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Taqwus January 19th, 2004 03:04 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Not a bug, but a bit of a "weirdness" really --

When an immobile pretender is killed and then called back, should it reappear outside the castle (where it does now, if there's enemies around) or inside? From one viewpoint, if it appeared outside, it's not likely to simply saunter back in through the gate even assuming that the owning player's carefully noted the exact arrival and managed to throw in enough forces to make a difference.

Question provoked by the slightly odd sight of a fountain appearing and futilely attempting to Arcosephale.

Taqwus January 19th, 2004 08:11 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
T'ien Chi/Spring and Autumn:
Province defense uses Eunuch, General; these commanders belong to the Bureaucracy period, right? They aren't available for recruitment during S&A if memory serves.
Celestial Master descriptions say something along the lines that "During the S&A time, these mages were even more powerful and could fly" etc. Seems the tense should be different; wording is odd considering these _are_ the S&A variants. Matter of taste however.

PDF January 20th, 2004 02:34 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Maybe a bug, maybe an unfinished feature : on the "Escape/Exit" screen there is a "View Active mods" option, that doesn't do anything (the screen just blinks ..) regardless of the mods used.

Saber Cherry January 20th, 2004 04:44 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
With 2.06, Jotun Hirdman still wears ringmail, though his description says chainmail and his resource cost indicates chainmail.

PvK January 20th, 2004 10:08 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
The Mictlani hero Mictlipoctli can't perform Blood Sacrifices. Intentional?


Taqwus January 20th, 2004 06:19 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Spell AI suggestion: Do not cast spells on friendlies which have the effect of lowering a resistance from 100+% to something below 100%. The difference between 75% and 100% can rather easily be death.

stiger January 21st, 2004 12:21 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Hire mercs and order their leader to become a propthet. Now let him go after three turns. If he then does not end in a merc list again - viola, you've just lost an ability to have a propthet for the rest of the game. As the merc leader was not killed the game assumes the propthet is alive and does not allow you to appoint another.

While logical, I think it could be better to strip "prophet" flag from a merc upon leaving and trigger "death of the prophet" as currently it results in some funny things like being able to command a unit that is a prophet of another god (if such merc is re-hired). This unit spreads dominion of another god but has bless effects of your god.

Seems easy enogh to fix.

Arralen January 21st, 2004 12:38 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
  • <font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">kamikaze leader on "fire closest"
    TienChi Chariot, heroic quickness 154%, Piercer crossbow, set to 5x "hold & fire","fire closest"
    .. fires, than advances with appr. 1/2 the normal move, starts trampling enemies in the next turn.
  • <font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Bernlad the Green Knight (Man Hero) equipment problems
    Uses Lance, Broadsword, Kite Shield, Full Chain Mail, Full Helmet, mounted.
    Giving him a "Shield of Valour" makes him loose the broadsword, leaves him with the lance only.
    Giving the same shield to a Sidhe Lord (Spear, Javelin, round shield, Chain mail cuireass, helmet) lets him still use Spear & javelin.
  • <font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">flying carpet isn't working
    .. a single additional unit cancels the 3-province radius. Also the "flying"-ability icon isn't show on the character info screen.
  • <font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">cavalry on "attack rear" freezes
    Bernlad with orders "hold, attack rearmost" with 25 bodyguards just freezes in place. First I though because there isn't any rearmost troop - both enemy Groups attacked, commanders "staying behind troops" and advanced,too. But I saw that again when he was all on his own with his bodyguard against a handful province defense. He advanced and killed 2, than froze in place.
  • <font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Single mages casts communion slave/master
    Veatti Hag casts communion slave despite being the only mage on her side, and communion master after that ..
  • <font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Commanders commits suicide by casting spells
    Commander was victim of Vengeance of the Dead; attacked by 57 Dead Ones (ATT7, DEF 4). Had glamour and was decked out with items, including Spirit Helm; melee encumbrance was 6; Fatigue after initial blessing:12; "Stinger"-length 4; attack 17, defense 39(!);
    The dead ones couldn't have hit him, had he destroyed them one by one in melee. Instead he casted high-fatigue spells until passing out - while he wasn't even hit with fatigue 88 . He (air-3) killed himself with the shock wave (air-2), either by fatigue or by frying himself</font>
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">
Savegames available if desired.


stiger January 21st, 2004 12:48 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Bug in 2.06:

Give stealthy leader a bane venom charm. Now order him to go into enemy/independent province. Next turn he recieves a HUGE amount of exp (20000 - 30000 exp listed) which immediately gives him 1# HoF position, HoF ability and a 5th level. Next turn he will again recieve a huge amount of exp resulting in an overflow so he now looses HoF position and becomes 1st level again. So goes forever.

This could be easily abused as if bane venom charm is removed (given to another comander) after the first turn all exp, levels and HoF position remains.

This could be easily used to quickly give 5 level to all stealthy undead pretenders like ghost king or vampire queen.

This could also be used to block HoF (take all positions) with, say, black servants as it is impossible for any other enemy leader to reach such numbers of exp by normal means.

Arryn January 21st, 2004 04:32 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Minor textual bug. When you add a Winged Helmet to a Harbinger it is displayed in the armor list as a Full Helmet, though all the correct effects for a Winged Helm are reflected in the unit stats.

[ January 22, 2004, 05:25: Message edited by: Arryn ]

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