![]() |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
It's an invasion! *Summons the rest of the mighty Zhentaran armada to fend off the Romulans.*
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Before I added the glow to the engines and gun port, I did some checking, they did glow.
Since all but three of the total 40 some odd romulan ships I have made are orginal works, I reserved the right for creative license. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif I like them, and especially how the Klingons ships came out. The BOP is the work of literally a years worth of tinkering. The Romulan ship that was in Nemesis, the first on the second row, took weeks to perfect. I still am not happy with the War Bird, thrid on top, but hey, I am using DOGA so cut me a break. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Another couple of very similar racial traits:
Poor Storage Techniques, -500 cost, -20% planet storage space and Pack Rats, -500 cost, -25% planet storage space. I think Pack rats could provide greater savings and greater penalty: -1000 cost, -40% planet storage space. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Note that you can combine two such traits, and their effects will add together. You coul make them both -500 and 20% penalty (example values of course, not saying these are absolutely balanced values). Take both, gives 1000 points and provides a 40% space penalty.
If you have trait A with -20% and gives 500, and trait B with -40% and gives 1000, you can take both to get 1500 points and have a -60% penalty. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Anti-matter pod upgrades to Mini-storage compartment. Same comp family I guess. A bit annoying.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
This is the must active comunity "devoted" to one game....
you are made a great job http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif every time i check it... found new development for se4 "Ragazzi non ho proprio idea di che succederà quando se5 verrà alla luce http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif" I'm working with poser5 to made new image to se4 ( maybe someone have seen it in one my recent post ) How and where i can send it.. to be incorporate in future relase of graphic add-on. ( if they are OK ) Is necesary send the complete library (or only the news) I can post in one se4 treat... or else Tank you "Un grazie a tutti per il lavoro che fate." P.S. If poser image is not "legal" please tell me. R.Daneel |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
So. Current STM beta utilize its own components.bmp. Next. Borg Tracking comp uses bitmap # 1653. Problem is that there is no such mini in the components.bmp supplied with the mod.
AT, all your components are already included into the IM component pack, so why not use this pack instead of customised one? |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
THanks Aiken for the Mini-Storage issue.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Aiken, I have generated about 20 new components for use with the mod SINCE the latest image mod. I am waiting to submit them to Suicide Junkie until the mod's next release.
R.Daneel - Do a search for "Image Mod Updates" or Private Message (PM) Sucide Junkie. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I have latest IM component pack. And both fullsize and mini pictures are there. But since components.bmp in the stm_mod\pictures\components folder overrides imagemod components files, I couldn't see this component's mini picture. I deleted components folder from STM folder and pasted comp_888 into imagemod folder and compiled minis. Now everything is fine.
************* Error in Borg Monster ai_design_creation.txt: no SY component on base space yard design. <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Now: Name := Base Space Yard ... Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 1 Must Have Ability 1 := Weapon but it should be: Name := Base Space Yard Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 2 Must Have Ability 1 := Weapon Must Have Ability 2 := Space Yard</pre><hr /> |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I will have all the new components submitted to IMAGE mod soon.
I do not understand, if the image is missing from the STM pictures / component, folder then SE IV should automatically get it from the game - Pictures/Component folder. Very odd. Oh well, you learn something new every day. Here are some of the latest Cardassian images. (Please note that I re-did the Terok'Nor space station completely. - DS9) http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/cardescort.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmim...ardfrigate.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/galor1.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/galor.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/galor2.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/ds9.PNG |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
They look good, but not as good as the romulon's. For some reason, they also remind me of clams. You might want to re-think the brown color.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I did a lot of color matching before I chose the brown-Clam color. I have a Playmates Cardassian Galor class ship and I had two choices, yellow brown, or copper brown. I opted for the copper tone color as it provided me with a greater degree of varations for off sets. Aiken, thank you for the information on the Borg, I will fix ASAP. I should note that Intimidator and I are playing a game via IM and process on average about 20 turns a day. We have discovered a few things that have now been added to my "fix list." We discovered the Mini-Storage component would often be used by the AI as an upgrade, Aiken also noted this. We know that the Neutral empires need help with designing ships, as the Vulcans and others are not using Warp Core and nacelles. A few other minor issues have come up, like adjustments for supply useage and such. I have also finished with the master weapons list, both for the current weapons component load out of the STM, as well as the new proposed weapon component load out. (For balance issues) The new propulsion system is working very well and gives the game a real RPG thrill that I do hope players will enjoy. I have finished re-modeling the Klingons, the Romulans, and I am now working on the Cardassians. I hope to have all the major races re-rendered by the end of next month. The beta testing continues on the 1.8.0 Version of the game, and I want to say thank you to Aiken for his reports. They have been very helpful. If you are play testing the mods beta update, PLEASE take the time to post any bugs you might encounter as you play. Please post suggestions, spelling errors, oddities, etc. Thank you. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
You should use that thing you do to make those red engines "glow" on the Cardassian ships...
