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chrispedersen May 3rd, 2010 11:48 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.
#modname "RxPrtend"
#description "NVVv2"
#domversion 3.23

-Mother of Rivers Copy
#newmonster 2879
#copystats 1342
#copysprite 1342
#gcost 75
#restrictedgod 33

#newmonster 2897
#copystats 1342
#copysprite 1342
#gcost 75

#restrictedgod 29

#newmonster 2898
#copystats 1342
#copysprite 1342
#gcost 75

#restrictedgod 27


#selectmonster 1342
#restricted god 43

-Lady of Love
#newmonster 2880
#copystats 1343
#copysprite 1343
#gcost 125
#restrictedgod 29

#newmonster 2899
#copystats 1343
#copysprite 1343
#gcost 125
#restrictedgod 33

#newmonster 2900
#copystats 1343
#copysprite 1343
#gcost 125
#restrictedgod 43

#selectmonster 1343
#restrictedgod 27

-Female Titan
#newmonster 2881
#copystats 600
#copysprite 600
#gcost 100
#restrictedgod 33


#newmonster 2901
#copystats 600
#copysprite 600
#gcost 100

#restrictedgod 29

#newmonster 2902
#copystats 600
#copysprite 600
#gcost 100

#restrictedgod 27


#selectmonster 600
#restrictedgod 43

-Blue Dragon
#newmonster 2882
#copystats 265
#copysprite 265
#gcost 50
#restrictedgod 33


#newmonster 2903
#copystats 265
#copysprite 265
#gcost 50

#restrictedgod 29

#newmonster 2904
#copystats 265
#copysprite 265
#gcost 50

#restrictedgod 27


#selectmonster 265
#restrictedgod 43

-lady of fortune

#newmonster 2883
#copystats 1344
#copysprite 1344
#gcost 100

#restrictedgod 27


#newmonster 2905
#copystats 1344
#copysprite 1344
#gcost 100
#restrictedgod 33


#newmonster 2906
#copystats 1344
#copysprite 1344
#gcost 100

#restrictedgod 29

#selectmonster 1344
#restrictedgod 43

-Sacred Statue
#newmonster 2884
#copystats 472
#copysprite 472
#restrictedgod 33


#newmonster 2907
#copystats 472
#copysprite 472

#restrictedgod 29

#newmonster 2908
#copystats 472
#copysprite 472

#restrictedgod 27


#selectmonster 472
#restrictedgod 43

#newmonster 2885
#copystats 159
#copysprite 159

#restrictedgod 27


#newmonster 2909
#copystats 159
#copysprite 159
#restrictedgod 33


#newmonster 2910
#copystats 159
#copysprite 159

#restrictedgod 29

#selectmonster 159
#restrictedgod 43

#newmonster 2886
#copystats 158
#copysprite 158
#restrictedgod 33


#newmonster 2911
#copystats 158
#copysprite 158

#restrictedgod 29

#newmonster 2912
#copystats 158
#copysprite 158

#restrictedgod 27


#selectmonster 158
#restrictedgod 43

#newmonster 2887
#copystats 499
#copysprite 499
#restrictedgod 33


#newmonster 2913
#copystats 499
#copysprite 499

#restrictedgod 29

#newmonster 2914
#copystats 499
#copysprite 499
#restrictedgod 27


#selectmonster 499
#restrictedgod 43

-Son of Son Astral
#newmonster 2888
#copystats 384
#copysprite 384
#restrictedgod 33


#newmonster 2915
#copystats 384
#copysprite 384

#restrictedgod 29

#newmonster 2916
#copystats 384
#copysprite 384

#restrictedgod 27

#selectmonster 384
#restrictedgod 43


-Fountain of Blood
#newmonster 2889
#copystats 656
#copysprite 656

#restrictedgod 40


#newmonster 2917
#copystats 656
#copysprite 656
#restrictedgod 41

#newmonster 2918
#copystats 656
#copysprite 656
#restrictedgod 42

#selectmonster 656
#restrictedgod 37

#newmonster 2890
#copystats 812
#copysprite 812
#restrictedgod 41


#newmonster 2919
#copystats 812
#copysprite 812

#restrictedgod 42

#newmonster 2920
#copystats 812
#copysprite 812

#restrictedgod 40


#selectmonster 812
#restrictedgod 37

-Great Black Bull
#newmonster 2891
#copystats 978
#copysprite 978

#restrictedgod 40


#newmonster 2921
#copystats 978
#copysprite 978
#restrictedgod 41


#newmonster 2922
#copystats 978
#copysprite 978

#restrictedgod 42

#selectmonster 978
#restrictedgod 37

-Great White Bull
#newmonster 2892
#copystats 979
#copysprite 979
#restrictedgod 41


#newmonster 2923
#copystats 979
#copysprite 979

#restrictedgod 42

#newmonster 2824
#copystats 979
#copysprite 979

#restrictedgod 40

#selectmonster 979
#restrictedgod 37

#newmonster 2893
#copystats 120
#copysprite 120
#restrictedgod 41


#newmonster 2825
#copystats 120
#copysprite 120

#restrictedgod 42

#newmonster 2826
#copystats 120
#copysprite 120

#restrictedgod 40


#selectmonster 120
#restrictedgod 37

-Lord of Fertility
#newmonster 2894
#copystats 964
#copysprite 964
#restrictedgod 41


