Amhazair |
April 12th, 2012 06:30 AM |
Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Recruiting)
Originally Posted by Legendary League
(Post 801320)
Holy mother of g-
I'd love to play, I'm just not certain I'm at an adequate skill level to not get instantly murderized. :p
If you're in doubt yourself I would advice you to bow out, even though there's several newer people showing intrest. Out of principle I've never wanted to stop newer players to jump straight in and learn the hard way, but you will get "instantly murderized", as you put it, and there's only so many people who can translate that into a fun learning experience.
Originally Posted by himselfbh
(Post 801394)
Hi, I wanna take part in.
This may be my first MP experience and I will choose LA Jomon.
Since I'm really new, could any one some suggestion about the pretender design and scale setting? All the guide articles I found were for MA.
Same suggestion here. I won't turn away new people just because they are new, but if you start out without even an idea about pretender design, I don't think you should be looking to start in a game involving veteran players and weird mods. Better experiment in a newbie game, and start in a regular game only if you're relatively confident you know what you're doing. (Even if only from reading stuff/playing SP - as I said I don't mind new players jumping into the deep end, but they better know how to stay afloat, even if they won't win the 100m freestyle, if you get my drift.) On top of that Jomon really is a tricky nation, requires some finesse to do well with. To the extent that I myself have looked at them a couple of times because they're kinda cool, but so far haven't come up with a pretender design I'm happy enough with to bring 'em into MP. Just saying...(Useful but not especially powerful troops, but mainly due to having diverse but low-power mages. They do require some understanding of and plan for how to "climb" to higher paths levels through forging and summoning to do well with.)
For both of you and any other new people who are intrested: I'd be more than happy to help you setup a newbie game, with or without these mods if you like. (I would advice to get to know the 'regular' game first, either vanilla, or with only the CBM mod most games on this forum use, but if you really want to try these ones out that's fine by me.) Feel free to PM me about it.
Originally Posted by Admiral_Aorta
(Post 801398)
I'd like to play Ermor if that's allowed, otherwide I'll try Bogarus.
Sure, Ermor's fine with me. I don't like them in no-diplomacy games, but in regular game's they're welcome as far as I'm concerned. You sure you can stand the Micro though? :)