![]() |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Latest Version of my AI for the B5 MOD. This should give the "big" ships. Also updated the weapons for Narn Troops/armor plus some "tidying up" of all the AI.
1032861778.zip Unless this Version has major errors, I'll start working on the neutrals next. |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Fixed the Shadows research and added a Vree General.txt file
1032881236.zip I hope Richard doesn't get po'd. Sorry about the number of fixes/uploads (home sick *cough* *snivel*) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/blush.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/shock.gif [ September 24, 2002, 16:29: Message edited by: pathfinder ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Soul Hunters or Shag'Toth race style (B5 MOD for v 1.49)
1033683165.zip No .emp files included. [ October 03, 2002, 23:14: Message edited by: pathfinder ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Converting pre-Gold AIs to Gold {link}
Updated instructions for making SE IV v1.49 or earlier AI files compatible with SE IV Gold. These instructions only stop the numerous error Messages; they don't teach the AI to research drones. |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
New Fazrah AI file. Please test, it might be a new AI for the TDM-modpack, but i need your opinions.
Fazrah v101.zip |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Placeholder Pakmara shipset and some of the AI files (general, design, research, ship-name) for the B5 MOD.
1033962576.zip |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Upgrade to Proportions 2.5 AI:
Pequeninos (it also contains some new ship pictures): 1034123839.zip Nostropholo (AI only): 1034123909.zip Soul Hunters (AI only): 1034124046.zip |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
The Lastest Versions of the Orks and the Krill. I'm not entirely satisfied with them, but if I wait until I am they will never get done.
1035544115.zip [ October 25, 2002, 12:09: Message edited by: Atraikius ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
OK, I found some glaring mistakes in my Proportions AI http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon9.gif
Here are updates (for use with Proportions 2.5): Nostropholo -1035294417.zip Pequeninos - 1035294464.zip Soul Hunters - 1035294505.zip Some "standard" races use same AIs (for the lack of other), so here is update: Cryslonite - 1035294586.zip drushoka - 1035294617.zip Piundon - 1035294650.zip UkraTal - 1035294698.zip |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Latests Versions:
IMPORTANT Nov 5th In the most recent files I did not include the 5k Emp files. Please download the INFO UPDATE zip for these files along with new Credit Text files for all races. Click HERE to download. (Oct 23, 2002) 8472 v1.77 New Oct 30th Andorian v1.3 New Oct 30th Breen v1.76 New Oct 30th Borg v1.79 New Nov 5th Cardassian v1.73 Dominion v1.73 New Oct 30th Deep Space Nine v1.0 Federation TOS v1.72 Federation TMP v1.73 Federation STNG v1.73 Ferengi v1.76 New Oct 30th Gorn v1.3 New Oct 30th Hirogen v1.1 The Kazon v1.1 The Klingons v1.76 The Romulans v1.74 Son'a v1.72 Tholian by Oleg v 1.0 -=UCP=- V1.0 The Vulcans v1.4 New Oct 30th [ November 05, 2002, 20:30: Message edited by: Atrocities ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Latest B5 (non-gold) AI. Added technomage (draft) and tweaked all AI_research files.
1035562311.zip Fixed errors in Technomage and Shagtoth AI_Research files 1035737202.zip [ October 27, 2002, 16:47: Message edited by: pathfinder ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
This is a Borg Mod I've been working on. Racial abilities, components, vehicle sizes, etc.
1035747855.zip I also mistakenly included the data for space monsters as well. Oops. See the ReadMe for more blah-blah. |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Updated Jraenar, Klingons, Praetorian, Romulans, Shadows, UraTal and Borg Variant 1.78b.
EMP files 1036028688.zip Borg files 1036028766.zip Other (Modpack) races 1036028873.zip In this update I have again focussed on the DesignCreation and Research files of my AI. I believe this Version to be v1.78 compatible (have played a couple of games without any problems - longest length 90 turns, in progress). In my play tests with 19 Modpack races, I usually find 3 of my AI in the top 6, so they are pretty good at expanding and snotting other AI. All feedback is welcome! DesignCreation.txt: I have changed the weapon selection slightly. AI will now use engine overloading weapons as a secondary selection. Colonisers now have Combat Sensors. Research.txt: The Research tree has been extensively modified in the later stage of the game to prioritise those tech's that an AI really needs to be robust (eg: large spaceyards and stellar manipulation have been advanced whilst some less useful tech's have been pushed back). Components.txt The Family Group number of Borg Null Space Projectors has been given a new designation - different from that of regular Null Space Projectors. Regards God Emperor |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
To all EEE ships!
