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JimMorrison December 21st, 2008 01:44 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
..... while your normal units will fight successive battles with lost HP and reduced ammunition, PD is not tracked on a per unit basis, and so is full strength in each battle, if they fight more than once in a month.

Slobby December 24th, 2008 04:13 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Did you know that demons are unaffected by the dominion of MA C'tis? While there are no national blood mages for em, it might still be an interesting path to put on your pretender and then create an all demon army. Also Sirrush's, while not having the cold blooded tag, are immune, yet the scorpian king, another national sacred summon without the cold blooded tag, is not.

vfb December 24th, 2008 06:14 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
The Sirrush has swamp survival, which also gives immunity to C'tis miasma.

All demons and undead are unaffected by disease.

MaxWilson December 25th, 2008 07:29 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
...when Decaying units disappear into a puff of blood at the end of a battle, it's because they got Diseased? Diseased units which are decaying lose one hit point per combat round, even if they can regenerate. (Tested on Hydra Hatchlings. 25 HP... 24 HP... 23 HP... etc. Apparently it doesn't regenerate.) Normally regenerating creatures do not lose hit points to disease over time, but this appears to be an exception.

Have I also mentioned that Fear From the Horror Harmonica does not affect friendly units? The graphic hits them but they do not actually suffer Fear effects.


MaxWilson December 25th, 2008 07:47 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
...Blood Vengeance does NOT reflect Disintegrate? My guess is that this is because Disintegrate is 999 damage, which is a "special" number in Dom3. (For instance, attacks which cause 999 damage are not affected by Luck.) If so, other 999 damage attacks are probably also not affected by Blood Vengeance.


vfb December 25th, 2008 08:06 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Disintegrate got reflected when I tested it. You have to fail the save to take damage in order to have it reflect. You don't reflect damage that you don't take, if that makes any sense.


castspell: cnr96 spl405 (Disintegrate) vis0 x23 y15 spldmg999
vis 0 xvis 0
blastsqr: unr363 x23 y15 aoe0 dmg999 eff2 spc1082151040 as10186 al9
  affectvic vic364 hv0
hitunit 363 364 dmg999 spec1082151040 ba2
  spec_mr pen 13 mr 18 (unr 363 vic 364 dmg 2 eff 999)
damage shift negated 1007 pnts of dmg
hitunit 364 363 dmg1007 spec128 ba2
damage 1012 on Maker of Heroes, spec0x80 ba2

archaeolept December 25th, 2008 08:20 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
ah good to know - it seemed unthematic that disintegrate wouldn't be reflected.

MaxWilson December 25th, 2008 08:32 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 662129)
Disintegrate got reflected when I tested it. You have to fail the save to take damage in order to have it reflect. You don't reflect damage that you don't take, if that makes any sense.

Oh, okay. Sorry, my testing misled me. I dropped Kurgi into the middle of a battle and watched him reflect Fire Bolts, Incinerate, etc. back onto the caster, but Disintegrate always hit Kurgi. I guess you're right and it must have been just because Kurgi kept making his save. The debug log is always more reliable than empirical testing. :)


archaeolept December 26th, 2008 12:06 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
the resistance roll is made by the original caster, modified by the targets blood vengeance; so, it could be that the Disintegrate caster had a higher MR than the others, making it more likely for the spell not to reflect.

vfb December 26th, 2008 01:20 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
I omitted the first 4 casts of Disintegrate from the above log, sorry.

They look like this:


castspell: cnr96 spl405 (Disintegrate) vis0 x23 y15 spldmg999^M
vis 0 xvis 0^M
blastsqr: unr363 x23 y15 aoe0 dmg999 eff2 spc1082151040 as10186 al9^M
  affectvic vic364 hv0^M
hitunit 363 364 dmg999 spec1082151040 ba2^M
  spec_mr pen 13 mr 18 (unr 363 vic 364 dmg 2 eff 999)^M

It's the Fallen Angel with MR18 passing the MR check against Disintegrate (cast by an Eye-of-the-Void wielding MR12 Maker of Heroes). The first resistance roll is made by the unit with Blood Vengeance. If it passes the check, nothing more happens, since there was no damage taken.

But when the unit with Blood Vengeance fails the MR check, then the Disintegrate caster still gets a chance to avoid the reflected damage, and if that happens, the BV unit dies:


castspell: cnr94 spl405 (Disintegrate) vis0 x23 y16 spldmg999
vis 0 xvis 0
blastsqr: unr316 x23 y16 aoe0 dmg999 eff2 spc1082151040 as10186 al9
  affectvic vic317 hv0
hitunit 316 317 dmg999 spec1082151040 ba2
  spec_mr pen 13 mr 18 (unr 316 vic 317 dmg 2 eff 999)
damage 996 on Angel of Fury, spec0x40805080(missile) ba2

The roll versus mr 12 does not show up in the log, but it's there because sometimes the damage reflection works and the Maker dies (my post above) and sometimes it doesn't and the Angel dies (this post).

I tested with:
Disintegrate caster = Maker of Ruins, Eye of the Void (pen+2, mr 12)
BV target unit = Angel of Fury, Flesh Ward (mr 18, bv 4)

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