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LDiCesare August 18th, 2009 05:57 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I think this falls under the

GUI Numeric Keypad Numeric keypad arrows seem to have stopped working in 3.06 (they no longer scroll the map for example). They worked fine in 3.04.
bug report. It's impossible for me to usee pgup/pgdown from the numpad. Too bad I don't have pgup/pgdown except on the numpad on this laptop.
I also discovered that mid mouse button could let me scroll in the 3D battle view, but it's easy to crash the game if abusing it (driver problem).

zzcat August 23rd, 2009 04:45 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I don't know if it's a bug but Sequani stargazer(EA Marverni, unit id 1225) has basic encumbrance 7, it's far too high for a human caster. Perhaps it should be 3 or 4?

archaeolept August 23rd, 2009 03:24 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
random event: "The tomb of an ancient priest-king was discovered., 1000 pounds of gold and a magic item were discovered."

only yields 500 gold... unless there are 2 lbs to the gold piece, it's a small bug.

Bananadine August 28th, 2009 05:17 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

When a random plague happens in some province it says empty cabins and rotting corpses litter the landscape. # of corpses in the province immediately thereafter: 0

A death mage raising soulless during a battle for R'lyeh, where 24,000 (presumably amphibious and aquatic) peasants have died, produces mostly undead humans.

A star of thraldom can trap its wielder in false fetters.

Twiceborn doesn't work when a unit dies by fleeing from a horror attack occurring due to Astral Corruption. (This is a version of a bug already present in the shortlist, and may have the same cause as that one.)

Bananadine August 28th, 2009 05:22 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 703114)

I have seen PD commander with global enchantment tag recently...

Hey, I saw that too. Except I think the one I saw wasn't even a commander.

I'd send in the .trn, but I didn't keep track of which unit it was, and he would be difficult to find again....

Edi August 29th, 2009 02:38 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Bananadine (Post 707521)

When a random plague happens in some province it says empty cabins and rotting corpses litter the landscape. # of corpses in the province immediately thereafter: 0

A death mage raising soulless during a battle for R'lyeh, where 24,000 (presumably amphibious and aquatic) peasants have died, produces mostly undead humans.

A star of thraldom can trap its wielder in false fetters.

Twiceborn doesn't work when a unit dies by fleeing from a horror attack occurring due to Astral Corruption. (This is a version of a bug already present in the shortlist, and may have the same cause as that one.)

- Plague event: Annoying, though at the end a minor issue. I'll add that

- Animate Dead works off some hardcoded lists, there is no bug there

- Star of Thraldom works precisely as intended, not a bug

- Twiceborn: Noted, the spell has a lot of problems with triggering in special cases.

Bananadine August 29th, 2009 08:20 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Edi (Post 707580)
- Animate Dead works off some hardcoded lists, there is no bug there

It makes no sense for mostly undead humans to be raised by an Atlantian necromancer in a place where almost everybody who ever died was an Atlantian, a triton, or a merman. I know the game has some flexibility in this regard--I've seen a mage of Hinnom raise a longdead Rephaite, and mages of C'tis can raise longdead lizardmen, etc. It seems that the intention of the designers is to let mages raise mostly humans, plus a few of the creatures that died in their nations. But where do the mages get all these human skeletons, in places where humans never lived? Does each necromancer secretly carry dozens of skeletons with him? It makes more sense to raise creatures that died in the necromancer's present location. That would match the player's expectation (I think), and strengthen the game's fiction. If the current implementation of this uses hardcoded lists to do something that distinctly violates expectation and clearly breaks the fiction without providing any particular advantage to gameplay, then the current implementation has a bug in it--in its design, if not in its program code. (I wouldn't say it's the most urgent of bugs, though.)

vfb August 29th, 2009 09:14 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
So if you are Atlantis and you've conquered a Caelum province deep in the mountains one month ago by teleporting in some S2s, and then the next month hundred of peasants die and you raise them up ... what race are they?

thejeff August 29th, 2009 10:44 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Mostly human, with some Atlantians. Makes no sense.
Don't look to deeply into the poptypes.

Abyssia Blood hunting in a lizard province finds human slaves. That makes no more sense.

Just accept it and move on.

Bananadine August 29th, 2009 11:07 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Ideally, the game would maintain a census for each province, representing counts of peasants, creatures that died there during play, and creatures that died long before the game started, sorted by race. It's never been clear to me who exactly is supposed to live in a province--does Caelum's home province contain 30,000 birdmen, while a province one step away contains 10,000 humans? Once Caelum conquers the human province, does that province start to fill with birdmen? The developers would have to make a decision here, in order to let the program maintain its census. But they could do that without too much trouble, and actually adding the feature wouldn't be a huge effort, assuming the program is well-factored to start with.


Originally Posted by thejeff (Post 707633)
Just accept it and move on.

Yes, yes, I gather that this program isn't so well-factored as assumed above; also, according to my understanding, the developers are few and busy, and there are lots of other bugs. So what I am saying is that I want to have this listed as a bug... and THEN accept it and move on. :)

Our talk of Caelum and Abysia and major new program systems glosses over the fact that the worst aspect of this problem could be fixed much more easily than the entire problem could be. Here's the worst aspect, as I see it: Raising dead underwater produces mostly humans. It's conceivable that all they'd have to do to fix that is add one little clause that checks whether the caster's province is underwater, and if it is, produce mostly Atlantians or some new kind of undead mermen or something.

It's also conceivable that, due to duplication in the existing code, even this fix would be rather difficult. But that's for somebody who knows the code to decide. I'm just here to talk about bugs!

...Oh and blood slaves are humans, yes--that bothers me too, but it's a separate issue. :)

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