![]() |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I will try to do better against my next enemy now that I no longer face Baalz in mortal combat. Just you try stealing any of my rightful conquest and see what happens! Everyone else may be scared of La Agartha but not me and especially not my masters in Hell. (entire post dripping in sarcasm) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I knew I should have forged more of that cool little astral window thingies! :)
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Utgard's "Employee of the Month" award goes to Sigmund, the PD1 commander (a 12 HP Herse) who fought off some Atlantean raiders in one of those battles that are so unlikely they fall into the ridiculous category.
He first withstood a Bladewind, then while fighting 3 guys at the same time - killed a merman and chased off an Atlantian militia and Shambler, then dodged a cold bolt from a 2 star Mage of the Deep from 2 squares a way, ran up to the mage who, was then at Protection 26 (after invulnerability), and smote him down with 2 blows. Sigmund's family will be receiving a free turkey for his efforts. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
With the passing of MA Arcos, I would like to thank Twan for playing Kingmaker. And
Kingmaker is indebted to Baalz who graciously agreed to play MA Oceania when no one else would, then was a long term sub for Kailasa, greatly expanding their borders, and then finally was the Communion Master for MA Arcos. when Twan had to find a sub. Kingmaker has been hard on the MA races, with only Ctis and Bandar Log remaining on turn 75. With the superpowers racing to add capitals, no telling how much longer those 2 races will be around either. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
As part of our friendly rivalry with our good buddies in LA Agartha, we are soliciting donations of Earth Gems.
If you want to make sure that LA Agartha is weakened soon, send heaping piles of them to EA Niefelheim. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Helping a nation that wished for Armageddon to put Forge up? You could as well work in banking business in Iceland now :)
I think that people should just try to win, or die trying to stop someone from doing so, instead of doing donations and getting stuck as someones ally or even worse - just a donator of someone's global. Xietor: It looks like MA C'tis is losing his war and his situation is grim. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
So I can't expect a donation from you to put down your own global? That's unfortunate.
And while I *didn't* waste a wish on Armageddon - boy I should've! I don't think it killed any giants. Anyone know how the mechanics for it work? |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Just doing my part of propaganda :) I might have annoyed a bit too many people with putting that one, well, we will see. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Putting up the Forge, to me, typically is the "i win" statement. When you put it up you basically are telling the World beat me if you can-i do not think you can.
I consider NAPs terminated with the nation casting the Forge. In other words, if I have a nap with you, and you want our nap to continue, I expect you to get my blessing(in advance) to cast the Forge. Otherwise you may see my armies on your doorstep. And typically my blessing for a Forge casting does not come cheap.:D |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
So you offer some protection plans maybe? :) You know, service of your mages and armies to deal with that my problem...
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I am on the other side of the world. And I am involved in wars of my own. Besides you hardly need my protection.
It is turn 75. You likely are ready to make a power play to end this game. And the forge is a good global to have up when you do. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Hmm... I think that wisher was probably a person worried that our game will end with reaching commander or unit limit :)
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
it looks as if Zeldor is going to bring his neighbors to their knees with Armageddon. Interesting strategy. After the game you are going to have to tell me if you thought of it, or whether your advisor did. After some reflection it is a pretty good way to bring blood hunting to a halt. One of my Lamia Queens must of got a hit(: She was in serpent shape, but alive, no afflictions, and she held on to her clam. Good girl! Council of Marignon your "sneak" attack was anticipated. Thanks for all the items! That is 6 banelords killed in the past 2 turns, with full items, and a few mages and a ton of devils. Because your were an honorable foe, Ruin will accept your surrender whenever you accept the inevitable. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Why are you always trying to blame Agartha? :) After the 2nd Armageddon we cannot find our Propaganda Minister, so some low-level Necromancer will have to do his duties for now. He said smth about "landscape in neighbouring kingdoms looks like painted by Picasso", whatever that means. Oh, and I think I need to use my S gems that turn to deal with one thief. I wonder what he was thinking? P.S. Armageddon seems to have some interesting uses in warfare too. P.P.S. I barely managed to get that turn in, huh, busy week. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I am not trying to blame LA Agartha. It is you. No one else would cast back to back Armageddons. And few would have the resources. You likely can cast one per turn.
