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tromper March 6th, 2007 10:14 AM

Re: Kristoffer\'s encouragement thread
Yay, another patch looms! Like Velusion, I'd like to see a slight neutering of Hel/Van. I also think it would be worthwhile to spend some time with quantum_mechanic and to listen to his ideas as implemented with his cb mod, and whether or not you feel that they would be worthwhile, especially with the pretender balancing.

Plus, an evening out of national heroes and the implementation of national spells for *all* nations would add more flavour.

My partner is Afghan, and while she doesn't play or anything, I was telling her about some of the nations and she mentioned that the incredibly complex and violent history of Afghanistan historically would make a great national addition.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Though heck, I wouldn't mind seeing an Eskimo nation - Aleut/Inuit/etc. Or one that utilizes the cave men independents or.

Whoa, I'm getting carried away! *duct taping fingers*

Sombre March 6th, 2007 10:30 AM

Re: Kristoffer\'s encouragement thread
You know asking the devs for nations is less likely to get you somewhere than asking modders. I've made a mod nation which pretty much follows a concept someone posted up there.

Maybe some of you are a bit leery of mod nations, but in my opinion there's some really killer stuff just a click away.

SlipperyJim March 6th, 2007 10:40 AM

Re: Kristoffer\'s encouragement thread
Kristoffer: I don't have any requests, actually. I think Dom3 is a darn fine game as-is. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif The only things I would add would be more of the stuff you've already given us: more nations, more spells, more magic items, more maps....

More of the same, please!

Meglobob March 6th, 2007 10:54 AM

Re: Kristoffer\'s encouragement thread

tromper said:
Plus, an evening out of national heroes and the implementation of national spells for *all* nations would add more flavour.

Though heck, I wouldn't mind seeing an Eskimo nation - Aleut/Inuit/etc.

A hopefully easy addition in a future patch would be to perhaps make the worthy heros mod part of vanilla dominions 3. I am abit wary of any mod but the worthy heros mod is great AFAIK.

Eskimos are already in Dom3, LA Atlantis.

Sombre March 6th, 2007 11:24 AM

Re: Kristoffer\'s encouragement thread
Worthy Heroes has some questionable stuff in it as well as a few errors (from what I've seen). I do agree totally with the principle of it, I just think it should stick a little closer to vanilla and fix more problems than it creates.

Anyway, don't want to sidetrack the thread.

Graeme Dice March 6th, 2007 12:23 PM

Re: Kristoffer\'s encouragement thread

tromper said:
Though heck, I wouldn't mind seeing an Eskimo nation - Aleut/Inuit/etc.

You might enjoy the Late Era Atlantis then, since they are based directly on the Inuit.

NTJedi March 6th, 2007 02:04 PM

Re: Kristoffer\'s encouragement thread

Kristoffer O said:
Hi all!

This is my encouragement thread.

I have done far too little dominions work lately. Some skiing in the northern parts of sweden, some pen and paper rpg making and some school related work has put me off task.

I tend to get caught up in stuff. I have lured myself into two rpg projects of my own. One campaign and one game. I'm not that good at focusing on one project. The game is about trolls in a scandinavian setting influenced by the artist John Bauer. http://runeberg.org/jbauer/01.jpg

OK. Back to why I'm writing. I believe I will be more focused if I write some stuff here. So this thread is is intended to increase my bad conscience for not working on dominions. I'm not sure how long it will work on me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

My current intention is to write occasional stuff here and let you comment (or encourage me) if you like.

Hope you like it.

I would say the best advancement for improving Dominions_3 would be to open more methods for allowing gamers to improve/adjust the game. Thus you could take a long vacation and see what new adjustments the community has provided.
Adjustments such as AI scripts used to change strategies of computer opponents... some of the older PC games even provided this option. Not sure if this would need to wait until DOM_4.
Method for gamers to change and add events... this would increase replay value even for the veterans. Another suggestion which may need to wait until DOM_4.

Fix the #startspell within the map edit commands because currently it only lasts one turn. I truly miss this working.

The more modding and map edit commands which are created... the more replay value the game will provide. These improvements are also a good direction.

Just a reminder that DOMINIONS_3 is a terrific game !
Thanks for everything you provided.

DrPraetorious March 6th, 2007 02:11 PM

Re: Kristoffer\'s encouragement thread
KO - hang in there, in just another couple of weeks the sun will rise.

I have been greatly enjoying the game and have found these last several patches to be excellent.

I'll register one vote for ignoring QM/CB entirely. I think you guys do a much better job than he does.

merlinme March 6th, 2007 03:39 PM

Re: Kristoffer\'s encouragement thread
I'd strongly support making the game (and in particular, the AI), more moddable. If you look at what has been achieved with a game like Hearts of Iron II, it's impressive how big an improvement has been made to the AI just by allowing modders to tweak things like aggressiveness, build queues, research queues, etc.

Not everything can be fixed this way, but you can definitely improve the challenge the AI gives to a human player. And the best part of it is, most of the work is done for you, for free!

Kristoffer O March 6th, 2007 03:39 PM

Re: Kristoffer\'s encouragement thread
> I'll register one vote for ignoring QM/CB entirely. I think you guys do a much better job than he does.

No way, QM had a big role in the beta testing balancing. His work is good, although I havn't peeked at the CB for quite a while.


Man is not called man as in human male. More like man as in Isle of Man or something. A place, not a gender or a race.

I pronounce it with a long 'a'. Like in 'bar', 'lard', 'bard' etc. Maan. But I'm swedish.


Cavemen will appear in many forms if and when I finish Gath.

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