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Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
EDIT: I also thought I was editing, not quoting, so I changed the message around. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Add #communicant to the list for Therug Communicants
And I tried copysats for the communicants and it didn't work. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Dominion scales in the 9-10 range do increase your ability to recruit sacred units.
That said - the dominion score of 9 combat buff is an unusual case. The price-schemes I proposed don't give a *discount* for it, but they never make it (relative to your total points) more expensive, so unless you're going to dominion 10 on a base dominion 1 god, it isn't going to have a huge impact, and I think that the mod as I proposed it would be workable. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
A few requests:
1) Suppose I want to mod a race that does not become weaker with old age, but stronger. With a switch like #oldageeffect <parameter> With this parameter (1 and -1?) you can set if the monster becomes stronger or weaker when ageing. 2) A fourth status for pretenders, in addition to awake - dormant - imprisoned. The fourth status would be something like banished: the god is somewhere else and happy to be there, not coming back at all. That may give you extra design points (for what? well only dominion, and magic for blessings). I'm requesting this because sometimes I would like to play just with armies vs armies, without godlike pretenders getting in the way. 3) Is #inquisitor already implemented? Apologies if i missed it. ...and more to come soon, probably. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
If we're going to have more pretender status, I'd also like to see:
dead - your god begins play dead. You can call him back normally (and thus, before turn 12), but he shows up -1 on each magic path with an affliction. 200 points. lost - your god has forgotten the world. A dominion strength of (150?) will return him to the world. 150 points? bound - The seals on your god can only be loosed by BLOOD SACRIFICE. You need to research blood 5 and then have a blood mage offer up 200 blood slaves to get your god back. This is worth only 300 points because only people who think they can do this quickly will take it. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I second the various requests for commands to duplicate existing monster powers, but I'd actually like commands to add *new* monster powers.
To facilitate this, I'd like the modding commands to be as general as is reasonably feasible. I have some exmaples below, but whatever mod commands you add, please make them general in this way so we can do new stuff. The following commands would let me do things for Mods we have in the works that'd be real keen: #autospell {spellID} This command gives a unit a spell that it automatically casts at the start of combat. If the spell has a target - the unit targets itself. This would be greatly more useful than #communicant or something to duplicate the communicant's ability. #scalemod {tag} {scale} {multiplier} This should also be available for weapons. The tag (which can be anything) is modded by the multiplier * the scale modifier (negative multiplier meaning you like negative scales.) This would be very powerful - you could make philosophers #scalemod researchbonus productivity -1 and you could make demons that spread disease but only in provinces with turmoil #scalemod diseasecloud order -1 and all sorts of other cool stuff. If you have a command once under "scalemod" and once without scalemod, the argument of the command (research bonus, AP, whatever) should be additive. #unitspawns {unitID} {multiplier} #summonally {unitID} {multiplier} #dominionspawns {unitID} {multiplier} Instead of one command for each monster that presently has one of these abilities. Combine with scalemod to have it only work in some diminion types! Awesome game, keep up the good work! |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Okay, I want some stuff for spell-modding. This request is highly unlikely - but hey, can't hurt to ask, and it'd be schweet.
