aithwyav returned his Blade to its scabbard with an audible snap. "As am I. Two weeks ago a Black Servant dispatched by Elder Grifec brought me word that Serenity had convinced Caelos to drive into Old Man Mountains. She knew that The Ashen Empire had annexed what was previously ours and seemed determined to gain it back." Zbuarvant waved his arm in the general direction of the Northeast, towards Old Man Mountains. Aithwyav blanched at hearing mentioned the name of the long lost dreaded Empire. "I haven't received word since." Zbaurvant leaned heavily on his skull-encrusted staff. "There." Aithwyav's gaze sharpened towards the North. A dark cloud appeared in the sky, gaining size until it crystallized into dozens of individual specks. "So our Army returns." Muttered Zbaurvant. Squadron after squadron of Spire Archers alighted in the city of LA Caelum, reforming ranks as Squadronnaires barked orders. With a rush of wings, a Storm General landed heavily on the Central Tower next to Aithwyav. "Greetings Lord Marshall." General Dashtayana bowed before Aithwyav. "Brother, do not bow." With a smile and a thump, Aithwyav slapped Dashtayana on his back. "I must my Lord. As much as I wish it were not so, I bring news that you are now Grand Marshall of the Army of Caelum." Dashtayana's gaze remained glued to the gleaming Ice Greaves worn by Aithwyav. "What? But it cannot be so!" Exclaimed Aithwyav. "What of Serenity? Lord Caelos!" "Gone Lord Marshall. Both ascended to whence they came. Both lost in a glorious fight but defeated nonetheless. Caelos wading in amongst hundreds of deathly warriors, shattering bone and helm as he bellowed his fury. Serenity herself laying waste to a Legion of Devils as they tried to cut down our Archers. But on they came, and there was nothing we could do to prevent the relentless tide washing over us." Dashtayana bowed even lower, if that was possible. "It cannot be!" Aithwyav muttered. "I'm afraid so Sir." Replied Dashtayana. "Losses were grievous for the Undead as well but you know they raise two more for every one we send back to the grave." "Yes. I truly know. Very well. Reorganize our forces and get them fed and rested. More battles lie ahead and by the Gods we will acquit ourselves well. Maybe even pull out of this." With that declaration, Aithwyav strode back into the tower. __________________________________________________ ___ OOC: The relentless tide of the Ashen Empire advances steadily. While the valiant forces of LA Caelum continue to fight a steady rearguard, they are inevitably pushed back before the oncoming tide. Hope is not lost, however. The last essence of Serenity has yet to leave this land. Anyone interested or having the resources available to help stem the tide of Undead are encouraged to PM me and I shall provide coordinates for artillery strikes that will land amongst thousands of Undead. Those bordering LA Ermor are encouraged to put aside any differences they may have with their living neighbors and lend their effort to stopping this scourge from spreading. The time of LA Caelum may be nigh, but I will take five skeletal warriors down with each Caelumite Warrior that falls. --LA Caelum |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Post this in the History of Perpetuality thread also!
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Very nice. Yes, definitely post it in the History thread. Too bad I can't join in the fun, but your ally Vanheim has me pinned up like a pinata.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Well I'm out. Had a failed early conquest that weakened me up too much.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Velusion the automatic score page doesn't seem to update automatically. It is stuck at turn 37, while the real game is at 40.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Good fight Baalz. Thanks to a bug, my pretender did not respawn like he should have, so I concede the war to you. No sense in continuing since I lost the only weapon I had left.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Aw, bummer on the respawn, I think I read somewhere that immortality doesn't kick in if you retreat into enemy territory (I guess maybe you're in a gray area without your dominion). At least you got your wish to leave hoards of eyeless soldiers in your wake. :/ Good fight man!
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Aye. The reason I think this is a bug is because I was able to kill SaintDude's Risen Oracle in a similar manner in a few games. His was not able to retreat before the time limit, so he exploded on the field. I think the game considers them both as dying in grey areas like you suggest, but I think there is a good argument for fixing it where if the battle took place in your dominion, then you get your immortal back.
I was a bit disappointed and shocked, but so it goes. A 4th nation had just started offensive maneuvers against me anyway so I was toast no matter what! One tip for you Baalz. Know that your new neighbor uses NAPs as a means to sate an enemy he fears, just long enough to forge a massive alliance to defeat them. I wish you the best, I had a lot of fun in our little war. To the rest of you guys that attacked me after I went to war with Baalz. I hope your pretenders diaf. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I had to kill almost 200 Helhirdings and Mounted Hirdmen to make my point. But I hope the point was made. Wave after wave of scary double blessed fire-lancing ouchie ouchie nasty hasty quickness & attack boosted hackity hackity W9 F9 ugly big armies of Helheim cavalry invaded my lands. Several times the fronts moved back and forth. My home province was occupied twice. Still, after all that effort. What dit it gain? Decent effort on the battlefield. Poor effort at diplomacy. The only message ever recieved from EA Helheim was, you have a small and pathetic empire and we must now come and wipe you out. Ok. Bye. Thanks for playing. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
No kidding. I may be a jerk "in-game" at times, but geez. This guy takes the cake.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Jazzepi |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Ah, *I* wanted the sore winner of the month award!
Doesn't threatening to piss on the corpses of my defeated foes count for something? |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Anybody think of a good use for a hundred blind Jaguar Warriors and imps? |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Blood sacrifices!
Jazzepi |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Bats might be a good plan for Mictlan against an Eye Shield (next time). Plus you'd get a good excuse to make "You can't stop here this is bat country" posts. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Your Jag Warriors have a good chance to heal their afflictions next time they shape change. Your Imps are only strength 9, but they fly and don't eat and are maintenance free, so they'd be worth keeping around to either tear down or repair castle walls. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
A fear and loathing quote? You always crack me up. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif You get the Mr. Congeniality award. As far as the immortality bug goes. I think Baalz is right, I think it is working as intended. I just believe it should not be intended to work that way because it doesn't really make sense as far as how immortality works. I felt bad doing it to SaintDude and now I feel even worse being on the receiving end of it. Karma. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Whatever dude. Thanks for the game. You fought bravely.
Fighting our invisible enemies
Oh no you don't! You can't declare war upon us! We declare war upon you! We shall slaughter your forces and kill your leaders! Their entrails shall be strewn about the cities! The sheer sight of our carnage will make children weep and women defecate on the spot! We will be a blight on your lands, and your nation will fall! EA C'tis asks but one thing from its neighbors: Do any of you know where Lanka is located? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Fighting our invisible enemies
Lanka is located... hmm. Oh yeah, all our war reporters got killed. I guess you'll have to find them on your own.
-- You know what pisses me off? A whole boatload of Vans that you can't see... that's what pisses me off. |
Re: Fighting our invisible enemies
Whew. Desperately trying to fight a failed rearguard against several thousand Undead pouring into your lands isn't fun.
I gotta say. If you folks that border LA Ermor aren't desperately scrambling to form an alliance against the Horde then you're making a big mistake. Anyway, cheers to the last stand of the LA Caelumites. If I manage to take out 1/4 of the 3000 Undead about to hit my last castle I'll consider it a success, hehe. |
Fixing the page...
Any chance you can get the Perpetuality_Scores.html page to work vel ? It would be fun to see how things have changed.
Re: Fixing the page...
I am back from vacation. Just in time it seems.
Our swamps have been invaded by some funny looking creatures from LA Atlantis and MA Oceania. Just as well, since our lizards were getting tired of eating the same tedious fare. New meat for the pots! Our spies have reported that many of the invaders have leprosy, and that their skin is falling from their bones. That is a shame, as lizards do not dine on diseased meat. |
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