Return to your bases immediately. We have attained critical information about strategic combat tactics. Until further notice shore leave is cancelled. sgd. Leyan (First Secretary) Institute of Strategic Studies EDIT: To all crews! Sorry to inform that there will be further delays. We have to run different test series with stellar manipulation techs. sgd. Lajet (First Secretary) Ministry of Technology EDIT 2: To all crews! Thanks for your patience. We encountered several unexpected problems responsible for the recent delays. But we have finally succeeded, as you may take from the attached data files: 1041164415.zip Please report any flaws you may find, possible improvements to your superiors or directly to the Council of Elders. sgd. Lihun (General Secretary) EEE Consortium EDIT 3: We now are part of a greater whole. If you want to visit us check out the TDM-Modpack v3.30. [ February 06, 2003, 09:05: Message edited by: Rexxx ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Yes, a bug has been found (thanks to Capnq!). Attached are revised AI_DesignCreation files... 1036111035.zip |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here are some Avatars;
1036155032.gif 1036155152.GIF 1036155239.GIF 1036155328.gif I will u/l other stuff here, once a week. Do hope you enjoy, or are atleast amused by them! That top GIF is junk. SORRY, should have checked it out. Here is the replacement for it: 1036183489.gif mlmbd http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/shock.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/shock.gif [ November 01, 2002, 20:48: Message edited by: mlmbd ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
The various race files each need to be put into a race folder under the Pictures/Races/ subdirectory. eg SpaceEmpiresIV_Gold/Pictures/Races/Shadows (in the above example, stick all of your Shadows files into a new Shadows sub-directory. Attached is a revised AI_General.txt file for the Shadows which fixes a typo affecting the random 2000 pt race selection. 1036800069.TXT Regards, GE |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
This is Version 3.0 of the Rage Collective. Please post any comments or suggestions in the SEIV discussion forum. Thanks!
1037251673.zip Edit for corrected link. Somehow I previously uploaded the wrong Zip file. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/blush.gif [ November 14, 2002, 05:29: Message edited by: Alpha Kodiak ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Updated Jraenar, Klingons, Praetorian, Romulans, Shadows, UraTal and Borg Variant 1.78f.
Have been sick the Last two weeks so have had some time at home to do further work on my AI. After receiving feedback on v1.78b/c, I have undertaken a major update of my AI - principally the ship designs (have tried to optimse weapons payload vs support gadgets and have disarmed the Colony ships (Lt Cruiser is their largest hull size). I have also had a further tinker with the Research pathways of each of the races too in order to ensure that they get the most important tech's at the right time. I have zipped the files up in a directory structure to assist those who havent gotten used to fiddling around with SE4 files. The zipped files just need to be transferred into your corresponding SE4 directories. 1037195054.zip I have play tested each of the AI individually for 120 turns without any snags but havent played a multiplayer Version through yet (shouldnt be a problem as only the Research and DesignCreation files have been amended - and the Components file in the case of the Borg). DesignCreation.txt: I have changed the weapon selection slightly. Have switched the Jraenar, Klingons, Praetorian and Romulans back to secondary Null Space Projectors. Shadows and UkraTal retain engine overloading weapons as a secondary selection. Colonisers have now been disarmed and restricted to Lt Cruiser hull size maximum. Borg use shield depleting weapons only now on their Boarding Ships in an effort to increase their boarding attempts (using PPB's, you have to knock out the shield generators in order to facilitate boarding). Research.txt: The Research tree has undergone more work in the later stages of the game to prioritise those tech's that an AI really needs to be robust (eg: large spaceyards and stellar manipulation have been advanced whilst some less useful tech's have been pushed back). Components.txt The Borg now have a Shield Depleting Weapon which becomes available at the same time that they get boarding parties. Regards God Emperor |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
SJ, here is the first installment of planets. Just let me know if you would like more. Thanks!!
do not use this link, the zip has mo MINI's 1037297998.zip Grab this one 1037312937.zip Sorry!! mlmbd http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/shock.gif [ November 14, 2002, 22:30: Message edited by: mlmbd ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here are Avatars and the Cruiser bmp.
eye in a magnifying glass1037366595.gif Wylie Coyote, hitch'n a ride1037366667.gif Albino Tiger1037366750.gif Gargoyle in flight1037366786.gif Grandpa given kisses1037366844.gif Ship of the line(Cruiser)1037366889.bmp So there is this weeks additions. Enjoy!! mlmbd http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/shock.gif |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
I'm posting here, the Aquilaeian and Pyrochette files that I'm using in the AI Dead Match Contest, because both have light differences with the previously posted files.
