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kianduatha December 28th, 2009 10:12 AM

Re: Warhammer: Wood Elves
I think the biggest balance issue for Orion right now is simply that there are no other heros, so you're more likely to get him--that and his ranged attack is absolutely bogus. the AOE 2 on those javelins means that on average you're melting 6 or 7 squares a round, and shields don't help against it. Frankly, the straight out 20 arrows was not as bad. Changing that back and getting some more heros(I'd suggest someone who can actually summon unicorns, for one) should balance him just fine.

It seems like the mages are rather expensive for what they do; My perception is that Wood elf mages should be slightly better than Brettonian mages, and right now they're not.

alansmithee December 28th, 2009 11:37 AM

Re: Warhammer: Wood Elves

Originally Posted by kianduatha (Post 723808)
I think the biggest balance issue for Orion right now is simply that there are no other heros, so you're more likely to get him--that and his ranged attack is absolutely bogus. the AOE 2 on those javelins means that on average you're melting 6 or 7 squares a round, and shields don't help against it. Frankly, the straight out 20 arrows was not as bad. Changing that back and getting some more heros(I'd suggest someone who can actually summon unicorns, for one) should balance him just fine.

It seems like the mages are rather expensive for what they do; My perception is that Wood elf mages should be slightly better than Brettonian mages, and right now they're not.

Actually, I added another hero, so there's 2 now. There's 1 more I'm planning on adding, that should finish. I cut it down to 1 arrow with 3 aoe. In the tabletop, his bow works like a bolt-thrower (and a high strength, multi-wound one at that) so I've been trying to get the same effect.

And the mages being expensive is partially for balance. I had them cheaper originally, but was told they were too good. I might cut the singers price, but I was told that the weaver should actually be around 550 or 600. They should be better than Brettonian mages, but I don't know what to do. I'll tinker a bit, maybe add reinvig and another path of nature?

kianduatha December 28th, 2009 04:03 PM

Re: Warhammer: Wood Elves
Well, here's the question: what can you actually *do* with a spellweaver? He can buff troops. He can lab-cast. He gets you high nature(useless) and air(decent). A spellweaver is worth at most 450, and even that's pushing it.

Every truly expensive mage(400+) in CBM can solo a province with some minimal gear/buff spells. Except the Couatl, I guess, but I've honestly never tried with one of those.

rdonj December 28th, 2009 06:54 PM

Re: Warhammer: Wood Elves
I was one of the people (the only person?) to tell him the spellweavers needed to be more expensive. I compared them to slann. A fifth gen slann has 10 magic paths and h3, sacred, 12 rp a turn. The vast majority of these will have amazingly useless paths. They have 50 hp, but only misc slots and a random 5th gen would likely experience significant difficulties trying to solo pd without summoning elementals. 650 gold.

Spellweaver - 8 magic paths, h3, sacred, 10 rp/turn. These have the possibility to get to N or A 5! Without even considering the 10% random. Or 3 water or earth. These are much more versatile mages than a 5th gen slann, do not have the horrible vulnerability to magic duel, and could technically be made into thugs if you really wanted to. Otherwise their prospects for province soloing are probably fairly equal. You can get amazingly high paths out of these, and they actually forge worth a damn. I think the cost is justifiable.

Also, high nature is not useless. The wood elves have a few very high path nature spells that they would very much like to cast, and gift of nature's bounty can be quite powerful.

kianduatha December 28th, 2009 08:36 PM

Re: Warhammer: Wood Elves
Really, other mages shouldn't be compared to Slann--they're meant to be ludicrously expensive.

mehrunes_dagon January 2nd, 2010 12:58 PM

judging by the description

``Branchwraiths usually appear in the form of a beautiful woman, only showing their other side when attacking''

$subj should be seducing in female form, right?

I suggest that their sex be switched to female

mehrunes_dagon January 2nd, 2010 02:32 PM

$subj forest shape missing, presumably due to bug in monster 2436 definition

IMHO 2436 should be forest shape of 2418, and so in monster 2436 definition `forestshape' directive should be changed to `plainshape'

mehrunes_dagon January 3rd, 2010 06:30 AM

Force of nature fails to regain magic skill in forest
i summoned force of nature in swamp, then moved him to forest. The creature got his forest form but not magic. I expected his magic skill to rise to 3 earth/5 nature, but he still is 2 earth/4 nature

Any ideas how to fix this? How to correctly code magic penalty in non-forest?

Sombre January 3rd, 2010 07:26 AM

Re: Warhammer: Wood Elves
It's just magicboost -1 iirc.

mehrunes_dagon January 3rd, 2010 09:48 AM

fixed force of nature magic decay
thanks, Sombre

I've patched the mod file, fixing wrong case in file name and 3 problems described in my 3 posts

Here goes the list of changes

> #female
> #female
< #magicskill 6 4
< #magicskill 3 2
> #magicskill 6 5
> #magicskill 3 3
> #magicboost 6 -1
> #magicboost 3 -1
< #forestshape 2418
> #plainshape 2418
< #damage 2414
> #damage 2435
< #flag "./Athelloren/ALflag.tga"
> #flag "./Athelloren/alflag.tga"

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