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Rumblings underground....
The pales ones stir to life...
Re: Rumblings underground....
Yeah, I told him he's hostile to everyone except the Benevolent Empire of Sauromatia http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Only joking. Anyway, everyone meet GameExtremist, the new God of Agartha. |
Re: Rumblings underground....
What do people think about maybe changing the host timing to 36 hours again, if Gandalf would do it for us?
36 hour turn length?
I'm happy with the 24 hour turn length...has any one been stalling?
great game btw....Neifel is a bloody thorn in my side....and um wow Caelum has done a lot of research...what are the Victory OB's for this game? |
Re: 36 hour turn length?
Glad you're enjoying it! You really got chucked in at the deep end, so I'm glad you're having fun with it.
Niefelheim's been a thorn in everyone's side, it's amazing the fight he's put up with almost no-one left. He's also been an excellent sport (thanks, Dr P!), given that at one point he looked certain to win and everyone turned on him. As for Caelum's research, it's terrifying. I've done more research in this game than I have in any game before (even SP), and it's scary how powerful some of the later spells are. I dread to think what Caelum can do. Happily he seems very nice. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif There are no victory objectives at the moment. Anyone want to suggest some? As for the timer, I don't think people have been staling at all in general, except today I think Ermor and Niefelheim both staled, and maybe Vanheim. Maybe Tuesday's a bad day for dominions. I'm happy with the 24 hour timer but it takes me the best part of an hour a day now, so I wouldn't be surprised if some people wanted it slower. |
Re: 36 hour turn length?
I got a weird message that the timestamp on my file was too old - I didn't think I'd staled!
Not that it matters, much. |
Re: 36 hour turn length?
Dr. P has been a great sport! Thank you!
Being nice is getting dull... so I'm given Vanheim notice to end our NAP. This is the only Dom game I'm in at the moment after our host disappeared in my other (just getting ready to get exciting) game. I'm ok with the 24 hour time... but would prefer 48 hours. Particurarly if I am engaged in more conflict... which takes considerably longer to manage. |
Re: 36 hour turn length?
I can't connect to the server
Re: 36 hour turn length?
Looks like it was down a bit yesterday, it's fixed now (6 hours to go).
Re: 36 hour turn length?
So, I'm not quite sure what to do about extending the quick host time. For the moment I personally am happy enough with it on 24 hours, but at the same time it's reaching the stage of the game where 24 hours is really a bit crazy. I think having everyone able to take their turns properly is much more important now than having the turns go fast.
So, what I'd suggest is that as soon as someone begins to feel that it's going too fast, just say and I'll message Gandalf straight away and ask him to extend it. If that's already the case, I'll do it straight away! Personally I'm probably slightly more in favour of 36 hours than 48, but that's because I have a lot of free time in the evenings at the moment. If 48 hours is needed for people to feel they have enough time - even just one person - I think we should probably go 48 hours rather than have someone feel they can't play properly. |
Re: 36 hour turn length?
I would like 48 hours. But even 36 would be better then the current 24.
Re: 36 hour turn length?
48 hours - done! Hope that's okay with everyone.
Re: someone run this game
So Dr. P, now that you've finally been banished (and boy did that take some effort!) I wonder if you can tell us the grand tale of the rise and fall of your Empire. I don't know if any of us really knew the full story - I know I didn't. I could only see one small corner of your empire, and never knew its full extent. What happened to all your giants? I have no idea if I killed most of them, or only a small fraction.
Great playing with you, anyway. And you were a very good sport indeed when we all ganged up on you. |
Re: someone run this game
We have had a few server glitches, but I think everything is back on track now. Everyone will need to reupload their turns for this round.
Re: someone run this game
Wow that was some battle at Vanehiems capital...
Took a long while to watch |
Re: someone run this game
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif... yes brought my computer down to a crawl.
Can we increase the turn time to 72 or 96 hours. This late in the end game... with wars getting ready to start... I can' keep up! |
Re: someone run this game
A proclamation from Agartha -
After a combined moot of Krinonistor - God of the Agartha, Deepthought - Great Ulm and Prophet of the Agartha and Tanit Ancient Fire Sage of the Subterranean Order of Fire and Greatest Hero to walk the lands. Has found the Nation of Caelum and it's pretender to be to great a threat to the continued existence of the Agarthan peoples - Hence the Non-Agression Pact declared many earth cycles ago has been broken. To the Agarthan's knowledge no clause was ever mentioned about a period of time before open war can be entered into and hence - Agartha declares war against the peoples of Caelum. *The Earth tremors as a thousand Ancient Ones shamble to war* |
Re: someone run this game
as per request received by PM:
game now set to 72 hour hosting |
Re: someone run this game
Thanks Gandalf.