Anyway, I'm still just impressed that you filled up that spreadsheet with all those weapons so quickly! |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Cool, im really looking forward to see more of the "revised" shipsets. Im especially excited about species 8472, the Borg and oc the Kazon ^^
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I have added more to the spread sheet. The proposed weapons one that is. I will be adding smaller weapons to it soon.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I think the mod is simply amazing. Very excellent - best star trek game I have ever played.
Haveing said that, I have a few broad questions about the klingons in the current Version of the mod. I played the just prior Version as the Cardassians, and now am in the Quadrant of COnflict game as the Klingons. It seems the Klingons are a lot less "tweaked" or "flavored" than I expected given my experience as the Cardassians previously. What I mean is, the Klingons just seem to have "standard" components and weapons, except for the few klingon facilities. The only real flavor in them as far as I know so far is the "warrior" tech and that's not standard part of the Klingons. For example, the Cardassians had a whole bunch of "cardassian mounts" - but I have not yet seen any in the klingons. Also, are there some specific Klingon weapons that appear later? All I have to play with so far are phasers and the standard torpedo weapon family - and even with massive mounts, standard phasers now do a lot less damage than they did previously it seems. Whatever happened to disruptors? Admittedly, I'm not yet into the late tech of the Klingons, but I find that I am definitely concentrating on getting my Warrior tech maxed out rather than my Klingon tech, simply because it seems to give me more of a payoff. Am I just confused? Maybe I need to just dig deeper into the Klingon Ship COnsrtuction techs, or some of the other Klingon racial tech trees? Thanks for a great mod! Alarik |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I am playing the Klingons now, the Klingons are not very smart when it comes to technology so they are a bit behind, but what they lack for smarts, their weapons and ships make up for. Klingons have cloaking tech as well. You have to do a lot of researching to benefit the Klingons.
I am working on making the klingons and all other races, a bit more equal in all regards to avoid balance issues like this. And thanks for the nice words Alarik. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Well, I probably should do a "full tech " drill on the klingons to see what they have at max tech, but I really quite enjoy discovering it as I go. So my comments may not be valid later on.
But in any case, man, the mod is super fantastic excellent. I mean, really. It is the best star trek game I have ever seen. Truly. An amazing job. Thanks. Christmas is coming up - can I get you anything in return? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Quote:
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
My homework http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Drone and Satellite mount are broken: size requirements are too big. Long Name := Drone (Satellite) Mount Vehicle Size Minimum := 800 (huh?) Vehicle Size Maximum := 1000 (huhuh??) ------------ 2.Error in Tholian Radioactives System Extractor I-III: Name := Radioactives System Extractor I Ability 1 Type := Resource Gen Modifier System - Radioactives Ability 1 Descr := Increase radioactives production for a system by 10%. Ability 1 Val 1 := 5 (should be 10) Ability 1 Val 2 := 0 Name := Radioactives System Extractor II Ability 1 Type := Resource Gen Modifier System - Radioactives Ability 1 Descr := Increase radioactives production for a system by 15%. Ability 1 Val 1 := 10 (should be 15) Ability 1 Val 2 := 0 Name := Radioactives System Extractor III Ability 1 Type := Resource Gen Modifier System - Radioactives Ability 1 Descr := Increase radioactives production for a system by 20%. Ability 1 Val 1 := 15 (should be 20) Ability 1 Val 2 := 0 -------------- 3. Error in Tholian Command Complex II: Name := Tholian Command Complex II Ability 1 Type := Fleet Training Ability 1 Descr := Fleets in this sector will improve by 3% each turn up to 5%. Ability 1 Val 1 := 3 Ability 1 Val 2 := 4 (should be 5) ------------ 4. (Complain) Tholian crystalline armor is too damn strong: at lvl 5 it has 70 hp and occupies 10 kt of space. In conjunction with crystalline armor ability, 7 piecies of Tholian CA V are almost