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HoneyBadger November 13th, 2008 12:51 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
All 8 Yokai unit graphics are done, in (for me) record time--including attack sprites, so please feel free to check them out, in my Yokai mod thread. Ofcourse, I've come down with a cold, so I'm currently rocking the cough medicine.

Stavis_L: I hope you don't mind feedback?

I'm glad to hear that somebody else has actually heard of the Sargasso Sea. Great call on making it a site :) I'll mention that I'm a little surprised that you didn't add any recruitables to it though, since it was generally thought to be haunted/full of monsters, but it's your site, and a good one, so don't mind me.

As far as your Uniques go, have you considered raising the Path cost on some of them? We could use some higher level sites in the game.

I honestly wouldn't comment on them, if your ideas weren't setting the wheels in my own head spinning, so I'll hope you'll take it as it's meant-a compliment on your creativity, and coming very close to the mark on what I want to see in the game.

llamabeast November 13th, 2008 05:35 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Stavis_L, your ideas are awesome, nice work!

Endoperez November 13th, 2008 08:16 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
All you lot who haven't posted any sites yet, please post at least one. If you really don't have any ideas, post a level 2 site that generates two gems and has a scale effect. According to this thread Productivity, Sloth, Luck, Magic and Drain have least sites affecting them.

Here's another resource that can be used to either get ideas, or to see what requires most attention.

Max path to search by

What terrains don't have sites. Example:
A4:0 - There are no Air 4 sites for this terrain. In addition, because there's no mention of Air 3, we know that there are non-unique Air 3 sites for this terrain.
D2:1 D3:0 D4:0 - There are no D4 or D3 sites at all, and there's only single D2 site, which is unique.

The post also lists all unique sites, which includes (AFAIK) all level 4 sites. There are no Water 4 sites that appear under water!

F4: The Sun Below
F4 (waste only): Prison of the Desert Sun

A3: The Rainbow Shroud, The Inverted Tower
A4: Palace of Dreams

W4: The Sea Underneath

E4: The Factory

S4: Library of Time
S4 (mount only): Throne of Enlightenment
S4 (waste only): The Mountain of the Past, The Endless Field of Cubes

N4 (waste only): The Previous Forest
N4 (forest only): The Vale of Unicorns
N4: Soul of the Wild

D2 (sea only): Dying Ground of the Whales
D4: The Shadow Furnace
D4 (mount only): Crown of Darkness

B4: Hall of Flayed Skins

Stavis_L November 13th, 2008 09:32 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread

Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 652313)
...I've come down with a cold, so I'm currently rocking the cough medicine.

Sorry to hear that :( - get well soon!


Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 652313)
Stavis_L: I hope you don't mind feedback?

Not at all :)


Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 652313)
I'm glad to hear that somebody else has actually heard of the Sargasso Sea. Great call on making it a site :) I'll mention that I'm a little surprised that you didn't add any recruitables to it though, since it was generally thought to be haunted/full of monsters, but it's your site, and a good one, so don't mind me.

Well, perhaps if it gets a recruitable it should move to Nature 4. I was trying to fill a Nature 3 hole in the path search list for Sea.

Regarding it being "my site", consider it public domain brainstorming; feel free to improve as you see fit, but whoever actually packages it up will presumably have the final say. I believe Endoperez is volunteering to actually roll these into a patch, so it'll be his site :-)


Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 652313)
As far as your Uniques go, have you considered raising the Path cost on some of them? We could use some higher level sites in the game.

Absolutely. I actually think it would be good to modify some of the higher powered sites (e.g. Throne of the World) to be path level > 4. Of course, that tends to favor spell based searching vs. mage based site-searching (unless you have a supply of empowered mages to search with...at which point you're probably the de-facto winner anyway.)

That said, I wasn't actually planning to use site path values > 4...seems like a different purpose to a mod to just introduce more magic site variety vs. changing the game mechanics.


Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 652313)
I honestly wouldn't comment on them, if your ideas weren't setting the wheels in my own head spinning, so I'll hope you'll take it as it's meant-a compliment on your creativity, and coming very close to the mark on what I want to see in the game.

Thanks, and again, feel free to muck about with them as you see fit. I have no expectation of "ownership" of anything posted on internet forums. Of course, it might be more productive to just post additional ones of your own :)

Stavis_L November 13th, 2008 11:43 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
...another batch.

Name: Ancient Glacier
Path: Water 0
Terrain: Waste, Mountain
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 3W
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Cold

Name: Sulfur Springs
Path: Fire 1
Terrain: Any Land
Freq: 0 (common)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1F, 1W
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Perpetual Sandstorm
Path: Air 4
Terrain: Waste
Freq: 2 (rare)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 4A, 1E
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Turmoil

Name: Dark Temple
Path: Holy 1
Terrain: (Any Land)
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: 739 (Black Acolyte), 740 (Black Priest)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Heart of Stone
Path: Earth 4
Terrain: Cave, Mountain
Freq: 1 (uncommon), Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: E5
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Quicksilver Pool
Path: Astral 4
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 1 (uncommon), Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 4S, 1W
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Tree of Life
Path: Nature 4
Terrain: Forest
Freq: 2 (rare), Unique
Recruitables: 27 (centaur)
Recruitable Commanders: 705 (dryad)
Gems: 5N
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Growth

Name: Abandoned Village
Path: Death 1
Terrain: (Any Land)
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1D
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Pillar of Chattering Skulls
Path: Death 4
Terrain: Waste
Freq: 2 (rare), Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 3D
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Magic, Death

Name: Green Glass Tower
Path: 3 Nature
Terrain: Forest, Plain, Coast
Freq: 2 (rare)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: 364 (Enchantress)
Gems: 2N, 1S
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Bartertown
Path: Earth 0
Terrain: Farm, Coast
Freq: 0 (common), Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: 50
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Productivity

