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Autochthon September 15th, 2007 01:27 PM

Re: Map-in-Progress: Ye Olde Worlde
It's been said before, but every extra bit helps...

Aye, very nice.

Edi September 16th, 2007 06:41 AM

Re: Map-in-Progress: Ye Olde Worlde
http://koti.welho.com/ehalttun/Image...s/icon_eek.gif http://koti.welho.com/ehalttun/Image...s/icon_eek.gif http://koti.welho.com/ehalttun/Image...s/icon_eek.gif http://koti.welho.com/ehalttun/Image...s/icon_eek.gif http://koti.welho.com/ehalttun/Image...s/icon_eek.gif

*kneels and bows before zepath*

All hail Zepath, Overlord of Maps, the Master Cartographer!

If the whole map is going to look like that, I'm hardly going to play on any of the other maps...

Morkilus September 17th, 2007 03:47 AM

Re: Map-in-Progress: Ye Olde Worlde
This is looking very, very good.

WraithLord September 17th, 2007 11:07 AM

Re: Map-in-Progress: Ye Olde Worlde
I join the chorus hailing this brilliant map and its gifted creator http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Humakty September 17th, 2007 12:23 PM

Re: Map-in-Progress: Ye Olde Worlde
I, too, will follow your path.
And also :
Waaaah, my wargamers most beautiful dreams become true !!!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Noble713 September 19th, 2007 07:46 AM

Re: Map-in-Progress: Ye Olde Worlde
Awesome! Put me down for the "500-province stuffed to the gills with special provinces/indy forts/etc." version. Perfect for SP scenario roleplaying, with little concern given for balance, only authenticity.

Once released I'm sure I'll be playing this map and none other, especially as more Warhammer races get released.

zepath September 20th, 2007 12:29 AM

Re: Map-in-Progress: Ye Olde Worlde
Wow! I'm in the midst of one of those "unexplained absences" and have managed to snag some wi-fi time. I'm glad everyone is excited about the map! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Since last I updated, the Empire, Bretonnia, Estalia, Tilea, and the Border Principalities have been drawn. I might even tease you with another preview in a day or two.

I've decided to go for the gusto and include the Under-empire as well as local networks of Dwarven holds so expect the unexpected beneath the surface of the World.

Aezeal: I am mostly copying and pasting the raw images one mountain at a time. Some of the CC3 images are streamlined to make this easier when, for instance, creating forests, but it is still a piece-by-piece adventure on my part. I prefer it that way, but CC3 can automatically draw terrain just like that through its own tools. I would have no problem providing you with the original artwork I'm using, but highly suspect that to do so would violate the end user agreement for CC3. I can point you toward ProFantasy.com, however...

Sombre: Regarding starting locations and scenario set-ups, I have been mulling these questions, but they're still a ways off and minor considerations at the moment. I still have to draw the rest of the map and figure out what Cathay should look like! The Warhammer World is indeed crammed with stuff. I've been referencing some WHF roleplay maps when drawing and have been astounded as to the detail available in some regions.

As for the Empire's starting location, Ermor will start in the Empire in the EA and move to the Border Principalities in MA before finally ending up in the Land of the Dead in LA. I'm thinking of putting Pythium there (heart of the Empire) in MA and possibly Marignon in LA. Sauromatia will be closer by, probably in Kislev. I'll work up a full working list later on and we can toss it back and forth.

zepath September 20th, 2007 01:05 AM

Re: Map-in-Progress: Ye Olde Worlde
These are the starting locations I'm considering for the Early Ages Dom3 nations in the Warhammer World*:

Arcoscephale Tilea
Ermor Empire
Ulm Sylvania/Border Principalities
Marverni Bretonnia
Sauromatia Kislev/Northern Darklands
TienChi Cathay
TirNaNog Albion
Mictlan Lustria
Abysia Southern Darklands
Caelum Ulthuan
Ctis Araby
Pangaea Loren
Agartha Under-empire
Vanheim Norsca
Helheim Naggaroth
Niefelheim Chaos Wastes
Kailasa Ind
Yomi Nippon
Atlantis Atlantic
Rlyeh Pacific
Oceania Indian

* Keep in mind, sea-lanes, subterranean networks, and the whims of Chaos will allow land nations to more easily cross water and break out from starting locations

Sombre September 20th, 2007 02:06 AM

Re: Map-in-Progress: Ye Olde Worlde
I actually think the empire is basically Ulm.

Start off as Sigmar led and Ulric worshipping barbarian tribes (EA Ulm), then become heavily armoured (MA Ulm), then get darker after a civil war and have chaos/vampire infestations (LA Ulm).

Aezeal September 20th, 2007 06:11 PM

Re: Map-in-Progress: Ye Olde Worlde
Zepath I didn't intend to buy that program but if you send me the files used to created overland maps and I then create a map for you (and the rest of the world) then my consience is satisfied http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

I'd just give them back to you.. in a way I'd just work for you with your tools.. just not on your comp.

don't you agree?

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