unvulnerable, unless you are doing 80 points of damage per shot (consider 10 damage reduction from emissive ability). Armor skipping weapon helps, but nevertheless there is no weapon able to do 80 dmg in the mod (even with Dreadnought mount). Suggestion: reduce damage resistance of Tholian CA to this values: 25/35/40/45/50 (rough numbers). ------------ 5. (Reguest) It's very easy to add unmouted warp core to design by mistake. Make it 10 times bigger (1000 kt) and change WC mounts accordingly. ------------ 6. Error in Romulan Quantum Singularity Drive II-IV (consider that Quantum Singularity Drive V gives 3 bonus movement and bonus movent increases by 1 mp per 2 lvls of warp cores): Name := Quantum Singularity Drive II Ability 1 Type := Extra Movement Generation Ability 1 Descr := Generates 2 bonus movement points. (Requires 2 Warp Nacelles to move) (I guess it should be "Generates 1 bonus movement points"?) Ability 1 Val 1 := 2 (should be 1?) Ability 1 Val 2 := 0 Name := Quantum Singularity Drive III Ability 1 Type := Extra Movement Generation Ability 1 Descr := Generates 4 bonus movement points. (Requires 2 Warp Nacelles to move) (should be "Generates 2 bonus movement points"?) Ability 1 Val 1 := 4 (should be 2?) Ability 1 Val 2 := 0 Name := Quantum Singularity Drive IV Ability 1 Type := Extra Movement Generation Ability 1 Descr := Generates 5 bonus movement points. (Requires 2 Warp Nacelles to move) (should be "Generates 2 bonus movement points"?) Ability 1 Val 1 := 5 (should be 2?) Ability 1 Val 2 := 0 -------------- 7. Error in Dominion Varethiel Armor I: Name := Varethiel Armor I (should be "Dominion Varethiel Armor I") -------------- 8. Error in 8472 Bioelectric Field IX: Name := 8472 Bioelectric Field IX (should be "Bioelectric Field IX") -------------- 9. Error Name := Borg Shield Regenerator I (should be Borg Regenerative Shields I or else Borg Regenerative Shields II-V should be Borg Shield Regenerator II-V) -------------- 10. Incomplete description on Hanger Bay I-III: Name := Hanger Bay I Ability 1 Type := Launch/Recover Fighters Ability 1 Descr := Can launch and recover Shuttles from space. (add "2 Shuttles can be launched per combat turn and 4 Shuttles can be launched per game turn." here) Ability 1 Val 1 := 2 Ability 1 Val 2 := 4 ------------- 11. Spelling error in Borg monster's Drone Launcher Name := Drone Launcer (should be "Launcher") ------------ 12. Error in 8472 Biokinetic Ray I Name := Biokinetic Ray I (should be "8472 Biokinetic Ray I") ------------ 13. You have to add Component Destroyed On Use ability to Ionic Concussion BLaster, else player is able to create enourmous amount of storms per turn (it was fixed in 1.91) ------------ 14. Error in Pirates I-III: Name := Pirates I Ability 1 Type := Boarding Attack Ability 1 Descr := Provides 100 mercenaries for Boarding (25 boarding attack points). (should be "Provides 140 mercenaries for Boarding (35 boarding attack points)") Ability 1 Val 1 := 35 Ability 1 Val 2 := 0 Ability 2 Type := Boarding Defense Ability 2 Descr := Provides 100 mercenaries for defending (25 boarding defense points). (should be "Provides 140 mercenaries for defending (35 boarding defense points).") Ability 2 Val 1 := 35 Ability 2 Val 2 := 0 Name := Pirates II Ability 1 Type := Boarding Attack Ability 1 Descr := Provides 140 mercenaries for Boarding (45 boarding attack points). (should be "Provides 180 mercenaries for Boarding (45 boarding attack points)") Ability 1 Val 1 := 45 Ability 1 Val 2 := 0 Ability 2 Type := Boarding Defense Ability 2 Descr := Provides 140 mercenaries for defending (35 boarding defense points). (should be "Provides 180 mercenaries for defending (45 boarding defense points).") Ability 2 Val 1 := 45 Ability 2 Val 2 := 0 Name := Pirates III Ability 1 Type := Boarding Attack Ability 1 Descr := Provides 160 mercenaries for Boarding (45 boarding attack points). (should be "Provides 220 mercenaries for Boarding (55 boarding attack points)") Ability 1 Val 1 := 55 Ability 1 Val 2 := 0 Ability 2 Type := Boarding Defense Ability 2 Descr := Provides 180 mercenaries for defending (45 boarding defense points). (should be "Provides 220 mercenaries for defending (55 boarding defense points).") Ability 2 Val 1 := 55 Ability 2 Val 2 := 0 Weapon Type := None ------------- |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Nice designs, but a tad bit too purple for Dominion ships. What are these, Centauri? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thanks Aiken. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Most helpful.
