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-   -   Wishlist: The Modder's Wishlist (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=30597)

Singularity24601 December 13th, 2006 04:49 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I suggest changing Pretender modding to be consistent with the rest of nation modding:

#selectnation 0
#addpretender 1
#addpretender 2
#addpretender 3
etc etc

UninspiredName December 17th, 2006 04:30 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
This one wouldn't be too hard to implement, and would open up monster modding incredibly.

#spelleffect <timing> "<spellname>"

Timing would determine when the spell effect would be triggered. 0 for at the start of a battle, 1 for every turn, 2 for every time an enemy is hit, 3 for every time an enemy is attacked, and 4 for when the unit dies. Spellname is self-explanatory. One could restrict them to a non-existant nation to stop the effects appearing on the spell list. This would let us do anything from shuten-doji, to suicide bombers, to whatever the heck the darkness-shrouded Lanka summons are called.

FrankTrollman December 17th, 2006 05:36 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

UninspiredName December 17th, 2006 06:29 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Weapon effects would be painfully hard to implement from a modder's perspective, when you consider how powerful an earthmeld weapon would be. Their only real use would be to give exclusively to commanders/heroes (Though a charming sword would be cool on an Assassin). If Magic Item modding was improved, though, it would make an awesome addition to that.

UninspiredName December 19th, 2006 12:20 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
This would be a bit different than most of my other suggestions, but it still wouldn't be terribly hard to do. It would be nice if Illwinter made the original unit sprites available for viewing. It would be a great help for copying the 'style' of Illwinter's sprites, and would very much come in handy for those that would, say, want to give Caelum's army different weapons.

I admit to being personally biased here as my entire modding style revolves around modifying the existing sprites, and it's likely not as good in the work/reward department as other ideas, but it's something to consider nonetheless. Sorry for the double-post.

HoneyBadger December 19th, 2006 12:31 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
You know, Uninspired, that's a great idea. I want to redo Niefel's units a bit, offer the giants maces, scythes, and flails, since they'd generally be more effective and less expensive for giant humanoids to use against small opponents than axes and swords, for instance.

UninspiredName December 19th, 2006 02:16 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Ooh! Another one!

This is pretty basic, but it would be nice to have a preset 'entire battlefield' number for AoE commands, (Most notably spell modding) like how Morale 50 equals mindless.

UninspiredName December 19th, 2006 08:25 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
We could also really use the ability to un-restrict spells.

DrPraetorious December 19th, 2006 08:52 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Don't the restrictions disappear if you copy the spell?

Anyway, I'd like the ability to unrestrict pretenders, but that's just a book-keeping headache it isn't something you can't do already.

HoneyBadger December 26th, 2006 10:34 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I'm thinking it would be really nice if we could assign sizes to weapons-for instance a Jotun axe being a certain size. The reason for this is that you could make certain weapons two-handed for certain sized units, while for other units they'd be one-handed. I wouldn't want to do this for every weapon out there, but it might be nice for some magical weapons requiring a certain minimum or maximum size of wielder-hammer of the mountains or gate cleaver needing atleast size 2 or even 3 for instance.

Johan K January 6th, 2007 07:10 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

UninspiredName said:
Ooh! Another one!

This is pretty basic, but it would be nice to have a preset 'entire battlefield' number for AoE commands, (Most notably spell modding) like how Morale 50 equals mindless.

Use the magic numbers 666 to affect the entire battlefield or 665 to affect 25% of the battlefield squares.

DrPraetorious January 7th, 2007 02:06 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Oh, that is neat, thanks Johan.

Two things - when you give linked randoms using the old syntax (i.e.: magicskill 52 2) they show up as 1 ? on the unit profile sumarry, and I don't think the age calculates correctly. I'm not certain of this since I'm not sure how the age calculation is supposed to work.

