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-   -   Why no Save game Feature (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=32726)

Velusion January 12th, 2007 03:07 PM

Re: Repeat request.
Gandalf - please don't edit people's posts to insert your own commentary. A seperate post would do the trick and be less confusing.

Gandalf Parker January 12th, 2007 03:44 PM

Re: Repeat request.
Ouch I didnt mean to do that. Im very sorry. The two buttons are too close to each other. I will try to fix it back as much as I can. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

Gandalf Parker January 12th, 2007 03:46 PM

Re: Repeat request.


calmon said:
I've some problems to understand why people discuss about a save/load function in prior of a better single player AI.

Wyehl said:
Improving the AI is a difficult, intricate and open ended goal with no clear finish line. Adding a save feature is a very attainable goal that can be achieved before moving on to larger changes.

Wow thats not true at all. Tweaking the AI code is fairly simple since its already in the game and there is only one code to tweak.

Adding save/restore is a headache. It has to work on all 3 operating systems which do things very diferently. It needs to be safe so it wont accidently hurt the persons machine in some way. It will need to offer some sort of cleanup of old files which is always dangerous. And it probably should recognize the difference between a local game or a server game so that the person doesnt get unreasonable expectations.

Wyehl January 12th, 2007 04:59 PM

Re: Repeat request.

Gandalf Parker said:


calmon said:
I've some problems to understand why people discuss about a save/load function in prior of a better single player AI.

Wyehl said:
Improving the AI is a difficult, intricate and open ended goal with no clear finish line. Adding a save feature is a very attainable goal that can be achieved before moving on to larger changes.

Wow thats not true at all. Tweaking the AI code is fairly simple since its already in the game and there is only one code to tweak.

Adding save/restore is a headache. It has to work on all 3 operating systems which do things very diferently. It needs to be safe so it wont accidently hurt the persons machine in some way. It will need to offer some sort of cleanup of old files which is always dangerous. And it probably should recognize the difference between a local game or a server game so that the person doesnt get unreasonable expectations.

Lol, what isn't true ? You go on to say that it is very difficult (which is humorous to a programmer but then, that wasn't really the point anyway http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif. Yet the point was that 'improving an AI' is an open ended process that can be worked on ad infinitum while making a save game system is a very attainable goal.

Gandalf Parker January 12th, 2007 05:25 PM

Re: Repeat request.

Wyehl said:
Lol, what isn't true ? You go on to say that it is very difficult (which is humorous to a programmer but then, that wasn't really the point anyway http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif. Yet the point was that 'improving an AI' is an open ended process that can be worked on ad infinitum while making a save game system is a very attainable goal.

I didnt say it was difficult, just that its a headache. And yes Im aware of the programming side. Setting up file managment inside a program to work for windows, mac, and linux is not simple and quick. I see enough headaches with this programs file handling already on its installs and game cleanup just between linux and windows.

You are correct that tweaking the AI can be a forever project but the code is already there and is OS generic.

HoneyBadger January 12th, 2007 06:35 PM

Re: Repeat request.
I wonder if anyone will mod in a downloadable save-game feature already so that this thread will ever end?

I'm getting a headache, ow.

Gandalf Parker January 12th, 2007 07:09 PM

Re: Repeat request.
I thought it was already done?
Dom2 had many different versions. Batch, script, javascript, vpscript, and perl if I remember right. I think that even Dom1 had some.

found a couple of old threads.
old thread
Older Thread

Velusion January 12th, 2007 07:29 PM

Re: Repeat request.
So let me get this strait:

1) It's really easy to back up files. You could create a simple batch file to do it and it would be easy to whip up a mod that would do it as well.

2) It's too complex for the designers to patch it into the game.

????? That line of reasoning doesn't make much sense.

Actuarian January 12th, 2007 07:36 PM

Re: Repeat request.
I'm for a save game feature, although I doubt I would use it. I think it would make the game less intimidating for newcomers, and more friendly to casual single-player gamers.

On the other hand a save game feature might mean that there would no longer be any all-caps posts to enjoy.

I'm definately for the "Are you sure you want to end your turn?" feature. From experience I have learned that there's not much space between some of those hot-keys.

Gandalf Parker January 12th, 2007 07:39 PM

Re: Repeat request.

So let me get this strait:
1) It's really easy to back up files. You could create a simple batch file to do it and it would be easy to whip up a mod that would do it as well.
2) It's too complex for the designers to patch it into the game.
????? That line of reasoning doesn't make much sense.

Because my answer for my windows machine wont work for linux, windows, mac, or even many different versions of windows.

Here is one for you:
open the dom3 directory
click into the savedgames directory
hit Ctrl-A
then hit Ctrl-C
then hit Ctrl-V
Vuala! Backups of all of your saved games!
(disclaimer: works in WinXp. Dont know about others)

Its not what I use but it might be good for others.

