![]() |
Re: Timer working?
Re: Timer working?
Thanks, Velusion. I forgot about that.
Re: Timer working?
Sorry guys, went away for the weekend and didnt have time to tell you all. Hopefully the one early stale hasnt hut me too much.
Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
The Eventide status page has been moved to here!
Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
is quick host enabled then?
Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
Something is wrong with the status page.
I just opened the turn and leave the game with "exit without save". On the stats page my status was "Turn complete" in the game i had the right status (no uploaded 2h file). I did my turn now but its the same to mictlan. He didn't do his turn but the stats page says he does. |
Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
Go by what the game says... not the status page for now.
I'll get with LCH (who is Mictlan!) and see whats up. |
Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
BTW it appears I've fixed the timekeeping issue on the server - so I get to put all of the games I'm running back on auto-48 hour hosting (with quickhosting enabled of course! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
I'll do that after the next host. |
Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
server down?
Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
It was for a moment. Gave it some more RAM.
Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
turn played
Some Updates:
R'lyeh accidentally submitted his turn before he was finished and he won't be able to access the game again for a few more hours. I've turned off quickhost until he fixes his error. The turn will host in about 5-6 hours probably. I'm also going to use this opportunity to employ a backup script, so we can go back to turn "X" if something gets hosed up. The main host machine got a RAM update (not that dom3 really cares). But hey... I'm pretty damn happy! Finally - due to the issues with the Status page I'm going to take it down for a little while. We'll be running some tests and hopefully it will come back soon! Email notification is, of course, still in effect. |
I would like someone who hasn't done thier turn yet to do a little test for me if possible.
1) Connect to the server and download your turn 2) Issue a few orders 3) Click "Options" => "Save Game and Quit" 4) Close Dom3 and then open it back up 5) Connect to the server again and see if it shows you have submitted your turn. It has always been my assumption that the server only marks your turn as submitted is if you click "End Turn". This is currently the problem R'lyeh has. |
It appears that it counts your turn even if you save game and quit. My suggestion would be to connect to the server to download the turn, then exit out of the server instead of issuing any turn orders, do your turn out of the server, then reconnect to the server to upload your now completed turn. That way you can finish the turn at your leisure instead of leaving it half done. You have to remember to hit save game and quit instead of end turn though when you are doing your turn out of the server.
The dialog on "save and quit" when you're connected to a server indicates that it is certainly not working as intended. I'm guessing it's a game bug, but if anyone is playing a game on another server give us a quick check if you would.
Soooooo.... because of this quickhost will be disabled again today for R'lyeh to get home and finish their move. Thanks for your patience people. |
Yeah the game says that it will not upload the 2h if you just save and quit. It then goes back to the screen with all the flags and it says you have completed your turn.
I think they should at least change the "will not upload" message you get if this is the intended behavior. Oh well as Ramshead suggested I will just disconnect from the server until I have actually finished my turn and then just reconnect to upload. Thanks guys. |
I will be out of town Thursday - Monday. I believe that Jurri will be filling in for me. Anyone looking for diplomacy with C'Tis should contact him or wait until I return. Thanks.
Pasha |
Re: C\'Tis
there must be something wrong. everyone played and didnt autohost
New turn
Pardon for being the slowest by far! You guys are fast, despite having a lenient timer http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Status Page!
Eventide Status Page
Scripts courtesy of LCH! This is new and improved. If anyone notices any problems with it - please let me know. |
Re: Status Page!
Would Caelum like to explain what that was all about?
4 Harab Elders and 70 other birdmen suddenly plummeted from the sky, impaled themselves on the ice lances of our province defense, and the then fly off into all directions to die in hostile lands. Was this some bizarre sacrifice to appease mighty Chungaat? |
I am back. Thanks to Jurri for filling in for me while I was away.
Pasha |
Re: C\'Tis
Could someone add the mapfiles of the game as a attachment here. I'm on a laptop in moment and the firewall doesn't allow me to connect to the game and download the map.
I copied the turnfile but forgot the map. |
Re: Map files
Calmon, here are the Eventide.map and Eventide.rgp files zipped up.
Re: Map files
Thanks Reay, it works fine! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif
Re: Status Page!
They probably just wanted the lances back.
Re: Status Page!
Um... It was a pitiful attempt at an attack? This is my first time as Caelum, and I'm still getting used to the fact that Raptors don't know how to fight.
Re: Status Page!
A gambit of mad bravery, or perhaps just madness. We don't mind, our coast always has room for more bones. So, we do not consider Caelum our enemy at this point, if you are content to consider this a lesson learned, and not a reason for future hostilities.
Having trouble
I can't seem to connect for some reason. Did the server change?
I'm trying at, port 5555, but no luck. |
Re: Having trouble
ip adress is correct. Connection works fine to me at the moment.
Re: Having trouble
Works fine for me from work. Also I logged onto the server and it appears to be up and someone is connected...
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Hmmmm, for anyone wondering why I staled it looks like I was the victim of a bug. I took my turn, but apparently it didn’t register and showed me as still connected to the game (I had no dominions instance running at all). Oh well, I guess taking over after the first two staled turns wasn’t handicap enough, I’ll go ahead and fight ya all with one mage tied behind my back! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
From the server it showed a little link symbol but it didn't show any active connections. I typically see that when someone disconnected in the middle of doing their turn.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Hmmm, maybe I somehow neglected to "end turn" before closing it. Frustrating thing is I got a reminder notice, and hopped on to check mere minutes after the game had hosted (hadn't even got the email notification yet). Oh well, anyway, I'm still here and playing! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
You might have hit end turn and for some reason were already disconnected from the server at that point.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
I'm looking for earth boots. Willing to trade 15 earth gems for them, or best offer.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
It seems like T'ien Ch'i is having the "still connected" bug here again.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
so the usual ending of the turn is with the "e" key, not save and exit.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
The "End Turn" button, yes.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Hmmm, not sure what's happening here as I don't have this problem in any of my other MP games. I'm doublechecking every turn (reconnect to make sure it shows I already took my turn), just to be safe so hopefully this won't be a problem even if it shows me as still connected.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
The problem is that it won't autohost while you're still connected, I think. Can you try to do your turn again and use the "End turn" button, then Disconnect when you have the server screen again?
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Sure, but I won't be home for another 6 hours.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
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