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BigJMoney October 8th, 2006 01:12 AM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Fish.gif[/img][b] Not really a bug, but there is some old, DomII info lying around. The spell Sermon of Courage has an outdated and untrue description.


Daynarr October 8th, 2006 02:24 AM

Re: Bug thread

FrankTrollman said:
Custom Maps do not display properly.

I made a Hyborian Age map with 108 provinces and a .tga file that is 20 mb in size. This displays beautifully in Dominions 2, but when moved to Dominions 3 it shows all the provinces as points on a blank background.

It appears equally invisible in the map editor and the game itself. But the same .tga loads up fine in Dominions 2 both in the map editor and the game.


Can you attach that map here so we can see why it doesn't work?

Taqwus October 8th, 2006 03:16 AM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> Maybe bug, maybe WAD: National heroes' holy magic have not all been reduced by the same -1 applied to regular priests. Ex: Alcastor is still a level 4 priest for LA Ermor. </font>

FrankTrollman October 8th, 2006 03:23 AM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)

Daynarr said:

FrankTrollman said:
Custom Maps do not display properly.

I made a Hyborian Age map with 108 provinces and a .tga file that is 20 mb in size. This displays beautifully in Dominions 2, but when moved to Dominions 3 it shows all the provinces as points on a blank background.

It appears equally invisible in the map editor and the game itself. But the same .tga loads up fine in Dominions 2 both in the map editor and the game.


Can you attach that map here so we can see why it doesn't work?

I've been puttering around with it quite a bit. And it shows the same problem on a lot of maps that Dominions 2 eats up just fine. Here's the old favorite "Kingdoms of Karan" which is flat not displayed by the map editor or the game itself. I'm putting it up because the graphics file is a lot smaller than the Hyboria one and it seems kinder to do it this way.


PhilD October 8th, 2006 04:30 AM

Re: Bug thread

BigJMoney said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Resources hold-over not functioning properly.

Example: If a province is producing 100 resources and I queue up units worth 105 resource points, to show -5 resource remaining, the next turn, I should have 95 resources remaining. Let's say the last unit in the queue costs 10 resources. The next turn, that unit will be queued up, and I will only have 90 resources available, as if none of the previous turn's excess resources were put to use.

=$= Big J Money =$=

The display doesn't change to tell you that you have already "paid" 5 Resource to that first unit, but I believe the count is right, and in the situation you describe, if you queue an additional 95 resources worth of units, they will all be produced on that turn. At least, that was true in Dom2.

Resok October 8th, 2006 04:47 AM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Early Age Abysia's attempt to construct 'Cave Castle' in certain map squares but instead builds 'Simple Hillfort' even after paying the added cost.

Example: The provinces Muspel (441) and Silver Fangs (460) in the Glory of the Gods map appear to be valid places I can build a 'Cave Castle'. The tooltips indicate that a Cave Castle costs 1400 gold, 30 admin, 600 defense, 150 supplies and 6 monthes to build. I pay the 1400 gold, wait the 6 monthes and am rewarded with a 'Simple Hillfort' - 800 cost, 5 admin, 150 defense, 100 supply, 3 time to build.

In no province have I gotten 'Simple Hillfort' as an option for building. Again this is Early Age Abysia (Children of Flame) on the map Glory of the Gods. Hope this can be resolved as this is a considerable irritation to try to build one thing paying the full cost, and end up with something vastly inferior. If it matters at all, my Prophet (a Warlord) built the fort and I was attacked several times while building it (though never losing any commanders).


Endoperez October 8th, 2006 05:01 AM

Re: Bug thread

Resok said:[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Early Age Abysia's attempt to construct 'Cave Castle' in certain map squares but instead builds 'Simple Hillfort' even after paying the added cost.

Example: The provinces Muspel (441) and Silver Fangs (460) in the Glory of the Gods map appear to be valid places I can build a 'Cave Castle'. The tooltips indicate that a Cave Castle costs 1400 gold, 30 admin, 600 defense, 150 supplies and 6 monthes to build. I pay the 1400 gold, wait the 6 monthes and am rewarded with a 'Simple Hillfort' - 800 cost, 5 admin, 150 defense, 100 supply, 3 time to build.

