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Zeldor May 30th, 2010 01:36 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
LA Ulm has forge bonus and blood, I think they deserve to be at 5.

Lanka is so high because of mobility and Raksharaja thugs mostly. And they have monkey uniques, which are better than what Mictlan gets [and no water for Mictlan to play with really].

LA Atlantis gets no water to play with. And needs map modification and revealed start.

EA AGartha sucks and it's even easier to abuse their weaknesses in team game.

Zeldor May 30th, 2010 01:55 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
So Niefel comes at 8 points, with LA Mictlan at 8 too. How about EA Mictlan? They should stay at 7, I think.

namad May 31st, 2010 01:46 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
drp your number values aren't always the same as zeldor's

does that mean you are suggesting changes in numbers? or does that mean you were reading his old unupdated numbers list?

Zeldor May 31st, 2010 05:35 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
He is making suggestions and I will agree on some probably. Nief will come at 8 points, LA Mict may go 1 point higher etc.

And to reply you on your other forum - no-diplo does not exclude point system. It only excludes randomness [so it's not RAND then, just anonymous and no diplo]. You send nation picks to someone that would be dividing nations and it all goes the same. You were never going to submit nations here anyway. So with no-diplo you know who is teamed with who, but you don't which team is cotnrolled by that pair.

namad May 31st, 2010 06:30 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
TAND Team Anonymous NoDiplomacy

has a nice ring to it! I'm gonna change my vote then from anything rand to anything no diplomacy :) since really that's all i wanted to vote for i just didn't realize I was allowed

Apsophos May 31st, 2010 06:39 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
Oooh, I'd love to play but my teammate in the first Preponderance probably doesn't have the time to get back to Dominions. Anyone willing to blind-team with me?

DrPraetorious May 31st, 2010 09:15 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
Zeldor - could you post the final pts totals at the root of the thread?

Squirrelloid May 31st, 2010 09:44 AM

I made comments on points on the other forums.

I'm going to disagree with Dr. P in that I think Niefl should be banned, and think we should consider banning Sauromatia too, or at least fairly representing them point-wise. They're at least an 8.

I'm also not sure forge bonuses make a nation that much better - in a regular MP game you'd just whore out your forge bonus to gain more gems or other favors. MA Ulm, for example, is still worthless outside of its forge bonus, and will need to spend gems empowering to really get a lot out of it. Certainly MA Ulm should be worth less than EA Ulm, MA Caelum and LA Ulm since its strictly worse than all the other nations with a forge bonus.

Suggestion on picks by points: Tie breaking
In the event two teams want the same nation, the following tie breakers shall be applied in order:
1)the team which has used the fewest of its 10 points gets priority.
2) ???

(Teams which don't use all their points are most likely to get the nations they want. Teams which don't use really powerful nations are most likely to get the second nation they want).

namad May 31st, 2010 10:00 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
that tie breaker rule already existed and was already used in prepo1... plenty of people submitted 9point totals

forge bonuses are better in a team game because you don't need to be a good nation in a team to be a good nation.... i mean you can just let your teammate fight all your enemies and bypass you and control 80% of the total territory... the forge bonus is a very fixed bonus in terms of usefulness ... it's more useful in the this game although maybe not useful enough to be worth the certain scores the nations with them have..

DrPraetorious May 31st, 2010 10:06 AM

Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
Sauromatia has a high win percentage because it is powerful but not obviously *threatening*. Also, skilled players like it. At an 8, no-one would use it.

Niefelheim isn't that bad when you take the forced 12 turns of non-aggression into account.

Anyway, I'm a team with Calahan. Under rules variance Omega, I'm playing Niefelheim and Calahan is playing Ashdod. The mod which allows us both to take gorgons is attached at the root of the thread.

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