![]() |
Re: 24 hours..
That's the part I've often had it stuck on as well. Running the game in windowed mode makes it less serious when it dies, you can just open another window. If you End Process from Alt-Ctrl-Delete on the first one it will go away eventually.
Um, hello everyone by the way. I'll be back on my way now... |
Re: 24 hours..
Like many of you, I have experienced the game locking up during the 'Getting Game Info' stage. However, I run the game in windowed mode, so it has never caused any serious problem. I can easily terminate the game process, re-open the game, and reconnect to the server (the second time is always fine).
That said, I just did my turn and didn't notice any problem at all. |
Re: 24 hours..
This issue is not a huge deal, as long as I am able to squeeze my turns in before the deadline. The only thing that really annoys me about it is the fact that when my game hangs up like that, it is a PITA to try to exit out, it takes it a few minutes to close out on my computer, and sometimes I have to listen to a tiny piece of the song loop, so I have to shut my sound off.
Re: 24 hours..
OK this might be at my end. Some traceroutes are showing me some very strange numbers. Not exactly at my end but up the line of my providor (sbcglobal.net)
Thinks like this usually shake out after awhile |
Re: 24 hours..
Thanks for looking into the problem, Gandalf.
Re: 24 hours..
Works fine for me now.
Have I thanked you lately for the servors, Gandalf? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: 24 hours..
Are you guys using the IP or game.dom3minions.com? Just wondering if its a routing issue the DNS dodges. I've been using the shortcut from the web dir and have had no problems. (other than the game crashing if i use the -fawcd tag, which I had to remove) |
Re: 24 hours..
I have been using the game.dom3minions.com shortcut. I have not had significant problems, but the game did hang up for me on a couple turns (when the turn clock was switched to 72 hrs). Now that Gandalf has moved back to the 24 hr turn clock, the problem has been resolved from my reference point.
Re: 24 hours..
Stuck in the "waiting for game info" too. I tried with the IP and game.dom3minions.com.
Re: 24 hours..
I'm stuck right now. Using the other computer to post this.
Re: 24 hours..
C'tis, Atlantis and Abysia played their turns...
May be I'm just unlucky in my attempts to connect to the server !!! This game deserves well his name http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif Please Gandalf name the next game :"ImsoluckyIjustwonwithoutfighting" !!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: 24 hours..
I tried 4 times I think before I got it. Yomi was last online before it ran the new turn. Maybe someone got the beta version 3.07 on their system?
Re: 24 hours..
I managed to enter the server.
Re: 24 hours..
Using windowed mode and "X'ing" out of it when it hangs, then going in a second time has been working for me. But, it is a pita to have to do that.
Re: 24 hours..
New patch has come - what is the situation on server? Is it already patched?
Re: 24 hours..
My question too. I've already, in my haste, installed new patch. Now I'm afraid to connect to my games for fear I may screw something up. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: 24 hours..
I'm assuming that no-one else can connect as well?
Re: 24 hours..
I am scared to. I want to get word from Gandalf on what version to use http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Back to 72 hours? (and war!)
I connected and downloaded the turn file, then exited immediately. It took me a few attempts to connect.
Can we go back to a 72 hour clock on this game while we are waiting for the 308 patch updates to be sorted out? Edit: On another note: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif The Nation of Mictlan tires of wasting the blood of our virgins, protecting our nation from the misfortune that oozes from the dominion of the False God of Lanka. We hereby declare open war on Lanka. Friends of Mictlan in the North, we would not presume to acquire an unjust share of provinces from the monkey demons. Mictlan marches to engage Lanka's army on the glorious fields of battle. The weak Lankan colonies are up for grabs. -- Zotz, Prophet of Mictlan |
Mictlan War.
Dear Nations of the World..
