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-   -   Mod: Ulm Reborn v.1.7b - Updated 14th June 2009 (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=33573)

Sombre August 3rd, 2007 03:13 PM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.3 FINAL (fixed for linuxheads)
1 Attachment(s)
Attaching a new preview image.

Next version will be up relatively soon, but will be a /very/ minor update.

Sombre August 5th, 2007 03:20 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Updated to 1.4 check the first post for download and details.

This was a pretty minor update.

jutetrea August 5th, 2007 10:38 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Just read through the post, looks to be very interesting and will be giving it a shot soon.

Rasit August 12th, 2007 07:01 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Anyone else getting "Något gick fel! kv: bad mt0"?

Quick info: Patch 3.08, Vista Business x64, "Dom3_Faerun_466_NoSpecials". I have had Dominions 3 installed for 3 months without any problems. I have also cleaned out my mod folder and inserted fresh copies of each of my current mods.

Three mods are loaded; heroes1_7b.dm (version 1.07), mytheology.dm (version 2.03) and Ulm Reborn.dm (version 1.04). I won't have time to start a new game for a few days but I will try to play with this mod as the only thing loaded as soon as I can.

The only mention of "bad mt0" on these forums are in the Dominions II Bug Thread (Page 50, post #292223) but that poster gets "roh" instead of my "kv".

Description: Sometimes when a turn ends I get a "Något gick fel! kv: bad mt0" during the "Loading Mod" phase of the new turn .

As soon as the bug appears I have to make sure none of my units fights in a battle or researches a new spell level or the crash will continue to happen.

Have anyone else encountered this or is it caused by the mix of mods? I can upload a copy of my saved games tomorrow.

Sombre August 13th, 2007 10:52 AM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Sounds like an id conflict between the mods.

I know that Ulm Reborn CBM version is conflict free with the other LA CBM nations, Conceptual Balance Mod and worthy heroes.

As for this version, I didn't really aim to avoid conflict with other mods.

Tuidjy August 23rd, 2007 01:27 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
I'm the Ulm Reborn player in NeoXekinima. I love the mod, but there are a few
things I would slightly change, not so much for balance, but for flavor.

The melee capital commanders have too many HPs. Yes, they are highly trained,
but 30 hps is giants' territory. I suggest that the Reborn Lord and the
Hoch-Hammer get their HPs reduced to 20, to bring them back into 'Holy, blessed
but still human' range.

To compensate, I would give the Reborn Lord a greatsword (as a mark of him being a
commander that leaves the line) and one less encumbrance. As for the Hoch-Hammer,
he has one serious problem. He cannot replace either his weapon nor his shield,
which, combined with his modest magic resistance, makes him a sitting duck for
Vengeance of the Dead. I suggest that the hammer is given an area effect that
works only on undead/demons. It will not make him too powerful in general but it
will make him even more of a bane of everything evil. To compensate for losing
the HPs, he could also get plus one in defense, or minus one in encumbrance.

Otherwise, this the most enjoyable mod I've ever played. I also feel that it is
well balanced, but of course, I'm biased. At least, not one of my opponents has
complained, so it must not be that bad ;-)

Sombre August 23rd, 2007 02:36 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Hp reduction sounds reasonable, look for it in a later version. No greatsword though - that's the domain of the Reborn Noble hero.

I can't mod the white hammer to have an aoe effect, vs undead or otherwise. Weakness versus vengeance of the dead doesn't sound like a terrible drawback to me - hoch-hammers aren't /that/ expensive unless you've thugged them up with all sorts of gear.

And thanks, I appreciate all feedback and I'm glad you enjoy the mod. Perhaps you'd like to have a crack at writing a short play guide for them? It might encourage other people to give them a try.

Nikolai August 23rd, 2007 05:20 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Greatsword hero picture is one of the best in Dominions. But Ulm Reborn is very expensive for points, I tried to make a good God with good luck, and could not. Who will never see the hero?

If you will diminish lord and hammer's hps, you should give them something. Endurance for hit points? They are so well traned and their faith so strong they can fight for long time...

Lazy_Perfectionist September 8th, 2007 09:18 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
How come their encumbrance is so low for some of the units?

For instance, the hochmeister has basic encumbrance of five, melee encumbrance of five, spellcasting encumbrance of nineteen.

Basic 5 + Full Plate (5) + Kite Shield (2) = 12 = 5?

Sombre September 8th, 2007 10:59 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Because he's mounted. The modding manual says that mounted units get high base enc but don't suffer enc from their armour.

I thought that's how all mounted units worked to be honest. Am I wrong?

Lazy_Perfectionist September 8th, 2007 11:31 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
You're probably right. I just never read the modding manual, though I've read the gameplay manual many times.

