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-   -   What generates gems? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39234)

Ironhawk June 11th, 2008 03:19 PM

Re: What generates gems?
I can never tell how many gems I get from the gem events. I guess I dont keep good enough track of my gem totals.

Endoperez June 11th, 2008 03:21 PM

Re: What generates gems?

Meglobob said:
In a MP game, I had the lucky event for nature which give me +22N gems in one go, wow! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

Water and Nature have better gem-producing events. "Some water gems have floated ashore" and some spesific nature event. When you get blood slaves, you also get quite a lot of them. If you have hunters the amount won't be significant, but if you DON'T, few good events may GIVE you a hunter!

JimMorrison June 11th, 2008 03:30 PM

Re: What generates gems?
Well it's easy to tell how many you get if you aren't generating any of that type, otherwise you may not be keeping such a close eye on it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

That's an interesting test Endo, I think I might do one as well, I'll brb with it.

Endoperez June 11th, 2008 04:15 PM

Re: What generates gems?

JimMorrison said:
Well it's easy to tell how many you get if you aren't generating any of that type, otherwise you may not be keeping such a close eye on it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

That's an interesting test Endo, I think I might do one as well, I'll brb with it.

Did you follow the link at the end? Those are the least detailed results out of three or four similar tests I made.

Terrain affects the results. Especially gold, because if you get 5 farmlands out of 9 provinces you'll have more money than those who have only one or two farms, even if they had better scales. Events are also affected, but except for coastal provinces I didn't notice anything spesific. Coasts are good: you can get sirens, heap of water gems, blood slaves from the slave vessels, etc.

JimMorrison June 11th, 2008 04:21 PM

Re: What generates gems?
I started all nations with even scales other than luck, putting all remaining points into Dominion with an awake pretender, most were 9-10 Dom. I did not look at them until the end, didn't make PD or build anything, and didn't recover lost provinces.

After 20 turns running, starting with 9 provinces -

Arcoscephale - 3 Luck
Provinces left - 9
Total gold - 22709
Total gems - 169
Heroes gained - 0

Ermor - 3 Luck
Provinces left - 7
Total gold - 19155
Total gems - 146
Heroes gained - 0

Ulm - 2 Luck
Provinces left - 9
Total gold - 24041
Total gems - 221
Heroes gained - 1

Marverni - 2 Luck
Provinces left - 9
Total gold - 18935
Total gems - 169
Heroes gained - 1

T'ien Chi - 1 Luck
Provinces left - 8
Total gold - 17026
Total gems - 175
Heroes gained - 2

Abysia - 1 Luck
Provinces left - 8
Total gold - 14653
Total gems - 174
Heroes gained - 0

Caelum - Even Scale
Provinces left - 8
Total gold - 19697
Total gems - 145
Heroes gained - 1

C'tis - Even Scale
Provinces left - 8
Total gold - 14789
Total gems - 170
Heroes gained - 0

Pangaea - 1 Misfortune
Provinces left - 9
Total gold - 14713
Total gems - 208
Heroes gained - 0

Agartha - 1 Misfortune
Provinces left - 8
Total gold - 21828
Total gems - 138
Heroes gained - 0

Tir' na n'Og - 2 Misfortune
Provinces left - 7
Total gold - 14998
Total gems - 185
Heroes gained - 0

Fomoria - 2 Misfortune
Provinces left - 6
Total gold - 20248
Total gems - 119
Heroes gained - 1

Niefelheim - 3 Misfortune
Provinces left - 8
Total gold - 16096
Total gems - 199
Heroes gained - 0

R'lyeh - 3 Misfortune
Provinces left - 6
Total gold - 14488
Total gems - 178
Heroes gained - 0

Totals -

Luck Group:
Provinces - 50
Gold - 116519
Gems - 1054 (Net 334 after 720 base income at capital)
Heroes - 4

Control Group:
Provinces - 16 (x3 = 48)
Gold - 34486 (x3 = 103458)
Gems - 315 (x3 = 945) (Net 75 after 240 base income)
Heroes - 1 (3)

Misfortune Group:
Provinces - 44
Gold - 102371
Gems - 927 (Net 207 after base income)
Heroes - 1

Disparity between Luck/Misf over 20 turns (per nation)=
Provinces Lost = 1 (5% greater chance)
Gold Income = 14148 (2358/nation, ~120/turn including territorial losses)
Gem Income = 127 (21/nation, ~1/turn including random lvl 0 sites in starting provinces)
Heroes = 3 (.5/nation, not statistically relevant to known formula due to small sample size)

I really think I might run more tests later, using all EA nations at each level of Luck/Misf, 1 at a time. I'll have to be bored to do it, but that happens plenty often enough. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

JimMorrison June 11th, 2008 04:30 PM

Re: What generates gems?
Ah yes I see Endo, yurs was done more to test comparison between Luck and Order though it looks like? I'm trying to compare Luck and Misf.

And I see I neglected to consider magic items, I'll append that data here, and be sure to include it in my further tests (glad I hadn't quit out of that game yet!) -

Ulm - Black Laurel (Yay?)
T'ien Chi - Ring of the Warrior
(Luck = 2 items)
Control Group - No Items
Fomoria - Weightless Kite Shield, Crystal Matrix
(Misf = 2 items)

Definitely needs more testing, this first run doesn't make Luck look worth points really, I'd guess in most cases putting them in Growth would have been a better investment, in this game. More to come!

MaxWilson June 11th, 2008 04:38 PM

Re: What generates gems?

Was this on Events = common or rare? It's interesting, it really does make Luck look pretty worthless.


JimMorrison June 11th, 2008 04:56 PM

Re: What generates gems?
Was set to default for event frequency. Everything in the game was default, save for Luck Scale, Dominion Strength, and # of Starting Provinces.

Aezeal June 11th, 2008 05:01 PM

Re: What generates gems?
I'd like to see it with different magic scales too.. I think a high magic scale might give more gems too

JimMorrison June 11th, 2008 05:05 PM

Re: What generates gems?
Well I was thinking about it, if I do full setups of 20+ nations at each level of Luck scale, I can give them a range of other scales as well, so the results can be micro-analyzed.

But still, if taking Luck + Drain ends up giving no clear benefit, in effect negating the effects of the luck, those points would be hands down better in a +income scale. I hardly see anyone saying "I consider my points in luck to be well spent if I get 1 hero in the first 20 turns of the game", you know?

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