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-   -   MP: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42503)

Dragar March 11th, 2009 11:52 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
i'll play, can't access the map for a fair few hours though to pick a site. If I haven't picked by the time only one spot is left, please assign me to that location!

Incabulos March 12th, 2009 12:02 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 679501)
Alright everyone. We have three major options in my opinion.

-The first is that I do up another smaller map and we go through this process again. Though if we do this I expect we might lose a player or two given the lengthiness of the process.

-The second option is to play the game as it is and deal with the consequences of that.

-The third option is to bump the post until we get at least another 2 players.

Opinions anyone?

wait for the players in my onion.

hEad March 12th, 2009 01:01 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
What about we close off the players, keep the map and the order we have, pick our places again if desired and get cracking!

chrispedersen March 12th, 2009 02:35 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
AoE you've done a great job, so don't take it personally.

I'm twisting JimMorrison's arm into playing, and I'm trying a few others.

But if they don't sign on soon - I'd say there's nothing wrong with the map - and even nothing wrong with the number of players - just people a bit unevenly distributed.

Why not start from #1 and go to the end, in order, and see if people want to change their starting locations. Seems like the fastest process.

Dragar March 12th, 2009 05:37 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS

GrudgeBringer March 12th, 2009 07:16 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
hEad has been recruiting and has asked if I was interested..

The premise is GREAT and I like what I see (even though I don't understand everything involved).

MY individual problem isn't with the game, map or players....

Its these single age games confuse me. I have enough trouble picking a Nation when its 1 age.

I just don't know what Nations measure up to others and the advantages (or should I say Disadvantages) when they are competeing from different eras.

So, I will watch from afar and try and gather in as much info as I can for the next one.

I just wanted you to know that your players are out there recruiting and that even to a relative newcomer to MP the game seems like a lot of fun.

Starshine_Monarch March 12th, 2009 09:43 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
Can I request applying the Streamers and Standards mod to this game? It won't do anything to gameplay, but some nations have the same flag throughout the three ages. If we had say, two ages of C'tis or MA and LA Man on the same map, it would end up being quite confusing without the mod.

Dragar March 12th, 2009 09:53 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
sucks there is no sheep port on this map :(

AreaOfEffect March 12th, 2009 09:54 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
Starshine, That's request is fine with me.

GrudgeBringer, My apologies for the 1 age thing. I'm sure there are way too many of these game around, but I myself haven't played in many of them at all. I personally may not know how the nations stack up against each other, but the best way to know in my opinion is to just play a game. Plus, if I remember correctly, it was mostly, though not completely, early-age nations that had the best survivability in the last all-nations game, Kingmaker.

With the addition of Dragar and the possibility of Jim, I'm inclined to wait it out and bump regularly. I'll update the things when I'm don't with work later today.

AreaOfEffect March 12th, 2009 10:33 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
Took me long enough, but the game page and map is updated. I'm more comfortable now with the number of players. There is still room for more, but I'm tempted to place a deadline that has us choosing nations by this Sunday.

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