Sombre September 8th, 2007 11:37 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Well take a look at MA Ulm's Black Knight. Enc 5.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 9th, 2007 01:04 AM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
That's what I get for playing Atlantis and Agartha and zero cavalry factions. Thank you for clearing that up for me, it makes sense now.

Sombre March 2nd, 2008 08:36 AM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
I'm looking to update this very soon for 3.14 so there's a window here where any suggestions from you guys would be greatly appreciated. Anything you say that doesn't require lots of content work by me has a great chance of being implemented.

So far I'm thinking some sort of combo buff spell will be added, hoch hammers will get a onebattlespell of some sort (possibly an anti undead/demon one), they might get an aoe holy effect on their hammer too. I guess I could throw in some sort of new hero too, since they only have 2 right now.

So, ideas?

Digress March 6th, 2008 11:34 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
What about "The Voice of Aufklarung" ? Some sort of flying priest/warrior to complement the existing summons.

And maybe "The Host of Aufklarung" to make summoning Sternhelds cheaper as a reward for getting to Conj 9.

Should say I am playing this nation in MP .... and enjoying it very much.

Sombre March 7th, 2008 07:28 AM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
A mass sternkind summon makes sense, I'll add one.

In the next version, coming soon, they get quite a few changes based on the basegame MA/LA Ulm changes. Nothing radical, but still interesting.

Sombre March 7th, 2008 09:36 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
UPDATE TO 1.5 for 3.15 basegame

This update doesn't add much in the way of content, it just brings Ulm Reborn up to date with 3.15 and the changes made to regular MA and LA Ulm. I think 1.6 might not be far away if people come to the thread with suggestions. It's basically a finished nation though.

-- Several changes to descriptions and flavour, based on 3.15 update to MA and LA Ulm

-- Checked for conflicts against CBM1.21, LA Jomon Broken

-- White Priests no longer attract penitent

-- Black Priests given more chance of E2, differentiated from regular Ulm Black Priests a bit, no forgebonus here

-- Neugeboren Lord and troops stats tweaked, given new White Halberd weapon, a counterpart to the new Guardians of MA Ulm

-- Forgebonus of white priests up to 15, same as black priests of LA Ulm

-- Hoch-Hammer leadership reduced

-- Production bonus in all forts reduced to 20%

-- Stern/Sturmheld get better mr

-- Sturmheld only summonable by H4, ie prophet

-- An extra gem for 4 gems standard LA starting income

-- Sternkind get plate cuirass armour

-- Added new Host of the Aufklarung mass Sternkind summon

-- Changed White Hammer into more of a holy weapon

-- Reduced black zwei gcost to 14

llamabeast March 16th, 2008 08:50 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Apologies for my complete failure to get feedback to you before Sombre.

Right, so basically I reckon feedback on these mods can be split into thematic comments and suggestions, and balance stuff. Now, thematically I think the mod is awesome, and essentially complete for me. I had actually no new ideas for units or spells, and everything seems very much in its place, and cool.

Balancewise I had several thoughts. I couldn't work out how to use the Sternkind with their really low protection, and with neither Legions of Steel nor an E9 bless boosting their protection. Looks like you've fixed that. I also wished Black Priests had more of a possibility of getting E2, so that the nation had at least _some_ battle mages outside of the magic-duel-vulnerable white priests. Fixed as well!

Finally I was concerned that the penitent might be just too powerful, since I stormed to victory with them in Marmoset. However, I reviewed the stats, and I think you've made them as weak as is thematically possible. Also I know fine control of their numbers is impossible. I think perhaps the reason I was so successful with them was that I never encountered an opponent who really focussed on countering them. The sole exception was Digress as the Skaven, who caused an unreasonable amount of damage considering my vast numerical superiority. I think if anyone else had concentrated some serious evocation on the penitents they would have been toast. So the conclusion of that waffle is that, although they are undoubtedly one of the key strengths of the nation, I don't think they're overpowered.

So yeah, everything is good!

Sombre March 16th, 2008 09:12 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Penitent numbers are down slightly due to the white priests not autospawning one a turn. Not a major factor, but does reduce the hordes somewhat. In order to make best use of them you need a bless that doesn't suit your other sacreds (like fire 9 or blood 9 or whatever), high dominion and a focus on spells that keep them alive, like arrow fend. They don't have very strong synergy with anything else UR is doing, so it's hard for them to be overpowered I think. They are nice for free though ;]

llamabeast March 16th, 2008 09:25 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
With an S9E9F4 bless (which I took in Marmoset) the Penitents are extremely effective, as are all the other sacreds. I was pretty pleased with that combo actually!

But yes, I agree that they're not overpowered against an enemy who focusses on tactics which are effective against them.

Sombre March 16th, 2008 09:41 PM

Re: New Nation: Ulm Reborn
Well the astral bless works on all sacreds, but isn't in itself a top flight bless. E9 does nothing for the penitent of course, though is great for other sacreds. So again, you don't quite have the synergy there which would make for an overpowered build. It's something I wanted to avoid, giving free sacreds which would benefit from the same bless as the elites.