Could we have linked custom randoms? I know you don't want to give more than 2 arguments to a command, it could be:
#doublecustommagic <bitmask> <chance>
#triplecustommagic <bitmask> <chance>

Or, you could use the first 7 bits in the custom magic bitmask? They don't seem to do anything, but I might be missing something. I assume that's where the actual internal code stores the % chance, but that's just a guess, as values placed in those bits don't seem to affect it.

Also, random magic with "holy" doesn't seem to work. I know I'm probably the only one who'd use it, but I'd like some units that have a % chance to be priests.

Keep on keepin' it real,

NTJedi January 8th, 2007 04:16 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

NTJedi said:
#(type)res needs to go above 100%
Currently units cannot be given more than 100% resistance. Since there are spells which can lower resistances there is a desire for creating units which start with a resistance over 100%.
Otherwise after a few spells no unit can be completely immune unless it's a commander with extra items.

This has been included within the next patch! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Thankyou and Double Thankyou Illwinter!
Also I believe a modding request from Endoperez is also included where a nation can be disabled or moved.

HoneyBadger January 10th, 2007 03:01 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Niiice! Congratulations NTJedi and Endoperez. Now if they'll just get to my requests sometime this year, we can all relax in the hot tub together.

Edi January 30th, 2007 03:01 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I REALLY, REALLY want tobe able to assign armors to monsters by armor number. We're still stuck to actually typing the armor name, which is pretty damned inconvenient for a whole host of reasons. We can mod them by number, why can't we assign them the same way we assign weapons by number?


HoneyBadger February 1st, 2007 05:19 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
For that matter, how about the ability to create our own items? is that happening in the forseeable future?

Sombre February 17th, 2007 02:10 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
How about a file of all the .tga files used internally by the game? Currently it's damn near impossible to get hold of the vanilla unit graphics to alter them. Sorry if this has been asked for before, but it's a biggie.

Amos February 17th, 2007 02:45 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

How about a file of all the .tga files used internally by the game? Currently it's damn near impossible to get hold of the vanilla unit graphics to alter them. Sorry if this has been asked for before, but it's a biggie.

Sombre we have been asking for that one for years, literally.

Endoperez February 18th, 2007 03:59 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Ability to create linked custom randoms.

Proposed change: add a new binary value to the list of magic path mask list. The first mask, for Fire, is 128. If the lower ones are unused, one of them could be used to change the random into +2 levels instead of +1.

An example of use: I'd like to give EA R'lyeh Mind Lords more powerful magic via a linked random, and perhaps change few MA Atlantis descriptions to hint to an enslaved aboleth, instead of a starspawn, in the Coral Towers.
I'd like to make them S3W2 mages with a 100% random that gives them level 2 in one of W, E, S or D. This would make them S5W2, S3W4, S3W2E2 or S3W2D2 mages.
Currently, I can only give them to 100% WESD randoms, which makes them almost identical to MA R'lyeh Starspawn mages (magic-wise).

Edi February 18th, 2007 06:25 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
What about when you need +3 or +4 links? There are linked randoms in the game, Deep Kings and Tartarians have them, but nobody else does. It would be better to change the random assignment by adding a new numerical parameter to indicate how many linked picks there is.

Something like
#custommagic <pathmask><chance><linked>
#custommagic <32640><50><2>
would give a 50% of a 2 linked FAWESDNB random.

Much, much easier to do.


Endoperez February 18th, 2007 06:39 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Edi said:
What about when you need +3 or +4 links? There are linked randoms in the game, Deep Kings and Tartarians have them, but nobody else does. It would be better to change the random assignment by adding a new numerical parameter to indicate how many linked picks there is.

Something like
#custommagic <pathmask><chance><linked>
#custommagic <32640><50><2>
would give a 50% of a 2 linked FAWESDNB random.

Much, much easier to do.

That'd include adding a new parameter to a command. Also, it'd require a third parameter. Three-parameter commands are quite rare. I can't think of any ATM. I think having more options in the mask is easier to do. I don't see any use for +3 or +4 links, but I guess they could be added as masks as well. If values under 128 are free, there's easily enough space for them, and if not, the big numbers will be added together with a calculator any way.