Aquilaeian_Ver_2.2.zip Pyrochette_Ver_2.1.zip [ November 17, 2002, 14:30: Message edited by: Master Belisarius ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Two spiffy-looking 1800's admiral types :
1037824128.jpg 1037824264.jpg Anda an edited 'square' Version of the second image: 1037825548.jpg Cheers. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif [ November 20, 2002, 20:53: Message edited by: Erax ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Some Ipsha ship pics I found Online (Timstone http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif )
1038149349.ZIP |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
One more B5 AI Update (Version V34D). Totally revamped AI_research files for all the AI including Default_research.
1039322166.ZIP [ December 08, 2002, 04:38: Message edited by: pathfinder ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Instar, here you go!1039478828.jpg
and a Xiati Worldship, it will be the Neo-Mod Pack!1041445293.bmp mlmbd http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/shock.gif [ January 01, 2003, 18:22: Message edited by: mlmbd ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Some updates, and a new race
Krill AI files (10 Dec 02) - 1039638214.zip Orks 10 Dec 02 - 1039638295.zip - (Ork AI only 1039638263.zip ) Zorians 10 Dec 02 - 1039638398.zip (Zorian AI only 1039638371.zip ) Chaos 10 Dec 02 - 1039638147.zip UCE 10 Dec 02 (AI only ships available on Gold CD & Universal Shipyards http://universalshipyards.cjb.net/) 1039638320.zip UCE Battle Fleet 10 Dec 02 (AI only ships available at Universal Shipyards) 1039638344.zip |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Borg 1.80New 12-18-2002
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Atrocities STAR TREK Mod v 1.4
1-16-2003 This mod is an exlusive Star Trek mod using most of the New Age Shipyards Star Trek races. The Mod uses race specific technology and features the option to start with standard technology (Race specific only), Early, Developed, or Expanded Technology levels. The mod uses a modified Version of Fyrons Quadrant Mod 2.0 in conjunction with many other fun mods including parts of the P&N, Eye Candy, Mount, and most Image Mod. Click To Read Revision History Once you have downloaded the mod, OPEN THE HTML VIEWER, and Click on the "Getting Started" Link at the bottom AST Mod Full v1.4 This Version is the complete mod - Less the Image Mod Contains all 20 main races & 20 neutrals - 19.6 megs AST Full zip AST Mod v1.0 Lite Compact Version of the full mod Comes with 8 races - 7.3 megs AST Mod Light AST Patch 4 (v1.4) For use with the AST Mod v1.0 Lite Updates the Lite Version to Full 1.4 - 6 megs Update Patch 4 ASTmod AST Add On Pack v1.1 For use with the AST Mod v1.0 Lite (12 Extra Races for AST Mod) 6.9 megs AST Mod Addon Pack 1.1 **NOTE** some Version of the AST mod may not have a PATH.txt If that is the case you can download this correct one: AST Path Text [ January 16, 2003, 10:40: Message edited by: Atrocities ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Updated Jraenar, Klingons, Praetorian, Romulans, Shadows, UraTal and Borg Variant 1.78h.
Following on from the AI Death Match, I have undertaken an update of my AI. The AI_Construction_Vehicles files have received same major attention whilst the AI_DesignCreation and AI_Research files have just been tweaked a little more. I have also created an AI_strategies.txt file for the races in order to improve their combat performance. I have zipped the files up in a directory structure to assist those who havent gotten used to fiddling around with SE4 files. The zipped files just need to be transferred into your corresponding SE4 directories. 1040967138.zip I have play tested each of the AI individually for 100 turns without any snags and have played a multiplayer Version through to turn 100 too. DesignCreation.txt: After watching how the AI is now using Minesweepers and deals with mines, I've decided to disarm the Minesweepers and remove minesweeping components from the attack ships. I have also optimised the attack ships by creating designs for several hull sizes. Research.txt: The only significant change is that Combat Sensors and ECM have been advanced further up the research tree. Components.txt - as per 1.78f The Borg now have a Shield Depleting Weapon which becomes available at the same time that they get boarding parties. Strategies.txt New file created to support Maximum Weapons Range combat strategy. Regards God Emperor |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Attached you can find the Gron Hive. A psychic-religious AI coming with a great shipset by Richard Meic.
1041626847.zip Have fun!!! Regards R. A newer Version of the Gron Hive (written for SE IV v 1.84) has become part of the TDM-Modpack v 3.30. [ February 06, 2003, 09:03: Message edited by: Rexxx ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Update Patch 4 ASTmod - 1-12-2003
Update Patch 3 ASTmod [ January 11, 2003, 20:06: Message edited by: Atrocities ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Latest B5 AI from the salt mines http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/tongue.gif . Hopefully the changes to the AI_designcreation will prevent any further Range Check Errors. Also added in structural supports and armor. Addendum to readme: I forgot to add that that I deleted the "standard movement" entries from each ships description in AI_designcreation. [ January 08, 2003, 01:31: Message edited by: pathfinder ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here comes my latest AI for Fazrah.