Currently, the humble nation of Lanka has an alliance with six other nations and wishes to find one more to create the majority alliance in the land. The people of Lanka have been a peaceful nation with very few borders and have never initiated war with any other nation. We ask for you support against the Mictlan invaders as they attempt to breach our borders. They will be weak in the Southern and Eastern borders that they leave unguarded as they initiate an attack to their North on our peaceful nation. Any nation who joins us in the fight against Mictlan and attacks their weak borders will have our bond in blood with us for many years and we will split all of the treasures that we gain from the vanquishing of the Michtlan forces. We have many nations that can vouch for the generosity of the Lankan Nobles. Please call out your bond with us and know that we are the more trustworthy ally. Our counsels have said that they would especially honor the great nations of Helheim and C'tis to make our pact a supermajority. |
Lanka\'s Supplications
Ah, this must be the "dangerous super-alliance" the Niefel Giants warned Mictlan about. But are they not included in this alliance themselves?
Pray tell, whom have the great Lanka allied themselves with? Do you know what happened to the previous group of nations who joined forces with Niefel against Ermor, only to find themselves betrayed? Your other friend, C'Tis appears hard pressed to hold on to the provinces they rule, and is fleeing into independent lands. We would welcome them to hasten their own destruction by entering into the lands of Mictlan. Mictlan counts four nations among Niefel, Ermor, C'Tis, and Lanka. Who are the other three in your unholy cabal, since you claim six allies? Or is it that Niefel, Ermor, and C'Tis are so big compared to Lanka that you count each of them twice? Know that the free nations of this Unlucky world are honorable, fair and noble! Lanka's weak attempts at bribery will not succeed. OOC: Anyone know if we're going to be able to submit a turn, and what version to use? |
**My** supplications
- I've just completed my research in the conjuration's school at level 9. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif
- All my mages are well equipped with all kind of magic boosting items. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../beerglass.gif - They're all in communion together and spend all my gems in a desperate attempt to summon a legendary creature : I name Gandalf Parker ! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon40.gif[/img] Please tell us what is the state of the server ! What should we do ? Play our turn with 3.06 or 3.08 ? |
Re: **My** supplications
My suggestion: Play with 3.06. That's the standard thing to do at this stage, and it can't break the server. In fact, keep playing with 3.06 until the server sends you a turn that you can't open using 3.06 - at which point you know you have to upgrade.
Actually I've been thinking quite hard about this stuff in trying to sort out my own server, so I'm pretty certain that's the correct thing to do. |
Re: **My** supplications
It's too late...I already patched up and didn't make a copy. I think there are others in this boat as well. I will either have to wait until the server updates to 3.08 or go AI. And with the trouble I am having logging on, I may have to go AI.
8^( |
Re: **My** supplications
Ermor had no contacts with Lanka nor Mictlan. We'd rather nobody implied that Ermor is in alliance with either of them.
Re: **My** supplications
C'tis has no contacts with Lanka or Mictlan either.
Guillible Mictlan
Mictlan sends its apologies to Ermor and C'tis. The slippery chatter of the Lankan monkey demons deceived us into believing that you were allied with them. Would Lanka's allies please identify themselves to Mictlan, for we have a great store of toads we would like to rain down on you. The Lankan monkey demons would only enjoy it, so we won't give them the pleasure.
OOC: I'll submit this turn with 3.06 if I don't hear from Gandalf. |
Re: **My** supplications
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...;Number=517876 |
Lanka alliance
What is this chatter about Niefel being allied with the monkeys? It is insulting. We have we have not had any contact with Lanka, and in fact have been warning Mictlan about Lanka's claims of a super alliance.
We are very interested to find out if this super alliance is in fact a reality or merely a smoke screen put up by the monkeys to deter aggressors. If real, it poses a significant long term threat to all the other non-allied nations and steps must be taken to counter that aggregation of power. We hereby declare: Assuming that there are indeed other nations allied with the Lanka, but they too cowardly to come forth and admit their devious agreements. We fully support Mictlan's efforts to wipe this earth clean of the monkey filth. Any nation that intercedes on Lanka's behalf in this struggle will be considered to be part of the hidden super alliance, and will find themselves the enemy of Niefel (and hopefully many other conscientious non aligned nations). |
Re: Lanka alliance
So Mictlan has been tricked by the demon Lanka monkeys, not once, not twice, but four times! Oh, woe be use dwellers of the forests with our fierce animals, but limited understandings of techmologies and diplomatics.
