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Torin December 2nd, 2007 07:43 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The game seems to look for network games only in LAN and ignore internet.
Creating a server uses local IP instead of the internet one.
conclusion: cant play TCPIP on internet

lch December 3rd, 2007 07:35 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Torin said:
The game seems to look for network games only in LAN and ignore internet.
Creating a server uses local IP instead of the internet one.
conclusion: cant play TCPIP on internet

That's not true. Conclusion: If you are playing on the host, use your local IP to connect to your game. You are confusing network things like this with real game limitations. Of course it is possible to play games on the WAN/Internet.

Torin December 3rd, 2007 07:46 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
you are the one confused. i couldnt connecto to other players server over intenet while i could ping his ip.
It may be possible for you.

Edi December 3rd, 2007 08:14 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Then I suggest you actually take the time to look through your computer settings and other things before you claim a bug in Dom3.

You could have one of the following problems:
  • firewall prevents outgoing Dom3 connections
  • you have an Nvidia nForce piece of excrement network card that's gone tits up (essentially a severe case of the previous item)
  • your connections are blocked by the server (unlikely, as the ping gets through)
  • if it's a Windows machine running as server, particularly XP, simultaneous connections may be limited to x and your connection would be number x+1 >> blocked
  • other problems related to your internet connection
I work ISP tech support and I have to deal with computer illiterate morons who find it difficult to read the brand name on their PC every day and usually it's something like the above list that causes their problems.

Anyone who knows how to operate a ping command is presumably competent to check firewall settings and other network connection related issues first. If I have to start troubleshooting similar work-related crap here, I'm going to become VERY unpleasant to be around.

One more thing if you have an nForce network card on a Windows machine: Ditch that piece of liquid sh!t as soon as you can and get yourself a proper network card. They are prone to randomly denying some or all outgoing connections when the built-in firewall functionality drivers crap out (they ALWAYS do) and at that point you need either an experienced PC hand to fix it for you, get a new network card or start looking into reinstalling your OS. If it's a laptop with an integrated nForce, you have more limited options and the problem is likely to recur.

vfb December 3rd, 2007 09:28 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Torin, the host could also be firewalled and blocking the TCP connection to the port the server is running Dom3 on.

Just because IP (ping uses ICMP messages which are constructed at the IP layer) gets through a firewall doesn't mean that a TCP request will get through. The particular port the host is trying to use may be blocked. If the host runs a telnet server on the same port you were trying, can you telnet to that port? That would be a useful exercise to determine whether TCP connectivity to that port exists.

There is a large number of TCP Dom3 games that have been run or are running over the internet. I myself have run a few dom3 games behind a NAT server. It's just not working in your particular case.

You might want to consider creating a new thread in the forum and asking for help there, since this problem has nothing to do with any bugs in the Dom3 application.

Twan December 3rd, 2007 10:07 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
MOD (minor and strange) :

Tried to use the following cycle of transformations...

(creature A the pretender) -> shapechange creature B (with shaphechange A, firstchape A) -> the creature B has a secondshape : creature C (with shapechange A, firstshape A) -> who has a secondshape : creature D (with shapechange A, firstshape A)

And the result is : the pretender A is directly shapechanged into creature D (creature D is displayed when the pretender is chosen, and the pretender starts as D), he can then shapechange to form A but will never have the form B or C (he gets the form D with the shapechange order when he is in form A, and the form A if wounded in form D).

(edit : it's not related to creature A being a pretender ; using a cycle of secondshapes after a shapechange seem to have this result)

(edit 2 : if I remove all shapechanges but the first (A>B) unit A can become B - B can't shapechange back to A and will take form C when wounded but the firstshape command won't work- ; if I then add a shapechange B->A, B will take form A instead of form C when wounded, even if B has secondshape C, firstshape and secondshape of B will be A)

It looks like #shapechange bugs the complex chains of transformations possible without.

lch December 4th, 2007 05:12 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

vfb said:
Just because IP (ping uses ICMP messages which are constructed at the IP layer) gets through a firewall doesn't mean that a TCP request will get through.

Exactly. Just because something has an IP doesn't mean that everything is access the same way over the network. If you really believe that a bug exists, you need to isolate the problem to make sure it stems from the game (check if the problem manifests with other services aswell) and post a complete description of your operating system, internet connection type and firewall with maybe settings for it (hardware/software? I wouldn't be amazed if Microsoft's Internet Connection sharing or an incorrectly set up software router would cause trouble).

Please don't take it personally, I didn't mean to set you off, but just because you are experiencing a problem doesn't mean that it has to be a bug in the game.