I thought it may have been MA Arcos. who went AI, but Baalz is cleared. No one else would benefit from the spell. While I am at war with a blood nation, I do not need Armageddon to finish him(and no race whose capital only mages have 8 hps is going to cast it). Besides, there is no use to deny it. With the score graphs and the forge up and all the artifacts, you could hardly get in the cross hairs any more than you already are by casting Armeggdon. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Okay, whoever IS doing the Armageddons, please cast another this turn. I am eager to see what happens when 2 go off at the same time (if units get hurt, and don't regain their HP of course, then the second goes off.....).
I was surprised I managed to stale the last turn, but I was kind of just waiting on the research for the "See You In Hell" project. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I told you it was the end of the world, 900+ slaves died in a most terrible fashion! How could you!?!
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I did get a pm about why i did not ban the spell.
To be honest I did ban most of the "destroy the world spells like BOT, Utterdark, and one insanely overpowered spell, Arcane Nexus, as well as Astral Corruption(I had to penalize blood if I take away Arcane Nexus). But I did forget about Illwinter. and likely some other national globals that also destroy the world. But clams have been nerfed pretty hard. And without the Forge hammer, you pay a pretty hefty price for one. Unless you have one of the Worthy Heroes or a Pretender that has a forge bonus and you empowered him to have n and w paths. And with very hard research, Wish did not occur early in the game. On turn 75 LA Agartha( I am assuming) who had a huge research lead the whole game and passive neighbors, was able to start cashing in on having all of the const 8 artifacts and a huge land area. And games do have to end sometime. Unlike Burden of Time which is ridiculously easy to cast early in the game, Wishing for Armageddon on a very hard research setting with the clam super nerf is not easy to do. The game ideally should end by turn 100. If wishing for armageddons brings the end about quicker than seraphs, then I see nothing broken about it. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Well, my only complaint about Armageddon, is that it fails 2 of the benchmarks of "balance" -
Can it be countered? No, there is no way to stop someone from casting it (at least globals can theoretically be blocked by filling the 5 slots first). Can you recover from it? No, while you may be prepared to initiate a "no cash" strategy, there is no way to ever recover the population, or the income loss. I think it's more of an issue in MP, even in an "epic scope" game like Kingmaker, because of the vast scale involved. Basically the ultimate problem being that so many people who are severely affected, have little chance to return the favor to the perpetrator. And as far as Helheim goes, for example, it'll be a cold day in hell before the capital fortress falls, so even withe the juggernaut of LA Agartha knocking on my door, they will be unable to stop the wholesale destruction that the next several months will visit upon this world. Though, I guess you could say it's kind of poetic, that this epic struggle of would-be gods, ends in the savage annihilation of the mortals who inhabit this world. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
So you are a scorches earth fan? Interesting :) And you would be surprised how fast a single fort can go down. But should I? :) Xietor: While being one of the suspects, I would not protest if there was a new rule introduced now that would ban Armageddon wishing [llamabeast can always check who did it]. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Oh, and there must be something really bad coming, my tartarians say "All will end" and "All will be ashes".
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Despite making some mistakes in game administering this game, this is not my first rodeo(believe it or not). And one thing I learned long ago is never change the rules after the game has started. So for better or worse, you will be able to keep wishing for Armageddon Zeldor. But it is harder when your key artifacts are being wished away from you to decide what to wish for, isn't it?:D:D
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I'd rather wish for gold in your place :)
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Save up your pearls, and cast armageddon five times in one turn. That would get you some respect.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
And I'm not so big on Scorched Earth, really. But as I said earlier, because of the unfounded finger-pointing, and the ridiculously unfair double-teaming that had been dropped on my head - I'm going to take it all with me. :mad: DrP - that's a brilliant idea..... if only I had 5 S9 mages, I'd do that next turn. :p |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
What unfair? That game is about diplomacy. If you want unfair check eastern continent :)
If you have some things to offer, we could make some bet about how many turns you can keep walls up in your cap :) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
In any event Hadrian is now game admin. so any "official requests" to ban spells should be made to him. My opinion is just that of one of the surviving players.