Edi February 19th, 2007 02:59 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Hmm, there is that, and it would also require modifying the existing units with randoms unless the third parameter is something that is actually used but is not available for mod commands.


Endoperez February 19th, 2007 05:47 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Edi said:
Hmm, there is that, and it would also require modifying the existing units with randoms unless the third parameter is something that is actually used but is not available for mod commands.

Either way is fine, any way. We won't be programming it, so both our suggestions are just as (in)significant. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

I actually thought there were no linked custom randoms until I re-checked the Kings of the Deep of MA Atlantis. They didn't have an elemental random after all!

Any way, here's another wish of mine:

Ability to create "events" for spells

The only things I really want to be able to do are ability to cause an "event" message in the province targeted by the spell, and to make the event capable of triggering a spell. Ability to create buildings/money/sites/units/items etc wouldn't be nearly as important as the ability to create messages. An example:

A spell similar to Astral Window (scrying spell) causes an event to appear to the controller of the targeted province. The event is a message, which tells him the province was target of some hostile magic.

DrPraetorious February 26th, 2007 06:26 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Another summa might be nice, I'm worried that I'm repeating prior requests.

I want to be able to give units the following passive powers -
* dominion spread (as Juggernaut)
* prevent bad events (as fortune teller, lady of fortune, and so forth.)
* reduce unrest (as lady of love)

I've been trying to work around these with #copystats and it just isn't working.
Oh, being able to give units the "fly in storms" ability would also be nice (and would partially work around the above.)

DrPraetorious March 4th, 2007 10:05 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Okay, now that I've go spell-modding mostly figured out:

* Spells have a secondary spell-effect field. I'd like to be able to mod that.

* Call of the Winds and Angelic Host somehow know that they are lead by a Great Hawk and an Archangel, respectively. I assume that this data is stored in the respective units - so I'd like a unit mod command something like:
#followerof <unit #> | "<unit name>"

* Hidden in Snow somehow knows to cast three other spells - one of them 0-2 times? However that works, I want to be able to do it too. Are the Unfrozen Mages somehow specified by the Unfrozen Warrior unit?

* It would be nice to be able to create our own lists of uniques for use with effect 10089. This supersedes my earlier, unrealistic request for unit-pools.

Edi March 5th, 2007 04:44 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
The ability for expanded modding of nation characteristics would be great. Currently, if the mod manual is to be used as the guideline, it is possible to clear a nation of all specials but not possible to reinstate things like undead reanimation for priests (Lanka, Ermor MA) and some other things. Or add them to a completely new nation.

I suppose an #undeadnation command, similar to the #uwnation and #bloodnation commands would do that (info for board members: the undeadnation characteristic exists and is responsible for the weird undead leadership values on Lanka units).

Being able to assign armor to units by armor number (like weapons can be assigned by weapon number) is another favorite, because it would help modding considerably.


Amos March 5th, 2007 07:16 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I think you can reanimate undead with a regular nation if your priest is demonic or undead himself.

Edi March 5th, 2007 08:21 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Yes, you can, but the whole point is getting regular non-undead, non-demonic priests to be able to reanimate. Like Lanka and Ermor Broken Empire do.


Johan K April 14th, 2007 03:09 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

DrPraetorious said:
I want to be able to give units the following passive powers -
* dominion spread (as Juggernaut)
* prevent bad events (as fortune teller, lady of fortune, and so forth.)
* reduce unrest (as lady of love)

They will appear in the upcoming patch.

Wish April 15th, 2007 05:46 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I dunno if this has been suggested yet, but weapons modding is missing a #dt_magic (alternatively #dt_drain) which does extra damage to magical creatures, like the moon lance, moon swords, elf bane, and mage bane.

Endoperez April 15th, 2007 06:11 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Elf Bane doesn't deal double damage to magical creatures, they cause a special effect of "slay magic" that is resistable effect that kills a magic being.

