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sector24 November 25th, 2008 10:56 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Per this thread: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=41259
Post #28

Davana should be Danava
Mandaha should be Mandeha

Although KO wasn't convinced that he should change them now that guides and manuals have been printed, you should probably make a note of it anyway. ;)

lch November 26th, 2008 05:14 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Mandaha are Lankan units, right? Davana, too, maybe. Then they're too new to be in the game manual anyway, since Lanka was added in a patch. I'd doubt that they're in there.

BesucherXia November 28th, 2008 12:23 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
the description of LA Atlantis hero "Once And Future Queen":

...Rudely awakened, she emerged from her milenial slumber, never to sleep again....

I am not sure if this is already corrected, just read the photo from the Chinese Wiki.

Tifone November 28th, 2008 04:57 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Out-of-game typo: "Scenarios, Maps and Modifications for Domions 3: The Awakening" :D

(under the "Scenarios, Maps and Mods" subforum link)

lch November 28th, 2008 06:00 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
You know, I remember noticing that probably over a year ago, too, but didn't care.

It just goes to show that there is definitive, irrefutable proof that the Dom3 forums are the most unused forums on the internet.

JimMorrison November 28th, 2008 06:02 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by lch (Post 656181)
You know, I remember noticing that probably over a year ago, too, but didn't care.

It just goes to show that there is definitive, irrefutable proof that the Dom3 forums are the most unused forums on the internet.

It's true, I've never used them.

Herode December 12th, 2008 02:32 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by BesucherXia (Post 656106)
the description of LA Atlantis hero "Once And Future Queen":

...Rudely awakened, she emerged from her milenial slumber, never to sleep again....

I am not sure if this is already corrected, just read the photo from the Chinese Wiki.

Still typoed :

she has slept for millenia...
she emerged from her millenial slumber

but after the Harraps, the correct spelling should be millennia (hence, I suppose, millennial ?)

Also :

Her sleep under tha crystal shard has prepared her...

lch December 12th, 2008 03:50 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
There are still a couple of minor ones in the nation's descriptions, too, but I'll wait for the next patch to see what's left.

lch December 29th, 2008 07:25 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
The spell "Faerie Court" summons a "Faery Queen". Singular/plural issues aside, I believe that these should be homogenized?

Ninave January 21st, 2009 11:37 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
1 Attachment(s)
Monster number: 1634

What is the name of that hero supposed to be? The name reads Sagtur, but the text talks about person named Sialuk.

zzcat January 22nd, 2009 11:37 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Typo in mapedit.pdf, table 1: The mask of border mountain should be 4194304, not 419304.

Edi January 23rd, 2009 03:18 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Oi, that's bad! And my screwup to boot. Thanks for pointing it out! I'm updating the manuals tomorrow, so that came just in time. :)

lch January 23rd, 2009 06:36 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Wish messages:


The has been a major disturbance in ownership of the world's provinces. GOD suddenly owns provinces that had other rulers just a few minutes ago.


The has been a major disturbance in the divine dominions of the world. GOD's dominion has grown stronger at the cost of all other pretender gods.


The entire earth trembled in the most powerful earthquake every seen. After the earthquake meteors fell from the skies, surely hundreds of thousands of people must have died. NUMBER of our military units died.

vfb January 23rd, 2009 06:40 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

Mighty storms blew the arrow of course and it was not able to find any target.

lch January 23rd, 2009 08:26 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
The items "The Black Heart" and "The Heart of Life" should be named "Black Heart" and "Heart of Life" because they are not artifacts, maybe once they were.

Sombre January 23rd, 2009 09:01 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 669048)

Mighty storms blew the arrow of course and it was not able to find any target.

That isn't a typo! They're just saying mighty storms will of course blow an arrow.

lch March 4th, 2009 03:59 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Here are typos for the heroic abilities, which I used from the game in http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...19&postcount=8

Heroic Precision
A hero with this ability gets a higher precison stat.