Both terrains seem to be mountains.

Daynarr October 8th, 2006 05:23 AM

Re: Bug thread

FrankTrollman said:
I've been puttering around with it quite a bit. And it shows the same problem on a lot of maps that Dominions 2 eats up just fine. Here's the old favorite "Kingdoms of Karan" which is flat not displayed by the map editor or the game itself. I'm putting it up because the graphics file is a lot smaller than the Hyboria one and it seems kinder to do it this way.


Ok, first of I used Gimp as it's free. When gimp tries to load Karan.tga you see this:


As you can see, Gimp has problems with this file too.
After messing a bit with it I went to change its color levels. Why? The file is 32bit and recommended is 24bit. That means no alpha channels. This file has alpha channels, so I went to check them out.


Then I reversed output levels for alpha channels ...


As you can see in the background of the picture, map normalized. When I saved it loaded normally in Dom3.

Important thing to remember is; when choosing colors chose 24 bit instead of 32 bit. Difference is in alpha channels and that is exactly what was causing problems.

I assume that is the problem with your map as well.

Resok October 8th, 2006 05:58 AM

Re: Bug thread

Endoperez said:
Both terrains seem to be mountains.

That's correct. I'd like to add that there is a new mountain type also: Border Mountains (low income, excellent resources) as opposed to Mountains (low income, excellent resources, hinders movement). Border mountain forts are 'Fortification', which build correctly. However 'Mountain' forts indicate they'll be built as Cave Castles but are instead built as 'Simple Hillfort's while still costing 1400 gold.


Arralen October 8th, 2006 09:57 AM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)

Daynarr said:
As you can see, Gimp has problems with this file too.
After messing a bit with it I went to change its color levels. Why? The file is 32bit and recommended is 24bit. That means no alpha channels. This file has alpha channels, so I went to check them out.

Best thing 'bout this is - Dom3 actually supports alpha channel - in contrast to Dom2, which simply ignores it. Look here - this is the Karan map loaded into the Dom3 map editor:


But the karan.tga has the alpha-channel set to "0", as you can see from the Gimp screenshot .. "alpha 0" means 0% color coverage .. nothing to be seen, other than the background shining through and the province flags etc.

Set alpha to 100% or use 24-bit colors, as Daynarr said.

Caduceus October 8th, 2006 01:16 PM

Re: Bug thread
Play an existing game &gt; Choose game &gt; should be Continue (from) where I left

MTCason October 8th, 2006 02:42 PM

Pretender Mod Bug
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] In trying to play a game with a mod loaded, I get a crash to desktop whenever I try to proceed past the first turn, along with the message, 'No Holiness'

I'm trying to use a mod I've created for a new Pretender. Yes, I know it's overpowered, but I can't see anything that would cause the game to crash:


#modname "Tien Ch'i Supreme Ancestor"
#version 1.00
#domversion 3.00

#newmonster 2975
#copyspr 905
#copystats 905
#name "The Supreme Ancestor"
#description "Architect of the Empire many centuries ago, the Supreme Ancestor, first Emperor and august personage from which all subsequent Emperors have derived their ancestry, is chief amongst the pantheon of Tien Ch'i gods and worshipped spirits. Returned in an age of chaos and disorder for his people, the re-appearance of their god and progenitor has revitalised the stagnant and complacent Empire."
#gcost 1
#mor 99
#nametype 121
#magicskill 0 10
#magicskill 1 10
#magicskill 2 10
#magicskill 3 10
#magicskill 4 10
#magicskill 5 10
#magicskill 6 10
#magicskill 7 10
#magicskill 8 10
#startage 0
#startdom 4
#pathcost 10

Twan October 8th, 2006 02:55 PM

Re: Pretender Mod Bug
MTCason : perhaps it's because Holy got 5 levels and not 10. Have you tested with #magicskill 0 5 ?

MTCason October 8th, 2006 03:07 PM

Re: Pretender Mod Bug

Twan said:
MTCason : perhaps it's because Holy got 5 levels and not 10. Have you tested with #magicskill 0 5 ?