Gandalf Parker January 12th, 2007 07:47 PM

Re: Repeat request.
Here is the version that I use:
right-click on the Dom3 icon
go to properties
at the end of the target line (after the quotes if there are any) add --preexec pre.bat --postexec post.bat

then go to the Dom3 directory and right-click into the files list and choose "New->text file".

type in
xcopy /yes savedgames oldsaves /i

then save it as pre.bat
It will copy all of the games to a backup everytime that the game hosts any of the games.

Actually I have many more lines in my pre.bat file and many more in my post.bat file. They do file checks, record the date/time so I can get an idea of how long processing takes, checks my alarm file and shuts down the game at important times like when I need to get my kid off the bus, it talks, all kinds of stuff. Im debating having it load a key file to add some new keystrokes to the game but I probably shouldnt since I would forget which are standard keys and Id give wrong answers here.

Actuarian January 12th, 2007 07:53 PM

Re: Repeat request.

I've only used saves for trying to understand game mehanics and spell effect, but those are the keystrokes I used. I was too lazy to create a batch program.

Still I bet that most Windows games that have an in-game backup mechanism can also be backed up by those same commands.

alexti January 12th, 2007 09:31 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature

Saxon said:
I may have missed this, there are a lot of things in Dom. How do I set it for auto save each turn?

There are many ways. I'm using rather sophisticated one. I'd attach it here if I could figure out how to do it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Since I can't I'll make separate post:

Since you've posted Gandalf has already explained how auto-saves work in Dom3, so I won't repeat it.

alexti January 12th, 2007 09:46 PM

Re: Repeat request.

Actuarian said:
Still I bet that most Windows games that have an in-game backup mechanism can also be backed up by those same commands.

Right, I'm simply adjusting my scripts for each particular game. So far I've got a total of 2 games on Windows with in-game backup mechanism: Dominions 2 and Dominions 3 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

alexti January 12th, 2007 09:52 PM

Re: Repeat request.

Velusion said:
So let me get this strait:

1) It's really easy to back up files. You could create a simple batch file to do it and it would be easy to whip up a mod that would do it as well.

2) It's too complex for the designers to patch it into the game.

????? That line of reasoning doesn't make much sense.

If you carefully look at why it's easy to back up files it will start to make sense. The simplest approach (at least in the eyes of Windows users) would use windows explorer. Windows explorer (and it's GUI in particular) is not that trivial and coding something similar (especially in a portable way) is a considerable effort. Other methods may use other tools (such as zip, awk, perl etc...). Once again recoding their functionality, or at least integrating with it (if it's available under LGPL) is a significant effort. Easiest approach is probably to provide some script similar to ones posted on this forum, but that would mean taking care of all installation issues to ensure that the correct version of correct package is installed on the target computer. So all together it's one major headache.

And besides, reinventing the wheel probably goes against developer's principles http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ubik January 12th, 2007 10:28 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature

Gandalf Parker said:
Or you could always just say "old married man". http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

LOL!!!! Spot On!

HoneyBadger January 12th, 2007 10:31 PM

Re: Repeat request.
I think this is probably the best solution-not a good solution, but the best for the circumstances-that, rather than implore the Devs to shoehorn a feature they don't find appealing in, we take it upon ourselves to find a solution that might not be the best polished little ivory button in Computerland, but gives the people some of what they want, and shows favorably on our little community as being helpful and responsive-which isn't a bad thing all around. If that doesn't satisfy everyone, then atleast we've done everything in our power to lend a helping hand.

Newthought January 12th, 2007 11:52 PM

Re: Repeat request.
Actually I can't create my own Save System. You can call me pathetic, this specific area is just not my expertise.

After reviewing what you said, honestly, albiet may be 2 late, didn't wish to put implications of vigiliance. Honestly, I have a perfectly controlled sense of emotion but coupled with an inability to understand others without facial expressions, any conclusion can come from within my words, for they tend to be very Oblivious from page to page.

Futhermore, I am not a Bibilical Nut, just Catholic, there is a Difference, look it up. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif
And a....the Tyranny part was simply Rhetoric just to keep the people off my back for having a Dissenting opinion

Anyway, pressing for a solution that I percieve the "community" might want (even though I am seperate from this community) I am reluctant to give one. But nevertheless you asked (to no harmful intention)

The problem with making a solution that SP/MP are totally not the same thing, hence I could give an SP solution easily, but an MP solution is hellva lot more tricky.

The Whole Idea is how I want to be able to Test the Waters of my actions and the whole idea of what you want is not to leave from the game as the Developer's intended, at least that is what I percieve.