Name: Table of Crimson Stone
Path: Blood 2
Terrain: (any land)
Freq: 2 (rare)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: 122 (Blood Henge Druid)
Gems: 1B
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Raven Aerie
Path: Air 1
Terrain: Mountain, Forest
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1D, 1A
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Trade Wind
Path: Air 0
Terrain: Coast, Sea
Freq: 0 (common)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1A
Gold Bonus: 25
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Persistent Aurora
Path: Air 2
Terrain: (any)
Freq: 0 (common)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 2A, 1S
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Burnsaber November 13th, 2008 12:15 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Name: University
Path: Astral 0
Terrain: Any Land
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: Engineer (1072)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Name: Well of Sorcery
Path: Astral 1
Terrain: Any
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: +Magic

Name: Philosopher's Cave
Path: Earth 3
Terrain: Any
Freq: 2 (rare), unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: (200)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

HoneyBadger November 13th, 2008 01:49 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Ok, here's an Air 4 site for the sea:

Hydraulis of Ctesibuis
Path: Air 4
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 2 (rare) Unique
Recruitables: Sea Serpent
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Death.

I would put a price on Sea Serpents of about 100 gold each, for the purposes of this site.

And a couple more:
Clepsydra of Ctesibius
Path: Water 1
Terrain: Coast
Freq: 1 (rare) Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: 20
Scales: Order, Productivity

Equinoctial Dial
Path: Astral 2
Terrain: Any Land
Freq: 2 (Rare)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1 Astral
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Order

Path: Astral 1
Terrain: Any Land
Freq: 1 (Uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Order

Stavis_L November 13th, 2008 02:09 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread

Originally Posted by Stavis_L (Post 652302)

Name: Temple of the Fish
Path: Holy 3
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 2 (rare)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: 1696 (Merman priest) , 1040 (Bishop fish)
Gems: 1S, 1W
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Whoops, both should have been commanders...

HoneyBadger November 13th, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
And a few more...this is fun!

Collapsed Lighthouse
Path: Water 2
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 2 (Rare)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1 Earth
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Turmoil

Dismantled Colossus
Path: Water 2
Terrain: Sea
Freq: 2 (Rare)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: 25
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Sloth

Burned Library
Path: Fire 2
Terrain: Coast
Freq: 2 (Rare)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: 25
Scales: Drain

Ruined Gardens
Path: Nature 2
Terrain: Forest
Freq: 2 (Rare)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1 Nature
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Growth, Turmoil

Decayed Palace
Path: Earth 2
Terrain: Any Land
Freq: 2 (Rare)
Recruitables: Villains
Recruitable Commanders: Barbarian Chief
Gems: 0
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Unrest

Desecrated Temple
Path: Holy 2
Terrain: Any Land
Freq: 2 (Rare)
Recruitables: Mad Cultist
Recruitable Commanders: Demon Priest
Gems: 0
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Misfortune

Exposed Necropolis
Path: Death 2
Terrain: Any Land
Freq: 2 (Rare)
Recruitables: Ghoul
Recruitable Commanders: Necromancer
Gems: 1 Death
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Death

Endless Depthless Bottomless.
Path: Water 4
Terrain: Ocean
Freq: 2 (Rare) Unique
Recruitables: Kraken
Recruitable Commanders: Kraken King
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Sloth, Drain

For the purposes of this site, I would put Krakens at 90 gold, and Kraken kings at 270 gold.

Demonic Bordello
Path: Blood 4
Terrain: Any Land
Freq: 2 (Rare) Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: Succubus
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: 25
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Turmoil
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Endoperez November 13th, 2008 03:44 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
I thanked Stavis L and agreed with his answer to HoneyBadger, but then I kicked my computer's power off, and I have a nagging feeling I forgot one of the sites I had already written down.

Castle in the Clouds
Path: Air 4
Terrain: Any
Freq: 2 (Rare) Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: 93 (Wind Master), 92 (Cloud Mage)
Gems: (none)
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)
note: add lab if mod command added

Rainbow Bridge
Path: Air 3
Terrain: Any
Freq: 2 (Rare) Unique
Recruitables: 1001 (Asmeg)
Recruitable Commanders: 1002 (Asmeg Jarl)
Gems: 3 Air
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

End of the Rainbow
Path: Air 4
Terrain: Any
Freq: 2 (Rare) Unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 2 Air, 2 Fire
Gold Bonus: 100
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Luck

Circle of Dancing Stones
Path: Earth 2
Terrain: Any
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1 Earth, 1 Air
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Highland Refuge
Path: Air 2
Terrain: Any
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: 1775 (Baobhan Sidhe)
Gems: 1 Air
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Cloud of Flying Spiders
Path: Air 2
Terrain: Any
Freq: 0 (common)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 1 Air, 1 Nature
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Wailing Aurora
Path: Air 3
Terrain: Any
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders:
Gems: 2 Air, 1 Death
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Cold

Desert of Ghostly Wails
Path: Air 3
Terrain: Any
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders:
Gems: 2 Air, 1 Death
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Heat

Altar of Flames
Path: Holy 4
Terrain: Any
Freq: 1 (uncommon), unique
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: 389 (Fire Lord)
Gems: 2 Fire
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: Heat
note: add Holy Fire if mod command added

Stone Dragon
Path: Earth 2
Terrain: Any
Freq: 1 (uncommon)
Recruitables: (none)
Recruitable Commanders: (none)
Gems: 2 Fire
Gold Bonus: (none)
Resource Bonus: (none)
Scales: (none)

Note: There are now enough Air 4 sites that will be incorporated into the mod.
Cave-only sites would be nice, especially Blood and Nature.

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