From the readme: The AI uses the weapons like the original Malfador release, (Torpedos, Graviton Hellbores) but i added to use Shield Depleters as new weapon. All files greatly improved, and tweaked, so now the Fazrah Empire tougher than ever... Fazrah v1.2 Any comments welcome! |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Due to some minor bugs in the previous Version here is the newest files in hope of this is bugfree.
Fazrah v1.3 |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
The Invisible Ship set, v 0.8. To be followed by a Version with AI. Note, this shipset is totally invisible. Using it in a Multiplayer/PBW game without the informed consent of the host is CHEATING!!! [ January 15, 2003, 21:08: Message edited by: Ruatha ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
These shipsets are color variations of the original Jraenar Imperium, basing that they are red. They do not have AI files; it is just the bitmaps. The folders are named after the relevant color.
Enjoy! Prophet Green Lizards 1042679568.zip Orange Lizards 1042679639.zip Purple Lizards 1042679711.zip Yellow Lizards 1042679750.zip |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Atrocities STAR TREK Mod v 1.5
1-20-2003 AST Mod Patch 5 v1.5 NOTE: Please install Patch 4 prior to Patch 5 if you upgraded from AST Mod Light. 1-16-2003 This mod is an exlusive Star Trek mod using most of the New Age Shipyards Star Trek races. The Mod uses race specific technology and features the option to start with standard technology (Race specific only), Early, Developed, or Expanded Technology levels. The mod uses a modified Version of Fyrons Quadrant Mod 2.0 in conjunction with many other fun mods including parts of the P&N, Eye Candy, Mount, and most Image Mod. Click To Read Revision History Once you have downloaded the mod, OPEN THE HTML VIEWER, and Click on the "Getting Started" Link at the bottom AST Mod Full v1.4 This Version is the complete mod - Less the Image Mod Contains all 20 main races & 20 neutrals - 19.6 megs AST Full zip AST Mod v1.0 Lite Compact Version of the full mod Comes with 8 races - 7.3 megs AST Mod Light AST Patch 4 (v1.4) For use with the AST Mod v1.0 Lite Updates the Lite Version to Full 1.4 - 6 megs Update Patch 4 ASTmod AST Add On Pack v1.1 For use with the AST Mod v1.0 Lite (12 Extra Races for AST Mod) 6.9 megs AST Mod Addon Pack 1.1 **NOTE** some Version of the AST mod may not have a PATH.txt If that is the case you can download this correct one: AST Path Text [ January 26, 2003, 07:36: Message edited by: Atrocities ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Thumbs UP everybody;
1042803158.gif 1042803242.gif 1042803265.gif 1042803292.gif 1042803331.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/newup...1042803158.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/newup...1042803242.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/newup...1042803265.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/newup...1042803292.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/newup...1042803331.gif <font color=purple>mlmbd http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/icons/icon6.gif http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/images/icons/shock.gif</font> [ March 11, 2003, 13:10: Message edited by: mlmbd ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Latest Da path B5 MOD AI (pre-gold):
1043094274.ZIP My latest fixes: Version B5-VI-Path-C: 1: Re-did settings for "engines per move" for all ships (B5 standard) to prevent range check errors. 2: Re-did minimum/desired speeds in most ships, again to halt range check errors. 3: Changed to "resource generation - organics as ability for armor (leaky) and loaded armor into all ships/bases/wp as a misc ability. 4: Re-set maximum number engines for baseship and heavy baseship to 100 in order to prevent range check errors. 5: Took out misc. ability "solar generation" from scouts, colony ships, population transports, repair tugs to prevent 2 or more reactors from being designed into ships by the AI. 6: Changed defense base misc. ability from "solar generation" to "combat movement" to prevent reactors from being designed and to add "station keeping engines" to the designs. 7: Added scatter pulse and quad pulse weapons to Dilgar (based on same weapons used by Llort) in components.txt file. 8: Hopefully I didn't forget something I did, my notes are not the best. |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
This corrects the EA & Gaim AI_designcreation.txt typos and a new LNAW AI_Designcreation.txt
1043109898.ZIP |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
This hopefully fixes the spacing errors in the B5 data/components.txt file.
1043234622.ZIP Replaces earlier one (still had an error). [ January 22, 2003, 11:24: Message edited by: pathfinder ] |
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