Any way, yes, that WOULD be nice.

Endoperez April 15th, 2007 08:05 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Updated again. I'm leaving, again, for a week later today, so I'd appreciate quick corrections to any mistakes. Also, don't expect a new flood of suggestions to be added to this before next week.

Updates:<font color="darkgreen">

one more:
* pop-dying and dominion-spawning as nation-modding commands

* ability to add and/or rename Ages
* A lengthy suggestion about mutations
* ability to mod bless effects

* All modding commands could also use a #copy command, so #copyweapon
* #dt_magic to cause double damage to magic beings

* #undeadnation, as Lanka/ MA Ermor/ LA Ermor ability (priests have undead leadership etc)
* suggestion for pretender-modding format (#selectnation, #clearpretenders, #addpretender)

* increase maximum unit, site, weapon, armor, spell etc array maximums so that making a nation nr XX would use unit numbers XX00 to XX99, spell numbers XX00 to XX99 etc.
* increase nation array so that more than about a dozen modded nation can be played at the same time
* increase the number of sprites that can be added in mods, looky

* ability to create custom linked randoms (W3S3 2xWESD Aboleths for EA! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif)
* ability to create units with custom random having Holy in it (units that are sometimes priests)
* ability to define units' armor by number
* #reinvigoration doesn't work
* ability to make a unit (Vastness) immune to disease and/or afflictions in general
* #siegebonus fixed April 14th (for next version)
* #spreaddom, #nobadevents, #incunrest for Juggernaut domspread, Fortune Teller bad event preventing and Lady of Love unrest-lowering abilities, April 14th (for next version)

* ability to create new magic items with new sprites
* ability to restrict e.g. Gate Cleaver or Hammer of the Mountains to size 2 or bigger units, or the make handedness dependent on size of a unit (Gate Cleaver 1-handed for big creatures)
* ability to initiate spell-effect at the beginning of battle, every turn of a battle, every time an enemy is hit, every time an enemy is killed, when the unit dies, when a unit dies, etc. I'm not sure what UnsinspiredName wanted this to affect, but I'm putting it into Magic Item modding.

* being able to duplicate Unfrozen and/or Crossbreeding
* ability to make spells cause events in target province (custom events with just text would be awesome)
* making the secondary spell-effect field moddable
* spells that summon both units and commanders being moddable
* ability to make new spells that summon new unique creatures

<font color="blue">Implemented, but bugged</font>

<font color="darkgreen">* #specialeffectalways doesn't work at all</font>
<font color="darkgreen">* #reinvigoration doesn't work</font>

<font color="blue">Requested mod commands</font>

Magic sites

* It isn't possible to make sites that let everyone recruit the units. #com and #mon commands are needed in addition to #homecom and #homemon.
* All modding commands need #clear or similar command. #clear for sites and weapons are missing.
* command for summoning creatures when a mage enters a site
* command for casting a spesific ritual when mage enters a site
* unrest for magic sites
* modding commands for the dungeon sites


* A way to make ranged weapon be affected by Flaming Arrows. #fireweapon (wpn nbr) to spesify what weapon is used when new weapon is affected by Flaming Arrows was suggested.
* A way to set #range to Strength, for thrown weapons. I think it's #range -1, but #range is restricted to 0 and up.
* All modding commands need #clear or similar command. #clear for sites and weapons are missing.
* All modding commands could also use a #copy command, so #copyweapon
* #dt_magic to cause double damage to magic beings


* ability to define units' armor by number
* ability to make a unit (Vastness) immune to disease and/or afflictions in general
* #horrormarked &lt;value&gt; - unit starts with horror mark
* #cursed - unit starts with curse
* #affliction &lt;bitmask&gt; &lt;chance&gt; - unit starts with affliction(s) chosen from a list
* ability to make units immune to Horror Mark or Curse
* #insanity
* #lure
* #skeptic