Mictlan sends our sincere apologies to Niefelheim too, for believing them to be part of a conspiracy commanded from Lanka headquarters. -- Zotz, Prophet of Mictlan. OOC: Just in case you haven't yet noticed, Gandalf has updated his servers to 308. Yay! Thanks Gandalf. The connection problems seem to have gone away too. Yay again! |
Update creates a few quirks
Some strange incongruities with the version change.
The Niefel giants just had a major battle with the Agarthans. In the battle replay we defeated the large province defense and killed 13/14 enemy units and 10/12 enemy leaders; at the same time we lost a handful of units and no leaders (and did not experience any afflictions to any of our leaders). However, the battle stats presented in the messages box indicates that we killed 14/14 enemy units along with 7/12 enemy leaders, and conversely we lost a leader of our own. When I look at the army that is left over, it looks as though we did indeed lose a leader, and that one of our leaders picked up an affliction that he did not have in the last turn of the battle replay. I rather prefer the battle replay version of events. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif I am thinking that the turn was generated prior to the patch (using 3.06 rules), but that the battle replay incorporates the patch and the new rules (blade wind is less effective with the patch). Should have waited a turn before picking that particular fight. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Update creates a few quirks
I hope the super alliance is a joke. If not why don't all you superfriends delete Y E S and go play sim city.
Re: Update creates a few quirks
For those great nations who know the meaning of this the word has been agreed upon and the following message has been whispered across the land:
"The Shadow March has begun." Take actions accordingly. |
Re: Update creates a few quirks
Inscrutable, or Insane?
In Mictlan, we have no cities, or sims, or other advanced techmologies. We believe R'lyeh has gone 'round the bend. This is somwhat confusing to us, since our prophecies indicate that R'lyeh should not lose all its marbles until both this age and the next have passed. Perhaps our calendar needs to be revised. Or perhaps it is as simple as a lack of oxygen. Come out into the fresh air and feel the wind in your face, starspawn.
The super alliance claimed by Lanka has proven to be a figment of their imaginations. Now they call all the wicked shadows to come tramp, tramp, tramp. Mictlan laughs to know that Lanka thinks shadows are something to be feared. On a completely different topic: Niefelheim, the Agarthans you are munching on are somewhat stale. No complaining allowed http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. |
Re: Inscrutable, or Insane?
is the server down?
Re: Inscrutable, or Insane?
I couldn't get on.
Re: Inscrutable, or Insane?
The word of Tuucreepious hath arrived to the Prophets of Abysia. Thus saith His Majesty:
Lanka has been weighed on the balance and has been found wanting. Doth my brother, Mictlan, have a grievance against thee? So does Tuucreepious, Lord of the Flame. I have these three things against thee, O Lanka: 1. Thou hast trampled all over my flowers in my rest areas 2. Thou hast left thine empty banana peels on my sidewalks causing our young maidens to slip and fall. 3. Thou hast left Monkey Doo on my grass wherever thou walkest. Surely the wrath of The Most High One will be visited upon thee and thy little monklings. Great and small shall fall. Here endeth the revealing of the word. So say we all. |
Re: Inscrutable, or Insane?
As for complaining. . . I was just commenting on the strange goings on with the version shift mid-game. I thought it amusing that the battle results had little to do with the battle replay. I would have thought that if some of the other nations were out fighting last month, they would have observed similar quirks. However, it is possible that the battle in question was particularly quirky due to all of the blade wind spells being cast (as this spell was specifically downgraded in the new version). BTW - I had no problem logging onto the server, so if it was down, it appears to be back up. |
Re: Inscrutable, or Insane?