Yes, I've tried that, and it has no effect. I've tried #magicskill 8 0 (as 8 corresponds to priest level), but no dice. It still crashes with that 'No Holiness' message.

Wick October 8th, 2006 03:54 PM

Re: Pretender Mod Bug
Is cheat protection on? I bet a pretender priest would trigger it.

Daynarr October 8th, 2006 03:55 PM

Re: Pretender Mod Bug
I don't think that pretenders should have any priest skills. Get rid of holy levels and it may work.

Wick October 8th, 2006 03:58 PM

Re: Pretender Mod Bug
<font color="green"> Sauromatia early age heroine named Klytaimnestra. In description, the Heroine's name is actually Kirke.</font>

Also, it appears that Ancestor Spirits cannot be blessed, at least by a Warrior Priestess.
Maybe they need unholy? ;-)

Hadrian_II October 8th, 2006 03:59 PM

Re: Bug thread
Switching from Window to Fullscreen mode causes Trouble

Im playing Dom3 on Ubuntu 6.06 and when i switch back from Windowed mode to Fullscreen, then the game gets very sluggish (about 1 Frame per 10 seconds, happens not always but most the time). When i switch back to the windowed Mode it runs fine again.

Blofeld October 8th, 2006 04:13 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Polypal spawn's tentacle attacks are useless
In demo version, during long underwater engagement with R'lyeh, their 60 Polypal spawns failed to do _any_ damage to my troops. They were fighting unarmoured tritons for several turns, so -some- damage should have gotten through. Perhaps the fact that they have strength 5 and tentacle damage is -5 AP has something to do with the bug?

Nerfix October 8th, 2006 04:27 PM

Re: Bug thread
Yeah, that must be it. They essentially do 0 damage.

RoyalOak October 8th, 2006 04:39 PM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green">Shinuyama can recruit Kappa's for 0 gold in underwater fortress
Functiuns at least everytime in Kelp Fortress. Not tested yet on another underwater fort. </font>

Buffered October 8th, 2006 05:24 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Soulstone of the Wolves does not appear to summon any wolves in combat. - At least, it isn't working like it used to in Dom 2.
<font color="blue"> It casts howl once in battle. Summons 10 wolves or so. From the edges of the battlefield. Works for me. </font>

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Graphics corruption after switching back to game after alt-tabbing out

I have an LCD and a CRT hooked up to an ATI Radeon X600, with the CRT designated as the primary monitor (which means it's on the secondary device). Both run at 1600x1200x32 which the game runs at as well.

edit: after switching out of the game, I have to click on the task bar icon once, wait a while and click it again to have the game come back.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] When attempting to view a battle, game sometimes crashes with "out of memory" before the zoom-in effect on the world map shows up

This is with the Glory of the Gods map, and seemed to be consistently reproducible if it happens. It hasn't happened for several turns now, though. When it happens, if I look at the Task Manager entry for dom3.exe, the VM size jumps to around 1.5 GB of usage before the game quits. I've also had it jump around that high and play back the battle normally. The extra memory usage immediately drops down once the battle replay starts, though.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Summoned Limne, who is now in 5th place in Hall of Fame, but has received no hero ability. - does it have to be a recruited unit now?
<font color="blue"> Uniques don't get heroic abilities anymore. They are heroic and well known anyway. </font>

Taqwus October 8th, 2006 05:31 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Mind-blasters should not target immune targets when no other targets remain, because more may be summoned (rarely -- ex. mindless commander with a summoning item, it's possible if a bit contrived) and they should save their ammo.

Archonsod October 8th, 2006 07:06 PM

Re: Bug thread

Buffered said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Graphics corruption after switching back to game after alt-tabbing out

I see similar things, in addition, sometimes Alt + Tab doesn't work and I need to use the Windows key.

JaydedOne October 8th, 2006 08:37 PM

Re: Bug thread
Magic site: The Wasted Sea does not grant summonable units. EDIT: NOT A BUG.

The Wasted Sea says that a death mage may enter to summon a Soulless of Atlantis. I've sat an aboleth with death magic there for three turns summoning and nothing comes out.