I'm sorry this is so long but I'm trying to be as concrete as possible. I assume that one of the patches will include the ability to field entirely new spells. Here are some spells I want to add, and what they do, along with the code-I-think-should-do-this (all of these are intended as national spells for Padmassa, the Dark Coven): Corrupt the Virtuous (BSS, 10 blood slaves) Blood 0 Attempts to kill a priest in a distant province. If successful, not only does the priest die, but you are able to steal their faith so that they join you as an undead. Priests in hostile dominion are highly resistant. This spell allows the Black Coven to obtain priests, since they have no national priest unit. Soul Hunt (SSSSD, 8 astral) Evocation 5 This uniquely Padmassan variant of the Mind Hunt spell not only kills the target, but steals his soul and binds it to serve you. Ascend the Inner Circle (DDDSSS, 30 death), Thaum 4 The high circle initiates of the black coven of Padmassa have learend to become vessels for the dark energy that fills the outer realms! Those who survive the rite become terrible mezomasters, and will gain power over death, blood, astral and/or earth magic. Ascend the Final Circle (DDDDDSSSSS, 60 death), Thaum 7 Those who survive this transformation become Dread Masters - the true overlords of Pasmassa. Their power is terrible to behold, they are immortal beings who fly about the battlefield smiting their enemies with bolts of eldritch power. #newspell "Corrupt the Virtuous" 501 #school 6 #nation 101 #researchlevel 0 #path 0 7 #path 1 4 #pathlevel 0 1 #pathlevel 1 2 #fatiguecost 1000 #spelltype ritual #effect 1 #target random_remote_commander #demand_target mag_priest #forbid_target undead #forbid_target inanimate #death #dominionresists #penetration 0 #endeffect #effect 2 #contingent 1 -- meaning, if effect 1 fails, this doesn't happen. #summon local #monster 1 -- meaning you get 1 of this. #copystats target 1 -- copies the stats of the target of effect 1. -- any summoning should also let you modify monster stats on the fly. #name "Corrupted Priest" -- Or, perhaps #prefix "Corrupted " #mor 30 #lifeless #undead #endmonster #endeffect #end -- #newspell "Soul Hunt" 502 #copyspell "Mind Hunt" ... #effect 4 #contingent 3 -- meaning, only if the Soul Slay goes off. #summon local #monster 1 #copystats "Enslaved Soul" -- the enslaved soul is an undead who always benefits from Sabbath Slave. -- It goes "help meeeeee!" and you laugh because you're evil and you think it's funny. #endmonster #endeffect #end -- #newspell "Ascend the Inner Circle" 503 ... #effect 1 #target caster #forbid_target magicbeing -- You only need this for the first effect, since if a single effect is refused the spell won't be allowed as orders. -- #if_target and #notif_target do the same thing, but the spell doesn't fail you just don't get that particular effect. #chance 20 -- meaning 20%. #death #noresist #endeffect #effect 2 #target caster #replace_mag -- Replaces stats, but keeps magic paths. #monster 1 #copystats "Mezomaster" -- The "Mezomaster" is a magic being, so you can't cast this more than once. #endmonster #effect 3 #target caster #empower_death 1 50 #empower_blood 1 50 #empower_astral 1 25 #empower_earth 1 25 #empower_custom 23552 100 #endeffect #end -- Ascend the Final Circle will be just like the previous spell, except the chance of death is 40%, it cannot be cast on immortals, and it makes you an immortal dread master of padmassa. -- The High Circle Master, by the way, will be capital only, BBDD{EBSD,100%}{EBSD,50%}{EBSD,10%}. -- So you have some awesome magic but you're an early nation, and it costs you a lot to get it. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Why don't we have "#allowgod"?
While we can make copystat versions of existing gods and then restrictedgod them to new nations, this really eats through the unitlist fast when you're adding a nation or three. An "#allowgod" command would really cut down on unit repitition and make metamodding a whole lot easier. Probably be easy to encode too. While we're at it, I'd like a "#bangod" command for a nation. Not every nation should have access to a Prince of Death or Cyclops! -Frank |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I second that... #allowgod and #bangod...
Moddable "kills population" and 'auto recruiting' (eg, LA Ermor, LA R'lyeh) could add much more character to nation design (eg, other Lovecraftian nations, armageddon demon cult nation with auto recruiting imps). Moddable mercenary lists and general/nation-specific summoning spells would allow for more varied unit ideas. I'd think that spell modding would be difficult due to varied effects, but it would be much easier allow modding for only summoning spells, or combat spells... Also, I'd like more moddable hero slots for each nation as heroes can really exemplify a culture. |
Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I third #allowgod and #bangod and the summoning suggestions. I also like DrPraetorius' spell modding suggestion, though something easier like
#newspell 9998 #name "Astral Taint" #school 6 #researchlevel 1 #path 0 7 (blood) #pathlevel 0 1 (1 blood) #path 1 4 (astral) #pathlevel 1 1 (1 Astral) #fatiguecost 100 (100 fatigue translates into 1 blood slave) -- the new commands start here -- #target_others (the spell targets others) #range 40 (40 range) #prec 100 (always hits) #aoe 0 (something like this could denote the One Person effect) #dt_horrormark (Damage type: Horror Mark) #dmg 1 (puts a lvl horror mark on the target) #mr_resists (magic resistance negates) #nbreffects 1 (number of effects) #spell_scales normal (how the spell scales, could be used to create those scaling summoning and attack spell) ...would be just fine for the starters. IIRC Illwinter will allow spell modding at some patch, which is good. I can finally create my Sagittarian Guard, Kruvims, Angel Lords, Summon Thing That Should Not Be and so on... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif |
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