* #inquisitor
* #communicant, as Theurg Communicants' ability
* ability to spawn units of spesific type (Pan-&gt;Maenads), under various restrictions (scale and/or terrain mask)
* ability to get free units (bodyguards) in battle, e.g. Dai Oni and their wolves
<font color="darkgreen">* scale sensitivity, e.g. Ice Devils and Burning Ones are affected by temperature</font>
* a command that makes a unit ccast one spell, targeted at the unit itself, in the beginning of the battle to simulate e.g. Communion Slave
* units that disappear after one battle, such as Gladiators
* a command to make an unit move independently around the map, as Eater of the Dead

* Moddable bonus to number of effects from spells, from Crossbreeding to Summer Lions to Magma Bolts
* being able to duplicate Unfrozen and/or Crossbreeding
* ability to make spells cause events in target province (custom events with just text would be awesome)
* making the secondary spell-effect field moddable
* spells that summon both units and commanders being moddable
* ability to make new spells that summon new unique creatures

* free units in forts (with terrain mask), in areas of high dominion, under spesific scales...
* a #multihero that only appears one at a time; the second one only comes after the first has died
* moddable nation-spesific undead
* command for giving the same pretender to multiple nations without copying him a dozen times
* command to make a nation that doesn't have one or more of the default pretenders
* a way to name heroes!
* ability to use custom pics for temples
* #undeadnation, as Lanka/ MA Ermor/ LA Ermor ability (priests have undead leadership etc)
* pop-dying and dominion-spawning as nation-modding commands

Magic items
* #mainlevel 0 for making an item require level 1 mage, but take only 1 gem
* #spell for items, to make commander cast spesific spell
* #ritual for items, to make commander cast spesific spell in main map
* magic res and elemental/poison resistances for items, both positive and negative
* commands for affecting stats of the commander using the item: +/-att, def, prot, hp, enc, ap, even size...
* ability to initiate spell-effect at the beginning of battle, every turn of a battle, every time an enemy is hit, every time an enemy is killed, when the unit dies, when any unit dies, etc
* ability to restrict e.g. Gate Cleaver or Hammer of the Mountains to size 2 or bigger units, or the make handedness dependent on size of a unit (Gate Cleaver 1-handed for big creatures)
* ability to create new items with new sprites

* commands for changing the costs of labs and temples, and fort modding commands with gold cost, time requirement and layout (the battlefield used).
* Poptypes modding - recruitable units, defenders, era, rarity
* ability to mod bless effects
* mercenary modding - commander, his name, items/gems, exp; unit type, nr of units, exp; ages the group is available in, recruit cost, nation bonuses
* commands for changing Magic/Drain effect on magic resistance and spellcasting encumberance.
* general mod command for changing the chance of events on common/rare setting
* Age-restricted mods that don't affect games of other ages. A modding command, but more for ease of use than to changing things.

* Few more lengthy suggestions
* another complicated suggestion

<font color="blue">Requested mod-related features</font>
Generally these are changes I think would require either a enw mechanic or a change in the hard-coded underlying mechanics of the game. I could be wrong about the severity of the change.

* nation-spesific items
* There should be a map command for a required mod that has to be enabled to play the map.
* themes back, and made moddable
* Three lengthy suggestions
* more hero slots
* a one-time shape change to another unit after reaching a unit reaches a spesific age
* masks working in hexadecimal as well as decimal
* Some way to use #copystats without getting unwanted features. Blank units with just #seduce, #lure, etc various commands that currently can't be added were suggested.
* ability to add custom sound effects
* ability to rename (and/or add) magic paths, to change the icon, the pic of gemtype, the pics of sites, the names of schools...
* increase maximum unit, site, weapon, armor, spell etc maximums so that e.g. making a nation nr XX would use unit numbers XX00 to XX99, spell numbers XX00 to XX99 etc.
* increase nation array so that more than about a dozen modded nation can be played at the same time
* increase the number of sprites that can be added in mods, looky
* ability to add and/or rename Ages
* A lengthy suggestion about mutations
* commander for reversing the old age parameters (-5% hp to +5% hp) (and for negating old age afflictions).
* Effect of experience stars: #hp, #str, #att, #def, #prec, #mrl, #enc, #mr, #xp [required to reach a spesific level, 15 for first star]

