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Karacan October 6th, 2004 10:54 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
When a unit is mistformed in battle (due to the spell), the mistform icon's description says somewhere "ben" instead of "been".

Cainehill October 24th, 2004 12:12 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Wish's Armageddon (I'm guessing that's what it was) has a typo, when it says "The entire earth trembled in the most powerful earthquake every seen." The word "every" should be the word "ever".

SafeKeeper October 24th, 2004 09:45 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos

“A group of visiting heroes have decided to rid this province from your unfair rulership”. I’d say Visiting heroes have, or A group of visiting heroes decided.

You overlooked "rid from". It should be "rid of".


“Heavy snowfalls has blocked important mountain roads”. Have.

I beg to differ. It's "snowfalls" that should be changed to "snowfall".


“A grand festival was held in your honour”. Replace by honor.


In different Messages: replace defence by defense.


“An old tower surrounded by wisps of mist was found on a high mountaintop. The owner of the tower agreed to help you for a meagre fifty pounds of gold and a couple of virgins”. Replace meagre by meager.


“Trolls living under bridges have killed and eaten travellers crossing the bridges”. Travelers.

Nope. Ever heard of this island Kingdom called Britain, friend?

Oh, and my additions:
In English, nationalities etc. are ALWAYS capitalized ("Swede" instead of "swede", for example). Thus, nationalities, nations, etc. have to start with a capital letter even if in the middle of a sentence.


Its also not the primary language, or even the language at all, for the beta testers. There a few English checkers that help alot in that area But feel free to keep posting any grammatical errors you find.

If the testers are Swedish, they know English. Trust me on that. Oh, and it's supposed to be "it's", not "its" in that context.

By the way, I can't believe people don't even capitalize letters in a thread on typoes and grammatical errors...

SafeKeeper October 25th, 2004 08:54 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
"Que" is supposed to be "queue".

Edi November 12th, 2004 05:48 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
New typo: Underwater magic site, Air 3, Imprizoned Zephyr should be Imprisoned Zephyr. Nasty for mapmakers if they want to place one and assume sites are spelled correctly.


Edi November 13th, 2004 06:00 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Another typo: Hoburg Champion description text refers to being armed with a mace, when they are armed with a short sword.


ioticus November 15th, 2004 10:04 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Capital is misspelled (capitial) under the description of Immortal.

Alneyan November 27th, 2004 10:27 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
A season is often (always?) used to describe a turn, while a turn Lasts only one month. A season Lasts three turns in the game: Early Summer, Summer, Late Summer for example.

Kristoffer O November 28th, 2004 05:36 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Turns was mostly thought of as seasons (three months) in dom1. In dom2 we changed it to months. Ther might be residual references to seasons in certain descriptions. If you find any you can post about it here. We havn't given it much thought, but as it can be confusing to neebies it is probably best if it is fixed.

Alneyan November 28th, 2004 07:24 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
I didn't recall that about Dom 1. Hmm... So, in Dom 2:

* In the Pretender descriptions, the Daughter of the Land is said to bring two water gems per season.
* Magic items: the Clam of Pearls is said to bring one astral pearl per season. The Blood Stone produces "a small amount of magic Earth gems each year"; the "small" part might be confusing, as it still produces one gem per turn, as the other similar items.
* Spells: Eternal Pyre is said to produce 20 fire gems each season, while it does so every turn.

These are the ones I can recall on top of my head; there may be a few other descriptions where seasons are used to describe turns.

PvK November 30th, 2004 02:34 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Spell description says it summons Anthrax. Actual character, and his unit description, spell it Antrax.

deccan December 4th, 2004 06:22 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Apparently the magic site "Sacred Glen" bLasts undead, but it doesn't say so in the description. I akashiced the province it had only "Sacred Glen" and "Grove of Evergreens" in it.

ioticus December 5th, 2004 11:16 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Under the definition of sacred troops, extremely is misspelled "extremly."

Edi December 6th, 2004 04:49 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
The sites that attack undead and/or demons do not advertise this fact. That list is as follows;
Holy fire (vs undead and demons, 10 an attack): Pool of Sanctity, The Ward, Sacred Glen
Holy power (vs undead only, 10 an attack): Gateward Valley, The Rainbow Shroud

There are also some other unadvertised little facts, like The Hall of Flayed Skins giving out curses to units...

However, there are several spelling errors in the various global enchantment announcements. I just don't remember offhand which ones they were.


Alneyan December 6th, 2004 08:05 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
In the description of the two Axes of Leadership, Picus is said to be a specialist in Blood magic, and Procas in Death magic. But it is Picus's Axe that requires Death magic, and Procas's Blood magic.

The Soul Contract is said to bring one Devil every season, while it is one every month (turn); I overlooked that one in my previous list.

