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tinkthank January 16th, 2005 09:02 AM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Sounds good.

Here's another suggestion for the game setup / god creation screens. It comes from the desire to experiment and try out different God creations.

In additionn to letting us "cancel" a god creation (instead of accepting it as "ready"), it could be great if we could also "save" god creations to a folder, perhaps called "oldgods", or "savedgods". That way, we can have more than 1 active newgod for each race, and compare them or save models we particularly liked. Gods can be saved with any valid filename, such as Man_Earthbless_Cyclops_growthscale_2.
So the suggestion would also include a "load god" option from the game creation screen which would pull up a list from the othergods folder from which we could choose.

I think this suggestion belongs to the "nice to have" list, isnt really super-important, but I think it would be nice, especially for newbies.

tinkthank January 16th, 2005 10:03 AM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
A small one.

Someone mentioned mixed VCs in game setup. I would like to second that and suggest a way in which the default VCs could be conceived, since I think Dominion should play, as the name of the game implies, an even stronger component.

Winning X number of provinces (or VPs) should not be enough unless explicitly stated; standard VC should be X Provs (or VPs) *plus* Y dominion. I think this would be not only feel better than "control the whole world militarily", but also reduce frustration in end-game, and additionally allow for nail-biting and mixed-strategy/surprise tactics in dealing with the dominion VC component.

Anyhow, at least a way to stipulate VC-mixing involving provinces and dominion.

Chazar January 16th, 2005 06:27 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Addenudm to my Taskforce-Mechanism-Proposal: Each "taskforce" record should have a custom name, a custom note field and a choosable color code. The color code is used to draw a frame around the commander icon box in the map view (or maybe a blob on top of the commander picture), so that one can easily see to what kind of taskforce a commander belongs to. The note incorporates the "sticky note" concept that has been proposed earlier by several people here. Assigning it to the taskforce might make it general enough rather than allowing for every commander already on its own...

NTJedi January 17th, 2005 07:21 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Improving Province Defense

One or more of these ideas can be used for improving province defense:

A) Provinces adjacent to the main capital and including the main capital have very powerful defenders for its province defense. These units should have much higher morale, defense, magic resist, and protection.

B) More unique and stronger defenders as provinces defense increases. Province defense(1_thru_10) basic units, Province defense(11_thru_20)average units added with basic units, Province defense(21_thru_30)strong units added with basic and average units, and so on...

C) For province defense beyond 20... adding a commander with a standard(+8) and additional commanders with standards for every additional 10pts of province defense.

D) Some unique powerful unit(depending on the race) added for any location with province defense of 50 or more.

E) Increase resources in a province when the province defense goes beyond 25, yet doesn't work on capital. This would give province defense a second value. Province defense beyond 25 is an investment of over 350 gold.

deccan January 17th, 2005 11:59 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I think the army setup screen needs some work:

1) In actual battles, the size of the battlefield appears to stretch to accomodate the forces involved, but the army positioning box in the army setup screen does not, which imposes an upper limit on the size of the army that can be positioned correctly.

2) In the topmost row of troops in garrison, the units become ever smaller as you have more troops there. Normally this is okay, but in one current game, I have so many troops in garrison that even non-commander Tartarian Titans become non-viewable due to the unit compression and so non-selectable! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

tinkthank January 18th, 2005 01:37 PM

Some Debuffs
Like many of NT Jedi's suggestions there!

Just thought to add some more examples for Buffs and Debuffs to those above-mentioned examples:

Cure Paralysis: Alteration 3, Air2, Fatigue 30-; removes 1d6(oe) Paralysis from one friendly target, more powerful mages can remove +1 point for each level of air above 2.

Fluid Joints: Alteration 5, Water3, Fatigue 50-, removes 1d6(oe) Paralysis from a small group of friendly units, more powerful mages can remove +1 point for each level of water above 3.

Sunburst: Conjuration 6, Fire4 Astral1, Fatigue 200-, calls for the warm rays of the sun upon the battlefield, clearing the skies, and thus has a chance (mage casting strength + d6oe vs. opposing mage casting strength + d6oe) of eliminating any any storms, mists, or rain currently active; in addition, it automatically casts "fanaticsm" once upon coming into effect.

Taqwus January 18th, 2005 01:59 PM

Re: Some Debuffs
It would be nice if Vortex of Returning

(a) Was never cast without being specifically scripted, or at least
(b) Preserved orders and unit assignments (which units go with which leaders in what formation and orders).

It was irritating watching one of my Spectral Mages VoR a 800+-unit army that was easily stomping an indy force of ~50 light cav (trivial battle, especially with a vanguard of ~140 wights led by a wraithlord and a heavily-armed Ambicephalos...).

Tricon January 18th, 2005 06:21 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

tinkthank said:
In additionn to letting us "cancel" a god creation (instead of accepting it as "ready"), it could be great if we could also "save" god creations to a folder, perhaps called "oldgods", or "savedgods". That way, we can have more than 1 active newgod for each race, and compare them or save models we particularly liked. Gods can be saved with any valid filename, such as Man_Earthbless_Cyclops_growthscale_2.
So the suggestion would also include a "load god" option from the game creation screen which would pull up a list from the othergods folder from which we could choose.

I'ld really, really like it if I could save a number of pretenders from the same faction.
Maybe accompanied by the option of saving, like getting the prompt: Would you like to save this pretender?

Wick January 18th, 2005 11:44 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I wish all unmounted, routing units with encumbering shields would drop them.

It's historical (except for Spartans! ;-), it makes sense in the game, it's implementable, and mercy is a virtue even if the cowards don't deserve it.

tinkthank January 20th, 2005 07:52 AM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Something minor:

In the nation overview, please include a slot for Terrain Type (so we can find all mountains, swamps, etc.)
In the nation overview, please include a slot for Dominion strength. (This is also vital for finding those priests whom you have set to preach...)

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