A solution could be a "in-game feature" known as "Wisdom", only avalible to High Level Astral Mages where you pay a huge sum amount of money+Astral Gems to be able to simuliate one battle of your choice, and it would tell you who the victor is for that simulation only, meaning it would not tell you the extent nor would it tell you the "Real" battle, in luie with mythology, Heroes could only defy the fates for so long.

The Payment scales Horrondesly and no Wizard (Pretender) can do it more then Twice and it has a chance of killing the Wizard (Pretender) outright and it has a chance of giving the Reverse Outcome.

I don't want to shoot my own idea down but I feel like it's one of those Features, high-maintance and incredibly cool and might be impossible, but I'm not sure because these guys are good at programming from what I've seen.

From the Chinese, to the Greeks, to the peoples of the Triple Alliance (Tenochitlian, Tetzcoco, Tlacopan) this thing would be totally awesome, considering that ANY true mythology devulged diviniation as that of the highest priortity. Tenochitilan and Rome were built purely by Oracles and I'm sure almost any event would come in mind 2.

[censored], even Christianity was adopted in Rome when "God" came from the heavens to ensure victory for Constantine by painting the Holy Cross on the Legonary Shield.

That's an idea.

Many things could go wrong with this solution, but in reality, the Oracles pretty much dictated every war including REAL war like the Greeks and Persians. You cannot go anywhere without the "real" Pretender Gods making sure that they are "going to win".

The best part of the Idea is of cours, that you bring yourself ever more closer to "Real Mythology".

Another solution would be to allow a Save Game feature choice to those who want it in SP. (Have to throw it in there)

A Third Solution is where you can pay to Save your Game in SP(Have to throw in there)

So yes, the Oracle idea in summary would look like this,

To do Wisdom.
-High Level Astral Mage
-Requires Astral Gems and Lots of Gold
-The Cost Scales

-Being able to simulate one battle and know who the winner is. No other details revealed

Alternative Outcomes
-Oracle gives unsure answer (meaning no conclusion. "It will be a very big battle)
-Oracle gives the wrong answer (Regardless of what the true outcome is.)
-Oracle dies. (Death from Vision or Drowns in the well water, pick your poision http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif)

Further Constrictions
-Cannot be spammed by the same High level Caster
-The Level requirement also goes up as well.

That's an idea that I think something in which you could like...

This is one of those kinds of requests were only a game like this could pull off succesfully, truthfully.

Maltrease January 13th, 2007 12:59 AM

Re: Repeat request.

I find the idea of a spell that simulates battles incredibly interesting! This is really almost a completely seperate issue from the save game... but what a neat idea!

I'd say the battle would be completely visible (as if it was real).

Probably mid level astral spell. Maybe astral 5, 20 gems. Pick two provences. Spell plays out battle from army in provence 1 attacking army in provence 2.

I'm not sure of the difficulty in implementing it. It possible that it could be fairly attainable... if they can simply que up a battle as normal but not "save" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif any of the results.

What a cool spell that would be. Simulating a possible reality.

HoneyBadger January 13th, 2007 04:00 AM

Re: Repeat request.
Newthought, I wasn't trying to accuse you of being a "biblical nut", quite the contrary, I was just accusing you of using the power of religion to your own purposes-done often enough by politicians who are more in tune with peoples' worst fears than they are with their best hopes.

If anyone's a "bible nut" it's me, I study-well, what I term "Christian occultism" as in the Nephilim and Antedeluvian/deluvian myths and I actually read the Bible a long time ago. I read Genesis several times through-it's quite good.

I equate the Bible with the Lord of the Rings-rather stupifyingly dull if you try to read the whole thing through in one sitting, and not concerning itself with "historical facts" but a logical mythos full of the most fascinating and tantalizing subjects and hints of subjects-and it's easy enough to want it to be real.

Both were also obviously written in the world we all share and both are full of rich and detailed history, as well as visions of other places, times, and people powerful enough to capture our deepest yearning.

Again, worst fears and best hopes, but then that's how to grab hold of people.

Anyway, let's forget about it and move on.

It is indeed quite a good idea. I think such a thing should let you see maybe 5 rounds of a given battle per astral path level of the mage in question. A 15th level mage could then view all 75 rounds of a large battle.

I think it would be difficult to program in though, but Space Empires IV is famous for it's battle-simulator tool, so such a thing is not beyond the reach of a small development team.

Along the saved game lines, perhaps certain games with "victory points" could allow a game to be saved whenever a certain amount of points are reached, and then increase the "cost" to save the game, to a higher amount of points.

In a 25 point game, you could save when you capture 5 points, when your opponent captures 8, when somebody else captures 13, when the first player captures 21, and victory at 25.

This would be a specific breed of game, which would appeal to certain groups of players that are perhaps large, but can only meet maybe once a week or so, and want to replay important turning points in the game.