QXel December 4th, 2007 09:51 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Hello everybody.

I report something I'm not sure is new, but I can't find anything on it (so, finding something relevant in this entire very active forum is now a big difficulty ...).

When you're on the map csreen and selecting a province with a hidden commander of yours in it (scout or something), you can see that there is discovered magic sites, but can not have access to the details.
In the Nation Screen, you CAN: with a right-clic, as for yours ...

I figure that it is NOT INTENDED.

I don't see it in the bug shortlist, or at least don't find it ... This issue is not a big pain nor a big problem, but just another annoying thing.
And perhaps something which can be corrected very easily. I don't know.

Well, I'm done.

You're welcome to flame me if I repeat something allready known http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Edi December 4th, 2007 10:09 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Known and not considered a bug as such. Or if it is, it should be covered by this shortlist item:
  • BHV Nation Overview & Scouting Reports It used to be that in Dom2 spies were able to see the sites of the province they were in. This is not possible anymore (they just see the icons). However, if you lay siege to an enemy castle, you will be able to see the sites in that province fully through the Nation Overview screen. Is this WAD due to the nature of the F1 screen and the special situation of sieges?

I tested this to some degree at one point when I was investigating it. It's a minor glitch at best.

QXel December 4th, 2007 11:35 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

I missed it as I search for Nation Screen ... not Nation Overview ...
But it is not really described as it is.

Well, never mind, I just do my 'pinailleur' http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

As I said, this is really minor, so, let's correct the real troubles.

A remark: progress page is down today (http://ulm.illwinter.com/dom3/dom3progress.html). Troubles ?

Twan December 4th, 2007 11:43 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Some kind of quotation marks, even if available in plain text format aren't recognized by the soft (quotations marks with a different symbol for beginning and end of quote, I think it's the default some text editors use).

To know : Wordpad uses correct quotation marks but don't change the wrong ones if text is cut-pasted inside.

(see in world of geometry thread)

Edi December 4th, 2007 11:47 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Twan, not a bug.

Non-standard quotation marks translate to a different ASCII code than normal quotation marks, so that is not a problem with Dominions but a problem with the choice of software and autocorrection settings on the part of the user.

Using a plain text editor or copy-pasting text to a plain text editor after it has been processed with fancier word processors should solve the problem. If you're using Windows, I recommend Crimson Editor.

Twan December 4th, 2007 12:03 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Yes but as the first symbol (beginning of quote) seem to be recognized (with wrong quotation marks I get wrong commanders/units/sites but with a correct number of commander/squads/sites) it may be a good idea to add the second ascii character to recognized marks as well (would avoid the problem for mapmakers/modders not aware of this issue like I was).

edit : forget I'm stupid, the correct number of things probablty came from the recognized # , not a recognized first quotation mark

Torin December 4th, 2007 04:23 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Will the encunbrance and precision switch of abyssian sacreds be fixed?

Edi December 4th, 2007 04:48 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Umm, what switch? In case you did not read the shortlist instructions on how to report bugs (which you should do), list the following:
  • unit name
  • unit ID number (shift+i while viewing unit)
  • what the actual problem is (in this case encumbrance and precision switched, and you need to tell me the actual values and/or explain why it's wrong.

Armor increases encumbrance and some Abysian units have very heavy encumbrance because of that to begin with. So having an encumbrance of 9 and a precision of 7 may not be a switch at all, especially if the province they are in is cold, since Abysians suffer more encumbrance in cold.

Torin December 4th, 2007 05:19 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Umm, what switch?

im asking because of this post?


and this fix?


I dont have a clue of the units numbers
they are the Burning One an the Lava Warrior.

Edi December 4th, 2007 06:32 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Right. I checked those. THERE IS NO BUG WITH THEM!

Now, listen carefully, because frankly I do not have enough time to waste on vague, completely useless reports of things that were fixed months and months ago and I'm not going to repeat this again, for you or for anyone else.

First off, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE SHORTLIST THREAD BEFORE YOU POST ANY MORE BUG REPORTS! In fact, read the whole damned shortlist thread to see which issues have been fixed and which are yet unresolved.

Second, make sure the reports you do make are detailed and accurate, as per those selfsame instructions.

Third, if you are making reports and queries based on old posts, then bloody well check if that issue has been fixed already. Those two posts you linked are over a year and more than six patches old, so the easiest way to verify that is fire up a patched to current version Dom3 and actually check what the values show now. The only possible statfix issue with lava warriors and burning ones now is that they have precision 10, when it should be 7-9.