My vote would be "no" to banning Armageddon on turn 76. Someone should have brought it up during the month we had discussing the game before it actually got underway. Though at this rate I am not going to have any s mages left(: |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Like I said, sir, I know how Crumble works. My assertion was that once the walls are down, you might be shocked at what you find waiting for you.
It's all rather silly, really. With the Death2 Dominion, you'd almost think this is what FoodStamp had planned all along, to mass up mages, then Armageddon the world away after switching to a summoned recruitment schedule. Would almost think that, but he had recently gone big into Blood before handing it off, and that's just counter-productive. Also counter-intuitive with Death2, but oh well. I didn't make this world, I'm just here to unmake it. :p |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Your army there doesn't look really scary :) IF you already planned to lose the war you are now going to make sure my other neighbours cannot win with me later? :)
I doubt you can put in your cap army being able to withstand a good attack. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Yes you can't ban spells once the game is being played. Obviously whomever is casting armageddon has probably been planning it for a while. So it would be unfair to change now.
It will be interesting to see if we have 0 or 1 or 2 armageddons next turn. Let me guess, La Agartha's artifact to go, 'puff' was the chalice? Last megagame, I ran Ea Oceania for a while for Amazhair and spent most of my time wishing for chalice and La Rlyeh wished for it right back. I would have prefered to wish Seraph but Amazhair banned me from doing so! It was very amusing because while I was in charge of Ea Oceania, Xieter kept going on and on about the chalice (he was playing Ma Ctis and had aload of afflicted Tarts), which I was sitting on, again I was banned from saying anything or sharing. Heh, if Evilhomer had cast some armageddons we would have all been able to complete megagame one! |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Believe me, I am not sugar coating anything when I say this is by far not the worst sub position I stepped into, unless I weight it very heavily for timing, because honestly it really started sucking when the nation with far and away the strongest SCs in the game, decided to bring one of the best raiding nations along with him to trounce me - AND no one nearby wanted to join in and keep Zeldor from winning. < shrug > I will agree on one thing Zeldor, you are indeed a shrewd diplomat, and I didn't put nearly the time into relations with my new neighbors that I should have. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
In these mp games diplomacy is likely more important than battle tactics. Being able to kick butt is a very good thing, but being a feared player also tends to make you end up on the wrong side of 2 v 1 wars. And if there is no time limit or victory condition, then you may have all the time in the world to overcome a series of 2 v 1 wars and conquer the world.
However, in a game like Kingmaker, where there is a race of sorts to 15 capitals, and the winning players may never have any contact on a 900 province map with several of the other major players, then diplomacy is evn more important. If Zeldor wins, it will be because his neighbors let him. They stayed their hands while he researched in the early game. And they stayed their hands after he got all the const. 8 artifacts. That is pretty good diplomacy. Meanwhile in the East, many veteran players are beating each other up. And though there will finally be a major player eliminated soon(LA Marignon), it took far too long for the number of vps he had. For my own part I saw early on LA Agartha's research and was willing to gate an army across the world to fight him in a suicidal war, but his neighbors refused to give me a friendly province to take and build a lab in from which to launch an invasion. And then when I finally had the means to launch a cross world attack without any cooperation from Zeldor's neighbors, Bandar Log and LA Marignon decide my 3 VPs would be easy to add to their own. Having steamrolled EA ulm and Jomon, I guess they thought Ruin would roll over with no resistance as well. And that invasion put an end to Ruin's planned transworld invasion of LA Agartha. Fear not Zeldor, my resources are now depleted to the point that any such invasion would be futile, plus you are much stronger now then when i planned to attack you. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
It is always neighbours fault. Same will be true if Lanka, Niefel or Caelum wins. It is especially true about Niefel - the only one remaining uber power nation in the game. You'd expect his neighbours to be aware that Niefelheim is overpowered nation that needs a group attack. But getting back to me - yeah, I was really surprised that I managed to get ahead in research, consideering my Drain 2 scales. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
The Great Auction of LA Agartha!