Also everyone, I set Ermor to AI. |
Re: someone run this game
I got a CD key violation because I set Ermor to AI! AAARG! *bashes head on monitor* Next time Caelum... next time. |
Re: someone run this game
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif... I was wondering why the attack felt a little light. I'm sorry to hear that.
Actually... that is awful. I'm sure you spent a tremendous amount of time on the turn. Actually I should reveal that I have a secret alliance with the Amazons and we are going to team up and destroy the Argathian beasts. We were just waiting for them to expose themselves. Ya... ha ha.. some ally you think you have. My clever form of dece... honestly will undo your alliance... which uhhh doesn't even exists! |
Re: someone run this game
Hey guys,
I wonder if we should declare some time limit on this game, like 5 or 10 more turns. I'm happy to keep playing properly as long as you two want to, but I also think the outcome is increasingly clear. I'll do what I can to stop Caelum's hordes, but there's not much more hope any more I fear... I'm really pleased with how I played the early and mid game in this game. My late game, though, has been terrible - my excuse being that I've never got to late game before, so I'm effectively a newbie. I was hoping that mass castings of remote strike spells would be sufficient, but really they're just gnats. It seems that Tartarians and the like are the way to go. I do find the late game very odd. Armies kind of feel pointless - even Caelum's largest armies I think I could wipe out with a concentrated attack of Ghost Riders, with half the commanders killed first by Infernal Disease or Earth Attack. Given that, I don't really feel inclined to build armies up myself, so I'm not really sure what to do. Anyway, like I say, I'm happy to keep playing, but I think it's likely I'll also be happy to concede fairly soon. |
Re: someone run this game
I know the feeling, I had hoped my large armies of Ancient ones would have made a better accounting for themselves....its not so much that SC's are unbalanced...its just that Caelum has armies of SC's!!! (compared to Agartha anyway ; ) ) I'd like to keep going for now, Sure I'm in for an *** whooping but I'll take that with me to other games I will play in the future. I'd say Agartha will be washed up in 10 turns or so... |
Re: someone run this game
The war continues then...
Re: someone run this game
The end game can rapidly become tedius as you have so much to manage. I thought your last round was excelelent how you annihilated my army of 3 army of devils. I thought they would have faired better vs ghost riders.
I will admit that unless you guys have something hidden up your sleave I will likely win due to a huge economic advantage. That Nexis is POURING in the gems... sometimes producing more then all my sites combined. While I think there is some fun to be had in the end game I am open to being declared the victor... if only for the huge amount of time it will save. I'm also open to keep playing... so I can try out some things. I will agree at this point that any army that can't stand up to ghost riders is going to be pointless. Which does lead itself to thugs and SC's cause I can't think of any normal troops that wouldn't at least take losses greater then casting of the ghost riders. |
Re: someone run this game
Well I am quite happy to concede, there is no way I can put a dint in Caelum's forces, Well played Maltrese!
My only regret is that I didn't play the game from the start! (shameless attempt to shift blame of losing away from self http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ) |
Re: someone run this game
Me too. Good game, thanks guys! I really enjoyed it a lot.
I'll ask Gandalf to end the game, and also to send me the ftherlnd file in case we want to mess around with it in the future. |
Re: someone run this game
Oh, sorry Tyrant - hope that's okay with you!
Thanks again for being such a good sport and keeping on playing with nothing but your capital. Boy, that was so annoying! I just didn't know how to finish you off! |
Caelum Ascendent
But..but..but I was just about to launch Plan Z. Having lulled the surface world into a false sence of security it was not time to launch my Ultimite Strike! (ahem)
Seriously though, good game guys! I greatly enjoyed our war Llama, an excellent course in underwater combat, and you are a good sport and a fun guy to play with. That was very impressive Malt! I could not see the details well from my small lake, but i have never seen anything on the score graphs like the blitzkriegs that you demonstrated trice. Very impressive indeed! Also, props to TDNP for both playing it out against the dog-pile and being a good sport about it, few players wouold have done that. Thanks to GM for subbing as well, subs always get glory points in my book. Last but not least, thanks for hosting Gandalf, your peerless contributions to the D3 community are greatly appreciated. All hail Maltrease, Bestower of Good Gifts (like Robes of the Magi!), Master of Magic, and One True God of Spruit! |
Re: someone run this game
Couple other things-
BTW- did Wrath of the Sea do ANYTHING at all? |
Re: someone run this game
As far as I noticed, Wrath of the Sea didn't do anything. I didn't feel crippled by it, in any case.
I now have the ftherlnd file, plus score graphs and stuff, if anyone wants them. Also, I looked up the word "spruit". Apparently it means (in southern africa) 'a small stream'. So there we are. |
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