As far as the unit numbers go, did you or did you not read my previous post? I explicitly told you that when viewing the unit, press shift+i and it will tell you the number! I hate repeating the obvious several times. I've also added that to the shortlist instructions now so that I do not need to do this again.

Right now, between checking this complete, months ago fixed NON-ISSUE and writing you personal instructions because you could not be bothered to do anything according to a clearly outlined procedure, I've had to waste far too much time I'd have much rather spent on something more useful or pleasant.

Next time you post a bug report about something along the lines of this Abysian issue or the bleeding network problem, you can expect me to reply with an RTFM at best, though I will probably just ignore you and your post altogether.

Torin December 4th, 2007 07:09 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
yeah, i checked now. it is fixed

Loren December 9th, 2007 07:57 PM

WAD or Bug? Negative creatures killed
Apparently I cast something that stole 3 cave drakes from the attacker. (They hit my Tartanian factory, there were all sorts of unscripted spells going off, watching the whole thing would have been a major exercise in patience.)

RonD December 9th, 2007 08:33 PM

Re: WAD or Bug? Negative creatures killed
That is the way it has always worked. You charmed/enslaved more creatures than you lost.

vfb December 9th, 2007 08:37 PM

Communions and priests
Using a Crystal Matrix on a priest with only H path, with at least two communicants, lets him cast four spells per turn. If the priest has other paths, like an H1N1 mage, the priest can cast only one H spell per turn, until one of his communicants is killed, at which point he casts two per turn.


Edi December 10th, 2007 03:53 AM

Re: Communions and priests
Thank you kindly for formulating the shortlist entry for me! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Edi December 10th, 2007 04:34 AM

Re: Communions and priests
Shortlist roundup:
  • SPELL Communion 2 Using a Crystal Matrix on a priest with only H path, with at least two communicants, lets him cast four spells per turn. If the priest has other paths, like an H1N1 mage, the priest can cast only one H spell per turn, until one of his communicants is killed, at which point he casts two per turn. Discussion thread
  • W 336 The Deadliest Poison does not affect undead or poison immune creatures as it should. Detailed post
  • U 1389 Blood Lord armor should be 18 Full Chain Mail and 20 Iron Cap, not 18 Full Chain Mail and 10 Leather Hauberk

Loren December 10th, 2007 04:24 PM

Re: WAD or Bug? Negative creatures killed

RonD said:
That is the way it has always worked. You charmed/enslaved more creatures than you lost.

Yeah, but the report seems very strange. How do you have negative deaths?

It seems to me that captured creatures should be reported separately.

RonD December 10th, 2007 04:28 PM

Recent fixes for very old bugs
Maybe this isn't the right place, but it seems appropriate to me...

There a couple of really interesting notes in the latest update:

Dominion sometimes spread in incorrect ways, fixed.
Does this include fixing the disappearing scales bug? If so, thanks, presumably, to the recent work by several forum folks.


* Caster of Stygian Paths took 1 an dmg for each unit under his command instead of units taking 1 an dmg each
* Stygian Paths reported random number of lost on the way

Does this mean that Stygian Paths will finally be useable???? Wow.

thejeff December 10th, 2007 04:31 PM

Re: Recent fixes for very old bugs
Yeah, looks like it. Looks like some nice bug fixes in the next patch.

Touch of Madness and Legion of Steel fixes

Also it's been versioned: V3.12. So it might be soon?

Edi December 10th, 2007 05:05 PM

Re: Recent fixes for very old bugs
Yes, RonD, this is the right place. It isn't named the Bug Discussion Thread for nothing. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

The dominion spread entry looks very much like a fix for both Vanishing Scales and the erratically spreading dominion that sometimes appeared all the way across the map because they were essentially caused by the same thing, a corrupt geotable. It is unknown whether it affects some of the other issues related to Dominion spread. Both Johan and Kristoffer have made comments to the effect that the scale bug has been crushed underfoot and it was indeed thanks to the contributions of the people on the forum, notably vfb and calmon.

Stygian Paths, looks like it could get a long awaited fix, but to be honest, I don't know the specifics.

Loren December 10th, 2007 10:41 PM

No space on bg bug -- it\'s back!!!
1 Attachment(s)
Version 3.10. It doesn't matter what orders I give, I get the blowup. The old cause at least was too many troops in a storm castle operation, if that's the cause this time it involves the AI fighting the AI.

Edi December 11th, 2007 02:55 AM

Re: No space on bg bug -- it\'s back!!!
Uhh, Loren, what blowup? Crash to desktop? I'm unable to keep 100% track of old issues that have been fixed without specifics, especially since IIRC that bug was not even reported in the shortlist, IW caught it from the forum discussions and fixed it before it even got listed.