I am not really against giving the Hosts of (especially, large) MP games the ability to save games. This could in the right hands be an important tool for role-playing, kind of like giving the Host DM/GM powers. It could also ease the upset that can be caused by real-world events-if someone dynamically involved in the game is forced to leave, why not restart the game at an earlier point before that person left suddenly in order to smooth things over?

Save games do have a place in computer games, that's why so many people are asking for them. I'm for keeping them in that place though, and rather than making it a choice whether to save or not save a given game, by making it so easy to do-instead making it a choice whether or not a given player wants to make that function available to themselves, and a part of their game.

I think there should be a way for someone to download that option, if they want it, but it's no more valid an option than a mod. Maybe the Devs could charge a few bucks for it, and make a little added money on the side? That way we who don't want it-or atleast don't want it casually-in our games, have a good solid excuse not to obtain it?

Newthought January 13th, 2007 12:37 PM

Re: Repeat request.
At top, that's exactly what the Catholic mantra is. We don't take the Bible literally, we take it in parables, otherwise people can get really wierd.
At FUMA (A Baptist Military School), we were taught "Intelligent Design" in Geometry.

If I can try to articulate what your saying, I think what your saying is great...albiet let's not go crazy over the charging, (they may be small, but not the souless entity of X-box Live)

I'd love to have a GM that would manage Multiplayer games, but I don't know what kind of responsibility he would have that couldn't be solved through Voting but what would I know.

To further the Oracle Idea, I bring a page from THE AZTECS by Richard F. Townsend. It's long but I'm cutting sentenaces

"Divination, the art of forseeing future even to discovering Hidden knowledge through Supernatural means (interesting), was a standard feature of...ancient civilizations All people seek to know the Uknowable, to control the uncontrollabe, or to make confident choice about a difficult devision. Like the Greeks, Romans, and the Chinese, the Aztecs believed in the portentous meaning of omenss and auguries in the Natural World. The pattern of diverse phenomena which appear to coincide were percieved as high meaningful- auguring good or evil, succes or failure for a propsed endeavour. In Greece, no king or commander would dare take a major course of action without consulting one of the many famous oracles. Roman Genereals similiarly sacraficed Bullocks in order to read...the triumph or defeat of a paticular campaign...." They would read the livers.

"...The I Ching, a book of wisdom already old when Confucious wrote it, is where coins and thrown and as they land it is interepeted by the book" But it's a bit more conserative.

"The Aztec Tonalpohuallis (The 365 day calender), is presented by a traditional form of Calendrical divionation still used in Shirnes practiced in Guatemala...candles are lit and copla incence is burned as an offering. Using Coral Seeds and crystals, the day keeper will make arrangements in lots of four, counting out the days of the 260 day calendar. One day is assigned each lot, starting from the current day, or the day where the client's problem began. This is the beginning complex process of Interpretation, though which the daykepper's client will recieve counsel on the course of action revealed by the time-count the pattern of seeds and crytsals..." I Ching Style....

Not like I'm trying to campaign it or what not, but like when good Badger asked for an idea, I just used what was in my head to meet him in this interesting circumstance.

Personally, I also feel like there needs to be a New Dominion that should be a Mod.

A Good (Representing Holy Priests and Noble Warriors) And the Evil Spectrem (Representing a Realm of Fear with Undead Hordes and Sadistic Blood Magic Practices).

I don't feel comfortable in starting a New Thread and Saying "DO THIS", I just want to share it.
Keeping Gameplay in mind, it would look like this,

Good 3- Divine Magic +2, Morale +2 In ability to cast Death and Blood Magic Primary Spells, -50% income off of Death and Blood Gems.
Good 2- Divine Magic +2, Morale +1, Greater Penalty to Death and Blood Magic
Good 1- Divine Magic +1, Morale +1 Penalty to Death and Blood Magic
Neutral- None
Evil 1- Divine Magic -1, Morale -1, Bonus to Death and Blood Magic.
Evil 2- Divine Magic -1, Morale -2, Bigger Bonus to Death and Blood Magic.
Evil 3- Divine Magic -2, Morale -2, Slightly Greater bonus then above to Death and Blood Magic, Generate Death Gems and more Blood Maidens.

Again the Numbers are just relative, the +'s in Divine reprsent bonuses to Divine Spells, not their casting levels. (No lowly priest will be able to Smite, but even he will cast sermons of Courage with envogration.)

A Pure Good God gets powerful noble troops off for a cause that would bring them to brink of matyrism, even the Humble Troops fight to the end. Good Gods bring the rightoues word that enligthens powerful Priests that within the flick of a hand causes the hordes of dead to be banished within the realm by the True Word. But Good Gods rarely, if never, result in using Death and Blood Magic which profits off the blood and souls of thier victims. They are matrys, never murderers. (Imagine if you fought for JC, you'd be so Fantaical in nature that you die for others rather then to live for yourself.)