The jests of Mictlan's emissary to Niefelheim have been misunderstood. We have sacked him for incompetence, and now search far and wide for a replacement. Said replacement will be sure to use triple smileys, since his jokes are unlikely to be any better.
Re: Inscrutable, or Insane?
No problem with Mictlan's ribbing. Just trying to emphasize that there have been some strange incongruities with the battle replays lately.
I had thought the incongruity was due to the version shift mid-game. But I was playing a new blitz today and experience similar oddities (the battle replay had nothing to do with the actual results). I was told that it may be because I am playing on a mac. I wonder, is there anyone else in our group using a mac? And if so, have they experienced any odd behavior with the battle replay? Please continue with the antics. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Inscrutable, or Insane?
These symptoms have shown up before. A game save (if its not on a host) would help the devs pin it down. But on my server Id suspect its the update catching up.
Groundhog Day
OOC: Well, this is totally weird. I got exactly the same events this turn as last turn. 3 random events, in the same provinces, all the same, and one of them pretty much sucks. Did this happen to everyone?
Mictlan would know if anyone desires two implementor axes, both in mint condition. Hopefully will we not be finding one of these every turn. |
The Day of Glory
Hellheim proudly announces that snakes has been beaten in two great battles. There will be no more illness and diesieses on our lands. Our witches can finally go back to their labs and start researching... The might of C'its has been finally broken and all the Nations of the Unlucky World can now live in peace. This is the day we all shall remember...
Kojus Maximus, Hellheim |
Re: The Day of Glory
The Council of Sauromancers had a good laugh at the misguided proclamation of the Senile Kojus in the weekly Toastmasters Meeting.
This will be the day we all remember as the day the Witches of Hellheim runs back to their Capital with their brooms between their legs as the remnants of their shattered invading army scatter into the hills of C'tis heartland. Perhaps the messengers of Hellheim are so ashamed of their defeat in which near a hundred of their glamored infantry and Knights were slaughtered by the C'tis Heavy Infantry. To the world at large, here is the truth. There were two battles, aye. The main Hellheim Invading Army was crushed before it even reached the C'tis Capital. The second battle was 4 provinces away in the direction of the Hellheim heartland, and was composed of independent missile troops. Merely a diversion consisting of poorly trained chaff. Any illnesses or diseases surely did not come from C'tis lands. Perhaps the nation of Hellheim should look into what their witches are brewing right under their noses instead. OOC: Did you patch? My war battle replay and the actual army count after seems to tally. And it shows me as owning the province where the battle occured. OOC: Can someone check the graphs if it shows C'tis gaining a province and Hellheim losing a province? |
Re: The Day of Glory
The world can check the stats....
OOC1 I have patched - that is why your missiles units were so good againts my troops. But I agree it is strange that it was YOUR province we were fighting (the one next to your capital) OOC2 It is ok - I lost one you gained one. |
Problems connecting again
Now I'm getting the "waiting for info" thing repeatedly.
For the last couple of turns its been random, try once or twice then the next usually gets in. Tried 6 times so far, will keep trying edit: Figures, next time I tried, no problem |
Re: Problems connecting again
Well, I tried 4 times in a row and came here to post that this is getting old. The I saw your post, so with hope unbounded, I tried again only to fail.....again. I am about an inch from advertising for a sub, or worse.
Re: Problems connecting again
keep at it, even with the annoyance of trying 6 times it still only took like 5 minutes.
I use the shortcut on the web directory double click see "waiting for info" ctrl-alt-delete, task manager don't do anything other than right click, close the dom tab wait a sec click end task wait a few secs click don't send close task manager repeat takes maybe a minute or so on my comp The first 6 times I also had firefox, outlook up and closed them for the time it worked. I really think it was coincidental, but you never know. |
Re: Problems connecting again
Still not sure what the problems are. But keep in mind one difference that this game has over the blitzes on the same server. It takes half an hour to host.
Again, if someone wants to PM an email address I can have the game send you an email each time it finishes hosting |
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