The error in the PIRATES I - III is the description of the abilities right? Could you please provide correct amounts for the description if you would. Thanks. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I kinda did it. Look for text in brackets, ie: (should be "and_goes_fixed_description"). It contains a right description for given values.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Nice Dominion ships ! A small questin though, the right image is supposed to be a starbase, right ? Where did you get the design from, i dont remember noticing a dominion base in tv.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Atrocities, the previous batch of dominion ships seemed to have more detail (i.e. "raised panel" effects) on their hulls or am I just imagining this? If not, then I'd suggest adding a bit of that detail to the textures.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Ragnarok X, to answer your question, creative license.
Kwok, they are the same designs, just no reflections. The images are all one texture with three colors total for the whole design. This way if I ever can export them for use with SE V, the task will be much easier. And when they are at 128x128 size, they all look alike. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I like to think I know this game pretty well, so forgive me if I'm wrong. I started 2 different games (1 with 1.79 as the Feds and 1 with 1.80 as the Dominion) with med. tech and 5k racial. I chose random opponents in the first game and setup specific races in the second. In both cases, I designed a colony ship with 2 Impulse engines, 2 nacelles, 1 warp core, and 4 boussards (sp?). My design window shows 2 MP, but when it gets built, there are 0 MP. I started a Max Tech game as the STNG Feds and had various other racial technology (Tholian, Borg, Cardsassian), is this intentional? I have an initial savegame if you would like to see it. Email or PM. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
could you send me your latest sav game file. And try this, for colony ships, add two more warp nacelles. That should fix the issue. Colony ships should have four warp nacelles. I will add a description text to that effect in the game to avoid problems like this.
Thanks Gandalph |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Aiken, that is one hell of an impressive list you have there. Thank you very very much. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Man I shudder to think what this mod would be like without such detailed help from you and all of the beta testers. Thank you Aiken, and thank you all for all the help.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The first BSYs built are meant to have those storm-type sector cloaks. I am not sure, but I think that they would not benefit from a space yard, as it would eat up the space needed for the storm cloak... Rollo did know what he was doing when he made the space monsters, you know. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thanks Fyron.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Some of the new Species 8472 Ships. Sorry guys, all my files for 8472 are gone and I had to start from scratch.
http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/8472a1.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/8472b.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/8472c.PNG http://www.astmod.com/startrek/stmimages/8472d.PNG |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I liked the old 8472, but I must say, these are even better! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thanks Fyron. I have had to re-do the entire set. I am almost done. I just need to make fighters, transports, weapon platforms, troops, mine, and satellite images.
The set will be Neo-Standard for a none mod ship set as well. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I concur with Fyron. Those are some nicely design bioships AT. Much better than the previous ones! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I would be honored. I may include two or three extra ships with this set. Some of this ships I like, others just don't do it for me.