Pure Evil Gods think little to nothing of Divine Magic, hence their is no implication of a greater cause other then their own self-gluttony. The Troops of evil Gods no matter their size and strength, have weak and soft hearts knowing that the only thing that brings them to fight is chains. It is as if there own shadows seek to bring them down. (Imagine if you fought for Loki, the Arcane Trickster whose own spies cause your demise)

However, the Evil God's power within the Darkness and the Blood invoke their ability to summon hordes and hordes of Undead that march through the cornfields and bring wretched pain to villages. Their blood magic is so profond that the blood of the innocents flows through their body as if it was sweat. Their exotic charm invokes the innocent into their own demise.

But even more vile is that Evil Gods, if pursuing an Evil stragety, have the advantage of more expertise and greater power and control to invoke greater forms of War. (hence, they get points for adopting their own "evil" stragety)

Anyway, I have no disagreement in any shape or form with Badger's idea of activating and deactivating it. None. Make an On switch and I'm good for me.

Gandalf Parker January 13th, 2007 02:34 PM

Re: Repeat request.

HoneyBadger said:
I am not really against giving the Hosts of (especially, large) MP games the ability to save games. This could in the right hands be an important tool for role-playing, kind of like giving the Host DM/GM powers. It could also ease the upset that can be caused by real-world events-if someone dynamically involved in the game is forced to leave, why not restart the game at an earlier point before that person left suddenly in order to smooth things over?

If there is anyone soing a multiplyer game and not doing gamesaves then please refer them to me. The game might not be setup to make it easy for players to do gamesaves but its definetly in there for hosts. Thats one of the things I pride myself for getting into the game. It was one of the main reasons for getting pre-exec and post-exec added.

HoneyBadger January 13th, 2007 05:37 PM

Re: Repeat request.
Newthought, now that I've got you using your head instead of your mouth (or finger, since we're typing...and isn't that appropriate?) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif you're really on a roll. I like the idea of good/evil scales. Unfortunately, from what I've read, the Devs are against dividing the game into good and evil. But...perhaps if we shift the terminology a little.

I have one suggestion for the terms to use, Orthodox/Heretical (Please note that I'm using these words for effect more than for purposes of precise meaning.)

In Orthodox dominions, populations are devout, strong in the Pretender's faith as it was originally spoken and interpreted, and fanatical in their commitment to the word of their God. Witches and heretics are burned at the stake, and sinners are often stoned to death for even-from the perspective of outsiders-minor infractions. There is no separation of church and state. Prayer-calls are heard throughout the cities, laws and rulers derive their power from sacred teachings, and the most powerful position in all the land under God is that of High Priest or Priestess.

Orth 1: temples are 25% less expensive to build due to tithings and missionaries (300g for most nations, 150 for Pan and Man), Bless grants an additional +1 to Morale, +0.1 to Growth due to large families of believers being held in high esteem. Income 3% less (-3%) Resources 5% less (-5%) due to more land being held by the Church, more resources going to support the priesthood (none of whom have day-jobs), and more money going to support monasteries.

Orth 2: as Orth 1 but +0.2 to Growth and +3% chance event is good, as prayers to the Pretender for good fortune are granted (that and they burn those old hags that keep cursing my troops). Income -6%. Resources -10%

Orth 3: as Orth 1, 2, except temples are 50% less expensive to build, Bless now grants +2 to Morale (for a total of +4), +0.3 to Growth and 6% chance event is good.
Income -12% Resources -15%.

Heretical: In Heretical Dominions, the people still worship the Pretender, and many are extremely devout, but the population is divided into many different schools of thought, each convinced that their way is the "right" way to worship. All are welcome into these lands, and all are welcome to leave. The laws and power in these lands are upheld by secular authorities. Their is not one Church, but many, and the Churches pay taxes just like everybody else. They are also fully responsible to the law, just as any civilian body or business. The Churches takes advantage of this as well, requiring priests to not only spread the Word but to serve the church in productive, even menial, ways. Although direct violence by the Church against so-called "unbelievers" is much more rare-or even unheard-of, still this is a volatile, violent place where all manner of sects compete against each other, both with their words and in bloody street-brawls.

Heret 1: Temples are 25% more expensive to build due to followers expecting to be paid for their labor (500g for most nations, 250g for Pangaea and Man). -1 Bless effect to Morale due to soldiers being less willing to give up their lives in the name of their Faith. Growth is unaffected but Research is -1 due to conflicting views about the nature and appropriateness of magic, and the lack of organized religious schools. +5% chance for a random event due to increased religious turmoil (chance it's good or bad is unaffected). Income +3% Resources +5% due to harder currency (the church doesn't hoard all the silver and gold in the form of religious icons), banking (usurage), and the ready disposal of goods and lands.

