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The DarkOne October 16th, 2006 07:24 PM

Re: Bug thread
I just noticed that grave consorts can't lead undead. Seems rather strange since they can create them.

Daynarr October 17th, 2006 05:12 AM

Re: Bug thread

haileris said:
Uggh found out what is causing my crash - casting Fate Morgana (sp). If I cast that spell & boost with enough air gems to ensure it makes it into the global enchantments (5 active) then the game crashes.

That one has been reported in beta so it's already fixed for the patch or devs are one it. Nice catch though. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Don't forget to check patch progress. You can notice that Tempest (unique item) and another spell (Horror Seed) cause CTD's as well. You may mod them out so that they cause no problems until patch is out.

Daynarr October 17th, 2006 05:22 AM

Re: Bug thread

GrobRIM said:

Nerfix said:
Sometimes move orders aren't followed.

Happened to move three times in a row once on the Silent Seas map as Late Ermor and once as Middle Tien. The ordered commanders just refused to move to a bodering province, even if the Move order clearly apperead for them.

I have experienced the same (irritating) problem several times, and I first thought I might have canceled my moves by accident. So I started to backup my moves before resolving turns, and I managed to isolate the two following cases, which the developers might analyse from attached zip file.

- 1st case, playing as Agartha, moving from Eal to Ferran Mountains (owned by Oceania), my armies didn't move;

- 2nd case, same game, moving from Phalicia to Cuna Eral (owned by Vanheim), again Agarthan armies didn't move.

In both cases, defending forces might have decided to attack my invading armies as well, and it might have been (incorrectly) decided by Dom3 that neither should move (instead of having a battle take place in one or the other province, or having both armies switch provinces).

In both cases, I had the end-of-turn re-computed by Dom3, using the same saved game file, but with possibly different orders decided by the AI for the opposing armies, and this time, my armies did actually move into the attacked province -- so it may take several tries with the attached saved games to experience the problem I have witnessed, depending on what the AI decides for the opposing armies (stay or attack).


Armies will never switch provinces. Manual in that case is wrong. You will never see it happen in game. Instead of switching provinces armies stay in their current ones and no fight takes place. That is better mechanic too because if armies really do change provinces you would constantly getting enemy armies getting behind your lines because you decided to move at the same time they did. THAT would be irritating.
The reason why that doesn't happen every time in your save game is because chances that either of 3 cases will happen are random.

Endoperez October 17th, 2006 05:44 AM

Re: Bug thread

Daynarr said:Armies will never switch provinces. Manual in that case is wrong. You will never see it happen in game. Instead of switching provinces armies stay in their current ones and no fight takes place. That is better mechanic too because if armies really do change provinces you would constantly getting enemy armies getting behind your lines because you decided to move at the same time they did. THAT would be irritating.
The reason why that doesn't happen every time in your save game is because chances that either of 3 cases will happen are random.

Well that's interesting. It is confusing, though, so could warrant a message. Mysterious, strange mechanic that seems like a bug will be reported as a bug many, many times otherwise.

Daynarr October 17th, 2006 05:53 AM

Re: Bug thread

PDF October 17th, 2006 06:07 AM

Re: Bug thread
The system is rather strange though : how is it possible that armies marching against each other (or at least towards one another) don't meet but then don't move neither ??
Province switching will be a bad thing game-wise but is at least explainable (armies didn't meet and moved to destination), but armies freezing is unrationalizable - given that if one army didn't move they will have met and fought !
Simplest solution would be that there are only 2 solutions, one of the army moves first and the other cancels move, and fighting occurs.

Tyrian October 17th, 2006 08:41 AM

Re: Bug thread
Hidden in Snow can be poisonned (and die by this)
I use Catoblepas with them and the toxic cloud kill some of my undead commander. The Hidden In Snow haven't second form.

Edit: it isn't a bug, the unfrozen mage probably use invulnerability spell, who make them sensible to poison. Sorry for the mistake.

GrobRIM October 17th, 2006 09:09 AM

Re: Bug thread

Daynarr said:
Armies will never switch provinces. Manual in that case is wrong. You will never see it happen in game. Instead of switching provinces armies stay in their current ones and no fight takes place. That is better mechanic too because if armies really do change provinces you would constantly getting enemy armies getting behind your lines because you decided to move at the same time they did. THAT would be irritating.
The reason why that doesn't happen every time in your save game is because chances that either of 3 cases will happen are random.


I'm pretty sure that, at least in Dom2, armies could switch provinces -- they cross borders at different points and just don't meet; the bigger the armies, the less likely, though. And it makes more sense to me, rather than having no-one moving at all. And yes, that was irritating, chasing some small army raiding your provinces (and burning your temples down to ashes) far behind the frontline!
I have never experienced the "no-one moves" syndrom in Dom2.

Since the possibility of switching provinces already was there in Dom2, makes more sense (to me at least), and is explicitly documented as such, I think that the new behavior we see in Dom3 really smells like a bug.

But then, only the game designers can give a definite opinion. Guys?...

Arralen October 17th, 2006 09:30 AM

Re: Bug thread

Tyrian said:

Arralen said:

Resok said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Yomi - National Oni ghost forms are not immune to poison (they're ghosts right?). They show up as 'undead' but the latent resistances of their previous forms are not applied, and they're still vulnerable to poison (unlike almost every other undead/spirit/ghost in the game).
If this is not a bug, then I'm quite curious how/why a spirit or ghost could be poisoned if it doesn't have blood or a normal physical body?

Actually, they don't get poisoned, and they are 100% poison resistant.

But resistance is only checked (and calculated) when the poisoning hit occurs. The 'stored' per-turn-poison damage carries over to the 2nd form and isn't discarded.

This is a known bug, which applies not only to Onis but e.g. Machakan spiders as well, and most likely every other 2-form creature with poison resistant 2nd form.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Hidden in Snow can be poisonned (and die by this)
I use Catoblepas with them and the toxic cloud kill some of my undead commander. The Hidden In Snow haven't second form.

Be careful not to mix up bugs here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif .. the Oni definitly stay poisoned, but do not get poisoned as far as I have seem from battling some tritons...

Either your commanders wheren't poison resistant, or they were subject to irresistable poison (IIRC there is something like that in the game, but poison cloud 5 shouldn't do that)... what may be a(nother) bug!

Btw., what is a "Hidden in Snow" commander? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
I guess you mean the "Unfrozen Lord" from the spell of that name .. it is listed in the manual as 100% poison resistant - what does the icon say in-game? Do you have a savegame where one can see them getting poisioned during combat? (Maybe you have a savegame at least from that game, so it is easier to recreate the situation. Ench-6 and 55 water gems isn't that fast to get in a test game, unless you do a specially modded test game)

Ezco October 17th, 2006 01:50 PM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]Computer accuses me of cheating (increase of money) for no reason. Happened at least 3 times. Maybe has something to do with using alchemy, but at least once happened when I didn't use it.</font>

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]Random crashes when viewing battles in windowed mode.

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