<font color="blue">Suggested and implemented </font>

* The ability to change spell names and descriptions as well as spell modding in general
* It isn't possible to add new national spells that have to be researched.
* It should be possible to find out numbers of magic items. Shift+I.
* commands for changing units' ages
* #animalawe
* #summonallies [amount] [unit name/nr] as #summon1 and #summon5 and #makemonster1 to #makemonster5
* #seduce, #succubus
* #charge for weapons
* #aoe with special numbers that affect whole battlefield 665,666...
* Resistances can be modded to exceed 100%.
* can disable nation with #era 0.

* #siegebonus fixed April 14th (for next version)
* #spreaddom, #nobadevents, #incunrest for Juggernaut domspread, Fortune Teller bad event preventing and Lady of Love unrest-lowering abilities, April 14th (for next version)

<font color="blue">Suggested forms</font>

Experience modding:
#xplevel [1 to 5 stars]
#hp, #str, #att, #def, #prec, #mrl, #enc, #mr, #xp [required to reach a spesific level, 15 for first star]

Changing the pretenders available to a nation:
#selectnation 0
#addpretender "Prince of Death"
#addpretender "Drakaina"
#addpretender "Vampire Queen"

<font color="#5bebe5">Updated to reflect things already implemented so a new shortlist is easier to make. ~Edi

Amos April 15th, 2007 11:02 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
What about various population-dying effects, like LA Ermor and LA R'lyeh?


themes back, and made moddable

Is pop-dying falls under themes?

Gandalf Parker April 15th, 2007 11:36 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Great work Endoperez!
I should do this with the server wishlist and the mapper wishlist. Maybe its NOT that Johan loves the modders more, maybe its this type of organizing that he loves.

Endoperez April 15th, 2007 12:00 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Amos said:
What about various population-dying effects, like LA Ermor and LA R'lyeh?


themes back, and made moddable

Is pop-dying falls under themes?

It's about DomII's themes, where you played either base (MA), New Era (LA) or Carrion Woods (like the global) Pangaea. You chose it at pretender creation, started with it and couldn't change it later. Basically, three nations under one flag, some of them costing extra points. It also had some nifty effects available, e.g. pay 50 points for being able to take your sacred units under water in friendly dominion.

Any way, I added this:
* pop-dying and dominion-spawning as nation-modding commands

UninspiredName April 18th, 2007 01:14 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Apologies if this has already been suggested, but how about a sort of 'spell-like ability' option for monster modding and (I can dream, can't I?) magic item modding. Something like #ability &lt;type&gt; &lt;spellnumber&gt;.

Type would be under what conditions it casts.
0 for every turn
1 for the start of the battle
2 for every time the creature/weapon attacks
3 for every time the creature/weapon hits
4 for every time the creature/weapon kills (maybe not?)
5 for when the creature/weilder is killed

that could mean self-destructs, auras aside from heat and cold, battlefield-effecting abilities like the Lanka-summon whose name I can't recall, etc. Would really open things up, and making the 'spells' unavailable for normal casting isn't that hard with the current tools.

Endoperez April 20th, 2007 04:21 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

UninspiredName said:
Apologies if this has already been suggested, but how about a sort of 'spell-like ability' option for monster modding and (I can dream, can't I?) magic item modding. Something like #ability &lt;type&gt; &lt;spellnumber&gt;.

It's in as

* ability to initiate spell-effect at the beginning of battle, every turn of a battle, every time an enemy is hit, every time an enemy is killed, when the unit dies, when a unit dies, etc. I'm not sure what UnsinspiredName wanted this to affect, but I'm putting it into Magic Item modding.