EDIT: Heh. Boy, those Soulless of Atlantis sure look like lobos.

(hides head)

JaydedOne October 8th, 2006 09:32 PM

Re: Bug thread

Blofeld said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Polypal spawn's tentacle attacks are useless
In demo version, during long underwater engagement with R'lyeh, their 60 Polypal spawns failed to do _any_ damage to my troops. They were fighting unarmoured tritons for several turns, so -some- damage should have gotten through. Perhaps the fact that they have strength 5 and tentacle damage is -5 AP has something to do with the bug?

I wonder if this is a "Working as Intended"... I use my spawn (which are easily acquired and have the highest protection of any unit for R'lyeh EA) as fodder to soak up attacks from tritons while my blasters fire away and enslave. If they did damage, they might be overpowered, given how easy they are to produce. And they -can- do damage if you strength-boost with spells.

Ballbarian October 8th, 2006 10:20 PM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Problem with Armor of Virtue? In my current game I had 2 commander's with misc magic items. They started near each other on the battle map. For what it is worth, both commanders were trained in the same turn.

Commander 1 had Armor of Virtue (returns commander home if struck in combat). Commander 2 ended up with ritual of returning instead!


BTW: I love the headless hoburg. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

thekossack October 9th, 2006 04:04 AM

Re: Bug thread
1. R'lyeh: During battles in the Void Gate, starspawn scripted to cast Returning never do, instead attempt to fight. The manual advises them to cast the spell to escape (pg. 130).

2. Gateway spell leaves soldiers behind, thus acting like a teleport.

3. Gate Stone, which allows Astral Travel, is broken. Commanders attempting to use it do nothing.

Jarkko October 9th, 2006 04:25 AM

Re: Bug thread

Jarkko said:

PheasantPlucker said:
Minor typo - Can the word 'prophet' as shown on the info screen below be changed to 'Prophet'.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Shift key does not work always (Windows)
For example when renaming characters (You get 'prophet' instead of 'Prophet') or when selecting a commander to give a shortcut command that needs shift (selecting a mage and I want to give research command (shift R) -&gt; recruit screen opens).

Humm... Oddly enough I now *can* give orders with shift pressed, but still can't rename people to have capital letter first. Must be some freak set of conditions that cause that shift problem? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

Blofeld October 9th, 2006 08:25 AM

Re: Bug thread

JaydedOne said:

Blofeld said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Polypal spawn's tentacle attacks are useless
In demo version, during long underwater engagement with R'lyeh, their 60 Polypal spawns failed to do _any_ damage to my troops. They were fighting unarmoured tritons for several turns, so -some- damage should have gotten through. Perhaps the fact that they have strength 5 and tentacle damage is -5 AP has something to do with the bug?

I wonder if this is a "Working as Intended"... I use my spawn (which are easily acquired and have the highest protection of any unit for R'lyeh EA) as fodder to soak up attacks from tritons while my blasters fire away and enslave. If they did damage, they might be overpowered, given how easy they are to produce. And they -can- do damage if you strength-boost with spells.

Dunno. According to game mechanics, they should inflict (5(str) - 5(tentacle damage) + 2d6+) damage against (0 (triton prot) + 2d6+). That is, half of the hits against unarmored opponents should cause damage (barring repel).

A words from devs would be welcome, claryfing whether 0 effective attack strength units are supposed to inflict damage.

Ygorl October 9th, 2006 10:57 AM

Re: Bug thread
Blood Rite description still says vampires are almost impossible to hit without magic weapons.

In the Cradle of Dominion map, provinces 120 and 167 should be tagged as water provinces

Tichy October 9th, 2006 11:27 AM

Re: Bug thread
If you hire away a mercenary by outbidding a nation they're working for, sometimes they show up with a build order. (i.e. they're building a fortification before you tell them to do anything)

I assume this has something to do with not clearing the orders they have from their previous employer?

I've seen it twice, only forts, not lab or temple orders.

B0rsuk October 9th, 2006 11:49 AM

Re: Bug thread
Morskie Oko - the name is used for sea province.
It's common knowledge in Poland that Morskie Oko (Sea's Eye) is in mountains. The very name alludes to the fact that the lake suppedly (according to legend) has connection with sea.

