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Valerius September 5th, 2010 07:16 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no need to site search or research - Recruit
1 Attachment(s)
I ran a batch of random maps. These six seemed the most promising. Any opinions on the attached options?

Edit: these are all 125 prov maps and would work fine for 8-9 players.

Dark Kitty September 5th, 2010 09:12 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no need to site search or research - Recruit
I guess 2 or 3 (more rivers)

I was looking at maps on llamaserver yesterday : the Hyborian Age and Europe seemed nice, altough a bit big compared to what you wanted (unfortunately there was no link for Europe)

If we have 8 players with ~12 provinces each, maybe Aran could do?

Squirrelloid September 5th, 2010 09:52 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no need to site search or research - Recruit
aran is an awful map.

Middle Earth is 106 provinces though, which is ~12/player. I've wanted to play a game on that map for awhile. And iirc it has very few water provinces.

Random maps are bad because they only have border mtns (no real mtn provinces). So unless you want to massage some .map files...

LDiCesare September 5th, 2010 12:51 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no need to site search or research - Recruit
I don't like the maps because they have water provinces. 6 would be my best bet from a quick look.

Valerius September 5th, 2010 01:14 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no need to site search or research - Recruit

Originally Posted by Dark Kitty (Post 756757)
I was looking at maps on llamaserver yesterday : the Hyborian Age and Europe seemed nice, altough a bit big compared to what you wanted (unfortunately there was no link for Europe)

My concern with those is that they have too many water provinces


Originally Posted by Dark Kitty (Post 756757)
If we have 8 players with ~12 provinces each, maybe Aran could do?

I considered Aran based on the number of provinces (I've never played it MP) but I don't think it's balanced.


Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 756763)
Middle Earth is 106 provinces though, which is ~12/player. I've wanted to play a game on that map for awhile. And iirc it has very few water provinces.

Middle Earth could work on the lower end of the provs/player scale but I've got to say I just don't like the look of that map. It's tough on my eyes.


Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 756763)
Random maps are bad because they only have border mtns (no real mtn provinces). So unless you want to massage some .map files...

No problem. We can do basic edits like creating real mountain provs or changing prov connections, or even extract portions of a larger map like with Cradle in ThreeFort.


Originally Posted by LDiCesare (Post 756796)
I don't like the maps because they have water provinces.

Though I'm the most anti-water nation player I know, I like having a few water provinces as features to break up the terrain. Would you prefer no water provinces at all or that they just be single provinces, not two or three together?


Originally Posted by Dark Kitty (Post 756757)
I guess 2 or 3 (more rivers)

BTW, I don't think the random map generator makes rivers impassable - they are just decorative features. But I could edit the map file to make them impassable.

Dark Kitty September 5th, 2010 03:46 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no need to site search or research - Recruit

Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 756798)
BTW, I don't think the random map generator makes rivers impassable - they are just decorative features. But I could edit the map file to make them impassable.

I was thinking about more provinces with higher incomes actually but I think you're right, they must be only decorative. It would be nice to have a map with some impassable obstacles though (not necessarily that you modded yourself, surely there is plenty of maps which already have some)

I usually like maps with water but since most people don't seem to like them and since I have the only "water-capable" nation so far, I guess we can find a map without water (may I ask for one water province though, to make a pond for my kappas? :p)

EDIT : how about Ringworm or Six Lands then? No sea, pretty balanced...

LDiCesare September 5th, 2010 04:03 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no need to site search or research - Recruit

Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 756798)
Though I'm the most anti-water nation player I know, I like having a few water provinces as features to break up the terrain. Would you prefer no water provinces at all or that they just be single provinces, not two or three together?

Zero water province is the best for me. If not, preferably not too many clusters, and no more than 2 provinces together.

Valerius September 5th, 2010 07:05 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no need to site search or research - Recruit
1 Attachment(s)
Ok, I tried to incorporate the suggestions: have some water provinces so that water summons/troops can be obtained but no more than two together.

I cut off the right side of elmokki's Land of Milk and Honey map and eliminated most of the water provinces. There's only five: two sets of 2 and 1 by itself.

It should be around 100 provinces.

Fantomen September 6th, 2010 08:33 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no need to site search or research - Recruit
Looks ok. So are we ready?

Valerius September 6th, 2010 09:38 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no need to site search or research - Recruit
Yeah, I figure no objections means everyone is ok with it. I've had very little time for Dominions today but I'll fix up the map ASAP (have to redo the province connections, etc.) and setup the game. Hopefully zlefin is in; if not, then we start with 7 players.

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