Heroic Endurance
A hero with this ability recovers from fatigue at an unbelivable rate.

Adept Researcher
This mage has an extraorinary understanding of magic and will research at an increased speed.

Legendary Cruelty
This commander is renowened for his cruelty and everyone fears him. He has an increased chance of dealing permanent afflicitons on his targets.

lch March 17th, 2009 05:57 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Tatsu (2099): "Its head resemble a camel" => "Its head resembles a camel"
Shrimp Soldier (2101): "out of harms way" => "out of harm's way"

J Henry Waugh March 17th, 2009 04:30 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
"occurrence" misspelled as "occurance" on random map create screen

Poopsi March 17th, 2009 08:19 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
The "Riches from Below" dire portent has a typo. It says "Berlow" instead of below.

lch March 18th, 2009 05:58 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
In Patch 3.23, the unit Davana has been renamed to Danava. The old "Davana" is still used in the following descriptions, though:
  • Rakshasi
  • Manushya Rakshasi
  • Raksharaja
  • Rakshasa
  • Rakshasa Warrior
  • Summon Davanas

Gregstrom March 19th, 2009 05:51 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
I had a Crystal Priestess called Kemma #addname turn up in a SP game. I'm guessing this counts as a typo rather than a bug. In the squad setup screen, she shows as:

#addname the Crystal Priestess (blessing)(blessing)(blessing) Spells

which is a bit odd.

Also: Leroy Jenkins as a random name? Good grief...

vfb March 19th, 2009 07:33 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Are you sure that's not from the map you are playing? Please look in the .map file. Unless you're playing on a random map, of course.

Gregstrom March 20th, 2009 03:10 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
There are no unit names in the map file - I've just checked. I recruited the priestess normally, by the way.

lch March 20th, 2009 04:00 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 681160)
#addname the Crystal Priestess


Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 681160)
Also: Leroy Jenkins as a random name?

The base game doesn't use mod commands to construct its name tables. It also doesn't have any "Leroy" or "Jenkins" in it. Look for mods that were enabled while you set up the game, they're the culprit.

Gregstrom March 20th, 2009 09:23 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Fair enough - in that case, I take it all back.

Squirrelloid July 14th, 2009 02:02 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by ryo_akashi (Post 654185)
The LA Man summon, Bean Sidhe, M1776, uses the same description as the previous EA and MA Bean Sidhe, M1774. Can you please check if this is a description override bug as have occurred before?

Ok, this one is really bugging me. Baen Sidhe, not 'bean'. For those of you not up on the intricacies of gaelic pronunciation, 'Bean Sidhe' ~= bawnshee, whereas the (presumed) intended banshee = Baen Sidhe. Just think about what the dipthong is doing (both vowels are treated as separate and short by english standards). Also, i guarantee if this is supposed to be 'banshee', the anglo-gaelic mythological creature, the correct gaelic spelling is most certainly "Baen Sidhe".

One might consider using "Banshee" for the LA Man one, however, since I see them as more english and thus the anglicized spelling would be appropriate. But that's a matter of interpretation.

Text quoted because he has the unit reference numbers (and i didn't even know about the LA Man summon).

lch July 16th, 2009 06:18 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 701434)
Ok, this one is really bugging me. Baen Sidhe, not 'bean'. For those of you not up on the intricacies of gaelic pronunciation, 'Bean Sidhe' ~= bawnshee, whereas the (presumed) intended banshee = Baen Sidhe.

As much as I like your analysis of the gaelic language, and I'd like you to be right, I don't think that's true. It seems like it's really spelled correctly. Google for "Bean Sidhe site:.ie" for hints that support this.

Squirrelloid July 16th, 2009 06:56 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by lch (Post 701622)

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 701434)
Ok, this one is really bugging me. Baen Sidhe, not 'bean'. For those of you not up on the intricacies of gaelic pronunciation, 'Bean Sidhe' ~= bawnshee, whereas the (presumed) intended banshee = Baen Sidhe.