Jelenia Góra is used as water province
This is very annoying for anyone knowing polish language, because:
1) Góra means mountain.(noun)
2) Jelenia means Deer. (adjective)

Bladess October 9th, 2006 12:30 PM

Re: Bug thread
1) Scout 6 provences from my capital watchs a foe attack an independent defender. The next turn the scout has teleported to the provence adjacent to my capital (Demo game)

2) I am guarding my commanders with 5 troops in one squad with guard orders. Several times (but not every time) after loading a saved game, the 5 troops are in different squads and only one has the guard order. (minor)

3) I have been building temples in all my secure provences. After about 40 turns, I noticed that 2 provences near my capital no longer have temples. Thinking they may have been destroyed by enemy action somehow, I move a priest in and for 3 turns I spend money and buuld temples and it never appears the next turn.

4) I build a fort, for about 15 turns it works fine. Then I cannot build troops there anymore. I have money, the fort has resources. I schedule the troops, but then the next turn the troops are still schedules but not built.
I tried overbuilding, underbuilding, only building one troop ect. No luck. (4 other forts work fine in the same game) The problem started after i captured a foes nearby capital??

5) One crash to desktop while processing a turn. Reloading the game and the same turn worked fine.

3) and 4) are in the same game, could it be some kind of saved game corruption? (Map Aran) Can send savedgame if needed.

Agrajag October 9th, 2006 12:41 PM

Re: Bug thread

Bladess said:
4) I build a fort, for about 15 turns it works fine. Then I cannot build troops there anymore. I have money, the fort has resources. I schedule the troops, but then the next turn the troops are still schedules but not built.
I tried overbuilding, underbuilding, only building one troop ect. No luck. (4 other forts work fine in the same game) The problem started after i captured a foes nearby capital??

Was unrest over 100 in that province?

Hadrian_II October 9th, 2006 02:32 PM

Re: Bug thread
missing refresh

When i get the research completed message and then click on show research, after that click on a school and scroll down the list (bug happens only if i scroll down) then go back to the messages window it is not refreshed (just empty, but the scroll bar is where it was in the research menu).

Nerfix October 9th, 2006 02:35 PM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] A costal mountain province had the Triton poptype in a random map. Savegame avaitable.

I noticed I could recruit Tritons in one mountain province In conquered from Mictlan! </font>

I think this was fixed prerelease, but didn't make it into the release version. If problem appears after the first patch report again.

Bladess October 9th, 2006 03:12 PM

Re: Bug thread
Was unrest over 100 in that province?

Yep 217 unrest, solved that problem, thanks

StellarRat October 9th, 2006 04:37 PM

Re: Bug thread
If you generate a new map for a multiplayer game and you give the game the same name as a previously created game the map doesn't get re-sent to the client's PC. The client will use the map that is in their maps folder for OLD game with the same name. The server side player, however, will be running the new map. Obviously, this causes problems since the players are seeing different maps for the same game. The only way to fix this is to have the clients delete the save game folder for the game and delete old map from the maps folder (or create all new games with unique names.)

One other small problem with multiplayer: When my friends firewall was not set up correctly, we got a message saying "Bad neighbor" and some Swedish stuff when we tried to play the first turn. I think this should say "Cannot communicate with client" or something more meaningful.

Other than this bug I have played three games online without any problems. The multiplayer system seems to work well. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Darkrhyno18 October 9th, 2006 05:54 PM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green">Playing EA Bandar Log when a Guru commander dies it says something along the lines of "[name] has come aas close to his god as possible..."

The "aas" should be "as"

very minor bug. </font>

B0rsuk October 9th, 2006 06:16 PM

Re: Bug thread

Seems like my friend found a truly ugly bug.
Note research values on these guys. This is from windows version, of course. I can ask my friend for savegames, if necessary. <font color="blue"> Not a bug - see answer below </font>

thejeff October 9th, 2006 06:33 PM

Re: Bug thread
"The Sorceress is a female mage specializing in Astral and Air magic."
But the paths are 1F1E1S 20%(WSDN)
No Air in sight.

thejeff October 9th, 2006 06:37 PM

Re: Bug thread
Immortality bug
The AI had an immortal Lich pretender. I had seiged his capital and killed the Lich. He returned and attacked the sieging army several times, properly. When I stormed the castle, I had already killed him that turn in a fight outside, but he appeared inside to fight again.

