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Captain Kwok January 27th, 2004 02:32 AM

Re: SEV discussion: Mines
What did you think of my suggestion (3 Posts down) for a mine system? I think that could work well or some variation of that idea.

narf poit chez BOOM January 27th, 2004 02:52 AM

Re: SEV discussion: Mines
what micromanagement? you just leave the miner's running.

well, sounds good Kwok.

[ January 27, 2004, 00:53: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]

Fyron January 27th, 2004 02:55 AM

Re: SEV discussion: Mines
Building new mines, having to continue them running... sillyness.

Paul1980au January 27th, 2004 03:47 AM

Re: SEV discussion: Mines
There needs to be more discussion on mining and mines - perhaps mines in the minefields ?

dogscoff January 27th, 2004 04:19 PM

Re: SEV discussion: Mines
I like decaying fields- but then I'm a micromanagemment freak. Then again, you could just setup a yard somewhere to repeat build mines and a ship to repeat load/launch them. Not much micromanagement there, except that you get troubles with ships cancelling their orders because the yard has run out of stock or something...

Of course I'd also like to see better order queueing and repeating in the game as well, which would help matters immensely: Imagine if you could give a ship the following orders:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">-Wait at location X.
-UNTIL (minefield A&lt;50 mines) OR (minefield B&lt;75 mines)
-IF (minefield A&lt;50 mines)
--Goto location Y
--Load mines
--launch mines at minefield A
--Return to location X
-IF (minefield B&lt;75 mines)
--Goto location Z
--Load mines
--launch mines at minefield B
--Return to location X
-Repeat orders</pre><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Or maybe even a (reliable) minefield minister could be introduced to deal with it for you. Or a "maintain minefield" button that allows you to assign a ship to a field or group of fields, and it will go off and do its own thing according to settings you specify. Micromanagement is a good thing as long as you have the option to delegate it.

Anyway, I quite like the idea of the mine vs minesweeper situation being like an arms race- kind of the way cloaking vs sensors works now, but with more variables thrown into the mix to reduce predictability. For example ship & fleet experience should definitely make a difference to the amount of successful mine hits, and previous knowledge that there was a minefield in that location. I like the idea of formation being a factor, and combat sensors and ecm and ship size.
I'd also like to see the sensors/cloaking system overhauled and mines worked into that. (ie taking range and other factors into account as well as sensor power vs cloaking power)

Bearing all this in mind, I think the best idea is the one suggested a few Posts ago to have some kind of unseen strategic combat played out every time a minefield is encountered. Then all the above factors could be worked in at once, and the result of a minefield encounter would never be 100% predictable as it is now.

Finally, there should be a "retreat at minefield/plough on through" setting for each fleet- if set to "retreat at minefield" then they should have a chance to go back a sector when they first encounter the mines (ie after the first few explosions), leaving some of the fleet and most of the minefield intact. If the "strategic combat" approach was used to manage minefields, this would amount to a "retreat from combat" option- something else I'd love to see resurrected for se5.

tesco samoa January 27th, 2004 05:16 PM

Re: SEV discussion: Mines
kwok expand on that post from 11 down

narf poit chez BOOM January 27th, 2004 09:33 PM

Re: SEV discussion: Mines
Dogscoff, you would need selectable buttons that would auto-program the ships for those people who aren't programmers. other than that, it sounds like a great idea.

maybe a selectable list-thingy that you could add to.

[ January 27, 2004, 19:34: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]

dogscoff January 27th, 2004 09:45 PM

Re: SEV discussion: Mines

Dogscoff, you would need selectable buttons that would auto-program the ships for those people who aren't programmers. other than that, it sounds like a great idea.
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Yeah, or better yet a drag+drop flow chart.

DavidG January 27th, 2004 10:22 PM

Re: SEV discussion: Mines

Originally posted by se5a:
ok, I think I see what your saying.

if a mine attempts to destroy/damage a ship and fails does the mine still exist? or has it destroyed itself in the attempt?

<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Well the way I envision it still exists. it just failed to detect the ship. (I always think of SE4 mines as movable. ie they sense and the home in on a ship. IF the just sat there waiting to be hit... Well space is BIG really really BIG)

Paul1980au January 28th, 2004 01:30 AM

Re: SEV discussion: Mines
Like an expanded experience type

Ie overall experience values
Experience vs fighters
Experience vs drones
Experience in mines (detection and laying and navigating around)
Experience in well other areas.

You might have 10 or so different experience breakdowns that would affect combat more so in an expanded way instead of just the basic fleet and ship experience.

This might also lead to new technology and alien technology types + new events ie ship was attacked by space pirates in fighters or drones (or oterhs) and has gained 3% experience points when in combat against fighters.

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