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KissBlade December 4th, 2007 12:05 AM

Re: Productive Scale needs some Enhancements
I have to agree that in base game, sloth 3 is auto for me. When cb bumped it to 15% it made me more wary of it but base, I just look for a forest/mountain neighbor. Oh no.

Micah December 4th, 2007 01:38 AM

Re: Productive Scale needs some Enhancements
How about bumping the gold modifier to 4% instead of the current 2? That would certainly increase the effect of the scale, as sloth-3 it would offset nearly 2 points of order instead of just one. Might sting enough to make it less of an auto-pick, and would help out nations that do take production, which are generally somewhat hindered due to the points they have to spend on it instead of a bless/SC.

Folket December 4th, 2007 03:35 AM

Re: Productive Scale needs some Enhancements
I like prod 3. I use it in several games and it works fine. I think it nice to have in a endgame as well as I can recruit my armies where I want them and do not have to waste time shuttling armies around.

Sir_Dr_D December 4th, 2007 04:40 AM

Re: Productive Scale needs some Enhancements
Production can help you a lot in the early game. And if your best troops and sacreds are capital only, production becomes more valuable.

K December 4th, 2007 04:44 AM

Re: Productive Scale needs some Enhancements

Sir_Dr_D said:
The magic scale needs a boost as well. Right now in the long run you get more magic research from creating another fort and lab from your order income, then if you took turmoil/magic. If magic did something else like effect your gem income (silghtly), effect the cost of labs, or increased the chances of a recruitable mage getting a random path, it would make things more interesting.

Magic scales does effect gem income. Random events that give you gems happen far more frequently in a Magic dominion, and there is an event where you lose gems that only occurs in a Drain dominion ("Magic is fading and some of your gems have lost power", or something like that).

Twan December 4th, 2007 10:01 AM

Re: Productive Scale needs some Enhancements
I don't think magic or growth need a boost. For many nations magic 3 changes the main researcher type (allow to use a very cost effective mages instead of expensive combat ones for research and stay in the race for uniques items/summons ; and you gain lots of gold with the smaller cost/upkeep). And growth is teh endgame scale (of course less usefull in games of short duration but the best to have if you plan to play 60 or more turns).

Also the two have synergic effects not only with order (more mages or more income/pop) but with luck (awesome events adding pop or regular income with growth ; luck 3 growth 3 even with turmoil 3 beats order 3 by far in the long run).

mathusalem December 4th, 2007 10:06 AM

Re: Productive Scale needs some Enhancements
I disagree with you Twan, when you said "luck 3 growth 3 even with turmoil 3 beats order 3 by far in the long run".

It's depend first of the map's size : luck is more useful in little map, but the game will be shorter.

And *if* you are right and the combo T3G3L3 beats O3, you have paid 3 scales more for what ? a probability. I prefer certitude http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

vfb December 4th, 2007 10:25 AM

Re: Productive Scale needs some Enhancements
I just got 6000 free gold this turn from two provinces, plus one of the items was a clam. Woo hoo! Of course, I'll never get a double-3000 gold event month in MP http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif.

Turmoil-3 Cold-1 Growth-1 Luck-3 Drain-3 in one province.
Turmoil-3 Growth-1 Luck-3 Drain-3 in the other province.

mathusalem December 4th, 2007 10:30 AM

Re: Productive Scale needs some Enhancements
and you never get a 3000 gold when you need it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Sir_Dr_D December 4th, 2007 10:52 AM

Re: Productive Scale needs some Enhancements

Twan said:
I don't think magic or growth need a boost. For many nations magic 3 changes the main researcher type (allow to use a very cost effective mages instead of expensive combat ones for research and stay in the race for uniques items/summons ; and you gain lots of gold with the smaller cost/upkeep). And growth is teh endgame scale (of course less usefull in games of short duration but the best to have if you plan to play 60 or more turns).

Also the two have synergic effects not only with order (more mages or more income/pop) but with luck (awesome events adding pop or regular income with growth ; luck 3 growth 3 even with turmoil 3 beats order 3 by far in the long run).

But magic and growth are concidered secondary to order. After someone has taken order, and they have points left they may take magic or growth. But how many people would take growth or magic, but have not put anything on the order scale.

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