Edi December 11th, 2007 03:04 AM

Re: No space on bg bug -- it\'s back!!!

lch said:
It's probably too late for me to bring this up, but when starting a new game from the command line for a dedicated server there always end up victory points in the map, even if you didn't touch those settings and even if there is no VP victory in the game. Is this supposed to be WAD? Is it possible to turn this off? I'm not that sure if I managed to.

From the patch excitement thread in map/mod forum. Bloody red flags...

Panpiper December 11th, 2007 04:26 AM

Re: No space on bg bug -- it\'s back!!!
I've created a ritual 'holy' spell that is reasonably thematic for the chaos mod I am working on. It creates a 'crossbreed' 'mutant' unit. It works as designed, as a ritual spell creating as many crossbreeds as the holy level of the caster. However if I use the <shift> <M> feature to set it as a monthly casting, I get a CTD as soon as I process the turn, with the warning message:

kv: bad mt0

The spell copy is as follows:

#name "Chaos Blessed"
#descr "The blessings of Chaos are a mixed bag. Some find themselves truly blessed with useful or even great ability. Others are twisted into a cruel joke by the caprice of chaos."
#restricted 75
#school 7
#researchlevel 0
#path 0 8
#pathlevel 0 1
#fatiguecost 0
#effect 10035
#nreff 1000

lch December 11th, 2007 09:48 AM

More mod nation game things
When connecting to a server which has mod nations for the very first time (no game files exist on the client side), a player is greeted to select between
  • Nation 71
  • Nation 72
  • Nation 73
  • Nation 74
  • Nation 75
  • Nation 76

and so on. Re-used nation numbers from existing nations show up as that existing nation. Only after providing the right password and continuing to the server status screen one can see the right flags and nation names for the game. I do understand that this has to do with the order in which mods are loaded (which probably is stored in the game files which have to be transferred first, I'd think), but it would be very, VERY helpful for the players if the server would provide the right nation names instead of just some nation number which has to be interpreted by the clients then.

Loren December 11th, 2007 04:38 PM

Re: No space on bg bug -- it\'s back!!!

Edi said:
Uhh, Loren, what blowup? Crash to desktop? I'm unable to keep 100% track of old issues that have been fixed without specifics, especially since IIRC that bug was not even reported in the shortlist, IW caught it from the forum discussions and fixed it before it even got listed.

The old bug was when you stormed a fortress with too many troops on the battlefield. You got a message during processing "No space on bg", it dropped you to the desktop. IIRC it was fixed in 3.08.

Play the turn on the attachment, you'll see it.

NTJedi December 12th, 2007 02:40 AM

Re: Bug thread

NTJedi said:
I have an undead mummy which is level_1 air and level_1 priest. Even being only level_1 I'm able to reanimate ghouls(LvL1), soulless(LvL2) or longdead warriors(LvL3)... in Dominions_2 the level_1 status meant only reanimate ghouls.
Seems like a bug.

I don't see this listed in the bug thread... last I checked the bug still existed. Level_1 shouldn't have three levels of reanimation.

Edi December 12th, 2007 04:14 AM

Re: Bug thread
Sorry. That one got lost in the shuffle earlier. Not on purpose, though. I'll test that and add it.

calmon December 12th, 2007 05:56 AM

Re: Bug thread

NTJedi said:

NTJedi said:
I have an undead mummy which is level_1 air and level_1 priest. Even being only level_1 I'm able to reanimate ghouls(LvL1), soulless(LvL2) or longdead warriors(LvL3)... in Dominions_2 the level_1 status meant only reanimate ghouls.
Seems like a bug.

I don't see this listed in the bug thread... last I checked the bug still existed. Level_1 shouldn't have three levels of reanimation.

I do not think this is a bug.

Level 1 reanimated undeads are ghouls and soulless, the longdeads are for level 2 and the horsemen are for Level 3 (this is even in the manual).

So a normal non-undead Lv 1 priest can reanimate ghouls + soulless but no longdeads.

In addition undead priests get holy +1 for all reanmitations. So the Lv 1 mummy truly can reanimate ghouls, soulless and longdeads.

Edi December 12th, 2007 06:03 AM

Re: Bug thread
Well, that would explain that little thing neatly. Thank you, calmon.

Animating horsemen is not even available for most nations, it is restricted, as KO said in the shortlist thread.

cleveland December 13th, 2007 02:20 PM

No Underwater Regen for Ice Elementals
1 Attachment(s)
Ice elementals do not regenerate underwater, as their water elemental counterparts do (see attached screenshot).