I didn't think to save the game, unfortunately.

RamsHead October 9th, 2006 06:42 PM

Re: Bug thread

B0rsuk said:

Seems like my friend found a truly ugly bug.
Note research values on these guys. This is from windows version, of course. I can ask my friend for savegames, if necessary.

That's not a bug. If you go with a productive scale with EA Arco the philosophers are not as effective, which forces you to choose between fast research or larger armies.

RamsHead October 9th, 2006 06:51 PM

Re: Bug thread
I used a mod to check out all the units in the game and noticed several things:
<font color="green"> [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]watchers have Darkvision (1), should probably be 100</font>
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]one of the Ice Devils has a description that says he is a death mage, but he is currently a level 3 water mage and a level 3 priest<font color="blue"> As he is a deomon and priest he is able to reanimate the dead </font>
<font color="green"> [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]the hero for LA Atlantis who rides a tupilak or whatever that thing is called is currently only size 2
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]the hog knight has a foot slot </font>

Corwin October 10th, 2006 12:23 AM

Re: Bug thread

Agrajag said:

Cainehill said:
Also in the shortcuts list : No mention of the Tab key which also doesn't conceal researchers on the map.

Apparently (from the demo) the tab key is used to toggle province names (that is, hold it to keep province names visible when filtering them out), so I don't think that's technically a bug.
However, I really miss the way the tab key worked, it was really useful.

Yes, TAB hiding reseachers is much more useful than toggling province names, which are almost always turned off, since they make map unreadable due to obscuring all other information, which Dom3 now displays on the map.

Can we have our old TAB back? Or some other shortcut, which hides (or dims out) reseachers.

Corwin October 10th, 2006 01:31 AM

Re: Bug thread

Cainehill said:
Equipping magic weapons on commanders with 4 arms is very buggy : for example, the Destroyer of Worlds has 4 hand slots, starts with 4 weapons (2 melee, 2 ranged). Equipping a Thorn Spear costs _all_ 4 slots, while adding an Enchanted Shield gives back the Plague Bow and Lightning ranged attacks.

Actually part of it is not a bug, but rather a feature. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif The 4 hands pretender would lose all its default weapons in Dom2 as well. Since it was never changed in any of the patches, one can assumed that it is working as intended.

The rest of your observation indeed sounds like it's buggy.

Ygorl October 10th, 2006 01:46 AM

Re: Bug thread
The small version of Glory to the Gods should have provinces 71 and 85 connected (adjacent ocean provinces).

Corwin October 10th, 2006 02:30 AM

Re: Bug thread

Taqwus said:
Magic Duel: If the spell behavior has changed to be less lethal except in heavy gap in astral magic, the description does not reflect this.

O.T. So what is the new behavior? I must have missed it.

Corwin October 10th, 2006 02:38 AM

Re: Bug thread

BigJMoney said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Resources hold-over not functioning properly.

Example: If a province is producing 100 resources and I queue up units worth 105 resource points, to show -5 resource remaining, the next turn, I should have 95 resources remaining. Let's say the last unit in the queue costs 10 resources. The next turn, that unit will be queued up, and I will only have 90 resources available, as if none of the previous turn's excess resources were put to use.

=$= Big J Money =$=

Yeah, it's been always bugging me in Dom2, and it was never fixed for some reason.

Resources *are* actually being carrying over from previous turn, but there is no way (other than to just remember it from the previous turn), to know how many resources were already spent on the last unit that partly completed in the previous turn.

I hope Illwinter will finally fix it with the patch, currently if you want to get max out of some important province with resource-heavy units, you may have to do notes on how much resources were really spent last turn on the last unit in query, which doesn't make any sense. (and which I don't do of course, sometimes there is plenty of MM without this thing &gt;;( ).

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