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Lokean November 26th, 2008 06:19 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
On the matter of which era people prefer, one thing I'm considering is allowing the custom mod nations. They're usually reasonably balanced, and they have the advantage that if somebosy wants to play them it's almost certainly out of a love for that nation's style, which increases the chance that they'll be able to keep up the writing.

hunt11 November 26th, 2008 06:30 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
How about the single age mod as well? It would allow everybody to use their nation of choice.

Lokean November 26th, 2008 06:44 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
But then I'd have three times as many anthropophagous giants to contend with!

Also, I'm not too sure that the Single Age mod would be compatible with the mod nations. If a nation modder could verify/deny that it's possible I'd appreciate it.

Wrana November 26th, 2008 06:52 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I would like to take part, though am not sure about the shedule. Also, I would personally prefer Early Age for such a game - more different races and more magic. On the other hand, I wouldn't make research Easy - it may get out of hand too fast!
Considering maps I also like Dawn of Dominions. Other possibilities I'd like to mention are Hyborean Age (maybe too small for # of nations - but you mentioned crouded map!), Pangaean Earth, Tyrande... And one other map you probably should consider is World of Geometry/Symmetry!

Tifone November 26th, 2008 07:19 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Pangean is a very nice map but with no chokepoints I think it would be a very dispersive game...

Any era works for me really :) As we started talking about nations, I (surely too innocently and naively :angel ) hope ppl will choose their nations more because they feel the mood of them (thus providing better entertainment for everybody with inspired reports and stories) than to just pwn the game - not that it would be bad, stories of bloody triumphs are always epic, but still... :D

Zeldor November 26th, 2008 07:27 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Hmm... that puts me closer to Niefelheim as a choice :)


Rip their flesh
Burn their hearts
Stab them in the eyes
Rape their women as they cry
Kill their servants
Burn their homes
Till there's no blood left to spill
Hail and Kill
Power and dominion are taken by the will
By divine right hail and kill

quantum_mechani November 26th, 2008 09:23 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Originally Posted by Lokean (Post 655775)
It's too uneven, really. Since there's no built in victory condition the odds are good that some nations would simply get obliterated early.

I'm not sure it's that uneven, compared to an average map. RP wise I don't think getting completely wiped out is a huge issue- anyone that wants to keep up a guerrilla campaign can usually do so almost indefinitely. Anyway, I'd certainly volunteer for one of the 'at risk' nation and probably other vets would do the same.

I just think it would be hard to find a more perfect map for RP purposes.

Lokean November 27th, 2008 04:01 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I don't see why it could be thought of as a particularly good map for RP in general, or a narrative game such as I'm proposing in particular. I suppose the province names and poptypes being specifically chosen to reflect the terrain and proximity to nations is nice, but that's about it.

Plus, it restricts the possible nations, which is definitely going to hurt the chances of getting people writing, since there's less freedom to pick and play a nation you love.

If this one goes off acceptably I might make a semi-regular feature of it and put together pseudo-scenario maps for future games.

llamabeast November 27th, 2008 05:23 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Re mods: yep, you can use mod nations along with the single age mod. Just make sure to use mod nations from the middle age. If you want to use late age nations you'll just have to modify them to make them middle age (which is trivial to do, I can help if there are any difficulties).

I recommend using mod nations by the way, they are generally thematically excellent. The ones listed on the LlamaServer are all recommended by me. Someone play Tomb Kings!

Lokean November 27th, 2008 05:36 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
And I suppose most mod nations are unlikely to use the same nation number, yes?

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