Heret +2: as Heret +1 but 10% chance for a random event, Income +6% Resources +10%.

Heret +3: as Heret +2 but Temples are 50% more expensive to build, -2 Bless effect to Morale (Bless grants no Morale bonus under Heret +3) Research -2, 15% chance of random event, Income +12%, Resources +15%.

I think such a scale would be very appropriate for Dom3, especially with the impending introduction of Gath-which should be dealing with the Nephilim, according to my information.

Teraswaerto January 13th, 2007 06:07 PM

Re: Repeat request.
It would seem to me that heresy would give a bonus to research, not a penalty. Organized religion clings to whatever idea has been been established, it is anathema to progress and discovery.

HoneyBadger January 13th, 2007 06:16 PM

Re: Repeat request.
In our modern times, maybe, when schools are government-funded, but not in midieval times when the Church was the major protector and provider of knowledge. Look through a few history books-many of the greatest thinkers of all time came out of or were connected to, the Church.

HoneyBadger January 13th, 2007 06:22 PM

Re: Repeat request.
The Church was also a great patron of the arts, and even the sciences, and not just Christianity either-science and art flourished under Muslim rule for a very long time, and Iraq-believe it or not-was at one time the book-capital of the world. The Jews also have a long history of scolasticism and certainly were and are proponents of religious schools, as are Catholics-there's a Catholic school in my home town, for instance.

Teraswaerto January 13th, 2007 06:36 PM

Re: Repeat request.
Islam was relatively tolerant of the sciences in medieval times, much more so than Christianity. Galileo was threatened with torture, Bruno Giordano was burned at the stake, etc.

There is also no count of how many people were condemned as witches and such.

HoneyBadger January 13th, 2007 07:00 PM

Re: Repeat request.
So you've got both sides of the same coin. On one hand Orthodox dominions are burning people at the stake, while on the other hand, they're promoting education-alongside religious indoctrination, ofcourse.

The Heretics on the other hand have so many different philosophies and are so disorganized and fueled by misinformation (look at the history of alchemy, for instance) that yes, they have a better economy that will eventually-in a few hundred or thousand years-turn out a fine public education system like we had in the 19th century, but right now is just confusing and deluding people.

Gandalf Parker January 13th, 2007 07:37 PM

Re: Repeat request.
Interestingly Im not sure which side of the coin you are calling heretics. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
(and Id advise not clarifying it for the sake of the thread)
Lets keep the tone light, and the subject gaming please.

NTJedi January 13th, 2007 07:40 PM

Re: Repeat request.

Gandalf Parker said:
Interestingly Im not sure which side of the coin you are calling heretics. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
(and Id advise not clarifying it for the sake of the thread)

So anyone wanting to stop the beating of this dead horse should clarify.

HoneyBadger January 13th, 2007 07:42 PM

Re: Repeat request.
Oh Gandalf, I was actually just coming up with a game idea. I wasn't trying to insult anyone, overtly or subtley. It would have been pretty clever if I had though, but no, just taking Newthought's idea and running with it.

I've got an interest in seeing scales become more interesting, and adding an addition to what we have now would be nice.

PhilD January 13th, 2007 07:52 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature

PDF said:
Personally I'd be glad to have it but can live without.

Agree here. Something else I'd live without, is the superior attitude of so many Dom players when it comes to this kind of feature. "It's not how the game is supposed to be played and enjoyed, you cheater, so stop asking for it. Or just copy the files by hand"

(If you're not supposed to make saved games, how come simply copying the turn files works?)


Also note that if Dom doesn't have a real save feature like "all" other strat games have, it has *lots* of features that *no other* strat game has http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Again, true.

HoneyBadger January 13th, 2007 08:48 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature
I'm a fan of the game, so why shouldn't I feel "superior" for having bought and enjoyed a game, and participated in it's forum, without needing to
have something added to it that the Devs don't want to add?

I'm not saying I'm superior because "I'm a white (more or less) male who has enough money to afford the game", I'm not saying that I'm superior because "I've played this game from the beginning, and I know how it's supposed to be played".

I'm saying that I can enjoy something without it being just like everything else in it's genre, and I can work with or around the differences, and understand that where the game is limited, it's limited for reasons.

I also have no problem arguing for change I feel would be valuable, or for a saved-game feature that would add-rather than detract from-my personal gaming experience.

I really don't care for the modern concepts of "pride" as a wrong state to be in and "shame" as the correct and natural state, so-CONSIDERING that I strongly believe that everyone here is a complete and valuable human being worthy of respect to the extent that they allow it by their actions, totally regardless of gender, age, religion, number of limbs/eyes/ears/fingers, skin-tone, what have you, I have no problem with feeling superior when I act in a way I consider to be "superior".