Also, though a bit more minor, they lack cold power...seems they should have it, as fire elementals have fire power.

Thematic errors or WAD?

Edi December 13th, 2007 03:08 PM

Re: No Underwater Regen for Ice Elementals
They never did have regen. Ice elementals are more like earth elementals than water elementals.

The lack of cold power has been noted in the shortlist in the section that raises a question about thematic cold/fire/storm/dark power or lack thereof.

cleveland December 13th, 2007 03:45 PM

Re: No Underwater Regen for Ice Elementals
1 Attachment(s)

Edi said:
Ice elementals are more like earth elementals than water elementals.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but don't earth elementals have regeneration?

EDIT: Confirmed. See attached screenshot.

It would then seem appropriate for ice elementals to have underwater regen, no?

Beyond being thematic, it would improve EA Rlyeh's & EA Atlantis's chances of countering an EA Oceania early bless rush. An active thread is discussing counters to blessed Knights of the Deeps, and the consensus is that there's little that can be done until the mid-game. High prot, high HP, trampling, regenerating thugs might help rebalance the issue.

Edi December 13th, 2007 05:44 PM

Re: No Underwater Regen for Ice Elementals
I'm of no opinion on the ice elementals as such. I don't remember all of the stats all of the time, but aside from the regen, the ice elems are much more like earth elems than water. I didn't say they were fully equivalent. *shrug*

I'm not too hot on including the lack of underwater regen as a statfix issue, because it isn't a clear problem.

The Knights of the Deep issue is a balance issue and a content one more than a bug, so I can't put that in the shortlist unless I create a separate section for potential balance problems that are not strict bugs. I can do that, though. The problem with that is that then I'll have everyone and their dog howling at me to include their pet issues and I'm going to have to take a VERY hard line if I do include such a category. If the devs haven't seen the KotD thread yet, I'll point them to it.

Kristoffer O December 13th, 2007 07:27 PM

Re: No Underwater Regen for Ice Elementals
I have SEEN


Whollaborg December 15th, 2007 07:05 AM

Re: Bug thread
possible bug with hydras regen

I tried sp ver 1.10 with Pythium. The new regen system for multiple headed hydras seems nice, but stopped working after a while.
Mostly they regen heads with out a clich but then they refused to regen heads lost in battles ans started half dead the next ones.
I only used current mods for balanced pretenders, scales and worthy heroes. Regen stopped atleast while outside of own dominion and the hydras were led by theurgs.

Edi December 15th, 2007 07:13 AM

Re: Bug thread
There could be a set of bugs with the non-sacred hydra secondshapes, much like there was with the sacred ones. I'll look into that.

chrispedersen December 16th, 2007 01:56 AM

Re: Bug thread
I always get prompted for the other players pw - and dropped to network.. this is the first time this has happened in several games. Is there a fix for this?

lch December 16th, 2007 09:00 AM

Re: Bug thread

chrispedersen said:
I always get prompted for the other players pw - and dropped to network.. this is the first time this has happened in several games. Is there a fix for this?

Delete the game files (can be done in the Local Games dialog) and try again.

Tyrian December 16th, 2007 12:11 PM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
sorry I didn't see the precedent subject on the same problem:


Szumo December 17th, 2007 05:46 AM

Re: Bug thread
My S8 tartarian, scripted with Master Enslave, Master Enslave, Returning is defending against 800-strong army.

What does he cast on first turn? Astral Shield.
On the second turn? Master Enslave. Of course after the enemy army has cast Antimagic.

Argh, the frustration!
Is there really a bug where casters will sometimes cast only a self buff on first turn, no matter what you script them for?

Kristoffer O December 17th, 2007 12:51 PM

Re: Bug thread
Buffs are rated higher the earlier in the battle they are cast.
Buffs are also rated higher the more HP etc the target has.
Also astral shield is more powerful if you have high astral magic and the spell is likely rated higher if you are strong in astral magic.

Supposedly your tartatian was strong and powerful enough to warrant a hefty and early buff http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Normally scripting gives spells very high ratings, but there are instances where a spell can get a higher, in order to save gems or avoid loops or other strange behaviors. This might be a case where the script rating is beaten by an unforseen rating due to an extreme situation (overly powerful tartarian).

Torin December 17th, 2007 01:40 PM

Re: Bug thread
I would like the script to have priority over everything else (unless impossible to cast).

On an other issue, my Air queen casting aim on pikeneers?
maybe i missed it but ive found no mention on the shortlist.
Ver 3.10

It was pikeneers from PD and i wanted her to cast on the PD archers instead.

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