Alneyan December 16th, 2004 06:45 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
I am so mean. The patch is barely out I am coming back to complain about typos. *Ducks for cover*

So, Capricons are said to "loose some of their powers when they leave the sea", while it should be lose (unless they actually unleash their powers on the land, instead of merely losing them temporarily). The same goes for the Sirens. Speaking of them, their description says that "The siren is gifted with... lure men into the sea with their songs", while it should be either "Sirens are" or "With her songs".

The Hippocampus does not have any description (when summoned by the Triton Kings). Lastly, the Mermidons are said to be unable to leave the sea because of their armour, but can do so; once on the land, they will nonetheless keep their armour.

Nagot Gick Fel December 16th, 2004 07:12 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos

Alneyan said:
Lastly, the Mermidons are said to be unable to leave the sea because of their armour, but can do so; once on the land, they will nonetheless keep their armour.

Mermidons couldn't leave the sea in the original Version. This was deemed a weakness Oceania didn't really need, so they were upgraded from aquatic to amphibian, it's just the blurb text wasn't updated to reflect this change.

Kristoffer O December 16th, 2004 08:43 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
> I am so mean. The patch is barely out I am coming back to complain about typos. *Ducks for cover*

Mean? How would we get rid of all these typos unless you pointed them out. The lacking hippo descr means that there are some other uw critters in dom3 that lacks descriptions. Thanks!

Alneyan December 18th, 2004 02:29 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
The mean comment was simply referring to not waiting at least a day (after the patch is out) before complaining. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

A Last comment I am not sure about: is the plural form of Hippocampus supposed to be Hippocampii? (It is the spelling in the Triton King description) Similar words I can think of ending by -us have a plural form ending by -i, so that should be Hippocampi.

I am not sure of that though, since I have not been able to make sure Hippocampus follows the same pattern as stimulus, succubus and their little family.

Edit: I should have looked that word up earlier. Hippocampus has a plural form ending by -i, so Hippocampi.

Alneyan January 22nd, 2005 09:49 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
A minor thing, but here it goes: when an aquatic unit ends its turn in a land province, the following message is given: "XXX the YYY drowned in [province]". The same is the same as for land units drowning in the sea, but does not make much sense when applied to an aquatic unit drowning on the land. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Edi March 27th, 2005 08:24 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
The pretender titles have some typos in them. The word "Minister" is systematically misspelled "Minster".


ioticus April 5th, 2005 11:30 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
The desription of the heroic trait "adept researcher" spells extraordinary incorrectly as "extrordinary."

Alneyan April 20th, 2005 04:58 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
There is a "Lychantropos' Amulet" in the game, while it should be a Lycanthropos' Amulet, if the noun is based on lycanthrope . If Lychantropos is actually a proper noun, an extra S might be included in the Amulet name, as in "Picus's Axe of Rulership".

Alneyan April 21st, 2005 01:28 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Another cosmetic thing: one of the game hints states that "you may resume the construction of a fort if you are interrupted". I believe it requires some clarification: in my experience, you can only resume the construction of a fort if you have cancelled it, but haven't lost the province in the meantime.

Losing a province will effectively cancel all progress made on a fort (unless I am grossly mistaken here), while some players may expect to be able to continue building their fort at no extra cost. Or perhaps it is just my interpretation of "interruption" as in "lose the province temporarily due to enemy forces".

Molog July 30th, 2005 08:10 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
In the desccription of poor amphibian 'aft.' should be 'att.'

ioticus August 8th, 2005 12:15 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Under the description of Mistform, exceptionally is misspelled as "exeptionally."

ioticus September 7th, 2005 02:07 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
1 Attachment(s)
The caption should say "...he finds most interesting."

Frostmourne27 January 3rd, 2006 05:57 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
The Mictlan short description says "...but their infantry uses archaic weapons." This is incorrect, infantry is plural and so this should in fact say "but their infantry use archaic eapons."

Wick January 4th, 2006 12:38 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos

Frostmourne27 said:
The Mictlan short description says "...but their infantry uses archaic weapons." This is incorrect, infantry is plural and so this should in fact say "but their infantry use archaic eapons."

I disagree. Infantry is no more the plural of soldier then pool is the plural of water droplet. The infantry is a single thing, regardless of the many infantrymen in it. (Also, "eapon" should have a "w" ;-)

Endoperez January 4th, 2006 11:52 AM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
However, Google tells me "infantry use" is much more common than "infatry uses". I'm not sure what grammar says about it, though.

Cainehill January 4th, 2006 12:05 PM

Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos

As Wick says - Infantry is singular, denoting a particular branch of a military. Infantrymen would be denoting multiple individual members of the infantry, while infantries would be for multiple branches, most particularly for different nations / armed forces : "The eight allied nations performed joint field exercises, but their infantries had incompatible comm gear."

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