I'll add it in the units section if there's need to update the list sometime in the future.

UninspiredName April 20th, 2007 05:00 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
The idea was for monsters. Opening it up for magic items was just me being optimistic.

Endoperez April 20th, 2007 05:15 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

UninspiredName said:
The idea was for monsters. Opening it up for magic items was just me being optimistic.

Actually, I think it's easier to get it for items than for monsters. For cast-at-the-beginning spells, there are few uniques and/or high-end summons like the Goat Sun (Heat From Hell), and numerous items (Staff of Storms, Banner of the Northern Star, The Sword of Aurgelmer...) For cast-every-turn creatures, I can't think of any, but there are multiple items (Spirit Helmet, Soulstone of the Wolves, Pelt of Fenrer). For cast-when-hit, it's a property of the weapon used and thus available for magic weapons just as easily as for creatures using custom weapons. Units don't cause special things when they kill, but one of the Twin Spears does. Units can't do much more than change shapes when they die, but items can cause various effects (Amulet of Vengeance, Crystal Heart/Elixir of Life).

HoneyBadger April 20th, 2007 06:48 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I'd like the ability to tie summons (such as Ermor Ashen Empire) and other spells/abilities (such as LA R'lyeh's insanity ability and C'Tis Miasma effect) to Dominion

To get specific for my own uses: Dominion that creates carrion-beings and Dominion that creates the weird critters you get when you use cross-breeding. Maybe even Dominion that gives you different kinds of animals.

Along these same lines, I'd like to be able to create a spell that summoned one of several different creatures, so as to create this kind of spell-I'd like to do a couple of demon ones, sometime.

UninspiredName April 22nd, 2007 09:41 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
There's Shuten-doji for cast-a-turn and a few that self-destruct upon death, but I see your point. Okay, magic items it is.

Foodstamp April 22nd, 2007 09:46 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I wish for the ability to classify units as a certain type using a mod command, and having a second command that you can assign to a unit that gives units of the type a bonus in combat.

An example of what I am talking about would be as follows:

Give a unit
#unittype "Elf"

Then give a commander

#unitcom "Elf"

The outcome would be that when the commander is within a certain radius of units of type "Elf" on the battlefield, those units would receive a small boost to morale, attack, defense, and maybe precision.

Amos April 22nd, 2007 11:46 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

I wish for the ability to classify units as a certain type using a mod command, and having a second command that you can assign to a unit that gives units of the type a bonus in combat.
An example of what I am talking about would be as follows:

Give a unit
#unittype "Elf"

Then give a commander

#unitcom "Elf"

The outcome would be that when the commander is within a certain radius of units of type "Elf" on the battlefield, those units would receive a small boost to morale, attack, defense, and maybe precision.

I have been asking for generalization of that idea since Dom2. Permanent fields (like disease cloud thats already in the game) for spells, for leadership, for damage etc.

Sombre April 23rd, 2007 02:27 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I'd really like to be able to mod darkvision as a value. I'd also like to be able to mod different forms in and out of water using unit numbers - just as the mermen, wet ones, capricorns etc have.

You could extend this to not just water but other terrain types - for example a unit which changed to a stronger form in a forest or a unit that gained flying when in a mountainous province (think gliders of some kind).

Gandalf Parker April 29th, 2007 03:36 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
From the progress page...

29th april
* fixed mod command #secondaryeffectalways.

This will allow you to properly use that command rather than being forced to trim it to #secondaryeffect

However it does not appear as if it will be in the next patch.

Gandalf Parker April 30th, 2007 10:54 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
30th april
* #clearmagic did not work properly on monsters with more than one magic skill, fixed.

This will save modders from having to use one #clearmagic for each magic zone that a unit has.

HoneyBadger May 3rd, 2007 03:11 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I'd like a morale setting of 100 (unless that doesn't already have a purpose). The purpose of the setting would be to have a unit become berserk in battle, but the berserk never wears off, and the unit doesn't grow fatigued.