As much as I like your analysis of the gaelic language, and I'd like you to be right, I don't think that's true. It seems like it's really spelled correctly. Google for "Bean Sidhe site:.ie" for hints that support this.

So, first of all, every time i've seen it spelled in the gaelic mode before now, its always been 'baen sidhe'. That said, i did some googling and some dictionary etymology checking.

Baen sidhe is more popular than bean sidhe, but its close (25000 vs. 16000 google hits) - the bean sidhe hits are higher quality though and include wikipedia (which actually favors bean si - apparently there's a more modern mode of rendering gaelic...).

Etymology supports Bean Sidhe. Even stranger, pronunciation guidelines (from the dictionaries) have banshee as 'bahn-shee' a reasonable fraction of the time, which is close to the 'bawn-shee' suggested by 'bean sidhe'. I don't think i've ever actually heard anyone say that, but its certainly what the gaelic looks like...

So apparently I'm confused, but it looks like 'baen sidhe' is a phonetic reconstruction back into gaelic from 'ban-shee' as it is commonly pronounced in english-speaking countries (certainly the US), and a popular one at that, which means I'm confused for a good reason.

I withdraw my objection, although it still looks weird to my apparently addled brain. Also, most people pronounce it wrong - who knew?

Sombre July 16th, 2009 08:34 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Who knew that people wouldn't pronounce sidhe as 'she'? Heh.

Edi July 16th, 2009 09:32 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 701631)

I withdraw my objection, although it still looks weird to my apparently addled brain. Also, most people pronounce it wrong - who knew?

Isn't language fun? English more so than most, given how it has a habit of following other languages down dark alleys, knocking them over the head with a club and making off with loose bits of vocabulary and grammar...

At least I don't have to add this to the bug list, because that's what a name change would require.

vladikus August 8th, 2009 12:21 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

Don't stand near the bearder!! ;)

Ishamoridin August 10th, 2009 12:11 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 681160)
I had a Crystal Priestess called Kemma #addname turn up in a SP game. I'm guessing this counts as a typo rather than a bug. In the squad setup screen, she shows as:

#addname the Crystal Priestess (blessing)(blessing)(blessing) Spells

which is a bit odd.

Also: Leroy Jenkins as a random name? Good grief...

Leroy Jenkins

Gregstrom August 10th, 2009 04:52 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Oh, I got the reference... Turns out it was a mod altering certain name possibilities.

vladikus August 13th, 2009 08:53 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
In the Black Serpent's description, it says "The black serpent is the serpent form of the lamia."

Since Lamia is the name of a unit, I think it should be capitalized.

Edi August 14th, 2009 02:57 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by vladikus (Post 705520)
In the Black Serpent's description, it says "The black serpent is the serpent form of the lamia."

Since Lamia is the name of a unit, I think it should be capitalized.

Lamia is the name of the monster, but when used within a sentence instead of at the beginning, it is not capitalized. Just like you don't capitalize animal names like bear, tiger, wolf, badger etc inside a sentence.

Only proper names and titles are capitalized, as well as military ranks when referring to a specific individual (e.g. Captain So-and-so).

vladikus November 26th, 2009 02:58 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Think this is part of a mod, but I am not sure. It is the God Spider's description:

"It is known that God Spider is a great trickster, lier and storyteller"

"Lier" should be liar.

Rookierookie April 24th, 2010 10:39 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Boots of Youth Description:

These leather boots have been drenched in the blood of ten young vigins. The wearer of these boots will cease his natural aging and is magically reinvigorated during battle.

earwicker7 October 7th, 2010 06:09 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

Originally Posted by Rookierookie (Post 742127)
Boots of Youth Description:

These leather boots have been drenched in the blood of ten young vigins. The wearer of these boots will cease his natural aging and is magically reinvigorated during battle.

I think it meant to say "the blood of ten young vegans". Well, a man can dream, no? :D

iamofage December 14th, 2011 05:51 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Item: Vine Shield (description typo)

...Anyone in close combat with the bearder <- :rolleyes:

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