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-   -   Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (Finished: Dojango/Mictlan Wins!) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48161)

Excist December 18th, 2011 08:51 PM

Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
Very. Very. Cool.

Immaculate December 18th, 2011 08:58 PM

Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
So what map? start date?

dojango December 18th, 2011 09:05 PM

Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
In the beginning, there was chaos. Gods and demons fought for aeons, creating and destroying without regard or malice.
Eventually, the Maker, Tepeu, formed the pillar of the world out of the roiling waters, and set forth life upon the worlds.
Where the sweet water mingled with the new formed earth, the Maker mixed cornmeal with his blood, and formed the first men; six men and six women.
The six tribes of the people spread over the face of the earth. Jaguar, Eagle, Quetzal, Deer, Serpent and Vulture.
But the world was an evil place, and demons and monster and giants hunted the people, and slew the leaders of the tribes, all except for the leaders of the Jaguar and Deer tribes.
The people hid in the mountains and wastelands and starved. They cried out to their maker, who had abandoned them on this cruel world.
The twin sons of the Jaguar king took up their clubs and went on a great journey to find the Maker and plead with him to save them.
After a long and arduous journey, fighting demons, escaping evil giants, travelling through the terrible haunted forests, they found the Maker.
They saw that the Maker was fighting a terrible battle against the unending forces of Chaos, keeping them from devouring the earth.
When they asked the Maker to save them, he gave them six gifts, and told them to use the gifts to save themselves.
The secrets of obsidian, the way of corn, the codex of the law, the nature of the gods of the sun and the moon and the earth, and the way to harness the primal power of the jaguar.
Finally, he laid the mantle of the king on the elder brother, and told the younger brother the secret of using blood to protect the people and provide sustenance to the god.
"For if I fall in combat, the world falls," said the Maker.
The brothers returned to where the people were hiding and showed them the great gifts they had been given.
The people hailed the elder brother as the king of legend.
The younger brother took the elder of the Deer tribe, one of the first men, and made from him a great sacrifice to strengthen the god.

Many ages passed. The people warred against the demons and the giants and the monsters of this earth. They sacrificed their foes and their childern on the altar to strengthen the god.
But the people grew lazy and decadent. No longer the great armies went forth to gather tribute for the people and the gods. The altars decayed and fell silent.
The people fought amongst themselves, the great cities of the people knew no peace and hailed no king. The people had failed their Maker.
And so, once day, the Maker fell silent. No longer were the omens and signs felt by the priests. No longer would the blessings of the Maker be felt.
Now, the people of the city of Mictlan turned to their guardian spirit, Xtapolapocetl, who had been bound by blood to watch over the city in ages past, and begged him to defend them against the hordes of chaos.
And he answered. The armies of Mictlan are marching forth, desperate to find the power to set Xtapolapocetl upon the throne of heaven. For if he falls, the world falls.
And the hordes of chaos will descend upon the world again.

Immaculate December 18th, 2011 09:09 PM

Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
good RP posts both of you!

Dogged57 December 18th, 2011 09:24 PM

Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
Chalk me down for Marverni.

Excist December 18th, 2011 11:36 PM

Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
I am leaning towards the Cradle of Dominion map (its about the size to nation ratio that would be good for 10 nations), but I wanted to check out Shadowshore first, but wasn't able to find it in the maps section. Does anybody have a link for it?

Also, I would like to get this kicked off this week. As soon as the map is finalized it will be hosted on llamaserver and Pretenders may be submitted.

The only non-standard setting will be score graphs off. Any intelligence will have to be gathered manually.

Immaculate December 19th, 2011 12:10 AM

Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
I thought we were starting in the new year- hence the name of the thread. I am away for christmas and won't be able to game- if you plan on gaming over christmas i have to drop out and will pick up the next RP game you launch.

dojango December 19th, 2011 01:21 AM

Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
Link is here. It looks like an old map, I believe the landmarks have a higher chance of magic sites, etc.

TigerBlood December 19th, 2011 06:25 AM

Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
I like the story of Mictlan. It starts off as the heroic struggle of a people to establish themselves in a hostile world, but the end of the story hints at the tragedy and desperation of a great civilisation on the verge of catastrophe.

I think I'll read it again!

Nosantee December 19th, 2011 08:42 AM

Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
As much as I would like to start soon myself I have to go with Immaculate and would prefer to start it after the new year (X-mas exodus woo)

However I can start this week or anytime really if necessary. Plus it'd give me some more time to come up with some kind of backstory.

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