What do you think an organic races carriers would look like? Well Trust me, I am sure they won't look like the ones I made. I simply don't like them but have little choice unless I can over come this creative block I have hit. I was hoping working on ship designs would help me forget about my cat, but really all its doing is seeming like pointless dren. Sorry Fyron, I still have your machine ships to work on, I just haven't had the motivation to be creative in the Last week or so. I will get to them, and they will look cool when I am done so don't loose hope. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
What if the Klingons stole or were sold a bio-genetic weapon or material that when applied to a living being, say a Klingon operative, would by its design, mutate the operatives genes to make him look human. Now say that the person, who sold this biogenetic material, or the Klingons by accident, had altered it so that it became a cotangent. IE it would spread throughout the population base of the species that used it, mutating so that it only affected that species.
Lets just say for the sake of argument the Klingons bought this bio-genetic tool, altered it slightly for use with its covert operations, and whole by mistake, created a plague that altered the genetic structure of their race in such a way that they all became human looking. An accident that epic could be used to explain why the Klingons in Enterprise era look like the Klingons in TNG while the Klingons in theTOS era look human. One could say that they acquired the biogenetic material during the Enterprise era and an accident occured thus mutating them all to look like humans, however by the time the events of TMP occured the Klingons were able to reverse the effects of the mutagen and regain their original apperance. This would also explain why the Klingons of DS9 era consider the subject of the Klingons of TOS era to be something they do not discuss. Just a thought. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
There's even a name for it, too. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Z-pe'zial E've'cts Bu'jet. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Woah, the 8472 set is AMAZING !. Very good work. Now for the borg...
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
1 out of 1 Narf's said 'Ooooo' upon seeing the 8472 ship set.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
8472 was always my #1 set. Now they are #0 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
hmm, back to mod: Neutral happiness type is cheating! Look yourself: <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Max Positive Anger Change := 200 Max Negative Anger Change := -200 Homeworld Lost := 20 Any Planet Lost := 0 Any Planet Colonized := 0 Any Our Planet Captured := 0 Any Enemy Planet Captured := 0 Any Ship Lost := 0 Any Ship Constructed := 0 New Treaty War := 25 New Treaty Non Intercourse := 2 New Treaty None := 1 New Treaty Non Aggression := -5 New Treaty Subjugated (Sub) := 0 New Treaty Protectorate (Sub) := 0 New Treaty Subjugated (Dom) := 0 New Treaty Protectorate (Dom) := 0 New Treaty Trade := -10 New Treaty Trade and Research := -20 New Treaty Military Alliance := -30 New Treaty Partnership := -40 Battle in System - Win := 0 Battle in System - Loss := 0 Battle in System - Stalemate := 0 Battle in Sector - Win := 0 Battle in Sector - Loss := 0 Battle in Sector - Stalemate := 0 Enemy Ship in System := 0 Enemy Ship in Sector := 0 Our Ship in Sector := -1 Our Ship in System := -1 Enemy Troops on Planet := 10 Our Troops on Planet := -2 1M Population Killed := 1 Ship Lost in System := 0 Ship Constructed := -1 Facility Constructed := -1 Planet Plagued := 20 Natural Decrease := -50 Natural Decrease for Other Races := 20 </pre><hr /> So they don't react on planet and ship losses, unlucky battles and enemy ships hanging over their heads. But they have huge natural decrease and nice happiness boost from positive treaties. Neutrals are riot safe. Neutrals are Emotionless (which trait costs 1700 rp, btw). Neutrals are cheaters! |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thank you Aiken. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif You will be the first to get the 8472 set once its done.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I started a solo game of 1.80 at mid-tech as the Romulans. Here are some early observations:
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thank you Captain Kwok. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The new propulsion system has made the current supply model a little iffy, but it can easily fixed up. You'd probably want ships starting at about 1000 total supplies from the Warp Core and moving towards 3000 at max tech. You'll want nacelles to use about 100 supplies combined per turn (50 each), that'd give ships a range of about 1 year to start without additional sources of supply (i.e. anti-matter pods, impulse engines). By max tech, ships could cruise for about 3 years without refueling contending that their journey is uneventful.
What I'd recommend is that you limit Bussard Ramscoops to 2 per ship and make them capable of resupplying at max tech about 50-60% of ship's propulsion needs. Make weapons take up a larger chunk of supplies when used so active combat ships will need to be re-supplied more often. Is it me or do nacelles not require mounts to downsize them for smaller ships??? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif |
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