In other words, the unit can fight independently, but doesn't leave battle, ever, and fights until it's dead.

This would be good for modding certain magical, mechanical, and demonic units that just never, ever stop once they go berserk.

Endoperez May 3rd, 2007 05:12 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

HoneyBadger said:
I'd like a morale setting of 100 (unless that doesn't already have a purpose). The purpose of the setting would be to have a unit become berserk in battle, but the berserk never wears off, and the unit doesn't grow fatigued.

In other words, the unit can fight independently, but doesn't leave battle, ever, and fights until it's dead.

This would be good for modding certain magical, mechanical, and demonic units that just never, ever stop once they go berserk.

What if two of them were thrown at each other? And what if, say, both had lost both of their arms (Picus &amp; Procas' axes, and some Enslavement going on)? Two monsters endlessly trying to kill each other with Useless Kick. It would take days before the battle would be finished!


In other words, berserkers won't rout except if the battle has already taken too long. Then the attacker's side, ALL of it, routs. In case there are immobile units in there, the defender's side routs too (after 10, 20, 30 turns? something like that). And if the battle is STILL going, perhaps due to a paralyzed, limping, feeble-minded Sphinx or something, it kills everyone left.

I don't know the details of this in Dom3, but in DomII we got some complaints about the battle limit being reached too soon. I think it got increased because I don't remember anyone complaining about that, and the armies are much bigger this time around.

EDIT: Also, a combination of berserk and reinvigoration would go a long way.

HoneyBadger May 5th, 2007 05:37 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Eventually, Endoperez, you run out of maximum combat turns. I think it's like 50-60 turns, modified by the amount of units, before the attacking side automatically routs.

DrPraetorious May 6th, 2007 02:01 PM

Reserved Enchantment Slots
It'd be nice to have our own versions of several of the enchantments, and I think it might be possible without an entire engine rewrite. If this is infeasable, consider it a request for Dom 4.

When I talk about "enchantment #" I'm refering to the pool of province/world conditions that go in the damage field for effects 81, 10081, 10082, 10084, 10085 and 10086.

It'd be nice if these enchantment #s were cross portable - so if I combine the enchantment # for wrath of God with a single-province effect, I should get wrath of God restricted to that province. Sometimes this works, sometimes not, I might be messing up the #spec fields.

When I talk about "spell #s" I mean the actual numbers for individual spells (analagous to armor #s and so forth)

Enchantment #s 500-549 could be reserved for spells that mimic Fire Storm. Each of these enchantment #s "points to" a spell # - it hits half the units on the battlefield with that spell, every turn of combat (or all of them, or whatever is easiest using recycled code from Fire Storm, Heat from Hell, etc.)

Enchantment #s 550-599 mimic Mists of Deception (Shark Attack, Wrathful Skies?) and just drops whatever spell it maps to some number of times per round, at random on the battlefield or however it is these things work.

Enchantment #s 600-649 could be reserved for spells that mimic Wrath of God. Again, each enchantment # "points to" a spell # - it hits units with that spell each strategic turn in the same dominion-dependent fashion as Wrath of God. Targeting specifics on the spells control what they hit (so you could have beneficial spells hit your own stuff.)

Enchantment #s 650-699 do the same thing but with spells that themselves target provinces (remote summons, sent events, presumably.) Again the #spec field in the spell that the enchantment references controls whether or not friendly/unfriendly provinces are hit.

Enchantment #s 700-750 work like Carrion Woods / Soul Gate, but they'd point to pre-specified ranges of reserved unit #s (seems to be 10 basic units plus 1 commander for soul gate, so units 3000-3550 could be reserved for this purpose.)

If you wanted you could provide some frequency gradient within the enchantment #s - so #s 620-629 go off just as often as WoG, 610-619 less often than that, etc.

I can't think of an easy way to make our own variants of the more exotic stuff.

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