We are pleased to announce that our last minister of finances died in some nasty earthquake and that newly appointed minister (famous for his "All will end" speeches) supports privatization efforts. So he decided to put couple of our treasures on sale, highest bidder takes the item! [of course if minimum price is reached] Following artifacts are now on sale: - Orb of Atlantis - Soulstone of Wolves - Boots of Calius the Druid - Robe of Calius the Druid - Sword of Many Colours - Alchemist's Stone - Percival the Pocket Knight! |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Sounds more like a garage sale of your junk. I open the bidding on Percival the Pocket Knight at 1 gold. Do I hear 2? 2? 2? Going going gone! Sold for 1 to the big chunk of rock in the back corner.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Well, the soulstone of wolves gives you a huge amount of chaff, and the boots of calius have the highest reinvigoration in the game. If kalilasa would not be death, i might bid on them. :D
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
No one wants to fight DrP or Zeldor. :p |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Niefelheim's path to 15 capitals is rough. Where are they to come from? Formoria has 2 but has not seen war since turn 25 or so. one can only imagine the resources they have at their disposal.
LA Man? Bandar Log? LA Caelum? LA Arcos? Utgard? Niefelheim is a powerful race but they are surrounded by fairly tough nations. And I think Dr P still needs quite a few capitals to reach 15. If la agartha was in the East, i think his path to victory would have been more difficult. shrug. But blame the mapmaker for not putting the east/west wraparound in. :):):) I do not know why Reay would not give me a province from which to launch my attack from. Suicidal yes. But it would have been fun. Other guilty parties, Twan, Lanka, Hadrian, and Foodstamp. All were contacted very early on and none would give me a toehold in their lands from which to launch my kamikaze invasion(: Where is the trust? |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
You should have asked me! I could sell you something! It was quite a boring time for me, so some visitors could be fun. And your neighbours in the east would be very happy too :)
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Xietor has just procured a province from me to make a distant outpost. He doesn't realize that I know its purpose is as a beachhead to launch an attack on me. As his neighbor, I am willing to inform you when his forces arrive, and you can be sure that his heartland will be quite poorly defended. Cheers! Oh war, wicked war. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
LA Agartha has some W gems to exchange for E,N,D or S [we can negotiate ratio, especially with bigger exchanges].
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I have really achieved the goals I had when I began Kingmaker. In fact I never really intended to make it to the late game. But my competitive juices got flowing and I got into some wars.
But it is now late game, and I am ready for a break, not just from Kingmaker, but from mp in general. I am entertaining offers for a perm. sub for LA Arcos. It will be my hope that my current diplomatic ties are honored. The position is not a winning one, and was never really intended to be a winning one, but it is a strong position, and could play a part in who does win(maybe). There is a s8 seraph to play with, affliction free tartarian cyclops, liches, Immortal Pretender, a couple of sneaky good constr 8 artifacts, Master Enslave, Astral travel, Wish, Evoc 9, etc. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
In a war that means little in the Bigger Picture, Zenerio, the Sleeper who has been a thorn in the Council of Marignon's side the entire war, with several kills to his credit, including 3 angels, led a brave squad of mostly castle bought troops and mages against a Great Demonic Horde.
Hopelessly outnumbered(yet again), Zenerio, displaying rare attributes of leadership, rallied his skittish elephants, hoplites, slingers, and Agema horsemen, and assorted other troops, to another victory. Ruin had generously offered the Council of Marignon peace, with only s small forts(none capitals) as war reparations. When his merciful offer was refused, he had no choice but to order the shorthanded Zenerio to attempt to collect war damages by force of arms. http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/...5b8f60122g.jpg When the fighting was over, Zenerio reported that a Troll King and Fallen Angel had decided to switch sides and join him in a holy way against their former masters! |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I don't want to spoil your fun, but LA Mari staled last turn :) But at least your battles seem to be more interesting than mine [old age is probably the biggest killer for Agarthan people]. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
It was still a great victory for the Sleeper!
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
The Middle Era continues to fade. MA Ctis is gone(ai).
MA Agartha, MA Bandar Log, and MA Marignon remain, and all are in dire straits. Thanks for playing MA Ctis Digress! Of the Lizards, only EA Ctis still clings to life. LA Agartha now has the Forge and Gift of Health up. Any Nation that has any remaining hopes of winning best look West-though it may be too late already. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Chalice is now officially for sale. Taken back from pesky robber [that must be a bit unaware who is annihilating his mages with ARmageddon] is now ready to be transferred into good hands [that stealer is free to participate in the auction too :)].
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