#newmonster 2927
#copystats 964
#copysprite 964

#restrictedgod 42

#newmonster 2928
#copystats 964
#copysprite 964

#restrictedgod 40


#selectmonster 964
#restrictedgod 37

-Mother of Lions
#newmonster 2895
#copystats 387
#copysprite 387
#restrictedgod 41


#newmonster 2929
#copystats 387
#copysprite 387

#restrictedgod 42

#newmonster 2930
#copystats 387
#copysprite 387

#restrictedgod 40

#selectmonster 387
#restrictedgod 37

-Green Dragon
#newmonster 2896
#copystats 266
#copysprite 266
#restrictedgod 41


#newmonster 2931
#copystats 266
#copysprite 266

#restrictedgod 42

#newmonster 2896
#copystats 266
#copysprite 266

#restrictedgod 40

#selectmonster 266
#restrictedgod 37

chrispedersen May 3rd, 2010 11:54 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.
Well, if I didn't screw it up too bad, the above mod would restrict and allow all usurpers pretenders to usurper nations, and all sanguinarium pretenders to sanguinarium nations.

Please do look at it.. it seems to work on my machine - but I am not an expert modder, by any means.

I don't object to doing the other nations, however, I am a bit squeamish on the Forge Lord, and the FOB, for balance reasons. Even better if someone else does the other two nations.

Two of DrP's team members, had only one pretender choice, two other individuals had two choices, and three others had 4 or less.

Septimius Severus May 4th, 2010 03:35 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 743885)
Well, if I didn't screw it up too bad, the above mod would restrict and allow all usurpers pretenders to usurper nations, and all sanguinarium pretenders to sanguinarium nations.

Please do look at it.. it seems to work on my machine - but I am not an expert modder, by any means.

I don't object to doing the other nations, however, I am a bit squeamish on the Forge Lord, and the FOB, for balance reasons. Even better if someone else does the other two nations.

Two of DrP's team members, had only one pretender choice, two other individuals had two choices, and three others had 4 or less.

First, Chris, let me thank you for the time and effort you put into the above. If something like this is used either in this game or the next, it should apply to all teams and nations equally. We don't want to get to quibbling as rdonj pointed out. Children of Crom and the Supplicants would also need the same access to all their pretenders (it would probably be less work though since many of our gods are already available to most of our nations).

Not sure what you mean about the Forge Lord (it is already available to all four of COC's nations). Regarding the Fountain of blood, I assume you already made it available to all the Sangiunarium team's nation in the above code. I don't know much about it, other than it has a strong fear ability +15 and a very good native dom strength, but it is also immobile. Never really played with it. I doubt DrP would take 4 of them anyway if he wants a mobile SC or two. Could be limited to a max of two (though that sorta goes against the spirit of the mod) I guess. Sorta makes me glad there's no Gorgon available. :)

The opinion on the thread seemed to be against a mod at this late stage, but if the rest of it can be completed quickly so that every team gets all their choices, and if people want to use it, as I said, I am not opposed. Provided there's no quibbling or arguing.

Tonno May 4th, 2010 04:22 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.
Hello every one...
I am new in this forums and new in Dom3 online...

I see u have some games running (for noobs and vets),and I made some chat with ppl about the game and how game works...And I would realy like to join comunity...

Wrana May 4th, 2010 10:45 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.
I also think that it would be better to start now and worry about the proper Pretender mod later.
8th is OK for me, by the way - Pretender is practically ready and eager for some infidel-smashing! :D

ano May 4th, 2010 12:12 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.
Sorry for not answering but I just don't really know what to answer. If making the mod doesn't slow us down, so be it. But I strongly doubt it will not slow us down. There was a lot of time for everything. If you look at the Supplicants' topic at the NaV forums, you'll notice that the last post was long ago. That's because everything was discussed and decided 10 days ago and it is obvious, I believe, that the more we wait, the more people lose their enthusiasm and forget what they thought of and what they planned.
My vote is for "let's start ASAP"

13lackGu4rd May 4th, 2010 12:49 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.
yeah, about that, is this game ever gonna start or we can just bury it and let it rest in peace...?

Wrana May 4th, 2010 12:53 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.

Originally Posted by Tonno (Post 743909)
Hello every one...
I am new in this forums and new in Dom3 online...

I see u have some games running (for noobs and vets),and I made some chat with ppl about the game and how game works...And I would realy like to join comunity...

Welcome aboard! But you've probably seen that the current game is more-or less full. So you may have to wait while somebody steps down (maybe not long if we get another bout of discussion).
I'd advise you to look at some other newby-oriented game by the time - it will probably start sooner. ;)

Septimius Severus May 4th, 2010 01:16 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.

Originally Posted by Tonno (Post 743909)
Hello every one...
I am new in this forums and new in Dom3 online...

I see u have some games running (for noobs and vets),and I made some chat with ppl about the game and how game works...And I would realy like to join comunity...

Welcome Tonno. We have still have room for 7 alternates, and I will be glad to have you on our team (Children of Crom) in that capacity for the moment (you'll be privy to our discussions, can look at turns (with permission of course), and can take a more active role if you desire as indicated on our main post.

Please logon to our team forums using the link below and I'll register you ASAP:


DrPraetorious May 4th, 2010 01:23 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.
I agree with blackguard and ano - no-one has ideal pretender choices and the game isn't scrupulously fair, but let's just start. It's too late in the cycle to add that mod.

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