Archonsod January 13th, 2007 09:52 PM

Re: Repeat request.

Gandalf Parker said:
I didnt say it was difficult, just that its a headache. And yes Im aware of the programming side. Setting up file managment inside a program to work for windows, mac, and linux is not simple and quick. I see enough headaches with this programs file handling already on its installs and game cleanup just between linux and windows.

You are correct that tweaking the AI can be a forever project but the code is already there and is OS generic.

So is the save code. The game already autosaves prior to processing, you're just duplicating that and changing the target directory or filename.
Designing a third party program to manage the saves which works on mac, linux and Windows, now that's hard

PhilD January 14th, 2007 05:52 AM

Re: Why no Save game Feature

HoneyBadger said:
I'm a fan of the game, so why shouldn't I feel "superior" for having bought and enjoyed a game, and participated in it's forum, without needing to
have something added to it that the Devs don't want to add?

Err, I don't know... because a simple reality check should tell you that there is nothing to feel "superior" about in being a fan of a video game?

HoneyBadger January 14th, 2007 01:41 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature
Then you shouldn't be complaining about others feeling that way, because obviously, we're not acting in a valid way, according to your own, private, reality.

I wonder how many football fans think their's no reason to feel superior when their team wins a game?

PhilD January 14th, 2007 01:54 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature

HoneyBadger said:
Then you shouldn't be complaining about others feeling that way, because obviously, we're not acting in a valid way, according to your own, private, reality.

I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here, sorry. It looks like you're implying that not taking video games too seriously is, in a way, denying reality. If so, yeah, we don't exactly live in the same world.


I wonder how many football fans think their's no reason to feel superior when their team wins a game?

That I couldn't say; but unless you're a member of the team, I'd say it's pretty ridiculous to feel superior when the team you're supporting wins; after all, they did so through absolutely no achievement of yours.

(And yes, I realize there are probably thousands or millions of football/basket/whatever fans who tend to react in the way you describe. That doesn't make them right, though)

Meglobob January 14th, 2007 02:01 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature
I always feel superior when my team Man U wins. I also feel pretty good about playing and owning Dom3 as well, especially as 99% of video game players do not even know Dom3 exists. Both help brighten my day...

HoneyBadger January 14th, 2007 02:22 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature
I would agree with you about football fans, but that's because I don't enjoy football all that much (I even used to play it, and didn't like it much then, either), but as a fan of Dom3 I agree with Meglobob.

It brightens up my day, what's the problem with that?

Do I have a tattoo of Johan K and Kristoffer O on my chest? no. Did I sign up for the monthly Illwinter newsletter and cheese plate? no. Am I planning a trip to Sweden? not in the forseeable future.

I'm a fan, not a crazy person, and I don't think there's anything wrong with feeling good about that, or even "having an attitude" about that. Especially considering there's a whole world out there that we who are Dom3 fans have to stick up for Dom3 against at times, if we're going to promote it successfully.

If you want to feel wishy-washy (ambivalent) about owning and playing Dom3, feel free, that's your choice. I'd rather feel enthusiastic and excited and proud. That's my choice.

alexti January 14th, 2007 05:26 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature

PhilD said:

HoneyBadger said:
I wonder how many football fans think their's no reason to feel superior when their team wins a game?

That I couldn't say; but unless you're a member of the team, I'd say it's pretty ridiculous to feel superior when the team you're supporting wins; after all, they did so through absolutely no achievement of yours.

But you've skillfully selected the team to support http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

HoneyBadger January 14th, 2007 06:02 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature
Yes, I have, Alexti. And for that matter, in this case I'm "supporting the team" by purchasing the game, promoting it, creating mods, submitting ideas, answering questions, being available on the boards on a more or less daily basis, etc. I think that atleast qualifies me as a volunteer part-time assistant Dom3 coach?

Newthought January 15th, 2007 12:41 AM

Re: Why no Save game Feature
About the Good/Evil Dominion thing, on a Gameplay scale I was trying to figure out a way to improve Divine castors and Morales of Troops (Because at the start of the game, this is Impossible.) I was also thinking about how people want to mass Dead units or go crazy with Blood.

What I thought that people might like was to make a Dominion that implemented a Realm of Nobility and Clergy to a realm of Black Magic, Ritualistic Sacrifices, and Troops ruled through the shadow.
The Good and Evil thing doesn't cover it as much as


Bonuses to Penalties to
Morale Morale
Divine Casting Divine Casting
Penalties to Bonuses to
Death and Blood Magic Death and Blood Magic

That would be wicked, a Love-Cruelty spectrem.
An even better proposal. But no more on this.

