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Zeldor November 8th, 2009 06:40 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Wishing for Abductor [Niefel hero] makes him come in his 2nd form [Great Eagle] and after GoR he is pathless. So it may concern other multi-form commanders.

vfb November 8th, 2009 06:51 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by zzcat (Post 717527)
An intresting bug: Rat tail actcally BOOST enemy's moral instead of reduce it. In attached turn file, The Adon's moral is raised to 74(!) when he get whiped:shock:

BTW: I found "The field of hippocampoi" in a mountain province but when I send a water mage to enter site nothing is summoned. Considering hippocampus is underwater only, perhaps the site get a wrong sitemask.

Interesting bug. The problem isn't so much the Rat Tail itself. From looking at the debug output, you can see that a shield hit occurs, and the resulting 40 protection is subtracted from the Greater Fear damage. A check for negative Greater Fear damage is not made prior to modifying morale.


Trying to strike agains Awe 1 (mor 23)
2341 striking with weapon Rat Tail. att25 def28
shieldprot for Adon = 40
hitloc Jotun Werewolf strikes Adon wl5 diff-3 -> 3
hitunit 2341 2402 dmg-31 spec0 ba3
shieldprot for Adon = 40
hitloc Jotun Werewolf strikes Adon wl0 diff1 -> 2
hitunit 2341 2402 dmg-30 spec128 ba2
2341 striking with weapon Greater Fear. att22 def24
shieldprot for Adon = 40
hitloc Jotun Werewolf strikes Adon wl0 diff1 -> 2
hitunit 2341 2402 dmg-30 spec128 ba2

zzcat November 8th, 2009 11:02 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
IMO it should be AN. It's quite ridiculous that a mind effect can be blocked by shield and armor...

Edi November 9th, 2009 09:10 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 717577)
Wishing for Abductor [Niefel hero] makes him come in his 2nd form [Great Eagle] and after GoR he is pathless. So it may concern other multi-form commanders.

Not a bug. The hero appears in his humanoid form when he appears as a regular hero and has all paths. Magic paths etc are attributes tied to the unique ID of the unit, so they follow along when you use the shapechange command, even though the shapechanged form has no inherent paths (like the Jotun skratti for another example). When you wish for the unit and you get the shapechanged form because of its lower monster number, GoRing will not give you the paths of the other form.

Same if you enslave a Jotun Skratti in wolf form, no magic when you GoR.

John_Madlock November 16th, 2009 04:44 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
What's going on with Blood Burst? If I script this, mages always cast Summon Imps, but previous in message on top screen is Blood Burst two times (without casting this).
It looks like that:
Xyz casts Blood Burst
Xyz casts Blood Burst
Xyz casts Summon Imp

All in one turn.

John_Madlock November 18th, 2009 10:47 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I have reinstalled the newest patch and looks like it's OK now.

Centuryslayer November 22nd, 2009 10:54 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I have an interesting...bug, I guess we can call it. any version above 3.08, crashes by freezing when I press the end turn button and the game loads. ctrl+alt+delete and bringing up the task manager reveals that Dom3 is chugging system memory at 100% and it's not responding. this only happens with versions 3.14 to 3.23b.

anyone know what this might be?

chrispedersen November 22nd, 2009 11:56 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I had a problem with video drivers - I had to downgrade to an older one to make it work....

Quitti November 22nd, 2009 12:11 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Mine works fine with the latest drivers though. It might help if people knew what your gfx-card & OS is, Centuryslayer :)

Centuryslayer November 22nd, 2009 05:46 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 719179)
Mine works fine with the latest drivers though. It might help if people knew what your gfx-card & OS is, Centuryslayer :)

oops, that's what I get for being in a hurry I suppose :doh:

windows XP (Service pack 2)
1,33 Ghz Processor
768 MB RAM
Connect 3D Radeon 9600 (gfx card)

also, a bit unrelated, I can't seem to join my own multiplayer games :confused:

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