F4 is pretty good for all sacreds though.

If you want a really big army of penitent you need high dom and that coupled with a major bless,.. well UR also likes order3 prod3,.. so something has to give.

Trumanator December 13th, 2008 06:38 AM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.5 READY TO GO
Just wanted to say that after my first SP game with these guys that THEY ROCK!!!11 I actually took an E9S9 bless as well, and found that the computer had major issues damaging the Anchorites at all. One thing I noticed was that Iron darts/blizzard seemed much more effective with this Ulm than the others. I actually get annoyed with freespawn, so I tried to avoid having a bunch of penitents running around. The only tiny gripe I had was the attack sprite for the Anchorite looked a little wrong, like he had some sort of cape between his arm and body on the back side.

Sombre December 13th, 2008 07:01 AM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.5 READY TO GO
That's a KO sprite, not one of mine. It's just the MA Ulm black steel plate hammer guy.

Trumanator December 13th, 2008 04:50 PM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.5 READY TO GO
My bad then.

Aezeal December 13th, 2008 06:18 PM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.5 READY TO GO
Well KO's bad.. unless you made it for KO :D

Arcturas June 12th, 2009 08:22 PM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.5 READY TO GO
*Casts Thread Necromancy*

Sombre, I'd be surprised if you continued to update this, given the other projects you have going on, but seeing as how you've been a little more active recently, I thought I'd send a bug-report your way.


Host of the Aufklarung costs 0 pearls. This means all my white priests can auto-summon Sternkind until the cows come home. Not sure how expensive you intended the spell to be, but it summons what, 30 Sternkind? Messengers costs 13 pearls for 8, so 50 pearls-ish? 8/13 = ~.66 Sternkind per gem, at 30/50 your .60 Sternkind per gem. The price increase would be made up by the mage-turn savings.

(And I thought my current game would be easy when I found the Ultimate Gateway...now I have half price acashic & national summons, and free flying blessables...mwahaha!)

Sombre June 13th, 2009 05:56 PM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.7 - Updated 13th June 2009
I have updated Ulm Reborn to v1.7

It was refreshing to go back and work on Ulm Reborn a little bit, just making sure everything was working. I played a quick SP game with them and my E9 reborn guard ended up facing hordes of ermor backed by my priests and thugs - it was pretty cool.

Here's the change log. What I bothered to write down anyway.

-- version 1.7

-- TWEAK - Sturmheld and Sternheld now H1 priests

-- TWEAK - White Priests no longer martial leaders

-- FIX - Fixed Host of Aufklarung cost

-- TWEAK - Gave Black Steel Helmet and Black Steel Kite Shield to appropriate commanders

-- TWEAK - Added the CBM Warhorse hoof and used it for cavalry units instead of hoof. I agree with that CBM change and want to unify this vanilla mod and the CBM version

-- TWEAK - Removed armour piercing from spirit Hammers and reduced damage, making them useful almost only against demons and undead, which is fine

-- TWEAK - Removed some of the copystatting

--- version 1.6

-- FIX - Gave Reborn Lord a helment

-- TWEAK - Increased precision for punish the unjust spell

Arcturas June 14th, 2009 01:41 AM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.7 - Updated 13th June 2009
Thanks for the update, Sombre! I was having a blast with the nation - the cost bug was the only thing I found to complain about, actually. (Well that and not having enough astral pearls in LA to summon my dudes...but that's pretty standard).

rdonj June 14th, 2009 11:01 AM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.7 - Updated 13th June 2009
Er, sombre. I hadn't looked at them before now so I don't know for sure what they looked like in previous versions. But I'm going to go ahead and guess you didn't intend for ulm reborn's recruits to have 10 base encumbrance, which for some reason most of them do.

Exceptions are the anchorite (0), Black Templar (5), and the neugeboren guard (3). Commanders are unaffected.

Sombre June 14th, 2009 12:24 PM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.7 - Updated 13th June 2009
Urgh. This is from removing the copystats. Apparently 10 enc is the default, not 3 like I thought. I'll sort it out and reupload in a couple hours (can't right now).

I'll post here when it's fixed.

Sombre June 14th, 2009 12:36 PM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.7b - Updated 14th June 2009
Well I fixed it real quick just now. Because I'm impatient.

So redownload it you jokers.

SlipperyJim June 15th, 2009 11:40 PM

Re: Ulm Reborn v.1.7b - Updated 14th June 2009
Thanks for updating this excellent mod, Sombre! You've inspired me to play another game with Ulm Reborn.

Wow ... Hoch-Hammers sure dispatch the undead in a hurry! I started next to LA C'tis, and the silly lizzies think that they can stop me with reanimated soulless. ;)

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