I thought we were in Agreement about the Save things??? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

"I think there should be a way for someone to download that option, if they want it, but it's no more valid an option than a mod. Maybe the Devs could charge a few bucks for it, and make a little added money on the side? That way we who don't want it-or atleast don't want it casually-in our games, have a good solid excuse not to obtain it? "

Sure! If you think Saving Games are generally against the game and hamper quaility, then please think of it like that. I'm not arguing on whether or not it's a bad thing, I just want the feature.

So in reality, we could put a feature that is not part of the Game into reality and call it whatever so people know that when there using saves there not playing the true game and have no right to complain about the game if they say ANYTHING about it! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

But still, unless anyone says so, I think we have made a Geniunine solid compromise. Easy Part is done. Now the real question is, HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO IT?

Few Ideas on the Table.
1. Send a Petition and a letter to encorporate a feature for Saves that can be downloaded in a seperate pack/sequel.
2. Or make a Mod that allows us to do it.

So yes, what's left is to take action.

That's all!

Gandalf Parker January 15th, 2007 02:16 AM

Re: Why no Save game Feature
I dont think there is an agreement at all. Most people said no then walked away from the discussion.

But you asked for it and people gave it, so whats the problem?

Gandalf Parker
To some people, unlimited options seems to them to be zero options.
Without a menu giving them a choice, they are lost.

alexti January 15th, 2007 03:07 AM

Re: Why no Save game Feature

Gandalf Parker said:
To some people, unlimited options seems to them to be zero options.
Without a menu giving them a choice, they are lost.

Curious thought: menu opens and shows:
-> Option A
-> Option B
-> More options ...
When "More Options" is clicked, another menu pops:
-> Option A1
-> Option B1
-> More options ...
Continuing this pattern we can have unlimited number of options accessible through menu. I wonder how long someone would keep clicking to learn whether the number of options is limited or not?

Gandalf Parker January 15th, 2007 04:46 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature
Id never put unlimited options into a menu http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
But the method we have now (--preexec and --postexec) allows for fairly unlimited options in areas such as alarms and saves and event handling. Half a dozen versions of any of those are offered. Yet people will still call it no options at all unless those things are on a menu someplace. I wont knock their desire but a menu button but I cant consider it to be much of a need.

Gandalf Parker

Newthought January 15th, 2007 08:01 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature
Well if "most" people say no the feature, then might as well I walk away.

Truthfully, nobody has given any GOOD reason not to implement this feature if it's given to be optional.

Let's look at it mathmatically, something past all irrationalities and things.

X= Game
A, B, C, D= Features

Now, assuming which here is how the logic goes.

If you have X + B + C + D, the game is perfect and should not be tweaked.

If say, another person has X + C + D, the game is perfect, and B is just another gegaw feature.

If I have X + A + B + C, then I am happy, and I couldn't care less about D.

So why can't I have A? Because you disagree with it. That because of A, the game is ruined for YOU even though YOUR not playing the game for me and even if implmeneted YOU wouldn't even think twice of it.

The mantra of, I think it shouldn't be this, therefore it must not is just a crap attitude.

Of all the arguements thrown out against this feature, none of them have been applicable to ME. All of them have been based on YOUR perceptions rather then mine, and why should YOUR perceptions make mine "Wrong" or "Wussy".

Why is Flexibility wrong?

Why should what I want ruin the game????

W/e, I just spoke to think that a small community would appeal to something like this. But nothing gets done one the internet these days.

I'll just stick to Paradox (for Realism) and for Galatic Civilizations (For Flexibility). That way, if I try something new, I won't have to start the whole Four hours over again. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Gl with w/e

Gandalf Parker January 15th, 2007 08:44 PM

Re: Why no Save game Feature
They have given good reasons, just none that you accept.
Which is fine.

But basically one view given would be:
"Should we add a feature that might ruin the replayablity and long term enjoyment, even for those that think they wanted it, thereby hurting the sales of the next version?"

Interesting that you mention GalCiv as an example of a game that has save feature. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

NTJedi January 16th, 2007 04:50 AM

Re: Why no Save game Feature

I say it comes down to that we don't want the developers spending time adding the savegame feature when so many other important bug fixes and other features are in demand.

Saxon January 16th, 2007 06:50 AM

Re: Repeat request.
And I say that we do want them spending time on the save game feature!

There is not a consensus on this, but there are some vocal people on either side. That may be all that this thread will establish...

Olive January 16th, 2007 07:04 AM

Re: Repeat request.
[Vocal people mode on]
There's no use for a save feature. If I really want to test different forms of a tactic or save a game at a point, it just takes a few seconds to backup the game directory in the windows explorer. On Linux it should be even faster with a cp.

Remove bugs and add content to the game instead. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
[Vocal people mode off]

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